I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 210 I love Slytherin as much as Voldemort loves his hair

The chatty Irving is online again.

He rambled a lot.

After talking for a long time, all the words seemed to be good.

But for some words, you can't just listen to the surface, you have to listen to the underlying meaning.

What Mrs. Scamander.

What are also four colleges.

What a rapport.

From the beginning to the end, he only meant one thing, and that was that Hogwarts was better than you, Ilvermorny. If you want to marry a wife, you might want to consider your school.

This simple meaning can be heard by even the Weasley twins on the side, not to mention Mr. Basil, who is a member of the Federation.

Although the two brothers didn't know what Owen was entangled with this strange wizard, it was enough that Hogwarts was awesome.

As long as you brag about our Hogwarts, then you are our Weasley half-brother.


Mr. Basil's face grew darker and darker, and he was so angry that he was still in the mood to eat.

"Now that I have handed over the vice-president's belongings, then - it's time for me to leave."

After that, he turned around and walked out of the auditorium.

I didn’t even bring my head back.

"Hey! Mr. Basil, please finish your meal before leaving!"

"Do you know the way out of Hogwarts?"

"I suggest you go directly to the Hogsmeade Village Reconstruction Office at the foot of the mountain. There is a floo network of the Ministry of Magic there that can lead to London. Don't go wrong. It's the red house, not the white one next to it. ."

"The white house is the toilet."

Owen shouted kindly.

In the distance, Mr. Basil's footsteps were getting faster and faster.

"Owen, what bad thing have you done again!" Professor McGonagall looked at Mr. Basil's retreating back with a serious face. She didn't understand what conflict the two men had.

But it's obvious that this kid has definitely taken a liking to it.

"No professor, I saved a meal for the school!" Owen spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

Eat eat eat!

Eat you big-headed ghost!

If you still want to eat without paying, go and eat your northwest wind.

"And to popularize history a little bit for some uneducated, arrogant kid."

After that, he turned his head, opened his arms, and returned to the auditorium like a hero.

On the Gryffindor bench, Harry and the others had already noticed what happened in front of the Great Hall. When Owen came over, Hermione immediately asked: "What's wrong? What does Professor McGonagall want from you? Who is the wizard who just left?"


Owen sat down again, then turned to look at Hermione, "Miss Granger, are you going to investigate the household registration? Ask everything!"

As he said that, he turned his head and smiled cruelly at her, "Knowing too much is not good for your health."

"." Hermione rolled her eyes at him, damn it - she knew too much was bad for her health.

"Owen." Luna's head popped up, her eyes shining brightly, and an ethereal voice came, "What happened."

Hearing the sound, he immediately changed his face again, his expression as harmonious as the rising sun melting the snow in the early spring.

He ran a hand through his hair.

The hair that has covered her eyes is messy, but it has an unusually sinister beauty.

Plus that face that perfectly inherited the Rozier family's advantage in appearance.

It can be said that there is no one better looking than him in the entire Hogwarts.

Unless Irving changes his identity and dresses as a woman

"A federation official with little knowledge, no history of the country, short-sightedness, and arrogance sent me a family tree."

"It's that simple."

"Family tree?" The people around were stunned.

"Yes, family tree."

"Otherwise, I didn't get anything else, but I got a great nephew for nothing." After saying that, Owen suddenly had a profound look on his face. He patted Harry on the shoulder and said with an old-fashioned tone and frivolous eyes. , "Uncle me this time! I really become an uncle."

"From now on, uncle, I will protect you in all three parts of Hogwarts!"

"???" Harry shook Owen's hand off his shoulder rebelliously.

Then he said angrily: "That's enough Owen, what uncle, Sirius never promised to be your brother."

He even foolishly asked Sirius about this matter.

He was thinking that maybe Sirius had been in Azkaban for too long, lonely, helpless and bored, and if Owen's mouth made him happy, what if they really called each other brothers?

Now that I think about it, I must have looked like an idiot for asking this question.

"I, Owen Sanchez, never lie!" Owen emphasized again, "I just looked at the family tree of the Rozier family, and they were indeed married to the Black family. You know, your dog's godfather is horribly low. , unfortunately, my mother and his mother are of the same generation. Do you think I am your uncle?

And in this way, Bella and Malfoy's mother turned out to be my cousin.

I'm still Malfoy's uncle. Owen touched his chin and thought for a while.

It's not just Harry and Malfoy.

And Ron, Neville and the others.

His uncle's identity suddenly became popular in this generation.

The uncle of Hogwarts belongs to him.

"What?" Harry's eyes widened.

Looking at Owen in disbelief.

No way.

"If there is anything to doubt, the family tree is here. You can take it and look at it." As he said that, he took out the folded family tree from his pocket.

"I'll show you right then and there."

After a few minutes, the dazed little wizard had to admit.

Everything Owen said was true.

He wouldn't fake a family tree just to take advantage.


Does he really not know how?

No way!

——The happy time in the afternoon is always so short.

Soon it was time for the first class in the afternoon.

