I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 173 There is only fear in the Azkaban Federation now

Chapter 173 Azkaban—Federation—Now only fear exists

The little wizards beside him subconsciously wanted to retreat.

And just as everyone was making preparations, they were thinking about whether to go find Madam Pomfrey to come and have a look. Professor Trelawney began to speak again, in a hoarse voice that was very different from her own usual voice.

Then a prophecy was made, a true prophecy.

"Dark riots, the resurrection of the dead, and life and death are reversed. Dark clouds are about to approach Hogwarts. On Christmas, with the help of his servants, the Dark Lord will make a comeback. The bloody conspiracy must pave the way with blood. The people who are confused in the illusion The master will mark his enemies.”

The professor's body exudes an aura that he has never seen before. It is very terrifying and has the ability to steal people's hearts and souls.

"Corruption and flame can only exist one and only one!"


Professor Trelawney's head dropped to her chest and she snorted.

Then, very suddenly, her head popped up again.

"Oh! What happened?" She burped as if in a dream.

"Professor, you seem to have just made a prophecy!" Hannah said with a serious face.

The appearance of Professor Trelawney just now must be the so-called state of wide-open eyes!

Owen stood there, stunned and silent, thinking about the prophecy.

First of all - it has nothing to do with him, the entire prophecy is not about him.

very good.

Secondly, it’s time for him to go back to sleep!

If you don’t go back, you will really have a nightmare!

"Prophecy?" Professor Trelawney was startled. She seemed to have no memory of entering the third eye state. "I will not predict easily. You are probably resting and talking nonsense."

While Owen was still dazed, the professor stumbled away and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Looking at the professor's leaving figure, the little wizards present suddenly felt an inexplicable panic in their hearts.

Thanks Harry for preaching that month.

Everyone now knows that Professor Trelawney's prophecies were dire.

Even wizards would be afraid of such mysterious things.

A few days later, the prediction of dark riots swept the entire castle almost instantly. Everyone knew that Hogwarts might suffer an unprecedented disaster!

Except for prophecies.

Dumbledore's series of actions are the real reins that tug at the little wizard's heartstrings.

He left the castle several times these days, and then there were more people in the school one after another.

Some very famous people.

It was as if he knew the school was going to be in trouble, so he went to gather help in advance.



The walls of the surrounding messy rooms are all made of rough black rocks.

The old floor was rotten and smelled of decay.

In front of the old principal was a narrow door, which was closed tightly.

This room was like the Shrieking Shack. No one had been there for a long time, and there was dust everywhere. The floor made a creaking sound when you walked on it.

"Is the situation serious?"

The sound of noisy footsteps coming towards me revealed the visitor's panic.

The leader was a rather old wizard.

He has gray hair, a traditional British face, and a rather tall nose, which makes his facial features look very three-dimensional.

He was wearing a gray suit instead of wizard robes, and he looked very smart.

You can tell at a glance that he is a senior Auror.

"Theseus." Dumbledore was very surprised that his old friend appeared here. He remembered that he had retired for nearly thirty years!

Although he also fought against Voldemort as a member of the Order of the Phoenix during the dark and turbulent years, at that time, he participated in a personal capacity and not as an Auror.

"I didn't expect you to lead the team, Newt."

"I went to Greece, you know." Theseus Scamander answered very ably and briefly: "The Ministry of Magic can't allocate manpower, and Moody's junior has also rejoined the Auror team. Of course I can't continue to shrink. In farmland in Dorset.”

"I heard that you transferred him away?"

"Moody?" Dumbledore said calmly, "He went to Paris with his students."

"Paris?" Theseus' face filled with vicissitudes of life was suddenly slightly touched. His eyelids twitched, remembering some bad memories.

"Important matter?"

"Very important!" The old principal nodded.

"Okay! Let's go then. It might be worse inside than you think." As he said that, the group of Aurors behind him made way for a passage, and then in an inadvertent moment, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The greatest white wizard has finally arrived.

The tips of the Aurors' wands glowed faintly.

The fluorescence flickered in the darkness, as if it might go out at any moment.

And they are like walking into the mouth of a monster that chooses people to eat. Heading towards the depths of hell.

This is Azkaban!

Dementors don't need torches or anything like that for lighting.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic would not be kind enough to prepare such luxury items for prisoners.

