At this moment, all the instructors and geniuses in the entire Ultimate Academy were shocked and widened their eyes.

Domain skills are extremely precious among all skills.

Especially those with a gold level or above.

The value of an ordinary gold domain is comparable to a set of dark gold equipment.

And the value of a dark gold domain is even more than the value of dozens of high-level dark gold equipment.

Now Ling Yan, a freshman, actually possesses such a powerful skill that even an eighth-level expert may not have. How can they not be shocked?

"This realm seemed to be formed by the fusion of ten elements? In what kind of dungeon could such a powerful passive be revealed?"

"How could it be exploded? Even if it was exploded, you still need to have these ten elements to use it! I guess it is possible that Ling Yan created it himself!"

"Impossible, how is this possible? Ten elements fused into a dark gold-level skill? He is dying!"



In an instant, everyone looked at the young man who reappeared on the square in shock.

Even Murong Xingyu was shocked by the domain of ten elements displayed by Ling Yan.

However, they did not know that Ling Yan now controlled nearly twenty types of elements.

In addition, he had almost learned the method of refining the dark gold level domain. He estimated that as long as he injected all the elements into the domain, he might even be able to create a red level domain.

At that time, the power of the domain will increase dramatically. By then,

Ling Yan's monster-killing speed will also increase a lot. At this moment, even Murong Xingyu was a little dazed when she looked at Ling Yan on the side.

She knew that Ling Yan was powerful, but she did not expect him to be so terrifying that he could be ranked first on the Potential Dragon List in one second.

Although it was because the opponent suppressed the level.

But even so, it was already terrifying.

"By the way, didn't you just say you wanted to be my girlfriend? Should I express it in some way?"

Suddenly, Ling Yan turned around and smiled at Murong Xingyu who was standing beside him.

As soon as he said this, Murong Xingyu's face instantly turned red.

She had just said it for fun before, but who knew Ling Yan would take it seriously.

"What? Is Miss Murong going to break her promise?"

Ling Yan smiled.

As soon as these words came out, Murong Xingyu's face instantly turned red with anger.

"Am I that kind of person?"

Murong Xingyu snorted coldly, and the next moment, she suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Ling Yan on the face.


Instantly, her little face turned red enough to bleed.

""Uh! Ah Zhen, are you serious?"

Ling Yan was also stunned. He didn't expect the other party to move so quickly.

"Who is Ah Zhen, you stinky man, wait until I reach level 100... 120, I will beat you to death!"

Murong Xingyu snorted coldly, then fled with a red face.

Not far away, Queslo, who had just come out of the suspended arena, saw this scene directly.


He was already hurt by Ling Yan's domain power, and he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"This damn girl, she made it seem like she was the one who suffered a loss, but it was obviously me who suffered a loss, okay?"

Ling Yan shook his head speechlessly.

Then he glanced at the freshmen around him and did not hesitate.


With terrifying flames bursting out of his body, he soared into the sky and flew rapidly towards the location of the academy's teleportation array.

He was so fast that he soon disappeared in front of everyone.



Ling Yan passed through a teleportation formation and instantly appeared in a starry sky.

He looked beyond the starry sky, and instantly, a blue planet appeared in front of Ling Yan.

Although this planet has a lot of technological traces, there are many ancient buildings, such as the Great Wall built by the Qin Emperor to resist wild monsters running out of the weather cracks.

There are pyramid formations built by the Egyptian pharaohs with the help of powerful formation masters.

And some other iconic buildings.

Because these are historical relics, they are protected by the human race, in order to let future generations know that the human race has experienced a lot of hardships and survived tenaciously.

At the same time, on the earth, the most obvious buildings are two majestic statues.

One of the statues is the first generation of human guardian god, Potian Wushen.

And the other is the statue of the strongest man of the human race, the god of war.

"The Earth has really not changed in tens of thousands of years!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but sigh.


However, at this moment, the crack of the God's Chosen Continent behind Ling Yan suddenly rippled, and then a middle-aged man in scarlet armor flew out from it. A seventh-level peak powerhouse is equivalent to a powerhouse of Murong Tu's level.

As long as there are some opportunities, it is possible to upgrade to the eighth level and become a super powerhouse guarding a large galaxy.

""Student Ling Yan, I am your guardian Zheng Xuan!

I will protect your safety until your level reaches LV250!"

Zheng Xuan said to Ling Yan with a smile.

He had just seen Ling Yan's strength. Even though he had been a guardian for so many years, it was the first time he had seen such terrifying strength.

He had a hunch that Ling Yan's talent would never stop at SSS+. Even if he missed the chance to reincarnate at LV99, Ling Yan would definitely receive a mission.

He was also very happy to be the guardian of such a super genius.

After all, anyone would have some good feelings for the guardian who protected him when he was still weak.

"Then I'll trouble you, Senior!"

Ling Yan's eyes lit up when he heard the other party's words. He didn't expect that he would be assigned a seventh-level peak strongman as a guardian.

Moreover, Zheng Xuan's talent in front of him didn't seem to be low. He might be SSS+ like himself.

The combat power of this genius is naturally much stronger than that of an ordinary seventh-level peak strongman.

In this way, even if he encounters an assassination by an eighth-level strongman, he will have the opportunity to teleport away directly.

As for Zheng Xuan, if he dies in battle, Ling Yan can revive him at any time.

He has no shortage of dark gold resurrection cards!

Even if the opponent's resurrection times are exhausted, Ling Yan can also use red resurrection cards for leapfrog levels.

The number of resurrections of a person is limited, but it is the same kind of resurrection card.

For example, if an SS-level genius is resurrected with a gold resurrection card, he can only be resurrected three to six or seven times at most.

At least three times, as for the maximum, it depends on the situation. The number of resurrections of different people is different.

If the number of gold resurrection cards is exhausted, you can still choose to use a higher-level dark gold resurrection card to revive, so that the number of resurrections will be more.

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