I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 186 Voldemort: No, I have become a dream master.

From the dark shadows, a tall and thin wizard with a long silver-white beard, wearing a black traveling cloak and a pair of black boots walked out.

Faced with countless wands attacking Owen.

Dumbledore instantly apparated behind him, pointed the Elder Wand in the air, and a huge rose-shaped stance reappeared.

After dispelling all the spells, he waved his wand again.

In the shadows, the collapsed stone bridge seemed to be resurrected. The stones turned into body-devouring beasts, swallowing the Death Eaters on the broken bridge one by one, and pinning them to the ground.

On the other side, Voldemort once again threw the killing curse at Owen.

But this time, the strange wizard stood in front of Owen, like a wand in the shape of a dead branch, lighting up the magical light like an edelweiss.

"Sanchez Force Field!!!"


The visitor looked at the crazy young man proudly.

His cold, heterochromatic eyes shone with the residual power of a powerful man from a great era.

Cold and deadly.

Brutal yet charming.

"Grindelwald!!!" Voldemort yelled crazily as the killing curse was deflected once again. His bloodthirsty eyes kept looking at Owen and Grindelwald.

That look made him want to eat them alive.

At this time, Owen, who is sandwiched between the two greatest wizards in the world today, is happy.

But when Dumbledore took his eyes away from the wizards who suddenly appeared, turned around, and his blue eyes fell on Grindelwald.

Owen felt that he was a little ungrateful, and the size of this light bulb was a bit exaggerated.

His grandfather seemed to feel the eyes behind him.

After looking at Voldemort with disdain, he also turned around.

The two of them just stood there, as if all words were left unsaid.

Um - At this moment, Owen wanted to sing a song: Ah~ It's obviously a movie about three people, but I still can't have a name.


It's time for me to quit.

"You look a little tired." Finally, Grindelwald broke the silence and said calmly.

"Yes, during this period." The corners of Dumbledore's mouth raised unconsciously and then quickly fell back. The look in his blue eyes behind his half-moon eyes was both nostalgia and sadness.

He quickly broke away from the response.

Because Grindelwald in front of him looked very tired.

Even more tired than him!

"Gellert!" Dumbledore called. He could guess from the news everywhere that his old friend was traveling around the world.

The old principal was a little unclear, whether he had encountered any trouble or was planning something.

If it's the former, then he's willing to contribute.

if the latter one.

Then, it's time for him to get Newt back.

Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore.

The two looked at each other.

But it gave a certain single dog on the roadside a heavy psychological trauma.

Voldemort glared, feeling humiliated.

He waved his wand frantically, and terrible spells poured out towards the two of them.

Just like a child trying to attract the attention of adults.

Naturally, the two greatest wizards in the world did not tolerate him, and the battle quickly changed from one-on-one to two-on-one.



The scene was very cruel.

A certain couple not only caused tons of magical damage to Voldemort while playing mixed doubles, but also caused irreparable mental damage.

On the other side, inside the castle.

The little wizards who were watching this wizarding showdown of the century craned their necks one by one, trying to imprint this scene in their minds.

Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Voldemort.

These three names almost symbolize some of the most powerful wizards in the world today.

The showdown between them.

Not seen once in a hundred years.

But compared to other little wizards, he looked a little more excited.

Harry's face looked pale.

He felt like his head was going to explode. His scar had never hurt so much.

Harry gasped, his heart pounding.

A strange, terrifying thought spread into his head.

When he looked at Dumbledore and Grindelwald, boundless anger and resentment arose in his heart.

He was startled and didn't understand why he had such thoughts.

It was as if he was fighting against those two great wizards.

"Harry, are you okay!"

Hermione was the first to notice his abnormality.

Harry's cheeks were covered with fine sweat, and the sweat beads on his forehead dripped across his cheeks and fell to the ground. His face was pale, his whole body was twitching, and he looked extremely weak.

Hermione thought he was going to pass out.

