I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 229 You blush like a bubble teapot.

After getting out of the empty tent, Owen walked on the mountains.

The heat wave from August slowly came to everyone as the sun gradually rose.

'Oh' maybe - probably - maybe it wasn't the heat of the sun, but the flames of the spell.

In the distance, everyone in Hogwarts was fighting in full swing. They suppressed the Beauxbatons wizards. Looking at the gradually decreasing frequency of the spells, I believe the winner will be determined soon.

On the other side, the Nordic people's combat effectiveness was within his expectations.

Press down on the Americans and beat them violently.

Apart from the curse, the main reason is that there are too many wizards in Durmstrang.

They were probably the magic school with the largest attendance besides Hogwarts. Klum's popularity is there. Almost all his classmates came to the UK to watch his games.

So the battle over there will be over soon.

But how could Owen, as a fun-loving man, let this battle end so quickly!

It's still not warm enough or dry enough. There are still too few wizards affected! ! !


With this thought in his mind, he smiled and blended into the crowd.

The Phoenix Charm lit up slightly. That's the transparent mist of body illusion magic.

Then Owen seemed to be wearing a transparent veil, and his face began to change rapidly.

Soon, a wizard who was famous in the magical world appeared on the grass.

The wind in the mountains blew past the figure that appeared in two places at the same time.

The lightning scar clearly visible on the boy's forehead was exposed.

"It's still not conspicuous enough!" 'Harry' smiled ghostly.

A slight wave of the wand.

Then, like running water, the clothes on his body also changed dramatically.

It went from a casual outfit to a pure white gold base with a fiery red lion robe woven on the back.

On the forehead of the lion, there is a huge embroidery, embroidered with a few short English words

——Harry Potter, here! ! !

"Wow wow wow! Perfect!"

'Harry' screamed excitedly.

Then he raised his wand and screamed, returning to the battlefield between Ilvermorny and Durmstrang.

"Wow! Fun guys, your emperor is back!"

Soon enough, Harry, who was holding the wand, threw out a large petrification spell with his right hand and a wandless transfiguration spell with his left hand. The earth roared, spitting out countless rock fragments, pushing the poor stone sculptures high into the sky.

His speed was so fast that many strong Durmstrang wizards were turned into rainbow statues by him before they had time to react. ——Two strong men hugged each other passionately, were petrified, and then pushed to the sky by the stones under their feet, becoming a landscape of 0 and 1 dancing on the earth.

"Don't be afraid, Americans, your British father is here to save you!"

At this time, time seems to have returned to the Victorian era, and the relationship between father and son has gone through another reincarnation.

Countless little Ilvermorny wizards who were being suppressed by Durmstrang took advantage of 'Harry' to break up the opponent's formation and take a breather.

In panic, they looked sideways at the boy wielding exquisite magic.

Doubts arose in my heart.

who is he?

Also, why is he so strong!

"Oh! Ladies and gentlemen!" The boy assumed the posture of the legendary wizard.

He raised his orchid fingers and staggered towards the group of Durmstrang wizards.

It was as if the soles of his feet were on a ship rocked by the waves.

The lazy temperament contains a unique flavor called gentleman's spirit.

At some point, an extra necklace appeared on the boy's left hand.

It was swung by him like a compass.

"Today, you guys are lucky enough to see the famous Harry Potter~"

"Oh! Yes, that's me!"

'Harry''s right hand holding the wand slowly bowed to everyone present.

"You are Harry Potter!" There was a commotion around him.

Someone seemed to recognize his face, which had appeared in the Daily Prophet.

"Oh! That's me."

Talking about Owen

Sorry - it was 'Harry' who lazily stretched out his hand and lifted the broken hair from his forehead, revealing the lightning scar engraved in the history of magic.

"Harry Potter!"

"He's Harry Potter!"

Not only the Durmstrang wizard, but also Ilvermorny and the unknown adult wizards watching could not help but widen their eyes.

After all, Harry's name really deserves to be in the history of magic.

As a celebrity who only appears in history books.

How many people are curious about him.

——It turns out that there are still people who have been included in the history books who are still alive.

"Why did you attack us."

The sudden appearance of a big man caused all the Durmstrang wizards to stop casting spells.

They raised their wands cautiously and looked at Harry.

Especially his scars.

Full of resentment.

"Are you blind?" 'Harry' waved his wand lightly.

The ultimate fluorescence technique was released immediately.

A ball of bright light directly illuminated Malfoy, who was struggling to hold on over there.

"That's our little wizard from Hogwarts."

"Could it be that the famous Harry Potter, who is helpful, philanthropic, happy and well-known, enjoys it, never tires of doing it, and is willing to help others--the famous Harry Potter will watch you bullying a young wizard at Hogwarts together? Indifferent?"

He touched his conscience with one hand.

Feeling the sting of 'falseness' coming from waves.

'Harry' said sadly and angrily, "I thought that after walking out of Gellert Grindelwald's magic school, it would be a great magic school full of sunshine, positivity, openness and tolerance.

I didn’t expect that! did not expect!

