I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 213 Chaos in every sense.

————A group of mysterious men in black robes appeared in the Scottish Highlands. More than four wizarding families suffered varying degrees of attacks - "Daily Prophet"

——Westminster urgent, the cathedral is on fire, suspected to be the work of a mad wizard. Please note that if such an emotionally unstable wizard appears around you, he may bring harm to the entire community. Disaster, contact the Ministry of Magic, we will rush to the scene as soon as possible - "Wizard Weekly"

——It’s a dementor. Dementors attacked wizards. Today, a large number of Muggles on the eastern coastline were attacked by dementors. The Ministry of Magic still chooses to be indifferent to this dark creature that has become out of control. We have reasons. I believe this is Barty Cratchit's means to establish a centralized rule. He is a ruthless person. He has no heart. He is a puppet planted by the fire elf - "The Quibbler"

——The Golden Hall of the Ministry of Magic was attacked and the magic fountain was damaged. Shockingly, the attacker was not a dark wizard, but an employee of the Ministry of Magic. He claimed that he could no longer stand the endless overtime and the deduction of hair. Salary, if Voldemort can change all this, then he welcomes him back, it is learned that the wizard is a pure-blood wizard. — Rita Skeeter Briefing.

——The Ministry of Magic announced the expulsion of the wizard and charged him with damaging public property. The Wizengamot trial will take place three days later. To be honest, the Wizengamot is full of people from Barty Cratchit. This kind of trial is just like sending Sirius, the hero of the wizarding world, to Azkaban. It is hard to believe who is serving whom in this institution. — Rita Skeeter Briefing.

——General strike, the craziest thing since March, the Wizengamot trial smells worse than my grandma's foot wraps. I can't believe what is going on in the heads of those high-ranking MPs, Only gold galleons? The hero of the rebellion was found guilty and sentenced to six months in Azkaban, the most disgusting thing of all. The employees of the Ministry of Magic launched a general strike over this.

Several departments, including the Department for the Protection and Management of Magical Creatures, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, the Department of Magical Transport, the Department of Mysteries, and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, have announced a government shutdown.

"This strike will have no end until Barty Crouch stops oppressing his employees."

Cheers to our heroes.

--Rita Skeeter, "The Daily Prophet"

————The disasters in recent days have affected the life and property safety of most wizards. The British Wizards Personal Insurance Company is now launching a new business-Wizard First Aid Team. You can enjoy it for only 15 Galleons per month. After professional Auror-trained medical personnel form a trauma team, no matter how fierce the war, they will protect your life and your property rain or shine. For details, please contact the store address - No. 2077 Diagon Alley.

Recommended by Rita Skeeter.


Over the past few days, all kinds of alarmist news bombarded the little wizards' nerves in turn.

This is a carnival for rumormongers.

The newspapers were filled with doubts, quarrels, and agitation.

Truth, lies, conspiracy.

It seems like nothing matters anymore.

Everyone just wanted to find a place to vent, and the Ministry of Magic became the target of public criticism.

Anger brewing beneath the noise. Like a volcano that has been suppressed for a long time, the hot magma will soon burst out.

The chaos in the outside world inevitably affects Hogwarts.

Ron was the first to know.

"Percy has been hired by the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic." That day was the Potions class shared by Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

In the second greenhouse, Owen had just watered the new variety Bai Xian cultivated by Professor Sprout when he and Harry came together.

"What's wrong? Are they short of cannon fodder?" Owen didn't even raise his head, holding a thick parchment in his hand, and then crossed the wooden cabinet full of potted plants to the planting area of ​​biting cabbage.

This plant is not very aggressive when it is immature and has not left the soil.

Of course, it doesn't mind eating meat if you take the initiative to stick your fingers into its big mouth full of fangs.

"You think so too, right?" Ron said while holding a kettle and watering the water. "Many young wizards in seventh grade have received admission letters from the Ministry of Magic. Almost all of them are from the Auror office."

