I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 215 Chores at the end of the semester

"It's great to be young and still feel the hurt of love."

At some point, Dumbledore appeared in the corridor of the infirmary.

He had his hands folded together, his gray beard was bound by a silk thread, and he was wearing the light blue robe that was elegant and meaningful.

Owen had never seen Dumbledore dressed like this.

You know, the old principal likes colorful clothes the most.

What he often wears is his purple wizard robe.

Such an elegant robe, something only Gandalf would wear.

It seems that Principal Dumbledore was greatly influenced by the white-robed swordsman!

——The last time he was at the Black ancestral home, he was shocked that the old headmaster actually carried the Sword of Gryffindor with him.

"Oh! I should have said hello before coming in," he said.

"You've already come in, Professor." Owen stared at the principal like an old naughty boy angrily.

"That's right." The old principal blinked mischievously, and then walked towards the hospital bed step by step.

"You have to admit, she is really a very good witch." The old principal leaned on the bed and looked at Hermione lying on the bed. "Probably the best witch to ever come out of Hogwarts."

"It only took more than two months to write a simple book on the principles of alchemy."

"Two months?" Owen was stunned.

"Headmaster, you always have some privileges." Dumbledore smiled at him.

At this moment, Owen suddenly remembered the looking glass placed in the principal's office - it couldn't even see what happened in the Room of Requirement!

"But, I must say, the time turner is a very dangerous magic item." The principal said calmly, "I originally thought you would use it for good, Owen."

"When you hold it, you become responsible for it."

"Whether it's you or her, you are responsible."

The old principal said slowly.

Then he waved his hand.

From the inner pocket of Hermione's robe, a funnel-like magical item appeared in his hand.

He held the time turner in his hand, felt the exquisiteness in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh: "Time is the most fascinating thing, but it is also the most dangerous."

"You have to manipulate it carefully and not be manipulated by time."

At this time, Madam Pomfrey finished feeding the potion.

Owen laid Hermione down straight again.

Then at the invitation of Professor Dumbledore. The two walked out of the school medical room together.

What she needs is rest.

I am of no use here.

When he just stepped out of the door of the infirmary, he saw many Gryffindor wizards rushing over.

Harry and Ron were among them, and they wanted to visit Hermione.

But these requests were ruthlessly rejected by Madam Pomfrey.

In the school infirmary, Madam Pomfrey had the absolute right to speak. Even Dumbledore smiled secretly and shook his head helplessly.

Unable to resist, Harry and the others sighed and agreed to visit again tomorrow morning.

As for Owen, he walked with Principal Dumbledore in the corridors of the South End of Hogwarts.

Under the moonlight.

The marble on the floor was as shiny as if it had been waxed, clearly reflecting the figures of the two people.

The magnificent entrance hall is occupied by a shrub called mistletoe.

There is greenery everywhere.

This makes people sigh, spring has indeed arrived.

"You know? It took me a long time to understand a simple truth." Professor Dumbledore said leisurely, looking at the mountains in the distance through his half-moon glasses. They were standing on the covered bridge between the auditorium, castle and observatory tower. superior. This is one of the best places to view Hogwarts, with the Black Lake below you and a waterfall behind you. A stream of water gushes out from the cracks in the rocks. It seems to have been going on for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. Years long.

"The real magic, the truly precious things, are all around us." A trace of visible pain flashed in his eyes, "Don't let the people who love us the most get hurt, Owen, you have to remember, having a time turner doesn't mean It means you get a second chance. What happened can never be changed."

His thoughts were as complicated as the look in his eyes at this moment, and the appearance of his sister seemed to appear in the old principal's mind. Over the years, the girl's appearance has become blurry.

But the deep-rooted pain and regret are like words carved into stone, still clear after thousands of years.

Finally, the scenery in the distance no longer seemed to attract his attention so much.

He turned his attention to Owen again.

