But the light quickly faded!

The upgrade ended instantly.

Because this is the ultimate school after all, it is not good for Ling Yan to show off like this. It will be a bit troublesome to explain the origin of the three-headed hell thunder dragon suit.


Equipment: Three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon Set

Level: LV100

Quality: Dark Gold

Attributes: All attributes +1.5 million, Thunder, Dark, Undead Damage bonus: 800%, Mana and Health +3 million/S、Armor Breaking and Demon Breaking Effect +300%

Additional Effect: Emperor's Pressure! After using, everyone within a radius of 2000 kilometers cannot leave the combat state!

Skill: Dragon Emperor Soul Killing (Each time you kill a living being, you can directly absorb the opponent's soul!

When you absorb to the limit, you can release it instantly, thereby increasing your own soul value: 1.5 million points!

Time limit: 1 minute

Absorption progress: 2%)


The attributes of the Three-Headed Hell Thunder Dragon suit are indeed terrifying.

All attributes have skyrocketed to: 2.4 million.

Dark gold suits generally have attributes that are about 10 times that of ordinary players of the same level.

For ordinary LV100 players, if they have not eaten any attribute fruits, all attributes are around 160,000!

Because Ling Yan has the bonus of the fruit, Ling Yan's current attributes are 15 times that of ordinary LV100 players!

"I wonder if I can upgrade one piece of equipment to red if I disassemble all my dark gold equipment now!"

Ling Yan was a little confused. He had killed the Holy Light Dragon and the three Hell Thunder Dragons 15 times before, and each time they dropped 10,000 dark gold essences.

At this time, Ling Yan had 300,000 essences.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan directly opened the enhancement interface.


Instantly, a shadow of a strengthening furnace appeared in front of Ling Yan. Looking at the strengthening furnace in front of him, Ling Yan directly threw his three-headed hell thunder dragon necklace into it.

The attribute added by the necklace is soul!

With a stronger soul, Ling Yan's overall combat power will naturally be stronger.

【Ding! To strengthen LV100 dark gold weapons, you need dark gold essence: 400,000 copies! The success rate of strengthening is 0.1】

At this moment, a prompt sound came.

Ling Yan touched his chin when he heard it!

This success rate is really low!

Even if you use five times the materials and increase the success rate of strengthening to twelve times, it is still a success rate of one percent.

1 million copies, Ling Yan tried it, and LV20 dark gold equipment can get 500 essences after decomposition.

LV100 decomposition can get 20,000 essences, which is equivalent to 20 dark gold weapons of the same level can be strengthened once after decomposition!

However, the success rate of strengthening a piece of material is only one in a thousand!

Theoretically, after 20,000 dark gold equipment of the same level are decomposed and strengthened a thousand times, it is possible to strengthen successfully.

Unfortunately, in fact, the probability of one in a thousand is not a guarantee of success once a thousand times. If you are very lucky, you will succeed once if you strengthen four or five thousand times. If you are a little less lucky, you will need tens of thousands of times. If you are a little less lucky, you will need hundreds of thousands of times to succeed.

No wonder even the Bratz civilization with a history of more than one million years does not have a single red piece of equipment. The probability of successful enhancement is almost zero.

Ling Yan couldn't help but shook his head.

But if you calculate it this way, the amount of essence he has is not enough for even one time!

400,000 essences is a bit troublesome. If Ling Yan had enhanced it when he was LV20, 10,000 essences would be enough for one enhancement.

But at that time, when he enhanced it, there was no red upgrade scroll, and the level could only stay at LV20!

Even if it was red, it was useless for Ling Yan who was LV100.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Ding Ta got a lot of high-level dark gold equipment back then. If we disassemble them all, we can definitely get enough!"

Suddenly Ling Yan thought of this.

Without hesitation, he took out all the weapons in the other party's backpack.

A whole set of LV95 suits, 8,000 essences for each piece, all disassembled.

Directly get 32,000 essences.

LV150 long sword, after disassembly, 100,000 essences!

At this point, Ling Yan's essence is enough.

But Ling Yan did not hesitate and continued to disassemble.

What if he can get enough twice?

Then, Ling Yan threw all the more than a dozen dark gold weapons in.

The final number of essences obtained: 780,000, plus the more than 300,000 essences that Ling Yan had before, a full 1.09 million!

Looking at so many essences, Ling Yan couldn't help laughing.

"As expected, I have collected two times! In this case, let's strengthen it!"

Ling Yan did not hesitate and directly threw 500,000 dark gold essences into it and clicked the strengthening button.


Instantly, Ling Yan was accompanied by a large amount of dark golden light.

The necklace in the strengthening furnace burst into a dazzling light.

【The luck wheel is spinning, the success rate of strengthening is *100! 】

At the same time, a prompt sound came.

However, when Ling Yan heard this prompt sound, his eyes widened.

""Shit, only 100 times? Isn't that only a one in ten chance of success?"

Ling Yan was stunned. This was the first time that a 100-fold enhancement success rate had appeared.


【Enhancement failed! You are lucky, the weapon is not damaged! You can continue to enhance. 】

Sure enough, with a burst of black smoke.

Enhancement failed

""Bad luck!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but curse inwardly, but he still chose the second strengthening. If it still failed, then there would be nothing he could do. It meant that there was something wrong with this strengthening furnace.


As all the materials were thrown in, the dark golden light bloomed again.

【The luck wheel is spinning! The success rate is enhanced by 10,000 times!

This time, the luck wheel finally stopped igniting.

Sure enough, with the success rate increased by 10,000 times, the success rate directly reached 1,000%.

The dazzling dark golden light became more and more dazzling.

Finally, the light gradually turned into blood red.

In the dazzling red light, the necklace with three dragon heads became extremely hideous.


A destructive aura that seemed to come from the endless hell spread across the entire God's Chosen Continent at this moment.

After feeling this terrifying aura, countless beings in the God's Chosen Continent were all frightened and knelt on the ground.

"hold head high!!!!"

"hold head high!!!"

"hold head high!!!"


In an instant, three dragon roars came from the endless void and spread directly throughout the plane.

From the ninth-level masters to the ordinary people, everyone looked up at the sky in horror after hearing the dragon roars.

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