I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 241 Owen: Make a wish! Make a big wish!

"So you don't want to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor anymore?" This is what Harry cares about. Being able to see Sirius every day at Hogwarts is the happiest college life he has ever spent.

If possible, he hopes this life can continue.

Hearing the sound, Sirius touched his head. Harry's hair was inherited from his father. It was curly and a little fluffy, and the hair was very hard and prickly to the touch.

Unlike his mother, who had flaming red hair like a waterfall.

"Moody was seriously injured in the fight with the Death Eaters. He lost a leg and then broke an arm. But he still refused to retire." Sirius said with more respect. , this is the most basic respect for this wizard who has dedicated his life to safeguarding justice and combating the cause of dark wizards.

Similarly, they are all members of the Order of the Phoenix and colleagues back then.

"In the end it was Dumbledore who persuaded him to accept the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position."

"And I—I'm going to investigate the truth behind Regulus' death."

Hearing the sound, Harry finally couldn't find any excuse. He could only sigh and then nodded silently.

Walk out the door of the Broken Ax Bar.

On the streets of Westminster.

The little wizards all crowded into a Rolls-Royce car.

Seven people squeezed into a car, which obviously attracted the attention of the Muggles nearby. After all, this was not India.

They watched curiously, but unfortunately the dark windows could not see anything inside.

"I didn't know you could drive!" Harry said in surprise.

"Of course - who do you think made the suggestion to modify Arthur's car? And Hagrid, it's time for him to return my motorcycle." Sirius smiled faintly and stepped on the accelerator.

The next second the car sped away like a knight bus.

The Muggles around them seemed not to have seen the strangely fast car. The moment the car started moving, each of them suddenly remembered something extremely important about themselves, and then hurriedly left here.

Half an hour later, the bus arrived at King's Cross station.

The rain was coming down hard, pouring down on them.

To prevent them from becoming drowned rats, Owen quietly cast a spell.

A light layer of mist clung to them, and the rain falling on it fell naturally like a raincoat.

"You've been a big help, Owen." Several people said in surprise.

Of course Harry and the others can do it too.

But they have to use a wand.

Unlike Owen, who can cast spells without a wand.

Walking into the platform, there were already many people waiting between the ninth and tenth platforms.

However, everyone did not gather together, but stayed around the platform in twos and threes.

Be careful not to gather too many people, Muggles will notice this strangeness.

Owen was surprised at first. This group of wizards finally learned to queue up consciously!

But when he saw a few chatty guys wearing black raincoats standing among the crowd.

The keen Owen realized that this was definitely an official from the Ministry of Magic's Transport Department.

Well - it seems wizards will never learn to queue.

After a few minutes, the invisible team finally had their turn.

Cross platform nine and three-quarters.

The Hogwarts Express had stopped there.

A dark red steam locomotive was spewing thick smoke.

Looking through the thick smoke, the many Hogwarts students and parents on the platform seemed like dark ghosts.

Piggy heard the hoots of many owls in the smoke, and chirped in response, making the noise louder than ever.

Hedwig had never liked the noisy owl.

It thinks that guy has no professional ethics as a deliveryman.

Yes, owls also have contempt chains.

It won't even stand on the same birdstand as the piggy.

Board the train.

The little wizards started looking for seats, which was easy.

Under Owen's kind and spoiled gaze, a box containing only one Slytherin quickly vacated.

"Slytherins are so generous."

Owen, who had already entered the box and sat comfortably inside, said jokingly.


Everyone felt helpless. They no longer had the energy to criticize Owen's little trick. He wouldn't change it anyway.

The others arrived soon after, opening the windows and bidding farewell to Sirius on the platform.

"We'll meet soon!" Sirius called, winking at them.

Then, his voice was obscured by the sound of the engine's pistons, and his figure disappeared into the bursts of steam.

As the train continued to travel north, the rain became heavier and heavier.

The sky was pitch black and the car windows were covered with condensation, so lights had to be turned on even in broad daylight.

Clattering, the food trolley was pushed down the aisle, and Owen and Harry bought a lot of cakes and snacks.

Granger paid.

Since the little witch wasn't going to give him the money for free, Owen would catch her and suck her blood until all the money was squeezed out!

Humph——, no one——no one can take away my gold Galleons from my hand!

Hermione took in Owen's entire expression.

She sat next to him.

In fact, the royalties were not much at all.

The "Principles of Alchemy" was not a valuable book. As a dictionary, its actual value was very low. Dumbledore only paid her eighty gold galleons for it.

From May to now.

That money - she donated thirty galleons to the Charitable Foundation for the Revitalization of Hogsmeade.

I bought some precious alchemy books and spent twenty galleons.

Including the gold galleons she had saved, by the time of the World Cup, she only had forty-two gold galleons and six silver sikos left in her pocket.

It's not that she doesn't want to give all the money to Owen.


She needs to set aside some money to buy gifts.


