I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 143 I’m back, old men

A boy with an embarrassed look in his eyes jumped up from the bed and raised his feet to play the yo-yo.

To be honest, although our big dark devil, Ou, is sweeping across the wilderness, making people and gods angry wherever he goes, even a dog passing by on the curb has to be slapped twice by him.



The Great Demon King III, I still understand everything.

Being presumptuous is just a disguise, otherwise how could you get away with it?

"Stop!!!" Hermione shouted again. This was the busiest time in the hotel. During dinner time, there might be many people in the aisle.

Owen walked out of her room at this time

What if someone sees her, what if her parents see her. That's really hard to explain by jumping into the Atlantic Ocean.

"Uh-what do you want? What else do you want?"

"How about I give you the white book? It's handwritten by me. It's a magical text, a manuscript that contains magic power. Do you think it's homework? Just write whatever you want. Ten Galleons is not expensive at all."

Looking at Owen who was still talking, Hermione was really angry.

What's your expression, what's your eyes, what's your tone.

It was obviously you who broke into my room suddenly, but you made it sound like it was my fault!

Hermione's lips wriggled slightly, her teeth biting her bright red lips: "Shut up! Stay here and don't move!"

Hermione, who rarely stood up in front of Owen, scolded tyrannically.

Brown eyes stared hard at the nuisance.

Then she held the bath towel on her body and walked vigilantly past him with her bare feet stained with water.

The air is filled with the rich smell of rose flowers.

Don't ask Owen how he knows.

When Hermione's wet and silky hair passed in front of him, perhaps she wanted to warn him again and glanced at herself specifically.

The moment he turned his head, he gave him a face full of shampoo.

The little witch skillfully opened the door, popped her head out, glanced to make sure no one was there, and then closed the door again.

"Okay, you can go." She stood in the corner, looking away, her expression very stiff.


Looking at Hermione's expressionless expression, this actually aroused Owen's few consciences that were awakened by his motherland.


After all, he and Hermione actually had no grudge or grudge.

Most of his previous attitude towards Hermione came from his memory of the Dark Phoenix Granger who sabotaged his plans every week.

It's so hateful.

So often when Owen treats the thirteen-year-old girl in front of him, he can't help but adopt the mentality of wanting to see her deflate.

But I'm afraid he won't be an enemy of Hermione this time.

It’s not a big deal to hit someone’s little girl so often!

You have to give me some sweet dates!

For the future sinecure in the Ministry of Magic, for the establishment of the rest of my life!

Owen gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and said righteously: "Okay, Miss Granger, in order to make up for my mistake, I decided to take you to Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry tonight?"

"Beauxbatons?" Hermione's eyes lit up, but she quickly hid it.

"Why are you taking me there? I heard that magic schools in various countries are hidden by magic spells. You~"

"Don't worry about it." Pointing the wand at Hermione, Owen slowly chanted a transformation spell.

In an instant, like rolling clouds, the bath towel on her body quickly deformed, and after a while, a shiny high-end dress was put on her body.

He even styled her hair along the way.

The magic controlled the water stains to flow through Hermione's hair, and soon her beautiful fluffy hair was slightly straightened, and then the hair was curled into a single ponytail.

"What is this!" Hermione was startled, and quickly covered her chest - but the collar of the dress was quite high, and it did not appear to be a scene that everyone liked to see.

"The latest styles from Paris Fashion Week this month! Haven't you seen the advertisements all over the streets?" Owen said, pointing to the huge neon billboard outside the window.

Hermione heard the sound and turned around. Sure enough, there was a huge billboard erected on the roadside not far from the hotel. A tall woman with plump breasts was posing in a seductive pose. She was wearing exactly This one for myself.

Well - there are differences. For example, the chest of the dress is not that high, the skirt is not that low, and the navel and back are exposed.

"Let's go, let's go!" Owen interrupted a certain girl's thoughts, and he said impatiently: "We can still make it in time for dinner at this time!"

With that said, he took Hermione's hand, pushed open the door and ran out.

While running, a piece of parchment flew out of his pocket. Sherlock, who was following him, lowered his head to avoid it, then jumped into Hermione's arms, and the piece of paper fell on the door handle.

The words were stained with magic, and golden light flashed out one by one, and finally formed a complete sentence, "Miss Granger and I went to visit the French magic school Beaubaston. Don't worry, she will be fine." Yes, your daughter’s fourth best friend, Owen Sanchez.”

I don’t know how the Grangers will feel after reading this letter, but they must be angry and sleepless tonight.

In the night, Owen Owen ran around the streets of Paris with a compass in his hand.

