I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 248 Trio: Different Destinies

No matter how loud the sound is.

They couldn't move Goyle and Crabbe's feet even half an inch.

Because Miss Granger is staring at them eagerly!


In the atrium, Hermione snorted softly.

She held several thick magic books in her right hand and held a wand in her right hand. She and Harry Ron walked past Malfoy, who was stuck in the ground and unable to move, like passers-by.

No matter how much he cursed, he stopped without caring.

Gradually, the voices behind them became hoarse.

Becoming less sharp and mean.

There were actually more sobs.

Watching Harry, Ron and Hermione retreat.

Draco suddenly remembered that last Christmas, when the Dark Lord invaded Hogwarts, even in the face of the most terrifying wizard in the world, that bad guy could stand up and face him, and his friends always stood behind him. .

Face powerful enemies with him.

And myself!

Goyle and Crabbe?

forget it! They run faster than anyone else.

Suddenly, Draco felt like a child who had lost everything, tears falling from his eyes.

He didn't understand why his father no longer loved him as much as before.

He doesn't understand why that bastard is so popular?

He didn't understand that the mudblood would be sought after by wizards all over the world.

He didn't understand why so many people in the school respected Sanchez, who was so cruel, violent, and devoid of any education.

He doesn't understand!

He couldn't understand.

As the sole heir to the most prestigious Malfoy family, he should be the one enjoying the glory!

"Yo! I'm crying now!"

Suddenly a figure covered the sun in front of him.

The dust left in the air from the recent battle traces the shape of the sunlight.

The light is all his.

Owen crouched in front of Draco.

It was a complete accident that he appeared here. Professor McGonagall just scolded him in the corridor because of what happened in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Pouting unhappily, he angrily drove away the professor who was supposed to be walking towards the atrium, and instead came here himself.

Well - how to put it.

This may be the guidance of fate.

"Who is crying, bastard, get out of here!" Draco shook his head, trying to shake the shameful liquid in his eyes away from his face. Unfortunately, this was not of much use, and instead made his face dirty. There were a few more tears on his face.

Owen's lips curled up into a smile, this kid had a tough mouth.

always like this.

Well - if he hadn't appeared here, I'm afraid this guy would have gone dark and his path as a Death Eater would have ended.

The gears of fate began to turn, a turning point, and because of his appearance, an unknown road opened towards Draco.

In the quagmire, Draco blushed and kept quibbling.

Owen was really confused after hearing this.

return! What about Tsundere? Don’t you know that Tsundere has withdrawn from the environment?

"Okay, I'm going to class." Owen turned around and walked towards the corridor.

From there he would proceed directly to the auditorium, followed by the spiral staircase.

"Asshole! Don't leave." Draco turned his head hurriedly, "Save this young master out!"

"Huh!" The black-haired boy in front stopped, turned around and said with a slight sigh and nonchalantly: "Okay, okay."

"My Master Malfoy."

"Hey! What are you going to do!" Although the annoying guy said it lightly, the light shining on the magic spell on his hand did not make people feel at all reassuring.

That kind of dark green, like a flowing tide.

"Go." In the light, there was suddenly a branch, no - to be precise, it was a vine. A vine as thick as the little wizard's calf spread out.

"What are you thinking about!" Owen said slowly, "This is the devil's ivy given to me by Professor Sprout."

"That thing grows so fast. She can't handle it all."

Devil's ivy, filled with ancient magic, filled the entire corridor in the blink of an eye. There are green branches and leaves everywhere on the stone pillars.

The sun shines on it, leaving a large mottled surface.

Although these devil vines will wither soon after losing the supply of ancient magic, but - these things are originally disposable consumables, and the professor doesn't have a wall with so many.

The devil's vine stretched out its branches and vines, like a pair of hands, passed through Draco's armpits, and then pulled him out like a carrot.

"Good day." Owen waved, then turned around gracefully and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

Draco was the only one left standing in the corridor.

Suddenly, he felt that the sun was so dazzling.

The green leaves hanging low on the stone pillars are dodgy. They all retracted into the dark place behind the stone pillars.

They were bathing in the sunshine just now, and now they were trembling and huddled in the darkness.

Looking at the devil vines in front of him, Draco seemed to have something pressing against his chest. He wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

The swaying branches try their best to protect the roots from the direct sunlight.