In the afternoon, many people began to pretend to pass by their cubicles for no apparent reason.

And every time they looked up to check, the little wizards would run away in a hurry.

Then there was a burst of whispering from behind the door.

"They are all your fans!" Harry laughed. Finally someone could feel what he felt when he first entered the magical world.

Everyone knew him then and everyone respected him.

This made Harry very distressed and confused, and it took him a long time to adjust his mentality.

As for Harry and Ron's excitement, Hermione acted very calmly.

She had been holding the book "Ancient Alchemy Revealed" and reading it carefully, turning her head away from what was going on outside the window and only reading the book written by Owen!

Completely oblivious to what happened outside.

"Yes, yes - in order to be a general, you must first heal your heart. Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged; elk thrives on the left but does not blink."

"Guliang, you look like the Minister of Magic!"

"Huh?" Hermione turned to look at him. The Chinese string just made her confused.

"I said - if you want to be a general, you must first cure your heart disease. In the Alps, you don't run away even if the mountain collapses. If an elk appears on your left, you don't even look at it. You are a werewolf studying."


Hermione's eyes narrowed slightly, and then she closed the "Alchemy Decryption" with a bang.

"Hey! That one has more than 400 pages. How dare you touch me!

Dare to touch me - I'm lying on the ground!

If I don’t expose your underwear, I’ll take your last name! "

"My last name is mine!" Hermione nodded as if she was thinking, "It's not impossible, right - Owen Granger."

It's raining heavily outside the window.

There was a rumble of thunder in the air.

Finally the train began to slow down slowly.

After changing into their school uniforms, they got out of the car one after another.

In the pouring rain, the little wizards each held up their wands.

Dots of fluorescent lights were woven into transparent umbrellas. Everyone was laughing and whispering, as if their mood was not affected by the weather at all.

This made the first-year students stare straight in the eyes.

Oh my God!

These seniors and sisters are so amazing!

"Hello, Hagrid!" Harry shouted when he saw a huge figure at the other end of the platform.

"Oh! It's you!"

"First-year students, come here!" Hagrid yelled roughly, "It's really strange today, why is it raining so heavily!"

he complained.

But Tian Tian had no intention of letting them go.

Still spitting water crazily.

"Owen!" Suddenly Hagrid called Owen.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Owen, who was finding Hannah and Justin in the crowd, covered his forehead and turned to look.

"You enter the castle by boat." Hagrid said, "I remember you were still the president of the student union! It rained too much today. You are responsible for taking care of the little wizards."

"Huh?" Owen was about to refuse, but then he thought about it and realized that he was indeed the president of the student union!

This is also considered his part of the job.

You can't give Professor McGonagall's blood pressure test on the first day of school!

Hey - forget it!

Who knows that I am so considerate and considerate of others!

After that, he and Hannah Justin whispered a few words, then walked through the crowd and came to the platform.

Seeing Hagrid commanding a group of ignorant little guys, Owen suddenly felt a different kind of emotion, like an old hen protecting her chicks.

Especially Hagrid's burly figure!

It was simply too oppressive.

However - there seem to be more freshmen this year than in previous years.

Maybe it's Irving's illusion. He always feels that there is much more this year than last year.

"This way!"

Hagrid greeted the little wizards to step off the platform and walk towards the dark, damp, and cold path.

The group of ignorant children looked at the senior students on the other side with envy, everyone holding up their wands, chatting and laughing, watching them walk into the mainland and get on the gorgeous silver-white carriage.

"Stop looking." This was Owen's voice.

"Are you envious of them?" A profiteer's smile appeared on his face.

What responded to him were the fiery eyes of dozens or even hundreds of young wizards.

"Do you want to learn magic quickly? Do you want to be one step ahead of others? Do you want to step up to the top and become a magic master?" Owen drew the cake crazily, and the smile on his face became more and more rippling.

"Sign up for my personal tutoring class and get one-on-one guidance from the President of the Hogwarts Student Union. I guarantee that your spell level will improve by leaps and bounds! You can learn it without paying for it!

It’s just after school started, and we’re running a limited-time special offer, as long as——”

"That's enough Owen!"

Finally, they walked out of the path.

Arriving at the shore of the Black Lake.

Hagrid came over angrily, "Don't sell your evil black magic to those children!"

"Hey? You are slandering! When did I teach other people dark magic? Look at Harry Ron, which one of them knows dark magic?"

"Then they don't need to spend money to take your classes! There are professors at Hogwarts who will teach them!" Hagrid said still angrily.

Their relationship has eased somewhat, but he will still point out things he doesn't like.

"What the professor teaches is too plain." He originally wanted to say mediocre.

Hagrid ignored him.

He shouted loudly, "No more than four people per boat!"

Turn around and board a boat alone.

The little wizards were confused and cautiously climbed onto the boat.

