I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 223 Quidditch World Cup

Everyone else present silently took a few steps back, leaving space for the relatives of the deceased.

Harry looked at the scene before him.

His face was a little moved.

He was wondering if he died suddenly one day, would there be so many relatives coming to see him off.


Harry thought of his Aunt Petunia.

Then he shook his head somewhat self-deprecatingly.

If it were Aunt Petunia, she might not even be willing to pay for her own cremation.

As for why it was cremated and not buried.

Because cremation is cheap!

"Stop being so arrogant!" At this time, Owen walked forward silently, "When you are cold, I will give you a pure English oak coffin, and then find a geomantic treasure land and invite the most famous band to perform in front of your grave. I will perform the concert for three days in a row, and I guarantee that hundreds of thousands of people will see you off!"

"Get out!" Harry cursed with a smile, holding back the liquid that was about to spurt out of the corner of his eyes just now.

"I don't like it!"

"It doesn't matter, you can also choose services such as girl group dance, thousands of people attending funerals, etc. A dozen stunning beauties will hold umbrellas and silently lay roses in front of your grave, leaving you with a mysterious and enviable legend.

Of course, as long as you leave your inheritance to me before you die, I guarantee that I will use all possible means to send you away in a glorious way! " Owen joked.

"I'll send you away now!" Harry gritted his teeth, turned around and began to fumble for the wand in his robe pocket.

It seemed like he was going to duel with Owen.

"Hey, why are you so excited!" Owen continued frivolously: "Okay, okay, just send me away. Remember to make a solid gold coffin for your buddy then, and then build the cemetery bigger, like a pyramid. A specification, coupled with various magic traps, I am afraid that someone will steal my tomb."

"Or make me into an Inferi. If the blind one dares to open my brother's coffin, Brother Gao and Xiao will reward him with a bloody mouth."

Owen chuckled.

But the more he spoke, the more Harry felt that there was something in his words.

Because when Irving is really joking, this is not his expression.

The real him would always use a mocking tone when watching a joke, instead of the current one. Although he was joking and unreasonable, there was no mocking audible.

just like.

Harry didn't have time to question.

On the other side, Black's relatives picked up the soil and sprinkled it.

The funeral has come to an end.

Except for Bella who is far away in Azkaban.

This may be the first time that Blake's descendants and grandchildren have come together as adults.

This might be a good opportunity.

Maybe they can put aside their past feud and come together.

Because both Harry and Hermione are very envious of having such a large family and relatives.

In their opinion, no matter what kind of conflicts Sirius has with his sister, they are still siblings!

Except for Bella who is irreparable.

Everything should have a chance to be reunited.

Unfortunately, Regulus did not have the ability to close the gap between his brother and sister.

After the brief funeral.

They went their separate ways.

It was getting dark. After Regulus's funeral, Dumbledore rushed back to the castle. Lupine had something to discuss with him.

While Sirius was still in grief, Harry stayed behind to take care of him.

Hermione went home with Dobby's help.

It was nearly midnight when Owen stepped through the door of his house again.

There was no hesitation. He fell asleep.

Ancient magic is not so easy to release.

It consumed a lot of Irving's energy and energy.

Fast forward a few days.

After the cave incident, Owen finally had his own vacation.

No one bothered him until the end of June.

In early July, he packed up his bags and traveled to Europe.

Thanks Dobby.

Because of him, Owen has several Portkey anchors in Europe.

For four weeks, he traveled to several cities in Europe, including Venice, Milan, Berlin, and Warsaw. If it weren't for the fact that he wasn't familiar with the Ministry of Magic over there, he would have to go to Moscow to sit there.

He heard about the Quidditch World Cup in Cairo, Egypt.

It was beyond everyone's expectation.

This World Cup will still be held in the UK and is scheduled for early August.

I don’t know what kind of effort Barty Cratchit put in to convince the organizing committee to continue hosting the World Cup in the UK.

But it is undeniable that Britain needs this event today.

The World Cup is needed to relax the nervous people.

After he announced that Britain would continue to host the World Cup, Barty Crouch's approval rating increased visibly in an instant.

It's not much, but it's a good start.

Everyone knows that Britain needs time to heal its wounds at this time, and the World Cup is definitely the best medicine.

Originally, Owen had no intention of going back.

But Harry wrote to him several times, inviting him to watch the World Cup final.

After failing to defeat him, Owen returned to England in early August.

At this time, the Quidditch semifinals were still being played. Owen received Harry's frontline reports every day.

Finally after a few days of rest.

Under the leadership of Dobby.

It’s strange—why his little elf is interested in everything and knows everything.

Owen had no idea where the Quidditch venue was, but Dobby did.

After apparating.

They appeared in a deserted forest.

After Dobby led him forward for about ten minutes, a wooden door suddenly appeared in front of them.