"Do they not care about the little wizard's life at all?" Hermione also heard about this. She squeezed over angrily and said, "You should do something."

She muttered and stared at Owen.

"Me?" Owen put away the parchment in his hand, "I'm not the Minister of Magic."

"You are the president of the Hogwarts Student Union, and you are the only one. You have the power to manage students, even the seventh years who are about to graduate."

"If the little wizards are also offered the same job, what else can I say, give each of them a forgetting spell to make them forget about receiving the acceptance letter?"

"Then we can't let them be cannon fodder!" Ron yelled.

This attracted the attention of other little wizards in the greenhouse.

But after seeing Harry Potter and Owen getting together, no one else dared to say anything.

They can't squeeze into a small circle, so they can always hide if they can.

As for Professor Sprout, she happened to be away from the second greenhouse. She went to get something from the first greenhouse.

Let Owen look at the little wizards.

"Cannon fodder~~~"

Owen sneered.

At least on this matter, Ron was right.

You must know that becoming a qualified Auror is by no means an easy task.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to become an Auror, you must pass 5 N.E.W.T. exams, and the score must not be lower than "Exceeds Expectations" (Level E)

In addition to Defense Against the Dark Arts, N.E.W.T. courses must include any two of Charms, Potions (especially the study of poisons and antidotes), Herbal Medicine and Transfiguration.

So if you want to evaluate divination, Muggle studies, etc. to collect credits, it will definitely not work.

And this is just the beginning.

Next, the Ministry of Magic will conduct three years of training for the young wizard.

It is during this time that the gap between most Aurors and ordinary wizards widens.

Those fatal spells and combat qualities were all developed during this period.

After that, the wizard became a trainee Auror.

Under the leadership of an experienced Auror, you will become a true, independent Auror after performing tasks for several years.

Now, the Ministry of Magic has begun to issue internship positions to seventh-year wizards, which means that they will skip three years of training and directly become trainee Aurors.

Even a fool can see how much water there is in it.

"Such a stupid method of disrespecting the little wizard's life will naturally be strictly prohibited by Professor Dumbledore." Owen really didn't care about this matter.

Unless the old principal was confused, there was no way he would allow his students to step into danger at such a young age.

"I think this is not enough!" Ron said seriously.

Looking at his expression, Owen really thought he was worried about his brother's life.

"We should~" As he said that, he suddenly had an idea.

Then he smiled knowingly at Harry and Hermione.

All that's left is to wait.

After the herbal medicine class.

He rushed to Professor Curses almost non-stop.

There they found Luna and Colin.

Ten minutes later, a carefully crafted hodgepodge of lies and fabricated rumors was published.

It cannot be said that this article is all lies, it is still true, at least the Ministry of Magic does not care about the lives of young wizards.

This is an ironclad fact.

The only difference is that he used some ambiguous words to maliciously speculate on the reason why the Ministry of Magic did this.

Then, with Hermione's contemptuous eyes, they sent the bomb to Luna's father's newspaper.

"The Quibbler"

I believe you will hear a sound soon.

The next day, The Quibbler devoted its front page to reporting on the letter sent by the young wizard.

Title – Despicable, Ministry of Magic seduces ‘confused seventh year’.

Mr. Xenophilius also showed off his self.

The report used a questioning tone, asking whether there was blood seeping under Barty Cratchit's seat. Even if there was not blood now, there would definitely be blood in the future.

Because soon the blood from the little wizard at Hogwarts will overflow in his seat.

Speaking of this, Mr. Xenophilius also turned around and asked Barty Crouch if he hated the little wizard so much because his only son was a Death Eater and died in Azkaban. ?

His psychopathy must have been squeezed out over many years.

Contrast Mr. Xenophilius's more restrained statements in the newspapers.

The next day, when the British wizard saw this newspaper, it was truly rude.

Angry roars drifted into the Ministry of Magic like snowflakes.

People's intense oral gymnastics almost greeted Barty Cratchit's whole family and more than ten generations of his ancestors.

