I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 220 Sphinx Puzzle

All present were Gryffindors.

And Owen, he is more Gryffindor than Gryffindor.

The sudden appearance of the ruins gate did not scare them, but instead aroused their curiosity.

Everyone stuck their heads and looked inside, but unfortunately, the disciple created a hazy curtain, and the mist covered everything, and it was impossible to see the inside from the outside.

But that doesn't stop the lions.

If Professor McGonagall had followed this time, she might have ordered Harry and the others to turn around and go back - No!

If it were Professor McGonagall, she would never bring the little wizards to a place like this!

Unfortunately, it was Dumbledore who led them this time!

The old principal was very interested in the ruins that suddenly appeared. If it weren't for a few young wizards around, he would have gone in long ago.

"Follow me." After a moment, the most powerful principal in the history of Hogwarts finally made up his mind.

He heard many things about ancient magical relics and assessments from the portraits in the principal's office.

In particular, the creators of certain relics hang from the ceiling in their offices.

He knew far more than Owen's superficial knowledge from his past life.

If these are really the relics left by those principals and professors, then it will definitely not endanger the little wizard's life.

As for whether this is Tom's trap.

This idea was thrown out of Dumbledore's mind from the beginning.

Tom is not the heir to some ancient magic. If he had this talent, he would have shown it long ago.

But just now, he couldn't feel any trace of ancient magic when he looked at the door with his own eyes.

Then he would never believe that Tom could detect it!

You could call the old headmaster too conceited, but that's the judgment of one of the most powerful wizards in the wizarding world. If he couldn't do it, there was no way Tom Riddle could do it.

Thinking in his mind, the old principal led a group of young wizards and slowly stepped into the ruins that may be the first time that outsiders have entered in thousands of years.


After passing through the curtain.

What comes into view is the tall entrance hall and the magnificent marble columns.

Traces of ancient magic are everywhere.

Even wizards such as Dumbledore and Sirius who cannot sense ancient magic can still see those strange flickering torches and chandeliers that cannot find the light source with their naked eyes.

The whole room seemed to be glowing by itself, everywhere was bright.

Even the mirror-like black obsidian floor beneath their feet, engraved with complex patterns, was emitting a faint light.

"Strange, really strange!" Professor Dumbledore exclaimed.

Then he looked around carefully.

"What's wrong, Professor?"

Harry asked confused.

"Our location has changed and we are no longer in a cliff cave in England," he said.

"That door is a portkey, and it takes us somewhere else."

As he spoke, he led everyone down the only corridor in front of them.

"This way~" The old principal seemed to know where to go and led them to find the exact direction.

Then he began to explain: "Pay attention to the patterns under our feet."

Only then did everyone notice the complicated, graffiti-like patterns.

"This seems to be - ancient runes!" Hermione immediately recognized some of the patterns.

"Yes, Miss Granger, it seems that you are very attentive in class." The old principal praised, and then continued, "Following the guidance of the text, we should go this way."

With that said, they turned into an upward staircase.

The same splendor.

After walking a few steps, there was another hall.

Only this time, there was an additional door blocking the upward stairs.

Two huge stone statues appeared in front of the door.

The huge statue of a knight holding a giant sword is about fifteen feet (4.5 meters) tall.

"It seems that this should be the so-called test." Dumbledore looked at the statue calmly, then waved his wand and sped away with a few spells, but the result was like sinking into the sea, and the stone statue did not react at all.

"Is it ancient magic that can activate them again?"

The principal muttered to himself.

Then looked at Owen.

Irving, the man who opened the door, naturally understood.

He waved his wand, and in an instant, two spells wrapped in ancient magic hit the bodies of the two statues.


A loud figure and strong wind blew by.

Everyone had to bow their heads and cover their faces.

Then, at this critical moment, the resurrected knight statue, with the speed and flexibility that shocked others, took three steps and two steps at a time, arrived in front of them in an instant, and then waved a huge stone sword to face them. Come on!

"Nah, sneak attack, isn't it!"

Owen held up his wand.

But someone is faster than him.

A thick bolt of lightning flashed from the tip of the Elder Wand, and the downpour of thunder and lightning directly knocked the statue away.

it's not finished yet.

The next moment, lightning appeared from scratch, and the dark black and blue current was like a chain, tightly locking the other statue.


Is this what cheating feels like?

Owen's heart was racing.

This is even more exciting than him opening the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow, and playing it directly with a real person. And he is also one of the most powerful wizards in the magic world. This feeling is like GSD taking you to clear the Sky Tower (tears of the times!).

The sense of fun and excitement is indescribable.

"Ho ho ho!"

Owen took Dumbledore's attack.

The wand lights up ancient magic.

The majestic gray energy condensed in the palm of his hand, and then he pushed outward violently.

