"Well, it seems that I can only fleece this sheep once or twice!"

Ling Yan was helpless when he saw this.

However, he had not planned to kill this Jerts too many times. After all, he was just an SSS- genius. It was indeed a waste to use a dark gold resurrection card to revive him.

In the history of the human race and other races, there were many SSS+ geniuses who did not resurrect after their death.

However, those who can reach the SSS+ level are either resurrected by their own race or by other civilizations.

Therefore, Ling Yan’s sights can only be shifted to the SSS and SSS- levels, or above the R- level.

Fortunately, because he is an SSS+ genius, Ling Yan has the seventh-level authority of the human race!

Equivalent to the authority of a seventh-level strongman, he can query the historical data of geniuses of almost all the four major civilizations.

Among them, there are definitely geniuses with better pupil talent than Jerts.

"Let's start with the Decomposer and Enhancer professions!

However, geniuses in these two professions are extremely rare, and I guess they are only SSS- at most!"

Ling Yan touched his chin and began to enter the search terms.

【Level not exceeding LV100!

At the same time, the talent level is below SSS+ and above SSS-, and the number of resurrections has not been used up. 】

After entering the information, all the databases began to search rapidly.

In just a moment, a large number of names appeared in front of Ling Yan

"There are so many of them?"

Ling Yan was a little surprised.

The list must have tens of thousands in total, right?

But then he suddenly realized that, yes, although the human race has a short history, the history of the other three civilizations is quite long.

The longest is more than one million years, and the shortest is three to five hundred thousand years.

In such a long period of time, the number of geniuses accumulated is naturally extremely terrifying.

And the dark gold-level resurrection cards are extremely precious.

At the same time, those strong people have to hoard some for their families to resurrect themselves.

As a result, many geniuses have no chance to resurrect.

What surprised Ling Yan was that there was an SSS+ genius among them!

After taking a look at the introduction of this genius, Ling Yan knew why this person's own race would not be resurrected, and even other civilizations would not be resurrected.

Take this genius from the Karso civilization for example.

As an SSS+ enhancer, he was hailed as the number one genius enhancer in the Milky Way as soon as he debuted!

Therefore, he himself was black. He asked for an extremely high price.

After all, there are only a few SSS+ enhancers in the entire civilization.

Not only did he ask for a high price, he also lied about the success rate. He succeeded slowly, but he insisted that he had not succeeded.

Later, he was found to be reselling enhanced equipment and was punished by his race.

Who knew that this guy would directly defect.

He defected to the Bratz civilization, and the Bratz civilization was naturally happy.

However, who knew that this guy was a traitor, secretly colluding with the Tast civilization, killing many geniuses of the Bratz civilization, and at the same time stealing a lot of equipment and jumping to the Stru civilization.

Unfortunately, when he wanted to repeat the same trick and join forces with the Tist civilization, he was directly sold out by the Tist civilization.

The furious Stru civilization directly crushed this guy to death.

It was precisely because of this kid's clumsiness that no one in any civilization chose to resurrect him, and a dignified SSS+ enhancer killed himself.

"Tsk tsk, this guy is also a talent.

In this case, your level of Enhancer will be mine!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly, and then without hesitation, he used the Resurrection Card directly!

【Confirmed resurrection SSS+, equipment enhancer, Dingta! Please be prepared! 】

A prompt sound came into Ling Yan's mind.

"Buzz!!!! '

Instantly, a dazzling light burst out.

The dark golden light quickly gathered in front of Ling Yan!

Soon, a fat man from the Karso civilization appeared in front of Ling Yan.

Karso, the fourth largest civilization in the Milky Way! It is also the civilization that made its fortune in business among all civilizations.

Almost 90% of the famous chambers of commerce in the entire Milky Way are from the Karso civilization.

Therefore, people from the Karso civilization are extremely mercenary.

As the light faded, Dingta slowly opened his small eyes.

"Huh? I'm resurrected? Hahaha, I knew it. How could a SSS+ genius like me be abandoned?

The Dieste civilization is really good at judging!"

Seeing that he was resurrected, Dingta laughed wildly with pride.

He died 130,000 years ago, when humans were still in primitive society.

He naturally thought that the humans in front of him were from the Dieste civilization.

After all, the Dieste civilization and humans look almost exactly the same.

"Boy, I see you are a stranger. Tell me, what are your requirements for resurrecting me, Dingta?

In consideration of your resurrection, I can strengthen 10 items for you for free! Of course, the minimum must be gold!

After you meet your requirements, I will go enjoy my life!"

Dingta smiled and looked at Ling Yan and spoke directly. As soon as he said this, Ling Yan smiled generously.

If Ling Yan had not read all the life experiences of this guy in front of him and knew that he would have to embezzle at least 50% to ask him for strengthening, he would have believed his lies.、

"I resurrected you without any intention, I just want you to die, please cooperate!"

Ling Yan smiled and spoke slowly.

As expected, the smile on Dingta's fat face disappeared instantly after he said this.

"What? Damn you, you are looking for death! Do you know who I am? If you kill me, your Tist Civilization will definitely kill you!

I have already accepted the reincarnation mission and will soon become a super genius R-enhancer!"

Dingta cursed.

Unfortunately, Ling Yan was too lazy to pay attention to this kid, and directly chopped down with a sword.

"" Puff!!!"

The terrifying force instantly cut Dingta's fat body in half.

���, a large amount of green blood flowed all over the ground.

Ling Yan waved his hand, and a dark blue flame instantly burned up, burning all the corpses on the ground into nothingness.

【Ding... Congratulations to the player, you killed LV99 (equipment enhancer SSS+), and gained experience points: 10 Jing! Star Coins: 30 Star Sources】

【Ding... Congratulations, your level has been upgraded to LV90! All attributes +68,000, free attribute points +250,000! 】

A series of prompt sounds also reached Ling Yan's mind at this time.

A large amount of golden light also emerged from Ling Yan's body crazily, and as the light gradually faded,

Ling Yan's level has reached the terrifying LV90!

"Oh my god, this fat guy is actually so valuable?"

Ling Yan couldn't help but marvel.

He is indeed a LV99 SSS+ enhancer, but unfortunately, now all of them belong to Ling Yan!

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