Harry and the others went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class on the fourth floor.

As for Owen, he, Hannah, Justin, and Susan moved reluctantly down the stairs to the dungeon potions classroom.

Hmmmm - a good mood for the day ends with potions class.

As soon as they pushed the door open and entered, they saw Snape standing gloomily on the podium.

"Hmph." Snape looked at them with disgust, and then said indifferently: "Ten points for Hufflepuff."

"You are late. This class has already started ten minutes ago."


have to!

It's time to say goodbye to the Half-Blood Prince again.

"Professor, it's not half past two yet."

"Another five points from Hufflepuff." Snape said coldly, "Don't ask any questions before I agree."

Hannah, who was behind Owen, stopped him by the hem of his clothes and told him to stop talking.

But can Owen do it?

If he could, he wouldn't be called Owen.

So he decisively went up.

"Professor, can I ask a question?" he said.

Hearing the sound, Snape glared at him fiercely, and then uttered one word in a rapid and low voice: "Speak!"

"Professor, can I ask you a question?"


Snape looked at him with a cruel smile on his lips, "Ten points for Hufflepuff."

"Professor, I think you are confused." Owen said bluntly, "The class time is set by the school, but you are still not the principal."

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Let me tell you another obvious fact. If rules are made but not kept, then why do we need rules? If anyone can maliciously tamper with it, then the school will not be in chaos."

Snape, who had transformed into a bat at this time, (his robes were not fluttering in the wind. His aura was impressive.)

"Ten points from Hufflepuff. Don't talk back to the professor, Sanchez. What I say in this classroom is what I say. If you are unhappy, you don't have to come to class."


Sudden happiness?

The frost on Owen's face instantly melted, and the smile on his face bloomed like a flower petal.

"Really? You said that."

After saying that, he turned and left. Without any nostalgia.

"But - malicious truancy will result in expulsion from Hogwarts." Snape's evil voice sounded behind him, and the voice stuck to his feet like an adhesive.


You are awesome!

Owen found a seat and sat down casually.

He has already begun to plan in his mind that when he becomes the principal, he will open a Hogwarts branch in Antarctica, and then send Snee to the southern border to serve as the principal of the branch.

Let him teach Penguin Potions class!

After seeing Owen sitting down, Snape regained his momentum.

But his attitude in this class was a hundred times worse than usual!

Owen really wondered if someone had stolen the portrait of Lily he kept in his drawer.

And he made a swap with James Yuzhao.

Apart from that, he really couldn't imagine why this guy was so angry today?

In the following time, Snape's badness did not diminish at all, and he continued to use harsh and harsh language to comment on the little wizards' holiday homework and IQ one by one.

In his description, their work cannot be said to be useless, but it can also be said to be non-recyclable garbage.

Naturally, their minds cannot be said to be sound. It can only be said that they have a heart - but not much wisdom.

Snape spent a full two-thirds of the entire section communicating with them cordially.

Now you know who Owen learned his oral skills from!

With Professor Severus Snape, the master of satire, he still had a lot to learn.

In the end, Snape burned their homework and asked them to submit a new paper on moonstone next week.

Not less than three feet long.

Haha - three feet.

Have you ever seen Yimi's paper?

Everyone in the class was aggrieved by this.

The little wizard admitted that his homework was toilet paper in the toilet, which was smelly and long.

But don’t you look at what happens over the Christmas holidays either!

Hi! Voldemort came to the door with his Death Eaters, who the hell is still in the mood to do homework.

You can't wait for Voldemort to give you a bunch of green, and you can raise your hands and beg him to let you finish your homework first!

Besides, they still wrote it!

I dare not call this a white roll.

Owen hurriedly 'copied' a copy of Hermione's homework.

Of course - he doesn't feel like he's plagiarizing.

Because he only borrowed about 40% of Hermione's paper.

Why not say that Harry and Ron directly borrowed 60-70%.

And he spent half of his summer vacation sleeping and comatose.

Can you blame him?


After leaving them alone for a while.

Snape divided everyone into teams of two and instructed them to mix a common antidote.

He dragged his black cloak around the classroom and watched them drying nettles and crushing snake fangs.

If there was anything that didn't suit his liking, he would use his standard, long drawl and cold tone and say, "Ten points will be deducted from xxxx College."

All students were criticized.

Several Ravenclaw witches were even made to cry by Snape.

Under his supervision, no one except Owen could successfully complete his potion. Snape deducted a lot of points for everyone, and Hufflepuff was the hardest hit. By the end of Potions class, they had lost almost a hundred points.

"I really don't understand, what on earth does he want to do?"

The ordeal was finally over, and when she went for a walk in the courtyard, Hannah complained to Owen, "He was too unusual today. Even if he targeted us before, he wasn't so bad. Most of the time he only targeted Gryffindors."

"My hands were shaking with fear and I almost threw the porcupine quills into the boiling water." Justin said with lingering fear. He patted his chest and said angrily: "If he hadn't been walking around me, how could I have done it?" Such a stupid mistake would be made.”