"The Ministry of Magic was afraid that there would be too many wizards coming to watch the game, so many anti-Apparition spells were cast on the venue, although this had no effect on the elves." Dobby talked eloquently, like a happy little boy Like a rabbit, he jumped up and down and said, "They stipulated that Apparition can only land at the other end of the forest. Dobby must abide by the rules."

"What the hell are the rules! I'm sure Malfoy and his family will apparate directly into the venue!" Owen was indignant, and then pushed open the wooden door.

Behind the door is a basin.

There are hundreds of strange-shaped tents on the grassland.

They spread all the way down the gentle slope to the end of the sky.

"Which two countries are participating in this competition?" Irving suddenly asked.

He had never been interested in Quidditch.

Didn't pay attention to these at all.

"Don't you know?" Dobby stared in surprise with his round eyes, but he still explained: "The Irish team plays against the Bulgarian team!"

"Dobby also expected England to qualify, but - they were so embarrassed. They lost to Transylvania, 10 to 390, and only scored one goal in the whole process."

He said with a gloomy face, "The Wales team lost to Uganda, and Scotland was beaten by Luxembourg."

"So Ireland is the only one left?" Owen said quite speechlessly: "Sure enough, the United Kingdom is good. It has four opportunities. I don't need to guess. I know that the Weasley family must support the Irish team, haha—— A month ago they were fans of England!"

"What about the French team?" he asked.

"France?" Dobby was stunned, and then he remembered that the gentleman seemed to be French. "They fell to the Germans, sixteen strong."


"Very reasonable."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and then he asked in a nonchalant tone, "What about me, Daming?"

"The Ming Empire, which Far Eastern country?"

"Dobby doesn't seem to have seen this on the schedule."


Although Owen didn't understand Quidditch, in his previous life, he still clicked on Rowling's Quidditch setting in the Far East with some expectations.

It can only be said that if Rowling did not refer to football, then he would definitely not believe it.

In her setting, Ming had to wait until after 2010 to reach the Quidditch World Cup finals before he officially rose to prominence.

This is in line with the actual international status achieved by the country's development.

Not far from the wooden door, there was a man standing, looking at the tents from a distance.

Owen could tell right away that it was a real Muggle.

He said it with high emotional intelligence, because there is no magic rhythm in his body.

In terms of low emotional intelligence, at a glance, he is the only one wearing Muggle clothes who is the most normal.

The others, the wizards, were more or less dressed in strange ways.

He even saw the wizard holding a parasol on his head, but it was clearly not yet dawn.

There are also some mixed-dressing experts who wear suits on the upper body and bell-bottom pants on the lower body. These are considered normal.

He also saw Batman and Spider-Man running on the grassland.

Superman and Black Widow are making love in the woods!

What the hell two-dimensional cosplay?

I hate them comic fans the most.

As he spoke, Owen slowly tightened his windbreaker to cover up his collector's edition Avengers T-shirt signed by Stan Lee.

This is a treasure.

It's different from those cheap cosplays.


It’s just different!

"Child over there, are you here to rent a tent too?"

The Muggle came over.

“It’s strange these days, there are so many people renting tents, and I’ve rented out hundreds of tents,” he said.

"We don't rent tents, someone rented them for us." Owen said calmly after he recovered.

"Really?" Mr. Roberts frowned slightly, because at this time he noticed the elf Dobby next to Owen.

His brows furrowed, and then his eyes couldn't help but overflow with fear.

About to scream.

But at this moment, a wizard wearing bloomers fell from the sky and landed next to him.

"Forgotten!" he pointed his wand at the poor Muggle and snapped.

Immediately, Mr. Roberts' eyes wandered away, his brows relaxed, and his face showed a dazed and indifferent expression.

Then he walked away calmly.

"Don't let the house elves run wild! There are a lot of Muggles around here."

"Well - it's you!" Mr. Ober Bennie looked down and saw Owen's extremely handsome face.

"Why, Mr. Ober didn't take a day off today?" Owen joked.

"Why take a vacation? I've been working overtime for a month." He looked very tired, with no beard on his chin, his face was ashen, and there was a purple shadow under his glasses.

"What the hell is this World Cup? Why isn't it over yet?" As he spoke, he apparated away directly. Only his words were still circulating in the air, "Go inside, Black's tent is at the far end."

"Tsk" Owen looked at Mr. Obo's leaving figure with some sympathy.

More sympathy for the poor muggle.

You must know that the Forgetting Curse is never a good thing.

This thing should be classified as black magic.

Using the Amnesia Charm on someone repeatedly for a short period of time can permanently damage that person's brain.

Even if it is not multiple times, but one powerful forgetting spell, such as Lockhart's permanent forgetting spell, these will cause serious harm to the wizard's brain.

At worst, the person being cursed may have a bad memory and forget everything.

Severe cases can directly turn people into dementia.

