Fortunately, Ling Zhan spoke again. When he spoke, all the masters looked at each other in bewilderment.

But then they all smiled helplessly. Yes.

If it really came, what could they do?

At best, they would just be crushed into nothingness by the opponent's aura.

"Well, let's hold the opening ceremony of the Ultimate Academy first. Don't worry about this matter. Other civilizations won't follow up unless they have a brain problem and don't want to live anymore!"

Then, Ling Zhan closed the screen and spoke directly



After a few minutes!


A deafening bell sound spread throughout the entire Ultimate Academy.

A huge copper bell with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters in the sky trembled slightly and emitted a long bell sound.

Thousands of students stood on the huge square of the Ultimate Academy.

Each of these students was a genius above SSS-!

There were hundreds of SSS-level students.

As for SSS+, Ling Yan estimated that there were no more than three!

This was already a lot of geniuses this year.

In previous years, there might not have been any.

However, on the floating stands around the square, the geniuses of the previous years were discussing with great interest.

The content was nothing more than which genius was more dazzling this year, or which genius was handsome or beautiful.

After all, they were all young people.

The Ultimate Academy has a total of 10 grades!

The senior students in the 10th grade have almost all reached LV200 or above!

Some of the best have even reached LV250 or above, becoming powerful sixth-level masters!

Of course, even for SSS+ geniuses, after reaching LV250, the upgrade speed will drop a lot.

It may take at least several decades to reach the seventh level.

"But then again, did you see the three-headed dragon shadow just now? What on earth was that shadow?"

However, some people in the crowd were still discussing what had just happened.

"I don’t know. Could it be that the Ultimate Academy specially created this effect for our opening ceremony?"

"It's possible, but the effect is a little too gorgeous! I felt like I was dying at that moment!"

"Nonsense, if it's not a special effect, what else could it be? It's impossible for some powerful being to project itself into this world, right? If that were the case, the school would have teleported us away long ago. How could they still be here leisurely holding the opening ceremony?"


As the discussion progressed, and the human leaders did not seem to make any moves, everyone began to think that the dragon soul phantom just now might be a special effect.

How could they know that the human leaders did not make any moves, but did not know how to deal with the existence of the Holy King level.

Such an existence, even if it just descended on the Milky Way, could crush the Milky Way into nothingness.

Even if they thought of more methods, what was the use?

Wouldn't those who were supposed to die have to wait to die?

"I didn't expect that my red equipment would make such a big noise this time!"

Ling Yan raised his eyebrows after hearing the voices of everyone around him.

However, he didn't care. After all, it was impossible for anyone to connect the vision just now with him.

"I just don't know what this so-called opening ceremony is about! I'm still waiting to go to the chaotic ghostland!"

Somewhat bored, Ling Yan strode into the queue of freshmen.

However, his appearance instantly attracted the attention of many geniuses.

"He is Ling Yan? He looks ordinary!"

"That’s right, he’s just a little bit more handsome than me, so how come he was chosen as the strongest freshman?"

"It is said that he came from the Yanshen star system, and the word"Yan" is also in his name. Could he be the descendant of Lord Yanshen?"



The freshmen around were all looking at Ling Yan and talking about it.

Ling Yan was also stunned after hearing what they said. The strongest freshman?

Who selected this?

"Wait, it seems you can’t see through his realm, but I’m at level 95!"

"Hiss, I can’t see through it either, I’m already level 99!"

"LV100! He actually upgraded to LV100! Wasn’t he going to try to see if he could receive the reincarnation mission?"

"SSS+There is only one chance for a genius to receive a reincarnation mission, and that is when he reaches level 99. Once he exceeds this level, it is almost impossible to receive this mission. It seems that Ling Yan is not planning to impact his R- talent!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this the first place in the Hidden Dragon Ranking? He doesn't even have the courage to challenge R-. It seems that his final achievement is just an ordinary eighth level!"



In an instant, everyone around him looked down on Ling Yan after noticing that his level had exceeded LV99.

LV99 is a threshold. Among the human race, although an R- genius appears every few thousand years, these geniuses are not R- from the beginning!

These geniuses were upgraded after receiving reincarnation tasks at LV99, and some even upgraded from SSS- all the way to R-!

The reincarnation tasks to upgrade to R- are all accepted at LV99, with almost no exceptions.

And now Ling Yan has directly upgraded his level to LV100!

This means that his talent has also reached the end. After all, if he can't reach R-, how can he upgrade to R level, or even R-?+?

"R-? Elemental passive level above level 35?"

Ling Yan was stunned when he heard the comments of the people around him. He couldn't help but take a look at his background.

There are a lot of elemental passives above LV35. Do these people have some misunderstandings about him?

Although his talent is rated as SSS+, it doesn't mean that his overall strength is SSS+, right?

"But then again, how come I had never heard of the other SSS+ geniuses in this class in my previous life? Isn't ten years enough for them to grow up?"

Then Ling Yan was a little confused.

""Ling Yan, this way!"

However, at this moment, Murong Xingyu, who was not far away, waved her hand at Ling Yan.

But her cunning eyes seemed to flash with some ill intentions.

"Did you level up so fast, you little girl?"

Ling Yan was puzzled when he saw her.

Wow, she's already level 64!

Oh, this girl didn't show up on the spaceship before. She didn't show up for more than ten hours.

It seems that she's hiding to practice.

"Humph, my cultivation speed is naturally fast. When my level surpasses yours, I will be the one to avenge you!"

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