I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 104 My evil and crazy character on Christmas

Chapter 104 Christmas——My evil and crazy persona

"Also, did you leave your eyes in the dormitory without bringing them? I'm curious, how did you do it within a few feet of each other? How come the spell can't hit the other person's wand?"

"Ahem! Professor Snape!" Professor Flitwick coughed a few times quickly, pulling Snape back from the growing sarcasm.

"The two little wizards do have various problems in casting spells, but their mastery of magic is still good. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw each get five points."

After saying that, Professor Flitwick stepped forward and began to correct the two people's spell-casting movements: "Davis, the range of movement of your right hand is too large. The magic spell should be released as small as possible, so that it can be concealed and let people Your enemies won't be able to tell what spell you are about to cast."

"And, Wood, I can see that you should have practiced this spell hard, but you used too much force. The release of the spell should have its own rhythm. Each wave should be purposeful, rather than standing blindly. Stake cast."

Afterwards, Professor Flitwick corrected several minor issues on both sides, from their gestures to the width of their forearms, and a simple disarming spell was penetrated by the professor's analysis.

All kinds of magic tricks are available at your fingertips.

Professor Flitwick even said that a powerful wizard can tell what spell he is about to release from his opponent's spell-casting gestures, and any powerful wizard will choose to develop his own spell.

Speaking of this - he couldn't help but look at Snape beside him.

Although Snape's reputation in the school was extremely poor. But it is undeniable that his talent in developing magic spells exceeds his own.

"Next, we start to divide into groups. We officially start practicing."

Professor Flitwick waved his magic wand, and the carpet in the auditorium was evenly divided into four equal parts with four colors.

Those are the colors of the four major colleges.

"The young wizards are divided into groups according to their own colleges." Professor Flitwick announced loudly.

The students in the auditorium were noisy and crowded around each other. It was not until the prefects began to organize the wizards of their own colleges that things became more orderly.

"Gryffindor, this way!"

"Ravenclaw, here!"

After a few minutes, everyone lined up in an orderly manner.

Then - then, several deans lost their shame and continued to stay in the auditorium.

So shameful.

There was a chaotic battle with magic spells, and all kinds of red light balls flying all over the sky.

From time to time, a little wizard was knocked out and bumped into a large group of people.

Compared to the peak duel between Owen and Professor Flitwick just now, the dueling level of other young wizards was just like what Snape said - baboons waving wands.

This is Professor Sprout's highlight moment.

She straightened her body and stood upright.

Face full of pride.

Although her spell level is at the bottom among the four deans. But her students are amazing!

Irving alone can defeat them all in one grade. I am afraid that in many years there will be no genius wizard who can surpass his height.


the other side.

The students were really in a mess, and the professors' energy was limited. There was nothing they could do about this messy scene.

"Neville, don't be shy, recite the spell clearly."

"Also, Susan's arm width should be smaller. Dean! Just wave the wand accurately!" A red ball of light flew past, passed between Seamus' legs, and hit Ron's calf.

Professor McGonagall quickly raised her wand and cast a spell to counteract it.

Then he prompted loudly.

Beside him, Professor Flitwick was doing the same thing.

Several deans are struggling to maintain order in the auditorium.


The organization of the Duel Club cannot be said to be a success, but it cannot be said to be a failure either.

But everyone can feel that yesterday afternoon was too chaotic.

After the little wizard started practicing freely, the chaos doubled.

The entire auditorium was full of little wizards bending down and groping.

They were all looking for their wands under the chaotic crowd.

From time to time, there will be a magical scene of human bowling balls.

A certain little wizard was knocked out, knocking down several unlucky people behind him along the way.

In short, what seemed like a farce in the Duel Club finally came to an end.

It is the last peaceful festival for the little wizards.

Christmas is coming.

After an excruciating Potions lesson.

Finally - finally, the semester is over.

A silence as thick as the snow on the ground enveloped the entire castle.

The little wizards whose energy has been completely released need a complete rest.

The dawn of Christmas comes quietly.

The weather was cold and snowy everywhere. Owen got up early in the morning. After feeding Cat Daddy, he began to open the Christmas gifts beside the bed.

This year he has more gifts than last year.

Harry and Ron also sent things because they were not short of money.

Ron, a huge Quidditch fan, gave him a poster of the Chadley Cannons.

Harry gave him a brand new hand-knit sweater - from the bright red color and the huge O on the chest, he knew it was definitely Mrs. Weasley's handiwork.

Harry asked Mrs. Weasley to knit him a sweater?

Yeah - that's fine.

After folding the sweater and placing it on the bed, Owen branched off to the next one.

Hannah gave him a tie, and Justin gave him a Muggle trench coat.

It's a very high-end fabric and probably worth a lot of money.

Hermione continued to give him a gorgeous eagle quill pen and a copy of the Hogwarts School Rules (manuscript).

What Owen didn't expect was that Luna also sent a gift, which was a small wooden doll. It could be seen that she had carved it with her own hands, and the pose was the majestic look he had when he was dueling with Professor Flitwick.

There is another thing - um - Draco sent him, a dragon-skin magic book, which records many precious ancient magics.

As for the Christmas gifts Owen gave them - ten galleons in total, picking them out one by one would be too troublesome.

It’s better to discount it.

In addition to Malfoy, he gave him the magical gadgets from the Far East that he bought during the summer vacation.

Then there was Luna's gift, which was a bunny ears headdress made of unicorn tail feathers.

When you wear it, two rabbit ears will grow, and your hair will become slender, silver, and sparkle with the brilliance of a unicorn.

This is the only magic prop he made himself.

To this end, Owen also went out of his way to ask the Weasley twins for some experience in making magic props - of course at the cost of spending fifty Galleons to support their subsequent research.

The rest were sent by professors.

Professor Sprout gave him "How to Cultivate Your Own Magical Plant"; Professor Flitwick gave him "A Thousand Duel Techniques"; Professor McGonagall gave him "Advanced Transfiguration Guide"; Snape - well ?


Looking at the gift box that was smaller than the size of his hand, Owen's expression froze and his face was full of confusion?

Snape was - replaced by a zodiac?

Sycamore (Platanus) Wand. The ideal owner of a sycamore wand is curious, energetic, and willing to take risks.

People say that words can reflect the author’s thoughts. I’m afraid I’m not the protagonist here.

Hey, hey, he's not a bad person.

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