I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 143 I won, sister!


The wand falling from the sky brushed against Fleur's wrist, and the air flow driven by the high speed turned into a sharp sword, instantly cutting a long wound on her wrist.

Blood sprinkled on the ground like blossoming roses.

Fu Rong, who was in pain, subconsciously let go.

Her wand - the wand with a core of Veela hair and a body of rosewood lost its owner's control and slowly fell in the air.

Hermione rushed forward without hesitation and firmly grasped the wand in her right hand.

"Lisong!! The energy is released——"

The wand lit up, illuminating day and night, and the next second, a figure flew out upside down.

Then on the ground where the hibiscus landed, in the flower bed, the flowers suddenly seemed to come alive, opening their arms to welcome their children.

The hibiscus that fell into it was held tightly by the flowers.

No matter what, I won't take it off.

"I won, sister!" The childish voice was filled with unparalleled confidence.

Hermione gasped, her head rising uncontrollably.

The delicate and lovely face is framed by a triumphant smile.

Under the sky where the flames were not extinguished, she held up her wand, and the radiance of a goddess shone all around. At this moment, the sky and the earth seemed to have lost their color.

Only the little witch's body was still illuminated by the dazzling light.

Hermione couldn't help grinning with joy. She had just defeated a senior wizard from another school without a wand. No matter why the battle was started, this was something she should be proud of.

"Am I dreaming!"

"How can it be."

"That's wandless spellcasting, wandless spellcasting skills. How can she, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, know how to do it?"

"Is Hogwarts free of monsters?" Fleur's defeat caused an uproar among the surrounding Beauxbatons wizards.

Everyone was shocked.

This battle is incredible.

In fact, Hermione's resolute posture, firm eyes, and unique fighting style just now firmly locked the hearts of some Parisian boys present.

In the foreseeable future, the little witch will never lack suitors. In particular, the French are more enthusiastic and open than the British.

"How did you do that!"

Furong held on to her strength, with surprise written all over her face.

"How can you do that without a wand?"

"Casting spells without a wand!" Hermione walked briskly towards Fleur calmly. "I'm not proficient enough in using other spells, but the floating spell is the one I'm most familiar with."

"Casting a spell without a wand?" Furong was stunned, "What grade are you in?"

"Me?" Hermione waved her wand and took the initiative to undo Fleur's transformation spell. "I will be in third grade when school starts."

"Third grade?!" Fleur's pupils dilated instantly. She couldn't believe that she had lost to a third grade wizard.

As the best wizard in Bubaston, she is considered the strongest in the entire academy.

But now, reality tells her that in Hogwarts she may not be as good as a third-year—no, maybe a second-year wizard. How can she accept this with her arrogant heart!

How can I accept it!

Fleur suffered a severe blow in an instant, as if her entire soul had left her body. She was helpless like a walking corpse, and Hermione helped her up.

Are they, the little wizards of Hogwarts, monsters?

For the first time, a huge shadow cast over Furong's heart. And this may be a shadow that she can't escape from throughout her life.

But Owen, who was standing outside the flower garden, actually got a real look.

Fleur will lose, not because she is any weaker than Hermione. As Beauxbatons' prime minister, the little wizard, Madame Maxime's most proud student.

If it was a test competition, she could turn Hermione, a little witch known for her exams, into ashes in seconds.

She will lose entirely because she adheres to duel etiquette too much.

Lack of unscrupulous determination to win.

It was normal for her to panic when she met a crazy girl like Hermione for the first time.

But - Owen stated in advance that this fighting method was not his original creation. If he was to blame, it was Professor Flitwick.

Back then, he relied on his height disadvantage to win countless battles with this 'unique' fighting method.

He gave this set to the young Ravenclaw wizards.

And then—all the little wizards at Hogwarts learned it.

Owen has seen things more sinister and cunning than this.

For example, the Weasley twins, who are developing in a strange direction, have caused serious damage to several Slytherin wizards with countless magic traps.

The despicable means and rich results shocked even Owen, an old silver coin.

The two of them planted many traps on Slytherin's path like mushrooms.

When the other party stepped on the thunder, they didn't even know it at all. It wasn't until the smell like a combination of spoiled rotten eggs and herring cans emanated from the two sullen Slytherins that the Gemini knew it. Another trap of his own.

Of course, Owen is not advocating that wizard combat will become trap-oriented.

But the reality is that since the Triwizard Tournament was suspended, the three major magic schools in Owen (actually there are four magic schools in Europe, and the other one is in Russia, and Europe does not usually bring old boys to play.) Due to lack of communication, they have gradually become Going behind closed doors.