"The captured dark wizard." Dumbledore's blue eyes swept across the empty prisons.

Immediately he frowned slightly.

More than two months have passed since the mass jailbreak from Azkaban.

Although not many, a considerable number of prisoners were recaptured.

Azkaban shouldn't be so quiet!

"Assimilated." There was a look of horror in Theseus's eyes. It was really hard for this World War I hero, an elite wizard who had fought against Grindelwald (the First Wizarding War), to show such an expression. Imagine what he saw.

"This is just our guess!"

"Perhaps they used some method that we don't know about, and everyone escaped again!" Suddenly, a rather ugly smile appeared on the corner of Theseus's lips, "Compared with that group of creatures, I would rather believe that they escaped!"

"On this island, there is only fear now!"

Hearing the sound, Dumbledore's face became serious.

Azkaban wasn't the only place he'd been to these days.

Of course I have seen those monsters before!

But - being assimilated is still too scary.


Everyone walked to a spiral staircase.

The stairs continued downward, seeming to lead to the deepest part of the earth, to hell.

It is the deepest part of Azkaban and the most severe prison.

There will never be peace, there will never be sunshine.

At least you live on the upper floor and have a window, right?

"The dementors seem to emerge from the deepest part." Some Aurors cautiously took out their wands.

Although most of the dementors have been dispersed.

But new dementors still appear in Azkaban from time to time.

And those new monsters will attack all living people.

"No one knows the cause of the dementors, just like the undead." Theseus also took out his wand.

Everyone held their breath and stared straight into the darkness.

The weak fluorescence could not clear up the darkness in front of me, the damp steps were extremely slippery, and the surrounding walls on both sides were bare with nothing.

This makes people wonder, was this construction design intentional by the builder?

"Bang! Bang!"

The sound of heavy footsteps came again.

At the strange stairwell, there is a set of corridors with no end in sight.

Flashes of light from time to time testified to the terrible battles taking place there.

"The flames are blazing!"

"Split into pieces!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

Dozens of magic spells of different colors, like neon lights in the dark, kept flickering and extinguishing.

The Aurors seemed to be dealing with some kind of monster.

From the flickering light and shadow, it can be seen that it is a kind of creature covered with sharp hair, with sharp teeth, a tail of thorns, and different heads. Some have eagle heads, some have rat heads, and some have heads. It's a horse head, a messy creature.

Except for the unified monkey-like body of the lower body, it is difficult for people to associate this creature with the same creature.

On the walls, in the hallway.

The creatures are everywhere.

They are like reptiles, looking like monsters.

But the most terrifying thing is not these. An Auror used the explosive spell to blow up the body of a monster into powder. But not long after, it seemed to be activated in some way. Suddenly, the skeleton was ferocious, trembling, and then resurrected. .

The shape is extremely strange.

"Not even the Killing Curse can kill them." Theseus's brown eyes showed strong fear, "Those criminals suddenly disappeared, and then came this group of dead people, who appeared out of nowhere."

"There are still things belonging to those dark wizards on them. This makes people have to wonder whether they are assimilated by wizards."

"There is no evidence that the Deadborn are related to wizards." Dumbledore also frowned. He did not quite agree with Theseus's view, but so far, everything in Azkaban has revealed a certain Weird.

"We have to wait until the results of Newt's investigation come out before we can draw a conclusion." Theseus said lightly. His character is somewhat like Percy, while Newt is like a different kind of Fred.

The two people's strange personalities made it difficult for them to communicate calmly, and their complicated brotherly feelings made them lose contact after the war.

But Theseus can question his brother Newt in any aspect, except when it comes to magical beasts. Whether he wants to admit it or not, his brother Newt Scamander is the greatest master of magical beasts today.

In the wizarding world's perception, the group of undead in front of them are a kind of strange magical animals, and their classification is somewhat similar to the Obscurus.

A dozen Aurors behind the two people rushed over and kept casting spells to confine the group of Deathborn monsters in the corridor.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that every time a group of undead are defeated, their next resurrection will become stronger than before.

"Not just Azkaban, but this undead monster appears in Denmark, Sweden, France, Spain, Egypt, all of Europe, and along the Mediterranean coast."

"It's spreading rapidly to the surrounding areas like a plague."