Even his deceased son and wife did not escape the abuse of the angry people.

Some people even speculated that his son would be so rebellious and that joining the Death Eaters was completely forced by his father. As for his wife, it was probably him who killed him in order to cover up the unknown dark history in him.

It has to be said that the wizards' imagination is still good. They have indeed grasped the key. At least one of the above two questions was correct.

But even though the public opinion was raging - it still did not change Barty Crouch's tough stance.

Aurors are still attacking everywhere. At least on the surface, the Ministry of Magic has not made any changes due to the experiences of ordinary wizards.

This made Owen feel strange.

Strictly speaking, Barty Crouch's political wisdom can definitely throw Fudge out of a dozen blocks.

He shouldn't be so stupid and insistent.

But the reality is that he is a little dizzy and still fights hard against enemies who are simply invisible.

In the next few days, Hogwarts returned to calm.

But outside it was like a carnival, falling into endless chaos.

Calls for Barty Crouch to step down are growing.

Even his most loyal followers, the older generation of officials from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Department of International Magical Exchange, have gradually become disappointed with him.

They wanted Dumbledore to step forward.

Take charge of the overall situation.

But the old principal still had no idea about rights.

He just invited Barty Cratchit to Hogwarts again.

The quarrel broke out instantly.

"What the people need is a strong leader, a leader who can lead them out of the quagmire, not a nagging old mother."

"My people have locked the location of those hidden Death Eaters. As long as you give me a little more time, I can completely eliminate them!"

In the principal's office.

Barty Crouch was gloomy, his eyes as sharp as an eagle.

Dumbledore, who was sitting on the chair, looked at him equally seriously. If he hadn't known that the lunatic minister known for his toughness was indeed chasing and intercepting the group of Death Eaters recently, he might have thought that the people in front of him were Death Eaters. Pretend.

Their purpose is to divide the wizards and discredit the Ministry of Magic.

"The current situation is that most innocent wizards are in crisis, and this crisis does not come from Death Eaters at all. I think you should know very well!" Dumbledore said solemnly.

"I gave the Death Eaters nowhere to hide, like rats crossing the street. What if we let down our guard at this time and they escape, plunging the country into eternal turmoil?" Anger was clearly written on Crutchie's face. , he stood up, unwilling to continue discussing this endless topic with Dumbledore.

This month, he has arrived at Hogwarts for the third time.

And only one week has passed this month.

"You are deliberately indulging the current increasingly chaotic situation."

"You think it's chaos, I think it's getting better!"

Cratchit remained indifferent.

He stared at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at him as well.

Both parties know very well what the other party wants.

Barty Cratchit's strategy is actually very simple, that is, the human wave tactic will cause endless trouble to the Death Eaters.

In a society where everyone is their enemy, they will be under maximum pressure.

Aurors, on the other hand, can conserve their strength and use their strong advantage to defeat their opponents at once.

Of course, the premise for this is that countless ordinary wizards will become sacrifices for this cruel indulgence.

Unfortunately, Irving was not present when this dispute occurred. He was tied up by other things.

If he had been there he would have recognized this familiar scene.

Because there was a similar debate in a TV series in his previous life, between officials and the people, whether it was better to save the officials or the people before a disaster.

Barty Crouch gave the answer to this question with his tough attitude.

At least that's what he thought the answer was.

That is to save the officer first.

Make sure the Aurors fight as a priority.

In the short term, this makes sense.

All the elite Aurors were lost in the battle at Hogsmeade. Except for those familiar figures, most of the Aurors were more or less unlucky.

Even a senior Auror like Moody almost lost his life.

After the war, the Ministry of Magic even had to bring back Sethus, a decorated Auror who had retired for more than thirty years. But in the long run, if this chaos continues, eventually the angry wizards will directly overthrow the Ministry of Magic. At present, Barty Crouch can still hold on to his position. In addition to the fact that Aurors are indeed fighting against Death Eaters and have made great achievements, the other biggest reason is that the Malfoy family's insurance company is working at full capacity to provide insurance for the minister. reveal all the details. It's a win-win result for both parties.