Ever since that Voldemort lackey named Karkaroff became your principal, this school has declined so quickly and completely. "

'Harry' continued to hold his chest, and his voice became more and more pitiful, "I am heartbroken to see a great school sinking like this, and I can't sleep well.

I wish I could become the principal myself! "



Why did it suddenly change?

All the Durmstrang wizards raised their heads in confusion.

The faint self-blame and shame that had just arisen in my heart were extinguished in an instant.

"And you! Standing here all tall and round, don't you feel the slightest bit ashamed?


Shame! Shame! Ashamed?

ah! I know that some of you are more cowardly, cowardly, and incompetent than the escaped Karkaroff.

I urge you to take out your heart, lungs and intestines, dry them in the sun, wash them, and clean them!

It’s not easy for Durmstrang to train you!

Is this how you repay the school?

Is this how you repay the school?

During the summer vacation for more than two months, all the energy was spent on Quidditch.

Seeing that the gap between yourself and other school wizards is getting wider and wider, don't you have any sense of responsibility or ambition?

Look at you, you can't even deal with a skinny, bald fourth-year Hogwarts wizard. I feel sad for you! Feel ashamed!

If I were a Durmstrang wizard, I would have found a suitable tree to hang myself from.

ah! I haven't blinked for thirty-seven seconds. I always want to say something to everyone, but my words have to have a head! "

'Harry' had a cold expression and deep eyes.

The bleak figure gives people the feeling that the whole world's burden is shouldered by one person.

"After much thought, there are only eight words!"

After saying that, a boulder suddenly spit out from the soil under his feet, and then the boulder slowly rose up.

A powerful transformation technique was applied to it, and in just an instant, a line of words was attached to it.

"Hogwarts, the best in the world!"


Seeing the line of words on the stone tablet, everyone present felt dissatisfied.

This Mr. Savior seems so shameless!

You don’t plan to live in human society anymore, do you?

Ready to fly to Mars?

"beat him!!!"

The Durmstrangs, who couldn't bear it anymore, didn't even talk nonsense to 'Harry'.

If you say one more word, I will be mentally retarded!

After saying that, everyone rushed forward, and the bright magic was like a meteor streaking across the sky.

Unfortunately, it was just a shooting star.

How can the light of fireflies compete with the sun and moon?

'Harry''s face was always filled with a smile, but it was indeed a look of disdain in his eyes.

He greeted him step by step.

The light of ancient magic's destruction danced in the corners of his eyes.

Then the wand pointed at himself.

The majestic ancient magic is attached to his body.

Line by line, ancient runes that were difficult for ordinary people to distinguish began to appear on his body like tattoos.

"I've long wanted to try this way of fighting."

The wind is rustling and the people are bright.

He put his wand away.

Then he bent down, and the majestic magic power gathered on the soles of his feet.

There was a "bang" sound.

The earth cracks.

Owen then slashed the ground.

Cracks spread from his feet instantly.

The surrounding land rippled like water that had been hit by a boulder.

And the ripples of the land naturally bring countless gravel and soil!

"Remember, the one who defeated you is the famous Harry Potter! Carve this name into my heart!"

In the smoke, a cold and arrogant voice echoed across the ground.

Several acres of land above the site were severely deformed.

Those wizards who were unable to dodge fell down and ate a mouthful of mud, or were directly covered by the mud.


People looked at Owen like they were looking at a monster.

They couldn't believe that it was the power contained in the little wizard's body.

Because this will only cause their worldview to collapse.

"Hold on! My friend!" As he said this, Harry's green eyes with glasses pretended to pity and looked at Malfoy, who was also buried in the soil and was at a loss.

"Don't panic, uncle, I'm here to save you!"

He roared like a lion on the African grassland, opening his teeth and claws and preparing to take off.



In the astonished eyes of everyone.

The savior who was so majestic just now suddenly fell down and ate a mouthful of dirt.

Then they saw it.

A certain figure with his head lowered and his cheeks slightly flushed solemnly got up from the pit at his feet.

Then he patted the dust off his body as if there was no one around.


He took a deep breath and continued shouting, "Don't panic, uncle, I'm here to save you!!!"


I just skipped it! ! !

Everyone has seen it! Hey! ! !

You blush like a bubble teapot! ! !

Don't act cute all of a sudden! ! !

In fact, Owen didn't feel ashamed at all.

Anyway, he was wearing Harry's perfect skin and his face was his, so what did it have to do with him.


This trick of ancient magic blessing runes attaching to the body to strengthen the body will be used sparingly in the future.

Stomping your feet - it's really numb!

"Uncle, I'm not done with you, Sanchez!!!"

In the soft soil, poor Malfoy sank into the ground.

Only one head was left exposed.

His golden hair has been obscured by dust, and the original golden color cannot be seen.

The handsome face is also covered with pure natural pollution-free soil, and the handsomeness is covered by filth.

"I need to tell my dad!"

“No—I’m going to tell my mom!!!”

He roared angrily.

In one second, he had greeted all of Owen's relatives.