"Yeah! Fortunately, your cauldron didn't explode!" Hannah rolled her eyes at him, and then continued to criticize Snape, "Owen was deducted thirty points for stopping you for this."

"Just because he stopped his classmate's crucible from exploding."

"It doesn't matter~" Owen didn't care at all.

Yes, he doesn't care.

Then he gritted his teeth and patrolled the corridor with a vicious green light in his eyes, "Let him dunk it!"

"I think he dunks faster or I dunk faster!"

"Dude, he's still the president of the student union!"

After that, he suddenly noticed that in the entrance hall and the corridor behind the fountain statue, there were two men and women from the Snake Garden, hugging each other and doing something that was forbidden to be written.

Hannah blushed instantly and turned her head away.

Justin was also a little embarrassed, but his eyes did not leave for a second.

Like a studious student, learning advanced experiences.

And Owen.

He jumped directly and pounced on it like a hungry wolf hunting prey.

The magic wand in his hand instantly cast a spell.

A petrification spell froze the wizard at the moment he stuck out his tongue.

"In broad daylight, the sky is clear, what are you doing!"

he yelled.

The frightened witch instantly lost all her desire.

She stared blankly at Owen, who was smiling cruelly at them, and her legs felt a little weak.

She wanted to run away, but unfortunately her petrified boyfriend was still holding her tightly, and his petrified body became a chain instead.

"Fifty points from Slytherin!" he yelled.

"In addition, you two write a three-foot paper on rebuilding the ethics of professors at Hogwarts, and hand it to - um - Professor Black of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at the end of this month! If he doesn't give it to you, Just rewrite it for me!”

Owen roared happily.

And at the moment when he said Blake.

Finally realized.

Why did that guy Snape take the wrong medicine today?

"I know." He dropped a word, turned around and ran back to Hannah.

The poor Slytherin girl was left petrified, with her tongue hanging out, and even her saliva was frozen.

"It must be Sirius. He probably had a fight with Snape yesterday! And Snape hasn't won yet! Otherwise, he wouldn't be so perverted today!"

After saying that, he immediately ran towards the auditorium.

He had a hunch that he would have fun watching it immediately.


In the corridors of Hogwarts, Owen didn't stop making his angry voice as he ran past.

Knowing the reason didn't mean he would let the Slytherins go.

"What's wrong with your appearance? You are not allowed to dye your hair at Hogwarts. Ten points will be deducted from Slytherin." A blond-haired snake girl stared blankly at Owen whizzing by.

"What are you doing! Making a lot of noise! ​​You have no quality at all. Ten points from Slytherin."

"You - although there is nothing wrong with you, it is rude not to say hello to the seniors when you see them. Ten points will be deducted!"

After successfully making a first-year Snake House freshman cry.

Owen received justice from Hannah.

Then reluctantly, he added the ten points back.

Then he deducted twenty points from another fourth-year Slytherin who was gloating at the side.

——Wait until they return to the auditorium.

As soon as I walked in, I realized that something was not quite right about the atmosphere here.

Harry seemed to be confronting a group of Slytherin seniors.

The auditorium was clearly divided into two halves, one half was Slytherin headed by Harry.

One is Slytherin, headed by Gemma Farley (prefect).

"What are you doing, what are you doing!"

He stood at the door of the auditorium, his hands on his waist.

"I'll beat him up because he's unhappy! Look! What's so good about it! Can you scratch that damn poite's skin?"

Owen scolded the Slytherins.

"What annoys you the most is that you don't do anything and only force Lai Lai. Beat him! You should beat him instead!"

He was in high spirits.

His eyes were venomous.

Wherever he looked, no little wizard dared to look at him.

"Owen!" Hermione puffed her cheeks and walked towards him.

"Can you please stop fanning the flames?"

"I'm fanning the flames. Do you understand that I'm purging the fire? Purging the fire!"

"Blinally suppressing will only lead to greater conflicts. Reasonable fighting is good for physical and mental health. Of course, whoever dares to raise his hand to curse, I will definitely break him into eight pieces!"

"What's wrong, how was your Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" He changed his voice and talked about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Not good, I think Sirius is a bit extreme."

"It's awesome!" Ron came over at this time, "This is simply the most exciting class I've ever had at Hogwarts. You don't even know what Malfoy's face looks like. It's as uncomfortable as eating a dung ball. Haha - he deducted more than a hundred points from Slytherin. More than a hundred points!!!"

"Sirius deducted points indiscriminately, and many Slytherin wizards had points deducted by him without making any mistakes. He shouldn't be like this." Hermione glared at Ron, "He should be like Professor McGonagall. Serious and fair.”

"Come on! Look how Snape treats us!" Ron said disdainfully, "There should be a professor on our side!"

"Sirius is the best Hogwarts professor I have ever encountered!"

"Well - except for Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall."

"What do you think, Owen?" Hermione looked at Owen, hoping to get acknowledgment from her mouth.


"Snape just deducted over a hundred points from our Hufflepuffs, what do you want me to say?"

"Let Sirius keep up the good work?"

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