The purple-gray ability is like a small black hole, absorbing the dust on the ground, and the gray one is like a dust storm hitting the bound statue.

Then purple cracks began to appear around the statue, and gradually there were more and more cracks. Finally, with a bang, the entire statue exploded into flying ash.


The aftermath of the explosion knocked Harry and others off their feet.

And the sound of a huge stone door key falling from the sculpture to the ground was heavy and thick.

"And you~" He chuckled.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he waved the wand violently.

A disarming spell was thrown out. This disarming spell blessed by ancient magic was not just as simple as taking away the sword in the statue's hand. At the moment of taking it away, it also chopped off its head with a sword.

Then, there was another sound of a stone door key falling to the ground.


"Is it over?" Hermione's heart was pounding as she looked at the statue that had turned into rubble.

He held Owen's hand tighter.

"These statues are so amazing!" Harry said with a serious expression.

Just now, he quietly threw out the magic spell again, trying to help.

But he found that his spell had almost no effect on the statue. Apart from repelling it, there was no visible damage to the statue at all.

"It's okay! Just two elite monsters!" Owen didn't think highly of this.

For him, these two were too easy to deal with.

"Wait! Oh my god, look."

Just as Owen relaxed, Harry next to him heard an exclamation.

He was so blind that he almost threw the Avatar.

Then he saw that the two keys in front of him were both floating.

Then it was like some kind of gear embedded into the magnificent door.

Then the lines on the door flickered like flames. The next second, the lines cracked and the door opened automatically.

"Scared me." Owen rolled his eyes at Harry. "Don't be so surprised, okay?"

"I am too timid to bear such a fright!"

"." Harry stared at Owen with disgust, laughing crazily in his heart, you are still worried!

You dare to poke a hole in the sky, but you are still a coward!

If you and Owen Sanchez are timid, then Voldemort can be said to be gentle and introverted!

"You know, I am weak, helpless and pitiful." A certain little black man was still defending, and then glanced at the stairs behind the door, and then stopped.

"I suddenly felt an ominous feeling."

"It always feels like this is the first level, and there are many more levels to follow."

Dumbledore smiled and said nothing.

He knew a little bit about the inside story.

Indeed, this is just the beginning.

Soon the group of them passed through the gate and arrived behind it.

It was a main hall similar to what they had seen before, with a closed door on the right.

The only difference is that this time there are more statues on the sides.

There are eight in total.

In addition to those who wield swords, there are two others who use large bows.

A large bow that is more than ten feet long, if it were hit by one shot, it would be broken into two pieces.

This time he no longer needed to trigger.

The moment everyone arrived in the hall, the statues automatically activated.

There was no preamble, just 'swish', two arrows flew towards me.

Sirius had quick eyesight and quick hands, and destroyed one of them with a single spell, while the other one was slapped by the old principal and landed on the sword-holding statue closest to them.

have to!

This poor gentleman was forced to leave before he even did anything.

"I have to say, these statues are much better than the stone piers of Hogwarts!" Owen fell into battle again.

Let’s put it this way!

The difficulty of these levels should be set for the most ordinary third- and fourth-year wizards. Although they look scary, the attacks of those statues are all planned.

They can only attack one person at a time in a turn-based manner, and will never attack at the same time, so it looks like there are seven of them. In fact, during the battle, there is only one person fighting the little wizard every time.

For Owen, he is already maxed out, and breaking through this kind of level is simply a waste of time.

So what if the eight of them come together?

And he also wears Lao Deng’s head.

He is simply invincible, and going through the levels is like taking a vacation, which gives him time to make jokes.

"Indeed." Professor Dumbledore did not deny it.

Those bodies were shining with silver light, like muscles, both in appearance and strength, far surpassing the stone piers in the castle.

Although it seems that the kid Owen can deal with these statues very easily, in fact that is just because his spell contains the power of ancient magic.

Be more restrained with these statues.

In his recent attempt, the headmaster discovered that the statues' resistance to ordinary spells reached an exaggerated level.

Ordinary magic spells can only repel the statue. To really talk about lethality, you can only use some black magic.

However, these sculptures gave Dumbledore some ideas.

In the competition in the second half of the year, maybe - maybe these statues will come in handy!

Owen didn't know that the old principal had already made plans to remove these statues.

He just felt that the stone sculpture in front of him was real.

Harry Potter could probably get through it easily.

Waving his wand again and enduring his hungry stomach, he calmly killed the last statue.

Same gear key, same door opening, same stairs continuing up.

Passed another level.

This time it’s finally no longer a sculpture.

But a magical animal.

A giant sphinx.

It's an animal from Egypt.

Part lion, part woman, with long almond-shaped eyes.

It was about dozens of feet tall, with its head reaching the ceiling.