Even since Grindelwald disappeared, the European continent has enjoyed fifty years of peace.

The new generation of little wizards lacks the belief in fighting even more than the British little wizards who just grew up from the shadow of Voldemort.

Duel - or battle, victory by any means necessary, and the greatest respect for the enemy is to kill them all, which has always been Owen's creed.

Obviously this is what the little wizards of Beauxbatons lack.

Although this comparison is not appropriate, Harry is a ruthless person who can resist the Cruciatus Curse without making a sound. Just now, Fleur's arm was only separated by a small cut, and she subconsciously let go of her hand. The difference is obvious. .

What made Owen most unhappy was that the battle was completely different from what he expected.

A girl!

What's the point of beating and killing?

No, the little witch shyly shouted: My sister hates me~ Then~~~

"Owen Sanchez!!!"

At a time when a heartless dark devil is looking forward to the good.

A fist as big as a sandbag suddenly appeared in front of him. Fortunately, he dodged quickly, and the punch only hit his shoulder. Otherwise, it would have really been a disfigurement.

"What are you doing, what are you doing! What are you going to do to my handsome face!" A certain black man turned around and ran away.

"How dare you give me a broken branch!!!" Hermione chased after him, and she would feel uneasy if she didn't give this guy a good beating today.

"What branch! That's my wand, okay?"

"Hey! By the way, there's my wand!" Owen, who came back to his senses, realized that Hermione didn't seem to be holding his wand!

"Shut up! You're still trying to lie to me!" Hermione, whose anger was rising, didn't care about the wand. She waved her hands, regardless of whether the spell could be cast without a wand, just throw it away!

"Stop chasing me, I'm telling you, stop chasing me!"

Owen, who was walking Hermione in circles in the flower garden, moved quickly with his feet. After pulling out a certain distance, he suddenly squatted down and slapped the ground with his palms. In an instant, the ground seemed to have been cast an infinite stretch spell and began to expand without limit. The distance between him and Hermione was widened in an instant.

"Hehe! Keep chasing. You chase me. If you catch me, I will--oh!"

Mud from nowhere hit his face.

Owen, who was so proud, almost swallowed half a mouthful of mud.

"Who, that despicable person dares to attack me! If you have the guts, come forward!"

"If I didn't beat you up, your father wouldn't even recognize you. You're the son of Lao Wang next door!"


Another ball of mud seemed to be squeezed out of the space in front of him suddenly, leaving Owen with no time to dodge.

So, he ate half a mouthful of mud again!

"I'm so crazy~"

"I~Ni~Ma, ah~Professor, morning!"

Professor Dumbledore, who had come out of Nico Flamel's safe house at some point, was standing in front of the magic fountain outside the flower garden.

Next to him stood the brittle-bone wizard Old Nick, who looked like a mummy.

"You had a lot of fun!" The old principal looked at him with a half-smile, a dangerous aura flashing behind his half-moon glasses.

Owen's little heart trembled, he touched his face, and then said to Dumbledore with an expression uglier than crying: "Are you okay~"

"Happiness belongs to others. I'm just watching the show." He pointed at Hermione who was approaching behind him.

At this time, the little witch also noticed the sudden appearance of Professor Dumbledore and her sudden stop. Her big brown eyes were filled with mist in an instant, and her expression was as aggrieved as possible.

Owen was stunned when he saw this scene. Good guy, this change of face is really fast.

I am purely curious, and in the spirit of academic exchange, I would like to ask Granger, how do you manage to look like a lioness roaring when you look at me, and then look pitiful when you turn to look at Dumbledore? Little kitten?

Don't you already have mastery of the Animagus?

"Okay, Miss Granger." The old principal wiped away the tears on Hermione's cheeks with compassion, then patted her fluffy head. A breeze seemed to flow through her fingertips, and in an instant, the clothes on her body were wiped off. The dust was blown away.

"Leave this matter to me, okay?" His loving eyes always stayed on Hermione's little face.

The little witch sobbed, wiped her tears, nodded intermittently and said, "Yeah - yeah."



"I want to give Mrs. Maxim an explanation about what happened tonight." The old principal passed Hermione and came to Irving.

Watching Dumbledore suddenly transform from the moon god form to the corona form, Owen was inexplicably panicked.

He, he, he—grandma is not going to beat me!

The loving warrior, Dumbledore suddenly waved his sleeves, and then the whole earth trembled.

In the trembling expressions of the little Beauxbatons wizard who was watching, the broken pieces, debris, soil, and flower petals in the flower garden seemed to have been pressed by the enter button, and everything was returning to its original position.

Today I will update 7,000 words!!! Woohoo┭┮﹏┭┮

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