When he spoke, he had already started greeting him a second time.

"What Sanchez, who is that my friend!"

"I'm Harry Potter!" Owen dragged his right leg (it was numb)

Walking slowly.

"Shut up! I'm not an idiot!!! You bastard, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Malfoy, who had just fought against the Durmstrang wizard, had already taken the time to watch when he heard the noise in the distance.

When he saw 'Harry's' perverse face.

It was so suspenseful that I almost couldn't swallow it.

Look at the perverse expression, the wand in his hand, and the powerful level of magic. Malfoy is just being stupid, not killing. How could he not guess which Sanchez is pretending to be!

No one else in Hogwarts was so bold except him.

And he has used this trick many times! ! !

"How can you talk to my uncle, you rebellious nephew!" Harry shouted angrily, his eyes spitting out flames.

Seeing this, Draco was stunned.

The angry face was suddenly full of grievance.

You are cruel to me.

You're driving people into the ground and you still have this expression!

He gritted his teeth and stared at Owen with hatred and tears in his eyes.

Staring at him.

It was as if he wanted to carve his appearance into his mind. Curse him for the rest of his life.

It's a pity that Owen is now wearing Harry's head.

On the other side, Owen easily eliminated several German Shepherd Strong wizards who tried to sneak attack Malfoy and his two followers.

I don’t know what those brothers were thinking. Is it to disgust those three guys that they are attacking them now?

Seeing this, he was already behind bars, and there were still people attacking him. The resentment on Malfoy's face became even stronger.

"Stop! Stop everyone!"

Only time. Suddenly, a bald man emerged from the crowd.

He apparated and appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

He scolded the little wizards around him with a serious expression.

Soon two more people from Distorted Space arrived at the scene.

Owen didn't know those people very well, but Malfoy was quite familiar with them. They were all vampires who had been sponsored by his father. He could name them thanks to the dwindling Galleons in his family.

Cuthbert Mockridge, Director of Goblin Liaison Office

Gilbert Whymper, Member of the Experimental Spells Committee,

Arnold Peacegood, memory canceller - a member of the team that reverses accidental magical events.

These are ministry people.


Several people yelled rudely.

Seeing that someone was using magic in front of them, the three Ministry of Magic staff didn't get used to it. They just waved their hands and threw a few petrification spells.

Directly petrify those unlucky Durmstrang wizards.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Subconsciously, everyone stopped chanting the magic spell.

He looked at the members of the Ministry of Magic cautiously.

"Don't you know that young wizards are prohibited from using magic outside of school?" Cuthbert Mockridge slowly walked out and spoke in an old-fashioned tone: "Before coming to the UK, your parents and professors never warned you. ?"

"It was you Hogwarts wizards who insulted us first." The two muscular men who had just started talking to Owen walked out across the crowd.

His eyes were dark and his face was full of resentment.

"Is this British hospitality?" he said.

As his words fell, countless adult Bulgarian wizards came out of the surrounding tents.

If it was just the children's "fighting and playing", which gave the adult wizards no reason to intervene, but now, after the people from the Ministry of Magic arrived, they gave them an excuse.

"Yes, what this kid said is true."

"We saw it with our own eyes."

"Hogwarts must apologize to us Durmstrang."

There were noisy sounds all around.

More and more people gathered around.

"Apologise?" Cuthbert Mockridge, the head of the Goblin Office, looked at each other with Gilbert Whymper and Arnold Peacegood.

Immediately they all saw the absurdity in each other's eyes.


Do you still have the nerve to ask us to apologize?

Do you think we are blind?

So many people besieged two little wizards, (Goyle and Clark were automatically ignored) and one of them was the child of their sponsor.



Is that Harry Potter?

"We will handle this properly, now please put your wands away and get out of here."

Cuthbert Mockridge certainly did not dare to speak his mind.

After all, there are 100,000 wizards here, and there will be a riot.

All the wizards in Britain joined the battle, but they couldn't hold it back.

So he could only speak in an official tone with a stiff face, hoping that these Bulgarians could focus on tonight's Quidditch instead of the current brawl.

"Properly handle it?"

"Then you just don't deal with it?"

Without waiting, the two muscular men spoke.

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd.

Then there was a person with long silver hair, bright red eyes, and wearing a strange rose red modified robe.

It was a bit like the form-fitting robes Snape often wore, but hers was bolder, with strapless and backless designs. Wearing a golden brooch on her chest.

Shaped in the shape of a Goldie's Knot.

The lower body is a short skirt that reaches the knees.

She was wearing white boots. As she moved, the muscles in her fair and round legs contracted tightly. It was obvious that she should exercise regularly.

Maintaining such a figure is not easy.

"Who attacked you?" The girl frowned, her eyes filled with anger.

He lowered his head and said to the disgraced little wizards of Ilvermorny.

As the ones with the smallest number of people present and relatively weak fighting ability, they were beaten a lot, and almost everyone failed.

A few of them were seriously injured and are still lying on the ground rolling back and forth.

Judging from the black energy spreading on their bodies, these people must have been subject to some kind of curse.

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