"No—" he said, "I don't know."

"My scar hurts! It's never hurt like this."

"Would you like to go see Madam Pomfrey?" Hermione thought he was sick.

It must be a fever. She knows how uncomfortable her head feels when she has a fever.

She had prepared a whole host of pick-me-ups for this purpose.

Of course, these potions were actually what she used to stay up late.

"No! I can't leave!" Harry was trembling all over, and his body was as wet as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"I should go up and help! He - killed my parents, I want to avenge them, I want it." He looked at Sirius, Moody and Professor McGonagall dealing with the attacks of the remaining Death Eaters.

Every time a streak passed by Sirius's side, his heart would twitch hard.

He was so scared. He was afraid that Sirius would die here today, and he was even more afraid that his companions would be injured.

A restless spirit tormented him, forcing Harry to do something!

"No~ Harry, you are crazy, that is the mysterious man, Voldemort. And we can't defeat those crazy Death Eaters!" Hermione looked at Harry in disbelief with her eyes wide open, although Gryffindor Most of the time, Duoduo has no brains, but at this time, don't cause any more trouble to Dumbledore and the others.

"You're wrong Hermione!" Harry covered his scar with one hand and held his wand with the other. "Maybe we can't defeat Voldemort now, but what about his servants!"

"I saw it. They only know a few magics. It's no big deal. They just need to avoid the killing curse. They are not as intense as the training Owen gave me." Harry said confidently.

The heat burned his mind.

Harry Potter no longer wants to hide behind the oak doors of Hogwarts.

Gryffindor should act like a proud knight.

So what if someone mistook him for Don Quixote!

The great Gryffindor is never afraid of sacrifice!

Death does not belong to Gryffindor! ! !


Hermione looked shocked?

Where did you get the confidence to think that Death Eaters are no match for Owen?

Although - it seems that the magic spells they use are just like that. Putting aside the Unforgivable Curse, they really can't see how powerful it is, but after all, they are dark wizards who have gone through countless bloody battles, and they are not like them. It can be compared to a group of little wizards fighting in school to get by.

"Harry~" she called.

Just as he spoke, he was interrupted by Harry.

"Ron, what do you say?" Harry turned to look at Ron on the other side.

"Me?" Little Ron looked scared.

Both Harry and Hermione were born in the Muggle world, and they did not have the kind of fear of Voldemort growing up.

Which wizard born in the magical world is really not afraid of Voldemort?

Besides Dumbledore?

"Like a man, Ron!!!" Harry scolded loudly.

The dodge in Ron's eyes just now made him feel angry.

Shame on Gryffindor.

"But that's the mysterious man. Me~"

"Fuck You-Know-Who." Harry, who was tortured by multiple mental states, suddenly lost control of his emotions. He stared, with the same scarlet light as Voldemort flashing in his eyes, "You are an executioner, a murderer, and a coward. , if he is really as fearless as he said, why didn't he dare to face Dumbledore."

"Why is he so afraid of death!"

Harry gasped.

Then he said with firm eyes: "And I have never been afraid of death. I was no longer afraid of death when I was in the first grade!"

Say it! He mustered up his courage, raised his wand, and was the first to jump out through the gap in the oak door.

Shouting loudly: "I want to avenge my parents!!!"

Then a scarlet curse surged out from the tip of his wand, "Expelliarmus!"

"Avada Kedavra!!!"

Voldemort, who was fighting Dumbledore and Grindelwald, had already noticed Harry when he cast the disarming spell.

He also returned the killing curse!

Then two lights met in the sky.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared.

Harry's wand vibrated as if it was electrified, and he clutched it tightly, unable to let go even if he wanted to. A thin beam of light connected the two wands, neither red nor green, but It's dazzling gold.

Harry looked along the beam in surprise and saw that Voldemort's pale and slender fingers were also holding a trembling wand.

Then completely caught off guard, Harry felt his feet leave the ground, and both he and Voldemort rose into the air, the two wands still connected by the flickering golden thread.