He took off his glasses, his blue eyes sparkling, and he felt love ripples in his heart as he looked at the child in front of him who once looked similar to him when he was young.

Dumbledore reached out, touched Owen's head, and said calmly, "You've grown taller."

"I don't know when, you have become a little adult." He said.

"You are in your prime. Miss Granger is a good girl. Maybe you should give it a try and feel some love."

A smile spread across his cheeks, and it really seemed like Owen's relative, his grandfather, was speaking affectionately.

"Me?" Owen was stunned for a moment.

Then, he stared at the professor with an expression he was accustomed to, and said indifferently: "Love is just a chemical reaction of animal reproduction. It makes people dizzy at first, and then slowly subsides. Life should focus on sublimating oneself, Focus on magic.”

"Really?" Dumbledore smiled, "Then why did you show up in the Gryffindor common room?"


"When I learned about your mother, I knew that you would become a good person. This is something I have never doubted. Like Harry, your body also contains the most precious thing in the world, which is love. , a great and selfless mother protects you, and this love naturally affects you, which may be why you are not affected even though you often use black magic."

Hearing the sound, Owen was silent.

He was tired of Dumbledore's suggestion that love was the magic weapon for everything.

He doesn't like this kind of thing that can't be grasped. Even if his body is full of traces of love, if he doesn't like it, he just doesn't like it.

After a while, he raised his head again, looked at Dumbledore, and a smile appeared on his cheeks, "Professor——"

"You and Nicoléme should not communicate by owl letter. He is confused and sometimes sends mail to the wrong address."

The gentle wind came from a distance, rippling the black lake with bits of silver gray. It blew Dumbledore's beard and Owen's black hair.

Owen responded to him, "I know. Death is just the beginning of another greater adventure."

The professor looked at him, his tone was kind and gentle as never before: "Yes."

"You always speak catchy words, but do you really understand it?"

He patted Owen on the shoulder and said: "Love someone, experience a story, embrace an adventure, and don't let the result become a shackles. The important thing is the process."

Dumbledore looked at him with a smile, but Owen clearly saw some pity and pain in his eyes.

Under the moonlight, the old principal's eyes were far-reaching and long.

It's like a bottle of wine that has been passed down from ancient times to this day. It uses bitter memories and sad past, plus a little sweetness of love, to brew a fruit wine that has a bitter aftertaste but is sweet in the mouth.

"Oh! That's right." He suddenly changed the heavy topic.

"Mr. Basil, send me a letter saying that Ilvermorny School of Magic is very interested in teaching in magic schools in Europe. How did you do it. Get them to agree to send a team?"

"Team?" Owen touched his head, guessing that it might have something to do with the Triwizard Tournament.

"Scolded him? Intimidated him?"

"It's just a very common method." Owen, who felt that his portrayal was getting darker and darker, quickly explained: "I wasn't the one who threatened him, it was Neville who used a Patronus Charm to scare him and left without eating. "

"Really?" Dumbledore looked at him with his blue eyes, and then his brows relaxed, "In short, our goal has finally been achieved."

"Go back to sleep, kid."

"Tomorrow will be a new day."


The villagers of Little Hangleton still call the house 'Riddle House', even though the Riddle family has not lived here for many years.

The house is located on a hillside, and the entire village can be seen from here.

The originally magnificent building has now become a dilapidated ruin, although it can still be vaguely recognized from the ruins that there was once a beautiful large house here.

On the mountain, a lame old man who looked to be in his seventies was bending over to pick up the vines on the fence outside the house.

I don’t know why, but this old man named Frank did not choose to leave after the Riddle family died overnight in the past fifty years. Instead, he continued to stay here and diligently guarded the house and yard.

The neat lawn outside the courtyard is his hard work.

Normally he would not allow anyone else to enter the manor.

But today is different.

Just a few feet away from him, there was a rush of people.

Countless wizards in black robes came and went.

Their faces were heavy and they were all exhausted.