Even kill.

That Muggle will probably become a dementia type. Killing a person is no different.

But the wizard didn't care.

They don't care about the impact their actions will have on Muggles, as long as they don't break the law.

And this is what is ridiculous about the Statute of Secrecy, because the law neither protects Muggles nor wizards. It only restricts wizards from using magic spells that cross the bottom line against Muggles.

There will always be someone injured and worse off than dead.

There are wizards who have seen an attempt to change all this, no matter the method, method or purpose, this has finally made this muddy era move around again.

But Irving has little interest in these.

He seeks change in the wizarding world because his grandfather was seeking change.

Himself. Maybe he will change his mind later, but not now.

Across the grassland.

Walking through the bustling crowd. Facing the moonlight.

He and Dobby gradually arrived at the tent closest to the stadium.

Most of those tents were unremarkable, even crude.

But there were some, especially inside. Owen saw a tent that was particularly conspicuous. It used a lot of striped silk very extravagantly. It was like a small palace, and there were a few live peacocks tied at the entrance.

After walking a few steps, he saw another tent set up in the shape of a four-story building with several turrets next to it.

Further over there, there is a garden in front of a tent with a bird bath, sundial, fountain, etc.

Of course, this is just a light luxury.

When he actually arrived at the camp of pure-blood wizards, he realized that he was still too reserved. Compared with this group of pure-blood wizards, his little greed for money was like the difference between raindrops and the ocean.

Because he saw that there was a manor in the camp!

Yes, it's a manor, a manor as big as several acres!

Damn it, this instantly turned the wizard who set up the tent into a scumbag.

There is also a tent, but it is covered with gold threads, gems, and strings of pearls, as if it is afraid that others will not know that his family is rich.

They are simply animals showing off their wealth.

As for the Black family tent.

In the distance, he saw a dark green tent covering a large area.

It looks very grand, with a large amount of striped silk used for the fabric, and various patterns embroidered on the surface. From a distance, the entire tent looks like a small palace.

The conical spire towers into the sky, with the dark golden flag of the Black family flying above it.

Take a mountain-shaped symbol: a shield with two five-pointed stars and a short sword, flanked by two leaping greyhounds.

Underneath, were gorgeous, gleaming golden words: Noble, oldest of the Blacks, eternally pure.

This tent is more conspicuous than all the surrounding tents, and is full of the luxurious style of the Black family.

But considering the current situation of the Black family, this tent and the above sentence are undoubtedly full of irony.

"Hi! Owen, this way."

He was about to walk over when suddenly the tent door was opened and it was Harry.

He walked out.

"This tent, the Black family is really rich!" Owen said resentfully.

At this time, Sirius also came out, and he happened to hear Owen's words.

"This is my parents' tent."

"Then!" Irving could squeeze out sour water from his mouth. Because he suddenly remembered that he still seemed to be the heir of the Rozier family. Unfortunately, this identity did not bring him anything useful, not even a Sickle.

"You're not using it yet!"

"I hate you rich second generation the most. Are you going to say, I'm not interested in money anymore?"

"It's true that I'm not interested in money." Sirius said calmly.


"If you're not interested, please forward it to me. Thank you! Just let me take care of the vulgar worries!" Owen said righteously.

He is completely unafraid of vulgar gold staining his soul.

Let the soul be even more vulgar!

I choose gold! ! !

Hearing this, Sirius rolled his eyes, all his money was going to be left to Harry.

At this moment, Harry quickly spoke up, interrupting the embarrassment.

He pulled Owen into the tent.


It's like walking into a small castle.

There are seven floors inside!

Eighty feet (24 meters) high.

On the first floor is the huge living room and kitchen.

There are two upward spiral staircases in the living room, leading to different floors.

Each floor has a completely different style, but the overall architectural style is integrated harmoniously.

Obviously this was specially designed by some design masters.

Owen had never heard of such a talent among wizards, so he could not rule out that it was the work of Muggles.

At this time, the living room was full of people.

After seeing Owen come in, a brown-haired girl immediately ran over.

It's Hannah.

She said: "I originally wanted to go to your house to find you."

"But I don't know your home address."

"I think you will definitely be with Harry and the others, so come and have a look."

Owen witnessed everything, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hannah, the Geminis, Ginny, and even the idiot Luna and Justin were there.

He even saw Neville and Seamus.

This suddenly gave him the illusion of returning to Hogwarts.

"There are so many people here, what do you want to do?"

he whispered.

Harry on the side quickly explained: "I invited you here. Sirius's tent is big enough to accommodate dozens of people. It would be a waste if only the two of us live there."

"So you're here to eat and sleep?" Owen rolled his eyes, then walked quickly to the sofa, and then snuggled into the softness comfortably, "If this is such a good thing, you should have called me earlier."

"What I like most is eating and drinking."

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