"There has been a Muggle attack!" Theseus looked at the flash of light in front of him seriously, his wrinkled forehead curled up.

"The Muggles who were attacked, they—" Dumbledore didn't finish his sentence.

But Theseus knew what he meant, "I don't know, all the bodies have disappeared, and the Muggle government only considers them missing. The Egyptian Ministry of Magic is dispatching people to the disaster location, but - there is still no news!"

"It's like that land was dragged into hell!"

"Okay, Theseus, maybe things are not so pessimistic after all!" Dumbledore patted the already somewhat nervous 'young man' in front of him, and then raised his wand.

"Everyone, get back!" Theseus yelled.

Then the Aurors all retreated.

Dumbledore began to cast a spell, and the tip of his wand suddenly became bright.

Then a ball of orange-red flames that were not as turbulent as Li Huo suddenly emerged, with some ancient meaning, and burned towards the monster in front of them.


The sound that sounded like a cruel human scream suddenly emerged.

Everything around him became weird.

The flames are burning the monsters. They will first disintegrate and then be resurrected under the influence of some kind of power.

Then it continues to be destroyed by flames.

Then continue the resurrection.

Dozens or even more shrill voices echoed in the corridor, this time it really turned into hell.

"How long will this flame last?" Theseus took a step back.

A trace of fear flashed in his eyes at the flame that looked like a fierce fire.

He suddenly remembered another wizard who could also cast such powerful flames. One of his spells almost destroyed the entire Paris, and his fiancée also died under that person's spell.

"It depends on when they die completely." Dumbledore said calmly.

The sound of the fire still echoed in the corridor.

The dark corridor was finally illuminated by the fire.

Everyone's faces were glowing brown and red against the flames.

Everyone looked in front of them fearfully.

Only Dumbledore's expression remained calm.

Like the Black Lake at Hogwarts, it never makes waves.

What is hidden under the lake is something even more terrifying.

"Seal this place down!" he said.

"It needs to burn for at least a while."

After the words fell, the wizards around him suddenly felt a chill coming to their hearts, but everyone knew it.

This is just a commonplace fact.

The old principal turned around and left here.

Azkaban was not the only one attacked by the undead;

There are other places where he is needed.


The distant skyline sinks into darkness as the sun sets.

Then the neon lights came on.

Natural beams of light are replaced by artificial ones.

The city is still so bright.


This city belongs to Muggles, not wizards.

Paris France!

The hotel where Hermione once stayed welcomed a new guest.

A guest wearing wizard robes.

She knocked on a door.

Then another old woman's voice came from the room.

"Please come in~"

Hearing the sound, the woman in front of the door pushed open the door and entered.

"What's going on? I don't have time for you to waste!" She opened the door without any politeness and said in a questioning tone.

She seemed to be very busy, and she didn't have time to take care of her messy hair. A few strands of hair were falling down from the temples.

After feeling an itchy feeling, she frowned and then moved her hair behind her ears. Then he continued: "There is already chaos outside, are you still in the mood to be here?"

Looking at the neat tea sets on the table, the woman showed a hint of ridicule: "Drinking tea?"

"Chaos?" The old woman showed a completely different relaxed expression from the young woman. "It's better to be chaotic, silly girl."


"No, I can't bear the tea offer from the dignified vice-president of the Wizards Association." The young woman had a fake smile on her face, and a strange and sinister tone of ridicule in her mouth. She waved the folding fan in her hand slightly and looked at her with frivolous eyes. Looking at the person in front of me, he has been a senior official of the Federation for at least sixty years!

"You have made things so bad now that Dumbledore will discover you sooner or later - your conspiracy. Newt has already arrived in Greece. You know, he is Dumbledore's 'vanguard' and will die soon." The secret that has been spread by the attacker cannot be suppressed. For a whole year, sometimes I really admire you. You can suppress the news for so long! Ms. Rozier~"

The woman in front of her was chattering endlessly, but the senior official of the federation was still casual and elegant.

"Don't say it so harshly!" The woman from the Rozier family was full of elegance. She had a smile on her lips, as if she were talking about daily family matters. "Why do dead people spread on a large scale? The federation doesn’t know either, we just used a little authority to let this matter be discovered a year later. From this point of view, our plan still failed, at least two months in advance.”

"I have to find something for Dumbledore to do."

