I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 237 The joy of summer

An arched rainbow suddenly appeared across the entire field, connecting the two big shining balls.

The crowd erupted in exclamations of "ouch, ouch" as if they were watching a fireworks display.

Then - the rainbow disappeared, and the big shining balls connected and blended with each other to form a huge, dazzling clover, which rose high into the air and began to hover above the stands.

Something crackled down from above, like golden raindrops——

"That's great!" Ron exclaimed, then bent down to pick up his hat.

He patted the clover on it, blew away the dust, and put it back on his head.

Hmmmm – I’m an Ireland supporter again! ! !

"Irish Leprechaun!" Owen lay on the chair, crossed his legs, and vomited melon seeds one by one.

Of course, he is still very hygiene conscious.

The peels of melon seeds flying out of his mouth will spontaneously ignite like meteors, burning up before they hit the ground.

There won't even be any dust!

Did the children see it? If you can't spit out flames, don't spit out melon seed peels casually in public!

He will be beaten to death!

"Irish leprechauns?" Harry stared at the group of green creatures and raised his binoculars.

He didn't recognize this creature and hadn't learned about it in Defense Against the Dark Arts classes.

Of course, this may be because this creature does not actively attack humans.

Defense Against the Dark Arts classes will only study some of the dark creatures that attack wizards.

Or it causes serious trouble to the wizard's life.

Irish Leprechaun - As you can tell from the name, this is a leprechaun originally from Ireland.

They live mainly in Irish forests and other woodlands and like to attract the attention of Muggles.

Although leprechauns sound similar to goblins, they are actually fundamentally different from the goblins in Gringotts.

In terms of appearance, leprechauns are closer to elves.

They can grow up to 6 inches tall, are green in color, and wear simple clothing made of leaves.

Feeds on plant leaves. Smarter than fairies, and kinder than devils, elves and vixen. (ps: These creatures have all been studied in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The little wizard knows how to expel them. However, Hagrid is obviously different from the mainstream view. He believes that those creatures are just lack of discipline and does not want wizards to harm them. .)

Although leprechauns love to play mischief, they have never done anything that caused long-term harm to humans.

Leprechauns can speak human languages, but no one from the British Ministry of Magic has ever asked them to classify them as "human".

They will use magic to produce a solid gold-like substance.

After a few hours, these things disappeared without a trace.

They often throw such metal objects at wizards, and then look at the surprised expressions of wizards or Muggles, happily pick up the money, and wait for a few hours for the gold to disappear. The puzzled, confused, and sad expressions on their faces are their expressions. source of happiness.

I don’t blame the wizards for falling for it either.

Because this gold-like substance looks and feels very similar to ordinary galleons coins. Almost exactly the same.

Except goblin experts can tell the difference. Ordinary wizards can't tell the difference between the two.

So every year wizards are scammed.

The Ministry of Magic's attitude towards handling such matters has always been: consider yourself unlucky!

There are still many people in the wizarding world who don't know this.

Look - in the stadium, a large number of wizards were cheering while still fighting for it, or getting under the seats to pick up gold coins.

It's just embarrassing.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, a warm welcome to the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! Let me introduce to you, the first one to appear is Dimitrov!" Ludo said loudly.

A figure in red clothes riding a broomstick flew into the arena from an entrance below.

He flew so fast, like a red lightning, that the Bulgarians immediately cheered enthusiastically.

Every time a Quidditch player enters the stadium, the Bulgarian audience will burst into cheers.

But when Ludo announced Viktor Krum, the cheers were already rising.

Only then did Owen see the famous genius chaser.

He was a tall and strong man. Has a big hooked nose. With two thick and black eyebrows, he looks like a hero in a classical statue.

This kind of sweaty muscular man is completely different from a guy like Irving who has gone all the way to the dark side.

Not to mention the temperament.

Just appearance.

Owen, who can sneak into the girls' bathroom with long hair, is indeed a little different from this masculine man.

"Now, please welcome the Irish National Quidditch Team!" Ludo Bagman shouted loudly, "Connolly, Ryan, Troy, Mallett, Moran, Quigley, and Linzy. !”

Ludo's words fell.

The next moment, seven blurry figures flew towards the arena.

Each of them rode a Firebolt, and their whirring cloaks had their names embroidered in silver threads.

The scene was at its peak.

The sea of ​​green almost flooded the entire stadium.

"By the way, there is also our referee today, Hassan Mustafa, the well-supported president of the International Quidditch Federation who flew all the way from Egypt!"

A short, lean wizard wearing pure gold robes that matched the colors of the stadium strode onto the field.

He was completely bald on top of his head, but he had a big beard.

A silver whistle protruded from beneath his beard.

He carried a large wooden box under one arm and his broomstick under the other.