They walked through the winding streets of Montmartre, hidden in the legendary hills north of the city, Montmartre Royce is full of art.

There is an endless stream of tourists in front of the pubs and high-end shops on the street, which are more than a hundred years old.

Owen wanted to buy an exotic cocktail to try, but was stopped by Hermione. The little witch strictly enforced the rule that minors are not allowed to drink alcohol.

Then, amid the laughing and joking of the old Parisians, the little witch's cheeks instantly turned red, her head lowered and she said no more.

He was just led blindly by Owen.

Hmm - why is this kid still afraid of strangers?

The dull and shy Owen was different from Hermione. He cheerfully pointed his scissor fingers in reverse and walked past a circle of old Parisians with shaky arms.

Later, amidst the continuous middle finger blessings, Irving walked happily through the old street with a grin on his face.


Old Parisians are so warm!

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer tourists around. After passing the last lit shop, Owen finally found the familiar door in a secret, damp, narrow corridor.

"That's it!" His eyes lit up, he pulled Hermione and rushed over quickly.

Opening the door, dim candlelight lit up the room.

The two elders seemed to be still sitting on the chairs talking.

The atmosphere in the room was quite heavy, as if it was a moment of dictating last words before parting ways.

"I'm back, old men!" crisply. The high-pitched, cheerful voice was like a sharp sword cutting through the darkness, cutting the atmosphere in the room into pieces.

Owen took Hermione's hand and pulled her in.

Standing at the door, he closed the door again.

Then an eagle jumped up with spread wings, moved the hands on the clock to Beauxbatons' position with his right hand, and then opened the door again, "I'm leaving again, old men!"

"Um, Professor~ Hello~~~~" Hermione was pulled out by Owen before she could finish her words.

The two people who suddenly broke in stunned the old principal and Nicoléme.

After seeing Owen dragging Hermione out again, all the haze in the room seemed to be sucked away.

The two old men looked at each other and noticed that the other was relieved.

"This is youth!" the old principal said with emotion.

Most of the melancholy in my heart dissipated.

"Maybe there are other ways." He suddenly thought of Harry, the child who escaped the killing curse.

If there is a way to break the Killing Curse, what difficulties are there that cannot be overcome?

The old headmaster suddenly stood up with renewed energy. He had been paying attention to Harry. He knew that there was still greater magic in this world.

That's love.

The magic of love is beyond imagination. It is difficult to capture both its effect and scope of application, but it is real.

Young life should not end here, and for this he is willing to give up more, including his own life.


Just running for life brought hope to two old men in their twilight years.

But the instigator, Owen, has already arrived in another place.

Behind the door, Hermione's eyes showed resentment. Although Owen didn't say it, she could guess that the skinny old man who was sitting with Dumbledore in the room just now was the one who was said to have lived for more than 600 years. The world's greatest alchemist, Nicolas Flamel.

I just lost the opportunity to talk to that gentleman.

It's all this guy's fault, Owen. Didn't he already come in? Why go out again?

"Hey! Why are you..."

The words have not yet finished.

The wind in the mountains suddenly blew her eyes.

Suddenly there is the sweetness of flowers in the air.

Hermione reluctantly opened her eyes.

I saw them walking out of a golden door and walking down a marble corridor filled with roses of various colors.

A magic fountain in the distance sprinkles water mist into the sky, and a rainbow stretches out from the end of the corridor and spreads into the main entrance of the splendid manor in the distance.

There are flowers everywhere.

Purple, blue, red, sultry colors.

The little witch was so surprised by the sudden change before her eyes that she was speechless.

The moonlight is like a fine wine that has been brewed for decades, and it is intoxicating just by shining on it.

The petals all over the sky danced with the mountain breeze, drawing elegant gestures in the sky, and then slowly gathered to form the emblem of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Then the cycle starts over again.

The little witch's cheeks were slightly red as if she was drunk, and her brown eyes were always falling on the boy in front of her.

He seems to have Veela blood, giving people a fatal attraction. Any man or woman who comes into contact with him for a long time will be unable to help but fall for it.

The two crossed the Rose Covered Bridge and walked into the largest manor under the guidance of the magic rainbow.

Beauxbatons' Great Hall.

At this time, the glittering auditorium had thousands of golden candles floating in the air.

The flames suddenly jumped.

The few dozen little wizards left looked sideways and saw the demon from the vestibule of the abyss of hell leading a very beautiful little witch in.

Now, they hate it even more

"Wuhu~ I've caught up, come on, come on, sit wherever you want, the old Parisians are the most enthusiastic." Owen greeted Hermione and sat on a round table in the auditorium.

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