"You seem to 'hate' Dumbledore?" The young woman sat on the sofa with her legs crossed and said in a nonchalant manner.

"Hate? No, no, no, how can we hate the greatest white wizard in the world? Under his 'wise' leadership, the Federation's powers have continued to decline. At the beginning of this century, the Federation could still hold countries accountable The Ministry of Magic has even forced all countries to do so, but what about now? The Federation is just about to become the mouthpiece of all countries."

"I don't resent him at all!"

"Your expression is almost going to eat him up!" A flash of coldness and anger quickly flashed in the young woman's eyes. She covered it up very well. It was just a moment, and soon her face glowed with laziness again. posture.

"So your support plan"

"Look, you are wrong again." Rozier showed a funny face again. She picked up the black tea on the table, gently blew away the steam, took a sip and said, "I'm just going with the flow."

"The Federation needs an enemy, an enemy that can make all countries fear it, because only in this way will the short-sighted guys stick together for warmth and think of the Federation!

Since Grindelwald failed, we have been looking for a new partner. At first we thought it might be my little niece who betrayed the Rozier family. She has followed Grindelwald for so long, whispering and watching, and will become his successor. People take things for granted.

To this end, we have given her considerable support and hope that she can take the lead. Unfortunately, betrayal never learns loyalty, and she and her subjects escaped from the Norwegian Ministry of Magic's Aurors, killing several of our people. "

She took a sip of black tea and continued: "Later we thought it would be Tom Riddle. When he was at the peak of his power, the Federation remained silent. This was to deliberately indulge him in the hope that he would grow up and spread the war to Europe!

It's a pity that stupid half-breed bastard's vision is too narrow. We expended a lot of energy, but he only focused on the tiny land of England. He completely forgot about the help provided by the Federation when he traveled around the world.

Fourteen years ago, that idiot was finally defeated by Dumbledore.

The magical world has once again lost the power of 'darkness'.

As a last resort, we can only turn our attention to Nurmengard and hope that Grindelwald can make a comeback. "

"Did you let Grindelwald go on purpose?" The young woman's eyes flashed with trembling, her face full of disbelief.

"Wrong again!" Rozier smiled slightly.

"Nurmengard is the fortress he built. How can his fortress bind its owner?"

"We just told him some news from the outside world, about the miserable days of his followers."

“After that, it’s just a matter of waiting for time to ferment.”

"A profound strategy, a design that sees through people's hearts, you! You are truly worthy of being in this position." The young woman's cheek twitched slightly, as if she was about to deform.

But in the end she still endured it.

Then he said with a smile on his face.

"Don't say that, everyone adds fuel to the fire, and of course I have a little effort. After all, Dumbledore is not easy to deal with. Master Legilimency, you need to know a little bit about Occlumency."

"Am I right, Miss Tonks?"

"Tonks? Who is that?" The young woman looked at Rozier calmly, her expression not changing at all.

"So, you need to know some Occlumency, little girl. Although you are born an Animagus, which can transform you into anyone, your mind cannot be transformed.

Your appearance here has made Dumbledore suspicious of me? "

Tonks' face gradually turned cold. The old witch in front of her was right.

Dumbledore did have doubts about her.

But she didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a Legilimency master.

Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier. How could someone who could hide behind Dumbledore for so long be a mediocre person?

"Hmph!" Tonks sneered.

Of course she was not unprepared if she came rashly!

In the room, the Auror responsible for the president's security quickly drew out his wand when he saw this - but before they could even utter a single spell, the door was suddenly knocked open. The person who came was a man with a missing leg, dark gray hair, and a face. On the scarred old man.

He is definitely not as old as Dumbledore!

But whether it's his strange magic eyes or his dry hair, he has a layer of old rotten wood.

"I told you, you should have learned that spell a long time ago." Mad-Eye Moody broke in and slammed his cane-like wand on the ground. Then the two people were knocked out and fell into the wall. between.

The wall seemed to come alive, with the bricks and stones interconnecting with each other, locking the two of them tightly!

"If you can learn Occlumency, combined with your Animagus abilities, you will become the best Auror!"

"Okay, I got it, don't act like a mother-in-law whenever we meet!" Tonks pulled out her wand and fired several anti-Apparition spells at the woman who was about to run away.

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