Harry quickly raised the panoramic telescope and watched carefully as Mustafa stepped on his broomstick and kicked the wooden box open - four balls suddenly jumped into the air: a bright red Quaffle and two black swimming balls. The walking ball, and the tiny golden snitch with wings (he only caught a glimpse of it and then flew away without a trace).

Mustafa blew his whistle and followed the balls into the air.

"Ah! They're off!" Ludo Bagman screamed. "It's Mallet! Troy! Moran! Dimitrov! Pass to Mallet again!"

The game officially begins.

In an instant, everyone's chaotic thoughts were absorbed.

During this feast, everyone finally put aside their hostility in the morning and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the game.

The noise shocked all the eardrums.

People's enthusiasm reached a climax.

This is indeed a world-class competition.

Even someone like Owen who doesn't like Quidditch very much can still enjoy it.

Not the competition, of course – but the panoramic telescope.

This is a very magical magic prop.

It has more inexplicable pulleys than a normal telescope. There are several buttons on the metal barrel. When the first gear slides, the picture in front of you slows down.

Reverse the gear and the picture will be normal.

The second gear is for grabbing people - I didn't guess it was grabbing people. As long as you point the lens at a certain player and turn the gear, the telescope will automatically follow him, and you will free your hands.


Of course, what's more magical is a button on the right side of it. After pressing it, a lot of purple text will suddenly appear in the lens.

Aiming at the Irish team that was launching an offensive against the Bulgarian team, an image appeared on the screen automatically.

‘The Eagle Head offensive formation. ’ words.

Then came the ‘Boskov Tactics’

It can actually display the tactical actions of the players in real time.

It seems that this little thing contains very exquisite alchemy technology.

It certainly wasn't invented by the middle-aged wizard selling telescopes.

Just kidding, he can invent such a level of alchemical magic props, why does he still need to push a cart to sell them?

Owen slowly took out a pocket watch from his inner pocket.

Photo pocket watch.

A witch flew out of the box holding a pocket watch and headed towards the stadium.

In a place that is difficult for ordinary people to see, the pocket watch slowly opened, and the pure gold hands began to rotate as the button on the top was pressed hard.

He plans to film the entire game.



At some point, Dobby had returned to the box.

He shook the small package on his body, and then many random snacks floated out.

Owen used a wand to stretch his chair long enough for him to lie down on it.

Then he cast a weather spell, and suddenly, a dark cloud with snowflakes appeared beside him.

The dark clouds were blowing a warm cool breeze towards him.


That was the sound of the happy water being opened.

Come and have a sip of authentic 1994 Coca-Cola.

Merlin is not as happy as I am!


Owen spread his hands and shrank into the chair, his eyes narrowed and a happy smile on his face, "It feels so good!"

“This is what summer feels like!”


On the side, Hermione, who had put her thoughts aside first, saw all of Owen's smooth movements just now.

The corners of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

This guy—she sighed, then sat back in her chair.

Unlike Owen, she doesn't care about her personal image.

She just leaned closer to the backrest, and then secretly recited a spell, making the cold wind blowing from the clouds on Owen's left side stronger.

Because this way she can blow herself.

"Tsk tsk!"

Owen felt his butt feel a little cold, but did not stop Hermione's magic.

He just silently dug out a blanket from his pocket and covered himself comfortably.

Then he took a big watermelon from Dobby.

The cutting spell directly split it in half, put one half on the table, picked up the other half, and held a spoon in the other hand. The sweet and cold moisture exploded directly in the mouth.

The feeling of pleasure goes straight to my forehead!

Ah————this is what summer feels like!


You should turn on the air conditioner at 16 degrees, wrap yourself in a quilt, have a sip of iced Coke, and eat a bite of iced watermelon.

My favorite "Harry Potter" movie is on and I can watch it all afternoon.

Oh - dude is watching the live broadcast!

"Hey! Harry Potter over there, say something!"

He suddenly shouted.

Harry, who was enthusiastically celebrating the Irish team's first goal, turned around subconsciously, confused and excited, "What's wrong?"

"Ah——" Owen made a strange sigh.

Life is complete!

Who can be happier than me!


Harry was stopped and stared at Owen stupidly.

Somewhat unclear.

He looked at Owen lying comfortably on the chair, taking a bite of a piece of watermelon, with spring waves on his face and a somewhat wanton expression.

Suddenly, an idea appeared in his head.


In Blake's box, six more chairs were ruthlessly stretched. (and Dobby)


The air-conditioning blew out from everyone's heads, and the little wizards holding half a piece of watermelon in their hands gave the highest praise in summer.

"It's so cool!"

The game continues.

Soon, better teamwork allowed the Irish team to score goals frequently.

Opening less than twenty minutes.

Ireland have scored four goals in a row.

In the stands, supporters in green cheered and applauded like an ocean.

The game seemed to be one-sided.

And some are getting worse.

At this juncture, the Bulgarian team finally changed their style of play.