Lucius earned a large number of orders, and Barty was supported by the Auror Office with stable Auror disability insurance.

But sooner or later, this kind of Ponzi scheme, which is nothing more than drumming and passing tricks, will no longer be able to continue.

Because Lucius's approach is nothing more than using new insurance orders to compensate for the previous ones. Once the market is saturated, he will soon be unable to hold on.

So no matter what, the time left for the Minister of Magic is probably running out.

Dumbledore knew this, and so did Barty Crouch. This fatal game had better come to an end immediately. Because he had indeed reached his limit anyway.

————The quarrel in the principal’s office continued.

In March, the warm and humid air from the Atlantic finally reached the Scottish Highlands, and the cold air that had controlled Scotland for more than four months was finally driven down to the sea.

Then a piece of good news came from Harry's mouth.

Professor Lupine is discharged from the hospital.

Yes, after two full months of treatment, he finally recovered.

News about him had already been published in newspapers.

Another solid glass of Merlin.

Of course, on a deeper level, Owen noticed that Professor Lupine's mental state was much better when he returned to Hogwarts. You must know that because of his werewolf identity, he would transform every month, which would lead to mental depression and physical weakness. He was extremely weak, and whenever he was almost recovered, there would be another full moon night.

Could it be that werewolves can quickly fill the missing soul?

He was curious.

Then he spent several days following and observing Professor Luping.

Until Sirius was about to think that the child was definitely seriously ill, Professor Lupine finally grabbed Owen and asked him openly and openly what he wanted to do.

That's the covered bridge at the south exit of Hogwarts.

In the distance stands the Owl Tower.

After that, there are towering green mountains, and trickling streams flow through the mountains and merge into the black lake on the other side of the covered bridge.

There is no ripple in silence.

"Professor." The wind carrying strong moisture from the mountains blew slightly coldly on Owen's face, "Have you not turned into a werewolf again?"

He asked directly, completely ignoring the shocked look in Professor Lupine's eyes as he said these words, and the slightly surprised look in Sirius's eyes that soon turned normal.

"When did you find out?" the dog godfather asked calmly, as if he was not surprised that Owen guessed Lupin's true identity.

"Every time Snape teaches Professor Lupine, he always teaches the werewolf chapter. He has already taught that chapter for four classes, for fear that the little wizard will not be able to guess it."

"Damn old Snot, I knew it was him!" Sirius clenched his fists, his handsome face covered with frost.

"It's better to expect him to keep a secret than to expect a pig to climb a tree."

"That's mean, nasty, disgusting."

"That's enough Sirius." Professor Lupine recovered from the shock. He took a deep breath, then looked at Owen and said, "Then are you going to report me?"

"I'm sick! I just want to ask you, how long has it been since you transformed." Owen waved his hand.

At this time, they had walked out of the covered bridge and came to the stone tablet recording Granger's punch to Malfoy.

Looking at Hagrid's hut at the foot of the mountain, Owen had already taken out the parchment.

Like a fanatical scientist, he looked at Professor Lupine with shining eyes, "You recovered so quickly. Does this have something to do with your werewolf identity?"

"This" Professor Lupine was speechless for a moment. He looked at Owen's eyes that were seeking knowledge, and for a moment he didn't know how to evaluate him.

After a while, he replied hesitantly: "Yes, I have indeed not transformed into a werewolf for two months."

"On a full moon night, the body hair will suddenly increase."

"So, it's the soul that affects the body." Owen murmured to himself.

Soul research has always been taboo in the wizarding world. There are very few scholars who have studied him.

But Owen is very interested in it, both Bella before and now Professor Lupin.

The current Professor Lupine has not turned into a werewolf again. This may be because his soul has not yet fully recovered, but some of the werewolf's specialties have appeared in his body. This means that the werewolf blood has not disappeared from him, but has become addicted.