It seemed to be napping when the wizards entered.

After hearing someone coming, he woke up leisurely.

"Oh! Someone is here again." She said, her voice was quite sweet, like a sixteen-year-old girl.

"Is there someone else?" Hearing the sound, Sirius frowned, and then asked, "Has anyone come in before? Is it a boy, about eighteen or nineteen years old. He has black hair, and the clothes on his body have the symbol of a hound. "

"Yes." The Sphinx admitted directly, "He didn't know what magic props he used to sneak in."

"But his props can't let him leave here, and he also suffered serious trauma. I can feel that his external wounds contain a kind of magic. That magic is preventing his wounds from healing."

"Then what? Where did he go?" Sirius asked anxiously, his eyes widening.

"He answered my question correctly and naturally went to the next level." Sphinx said loudly.

"answer the questions?"

"Yes, as long as you can answer my questions, you can pass this level. On the contrary, if you answer wrongly, you will be eaten by me."


Hearing this, Owen raised his eyebrows.

You are never afraid of chipping your teeth.

"Ask you!" He felt no psychological burden at all, but Harry and Hermione were a little afraid of this behemoth that suddenly appeared.

After Owen said casually, Hermione quickly grabbed his sleeve and said, "We should be more cautious."

"Why are you being cautious? A sphinx, do you think it can beat Dumbledore? You haven't seen the old headmaster holding the Sword of Gryffindor and slashing the basilisk. This is a small problem, so let's throw water on it. !”

He said quietly.

The Sphinx spoke slowly, "Since there are so many of you, you must answer five questions correctly."

“Now for the first question: some try to hide, some try to deceive;

But time will reveal everything and we will always meet.

Guess my name as best you can;

When I do have you, I promise you'll know - what is this thing? "


Is the first question so abstract?

Owen thought he would ask that classic animal which has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening.

Luna should really be called, she can definitely answer it.

Owen was silent, but Professor Dumbledore on the side quickly relaxed his brows. He looked at the delicate face of the Sphinx and said, "It's death."

"Correct answer." Sphinx nodded.

“Then please listen to the second question, what is always old and sometimes new;

never sad, sometimes melancholy;

never empty, but sometimes full;

Never moving away, but always drawing closer? "

"???" Owen was stunned again.

What the hell is wrong with this!

Don't play it so abstractly, okay?

It is better to ask directly: When doing plasma physics experiments, if the polar coordinates of the third energy are adjusted by three alpha units in the negative direction, how much impact will it have on the final results?

At least the answer to this question is fixed and less abstract.

"It's the moon!"

This time the person who answered the question turned out to be Sirius, whom Owen had always considered reckless.

He looked at Sirius in shock, why! why do you know!

"correct answer!"

“Then the third question is, what can bring people back to life?

Make you cry, make you laugh, make you younger;

Born in an instant, but lasting a lifetime? "

"Knock! What kind of stupid question is this?" Owen shouted angrily, "I don't believe anyone knows the answer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from the side, "It's memories!"

Hearing the sound, Owen looked sideways and saw Harry!


This is impossible!

Could it be that Harry's IQ is two ounces higher than what's on my scale?

"Yes, it's just memories."

"Then the fourth question is, this thing starts out beautiful, is sweet in the middle, is painful later, and is relieved in the end.

It is stronger than steel and looser than grains of sand. Some people can worry about it for a lifetime just after getting it for a moment. "

The Sphinx's questions are over.

Owen turned to stare at Hermione.

"Based on the principle of one question per person, you don't know the answer right?" he asked.

There is a trace of luck in my heart.

And the result was indeed cruel. Hermione nodded, then glanced at Owen's eyes and looked at the Sphinx, and replied in a low voice: "It's love!"

"Correct answer." Sphinx nodded with satisfaction.

"Then the last question is, this thing devours everything: birds; beasts; trees; flowers and plants; gnaws steel; grinds and eats hard stones; kills kings; destroys city walls; and knocks down mountains."

"Okay! Is it my turn to answer the last question?" Owen looked around.

He must not be the stupidest one!

"I seriously doubt whether you know Legilimency. Every question you ask just hits the most important thing in our hearts."

Owen looked up at the Sphinx, "If I guess correctly, the answer to this question is, time."

"Congratulations, you answered correctly." Sphinx lowered her head and looked at Owen silently, "This is the sixth question."

"You got it right too."

Its almond-shaped eyes seem to be able to see through people, and the blue beads reflect the stars.

"Every question is related to what you are thinking when you are standing here at this moment. This is the ultimate test. We must confirm whether the heir has enough compassion and compassion to discover the most delicate thoughts of his companions." It explain.

Then he stood up slowly and opened the door behind him.

The upward stairs are exposed to everyone's sight again.

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