"what happened?"

The little wizards looked at this scene in surprise.

That was Harry Potter - he was actually confronting Voldemort.


How can this be!

"Harry!" Hermione rushed out desperately.

She raised her wand, wanting to interrupt or save Harry who was floating in the air.

But before the wand could be raised, a stopper sounded, "Wait, Miss Granger."

It's Dumbledore, and his half-moon glasses reveal wisdom.

It only took him a moment to see through the essence of the curse.

Flashback spell!

"That child is destined to become the hero who defeats Voldemort." Grindelwald said calmly.

A few fragments of the future flashed in his heterochromatic pupils.

As a prophet, he has seen everything.

If it weren't for the invisible entanglement with Dumbledore, he shouldn't be like this.

"Yes, this ending has been doomed since Tom foolishly chose the Potters thirteen years ago." Dumbledore said calmly.

And above the sky.

The golden thread connecting Harry and Voldemort suddenly cracked, but the two wands were still tightly connected, and thousands of arcs of light appeared above Harry and Voldemort.

Arcs of light intertwined around them, forming a domed golden net, a cage of light.

Harry could see the shock in Voldemort's red eyes.

I am not much different from him.

He was also shocked by the current scene.

At this moment, suddenly a burst of fairy music sounded, which emanated from every thread of the vibrating light network around Harry and Voldemort.

Harry could tell that it was the elegy of the phoenix.

In Europe, the legend of the Phoenix has been circulating on this continent.

The story of nirvana and rebirth in the flames symbolizes the next stage of life and rebirth.

The next second, Voldemort's wand let out a scream of pain.

The echoes continued, and then - in his crimson startled eyes, a figure made of thick smoke emerged with his wand.

Next came many others.

Very many people.

In the smoke, the head first formed, then the arms, and then the body.

A smoke that looked like a soul kept coming out of Voldemort's wand.

Until, a young woman with long hair appeared. She had an amazing appearance and gentle eyes. Harry just took one look and knew who that person was.

"Mom~" Harry looked at his mother's face, his arms shaking violently.

"Harry——" Lily called his name softly, and then said with a gentleness far beyond ordinary people: "You have grown up."

Then, another person came out of the wand, a tall man with shaggy hair.

James Potter.

He fell to the ground as gently as his wife.


On the side, Sirius, who was fighting the Death Eaters, looked back and looked at the man in disbelief.

It was exactly the same appearance as the friend he remembered.

"Are you back?" His voice trembled slightly.

After escaping a petrification spell, he immediately rushed over.

He was even more excited than Harry.

Her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

However, his hug was not responded to, but passed straight through.

Cold, cold.

It's like walking through a ghost in a castle.

"I'm sorry~" Sirius was shocked at first, and then began to apologize non-stop, "I'm too arrogant, I'm too conceited, I shouldn't have let that bastard Peter become your secret keeper, it's all my fault."

"You know, I won't blame you for this." James looked at his old friend with an expression on his face.

They are best friends.

They were close, having made the acquaintance of him on his first day at Hogwarts.

"Take care of him, take care of Harry, Sirius." He said leisurely, then turned to look at Dumbledore.

"Stop him."

Voldemort roared crazily.


"I will." The old principal nodded solemnly.

Then Harry reached his limit, and the golden thread suddenly broke.

Then, in an instant, all the ghosts present rushed to Voldemort.

During their lifetime, they were either trampled to death in a humble way, or they resisted heroically.

Or they simply don’t know why they were killed. Some souls just don’t belong to wizards, but to Muggles.

But this moment. No one is afraid of him anymore.

No one was afraid of Voldemort.

After death, everyone found their courage.

"Get away!"

Voldemort, whose vision was obscured by the ghost smoke, roared crazily.

But this doesn't help.

In the end, he had to run away in despair again after casting a terrible spell.

There was no trace of him among the snowflakes in the dark night.

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