The rain was still falling, and a group of small boats sailed across the lake with drums beating, heading towards the vague castle on the mountain.

Everyone was silent, gathering together and shivering.

The cold rain poured down like a waterfall and they were all soaked.

Owen can guarantee that those little wizards, whose faces are livid from the cold and whose lips are trembling, will definitely have a fever tonight.

He was in the same boat as two other young wizards.

Next to her was a little witch with light blond hair, but because of the rain, her hair stuck to her face. Her eyes trembled, her mouth trembled, her hands covered her arms, and her body kept shaking.

Like the other little wizard on the boat, they were like fledglings in the rain, with nothing to do but whimper.

"Be careful!" There was a strong wind under the heavy rain.

Hagrid yelled.

He had just fished out a young wizard from the lake who had fallen into the water due to wind and waves.

"Hey, what's your name!"

On the boat, Owen expanded his magical transparent rain slightly, enough to cover the entire boat.

The wind and rain suddenly stopped, which surprised the little witch.

She looked up and caught Owen's eye.

"Ola—Ola Quirk," the girl stammered. (frozen!)

"What about you?" He looked at the little wizard on the boat.

"Dennis Creevey. Senior!"

"Creevey? Are you Colin's brother?" Owen gave him a careful look, huh! He does look a lot like Colin.

The most important thing is that Colin is a Muggle-born wizard.

His parents were both Muggles.

But he and his brother are both wizards, which is very rare. It is already very unusual for a Muggle family to give birth to a wizard. For example, Harry's mother, Lily, is a wizard, but Petunia has not shown any Any gift beyond the ordinary - such as magic.

Both Creevey children are wizards.

This—could his joking words be true?

Do all five million Muggles in London really have wizard blood in their bodies?

Which pureblood family squib is the ancestor of the little Creevey boy in front of me?

"You know my brother!" Creevey said stiffly, with a smile on his pale face.

"Colin! Harry Potter's royal cameraman, who doesn't know this? You'll find out when you get into Hogwarts, he's quite famous!"

That's not the case!

Colin's name appeared several times in the Daily Prophet because he took the photos they published.

After saying that, he turned to look at the little witch named Aura.

"Freshmen go to Hogwarts in a boat. It is a school tradition because the four founders arrived at the foot of the mountain in a boat.

As your senior and future leader - of course I am not showing off or pretentious here. After all, I am really the president of the Hogwarts Student Union. Owen said with a smile, and then showed what he thought was a gentle expression and continued with emphasis: "Well, since we are destined to sit in the same boat. "

"Make a wish!" He abruptly changed the subject.

With a rebellious smile on his face, he said: "Make a big wish and put all your expectations into it, just like putting a Christmas gift into a gift box. When you open it after many years, you will be filled with surprises!"

"?" Aura raised her head, puzzlement written all over her little face. She felt that the senior in front of her seemed a little distracted.

But the other party claimed to be the president of the student union.

She was a little timid, but she didn't dare to refute the other person's face.

"Then - I hope the rain will stop." She said blankly.

"Oh-no, I mean it would be nice to have a torch."

When she realized what an unrealistic wish she had made, she immediately covered her mouth and changed her words urgently the next second.

"What a bold wish!" Owen blinked at her, then stretched out his hand to rub her little head, "Although wizards have all kinds of magical powers, you have to remember that wizards can't do it yet. to changing the terrain and nature.”

Owen taught anxiously, then stood up slowly, stepped on the edge of the boat with one foot, raised his right hand holding the wand high, and pointed it at the sky.

"But I can still fulfill the torch's wish." His gray eyes were shining with the light of stars.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly - the next moment, he removed the transparent magic umbrella.

The storm swallowed him up instantly.

Aura and Dennis used their palms to resist the wind and rain, and could only see the independent figure on the bow of the boat from their fingertips - a face as jade-like and a figure as loose as pine.

What is he going to do?

The two young wizards couldn't help but have such questions in their hearts.

next moment.

Bright light pierced their eyes.

The two little wizards subconsciously turned their heads and closed their eyes!

——The sun rises above the lake!


The roar that cuts through the storm is the brave man's sword swinging at fate.

Golden light rose from the ground, blinding all the little wizards.

"Li Huo - Burning Heaven!"

Qiang Qiang~

The sun suddenly screamed.

It was originally the child of the Emperor of Heaven, named the Golden Crow.

No - that's not the Golden Crow.

"It's Phoenix!"

Listening to the mysterious screams coming from his ears, Dennis barely opened his eyes a little. Through the shadow of the lake, he saw the graceful figure flying high in the sky.

He has seen this scene before.

In the first grade, there was a photo in the magic newspaper that my brother Colin sent home. It was also a dark night and the sun was rising on the earth.

It's just a different color, it's blue.

This one will be golden.

But the same thing is that they are all biological forms evolved by light.


The most magical creatures in the wizarding world.

Dream - soar in the sky!

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