Moody stood in the open space in the courtyard, watching the wizards coming and going as they brought in corpses. Those - just a moment ago, it was their living colleagues, but now they have become cold corpses.

"what's on your mind?"

Theseus Scamander limped over.

His left leg was stained with blood. Although it had undergone simple treatment, there was black magic in the injured area, and bursts of pain reminded him that he was still lucky to be alive.

"Something strange~"

Moody's magic eye not only expanded and contracted, but his eyes passed over the corpses of theirs or dark wizards on the ground.

"Most of the people who died here were ordinary dark wizards. None of the Death Eaters who were loyal to the mysterious man were caught."

"I feel like we fell into a trap."

"You guessed it right." Theseus nodded, and he forced himself to stand on the spot, "The mysterious man used our hands to kill those dark wizards who were not loyal to him, which not only attacked other dark wizard forces, but also It severely weakens our capabilities."

"But we have to give blood." Moody said solemnly, "Are we going to sit back and watch these dark wizards do whatever they want?"

"This is a conspiracy."

"Both the mysterious man and we need this result." Theseus said solemnly, "The British Ministry of Magic must return to normal immediately. The people can no longer bear any turmoil."

"That's all," he said.

"Although this is hard to accept, but - the Ministry of Magic can no longer bear any risks." Moody sighed similarly, "The next thing is for Barty Crouch to worry about. All we can do is already It’s reached its limit.”

Both of them were silent at the same time.

A moment of silence for the war that just happened.

This was the largest battle since the Battle of Hogsmeade. Aurors arrested and killed dozens of dark wizards alone.

Of course, they also paid a heavy price. More than a dozen of their companions died, and almost everyone suffered a loss.

Summer is getting closer and closer.

Who would have thought that this would be the worst winter before summer.

A dozen more Aurors died——————

"The Ministry of Magic actually arrested dozens of dark wizards at once!!!"

In Hogwarts.

In the school nurse's room, Owen, Harry and the others were sitting around Hermione's bed.

He was peeling an apple, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

But there was no smile on his face, it was completely unlike him before.

Harry was holding a copy of the Daily Prophet. Ever since he subscribed to the Daily Prophet in anticipation of when the Ministry of Magic would reopen Sirius' case, he had become more interested in reading newspapers every day.

"They say Aurors and dark wizards who basically wiped out the wizarding world in Britain."

"Barty Crouch has announced the reopening of the Unforgivable Curse Restriction Act. He has also begun arranging the pension issue for the sacrificed Aurors."

"I thought he wouldn't look back until he hit the wall." Ron snorted and took a bite of the unpeeled apple in his hand. "At least we can be safer during the summer vacation."

"There are still two months left, and you are already looking forward to summer vacation." Hermione said angrily on the bed, "What you are really worried about should be the final exam~~~"

As she said that, she was about to get up, but just when she was holding the bed board with both hands and trying to overcome the discomfort caused by the sore arm muscles, a line of sight suddenly fell on her.

Hermione's face suddenly froze, and then she quickly regained her strength and lay down again.

"Why is it so hard for you to lie down!" Owen looked at her with a bad look in his eyes. He handed her the apple in his hand and then said, "Give me a week to lie down. During this period, you are not allowed to read or use your brain!"

"Why!" Hermione asked subconsciously, holding the apple in her hand but feeling cold in her heart.

"I'm not discussing with you Miss Granger, I'm just making a routine announcement!"

"Otherwise - do you want to try being petrified and lie down for a week?"

"Yes, my drafts, my parchments, I..."

"Haha." Owen sneered, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes, "You work so hard! Miss Granger."

"Then I can't even let you read the book! You'll save me from being the number one in age!"


Hearing the sound, Hermione couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

Who cares about your title of No. 1 in your age?

Thinking to herself, she slowly opened her mouth and took a bite of the green apple in her hand. Mmm - it's so sweet!

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