Batters Volkov and Volkanov participated in the fight more fiercely. Taking advantage of their physical advantages, they quickly implemented the tactics successfully.

Bulgaria scored.

But the Irish team was not passive and watched the opponent fight more crazily.

They gave full play to the excellent performance of the Firebolt. With the absolute speed, after another fifteen minutes of competition, the Irish team scored consecutive goals. They now lead 130:10.

Although such a crazy attack made their energy drain quickly, it was all worth it. Such a huge lead was rare in the entire Quidditch World Cup finals.

Like a swarm of shiny bumblebees, the little leprechauns rose into the air and quickly formed a provocation of "Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Not to be outdone, the Veela on the other side of the field jumped up, shook their heads angrily, and started dancing again.

With the lesson learned, Ron immediately closed his eyes.

On the other hand, Owen, Hermione and Harry made comments about the succubus - the Veela.

"Huh? That referee - he got hit!"

Hermione was the first to notice Hassan Mustafa's strange behavior in the venue.

He suddenly landed from the sky, walked up to the dancing Veela, flexed and stretched his limbs, showed off his muscles, and stroked his beard excitedly.

"Eye-searing!" Owen commented.

"Not as good as Harry Potter!"

"What are you talking about Owen? I can't dance!" Harry stood up and looked at Owen in confusion.

"No! You can, and it's quite eye-catching."

In a daze, the scene of Harry Potter doing a striptease suddenly appeared in front of Owen's eyes.

Wearing a leather jacket and pants, shirtless, and wearing sexy makeup, it is simply eye-catching to the extreme.

Then, Owen quickly turned his head to the authentic version of Harry and cleared the cache!

On the auditorium, Ludo Bagman, Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic, shouted anxiously, "This is not okay!"

"Who goes up and slaps the referee!"

he shouted to the medical staff on the field.

Then, a field doctor quickly ran out of the rest area. He blocked his ears with his hands, quickly ran to Hassan Mustafa, and kicked his calf several times. .

The referee, who was in pain, finally reacted.

At this time, he looked embarrassed.

Angry, he yelled at the Veela to stop them from dancing.

And it seemed like he was even trying to get rid of the Veela crowd.

On the side, the Irish leprechauns laughed and kept throwing gold coins outside.

They used gold coins to form an uncivilized gesture in the air, directed at the group of Veela.

But how could the angry Veela bear this tone.

Originally, they were not humans, just magical animals. Their emotions were relatively simple and they did not suppress their emotions.

Now he is under double pressure from human wizards and leprechauns!

In an instant, their tight strings broke.

The Veelas twisted their waists and twisted their waists with teeth and claws.

A thrilling charm magic slowly rose up.

Then a large number of Bulgarians in the stands were controlled by them.

They were already very dissatisfied with the referee for driving away the Veela. After all, why would you blame someone else's Veela if you are an idiot?

Now being controlled again, their heads were so hot that they fell into a trance in an instant.

In the stands, a magic spell suddenly flew out.

A referee emerges.

Just as he turned to stop it, Hassan Mustafa, who had committed a foul on the court, sank his feet, and then his whole body suddenly fell into the earth, and the ground under his feet turned into a quagmire.

"Who!!!" Hassan Mustafa shouted!

Then he crawled out of the quagmire in embarrassment.

But what greeted him was ruthless laughter from the Bulgarian audience.

Hassan Mustafa became even more angry.

He held the wand and glanced fiercely at the audience.

It seems that he will rush to the stands in the next second and fight with the guy who dares to attack him!


"The audience is having sex with the referee!"

Owen screamed as one of the joys of summer was unfolding before his eyes.

Ministry officials rushed to the field and pulled Hassan Mustafa away.

Just kidding, if the referees really got into trouble with the audience, their World Cup would be a joke.

"Zi Zhen!"

"What a pity!" Owen said with some frustration.

Then, the game continues.

Compare that to the riots underneath the venue.

Chaos in the sky is no less.

The batsmen on both sides were merciless and just swung wildly with all their might, regardless of whether the sticks in their hands hit the ball or the person.

Other burly team members were riding broomsticks and racing through the sky.

They tried to use their physical advantage to knock down all the opposing players.

Amid the chaos, Ireland scored a few more goals.

The price was that their chaser Lynch was squeezed into the stadium guardrail by the Bulgarians.

Then fell from a high altitude.

It hit the ground with a 'bang'.

"Foul!!!" the Irish shouted in unison, and they all stood up, including Harry and Ron.

A huge green wave echoed through the stadium.

"Foul!" The magically amplified voice of Ludo Bagman, Director of the Sports Department, also repeated these two words. "Dimitrov deliberately collided with Lynch - he will definitely be given a free throw - yes, The referee blew the whistle!"

The leprechauns rose into the air one by one.

They spat rudely at Dimitrov and his team members.

There are also people who hit people with gold coins.

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