Maybe in time, when he fully recovers, he will turn into a werewolf again every month.

This is a very interesting topic. Perhaps people can cure some diseases by adjusting their souls.

"Interesting is a rare subject." He grinned and stared at Professor Lupine evilly.

And the next second he received the "concern" from Sirius's heart.

"You have this time, why not take care of the little girl named Lavender." The dog godfather raised his lips and looked at Owen teasingly. "I seem to be very interested in you!"

"Don't let me down."

When he mentioned this, Owen's entire face darkened.

Everyone was on guard, looking around, fearing that a blond figure would suddenly appear from any corner.

Here's the thing -

Lavender returned to the castle in February.

She looked more energetic and high-spirited, perhaps due to the influence of the vampire's blood. Her skin became fairer, her figure became slender and thinner, her cheeks became more three-dimensional from the original roundness, and her eyes flickered. Suddenly, there is more evil charm.

To put it simply, this girl has a beautiful face.

There is no time limit for beauty in life.

The huge change in appearance made her become more unscrupulous.

From the first day back at Hogworth, there was a fierce attack on Owen.

The offensive was quite rapid.

Even Hannah, who had stood firm for two years and was known as an iron wall, was defeated.

Because Lavender is more relaxed than the opponents he encountered before.

What she had encountered before was nothing more than sending love letters, secretly adding some love potion to Owen's tea cup, or doing the next best thing to find Professor Sprout to help build bridges.

In short, this is a British magic school, not an American magic school. The children in Old London are still relatively reserved.

At most, it's just a confession in public.

But not Lavender. Not only did she dare to express her feelings in public, she even dared to push Owen down in public.

This frightened Owen to death.

Thinking about his past and present lives combined for decades, he was still a pure person.

pure boy

Where have you ever seen this scene?

But the battlefield is always changeable, and things soon took a turn for the better, and another player was forced to participate.

That's Hermione.

Let me state in advance that Hermione has absolutely no objection to Lavender's various confessions, and she doesn't care who is always surrounding Owen.

He would be with whomever he wanted to be with. (gritting teeth)

The reason why she joined the battlefield was because Lavender, who was in the same dormitory with her, felt that every time she failed to encircle Owen, there must be a "traitor" who betrayed her.

The number one suspect naturally fell on Hermione.

In this regard, Hermione was busy reading through Owen's book "Ancient Alchemy Revealed". Her eyes were red, with thick dark circles and smoky makeup, and her hair was fluffy as if she had been electrocuted. Her mind was filled with questions.

She really wanted to point at Lavender's nose and ask her if her eyesight wasn't working properly and she couldn't see how busy she was.

Unfortunately, no matter how she explained it, Lavender fell in love alone and couldn't listen to a single word.

The noisy two almost came to blows when they met.

Owen listened to Hannah and Neville listened to Ron saying that she hadn't been seen in Gryffindor Tower for a week.

Sleeping is no longer in the dormitory.

Finally it was Luna who told him that Hermione had moved into the Room of Requirement.

She plans to read the book thoroughly before publishing it

"When she eats it all, I'll graduate!" said a little black guy hiding in the lounge eating dinner.

Because he couldn't guarantee that those cups on the Hufflepuff table were stained with love potion.

Several unlucky people fell into this trap.

There are several girls among them

Professor McGonagall was so angry that she severely deducted Lavender's points and put her in solitary confinement.

But this didn't seem to affect the little girl's enthusiasm.

Every day I still jump back and forth near Teacher Miao’s bottom line.

Don’t take medicine randomly

I have lived for more than 20 years, and for the first time I discovered that I was allergic to something.

I'm actually allergic to ibuprofen.

Absolutely, I have that kind of rash all over the back of my hands. Red spots, like mosquito bites.

I was so shocked that I quickly stopped taking the medicine.

Now I rely solely on a hand of awe-inspiring righteousness to hypnotize and cool down.

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