The autumn wind carrying rich moisture passed through the castle from the other side of the cliff, blowing the branches and vines through the corridor, causing him to fall into a daze for a moment.

Maybe - he was thinking.

I also want to find my own real branches and sun.


Hufflepuff's next lesson is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration.

Although everyone was immersed in what had just happened, they wanted to discuss when Moody would beat Owen wildly - the Slytherins were looking forward to it.

But no one dared to whisper in the Transfiguration class.

Professor McGonagall is becoming more and more strict, and now she has found a way to fight Owen.

Once this kid commits a crime, don't give him time to open his mouth, just ask him out.

As long as this little guy who is good at deceiving people opens his mouth, she will be greeted by endless troubles.

Throughout the class, Professor McGonagall selectively ignored Owen.

She checked everyone's summer homework one by one. Then I reviewed the content and deformation principles mentioned in the last semester again.

Then she divided the Hufflepuff and Slytherin wizards into two teams.

Two against each other.

Both parties are required to use magic spells to attack, while the other party uses transformation spells and uses her prepared teapots to resist.

Of course, the little wizard is not allowed to use attack spells during this process.

It can only be a levitating charm, or a small, harmless prank charm like a funny one.

Honestly, it's hard.

Although most fourth-year wizards can turn a teapot into any animal of the same size, their quick adaptability is not enough for them to successfully perform the transformation spell in battle.

Apart from Owen, only Hannah succeeded in the entire class.

"Five points for Hufflepuff!" Professor McGonagall said happily.

Although Owen didn't understand why the professor didn't give him extra points even though he could do it easily.

Before he could open his mouth to express discrimination, oppression, and anger, the professor gave him a reward.

Um - copy the school rules.

Under the pressure of Professor McGonagall's eager eyes, even if he had not had time to break any school rules this year, the professor had given him vaccinations first.

Then you saw a strange scene in the classroom. The little wizards were waving their wands "happily" one by one, chanting magic spells in the air, and fighting lively.

But our Owen, the real fun-loving person, is sitting alone in the seat next to Professor McGonagall's desk far away from the center of the classroom, writing hard.

The quill wrote faster and faster, and Owen's expression became more and more ferocious.

Hum - I want to express the injustice and anger on the parchment, and turn the oppression and pain into words and carve them into the wood. (PS: The parchment was penetrated with too much force, and the pen tip jumped on the table.)

Seeing Owen's deflated appearance, many Hufflepuffs were secretly laughing.

The Slytherins were very direct and provocative with their eyes. (They dare not mock directly.)

Only Draco remained silent.

And equally silent as him was Hannah, who had just received extra points from Professor McGonagall.

She is not at all like she was last year, she is as quiet as a different person.

After class, Owen was finally relieved after handing in an "Exclusive School Rules" that was several thousand words long.

He didn't keep Hannah and Justin waiting for him.


Owen, who returned from wandering in the castle, met the little wizard of Gryffindor in front of the auditorium.

Each of the little lions had displeasure on their faces, smelled sweet things from their mouths, and knew with their toes where they spent the afternoon.

As soon as I walked into the auditorium.

He heard Harry and Ron frantically targeting Snape.

The words are vulgar and the actions are exaggerated.

From time to time, a few foreign sentences will pop up.

For example, in French, Owen couldn't hear clearly. Their spoken language was too strange. It might also be Arabic. Ron's brother Bill taught them a lot of Arabic during the World Cup.

Most of them they had forgotten.

But about those mommies like Fake, that will never be forgotten in my life.

Looking at the 'enthusiastic' two people.

Owen shook his head, they had to come here once a year.

There was a period of nervous excitement, and after two days they got used to Snape's cynicism, they didn't have much energy to curse him.

As for Hermione.

Owen didn't see her figure, so it was probably the library that was secretly involved again.

In the next few days, Hogwarts gradually calmed down.

Professor Binns, the ghost who teaches them the history of magic, has assigned them this week to write a paper on the goblin rebellion of the eighteenth century.

This is a very interesting assignment.

In the afternoon, the little wizards gathered in the library to look for books about the goblin rebellion.

It's not easy.

Not because there is less, but because there are too many.

Goblin rebellions have been going on since the sixteenth century. (One theory is that the legendary wizard Merlin died in the sixteenth century, and this is when other intelligent creatures challenged the wizard's rule.)

Starting with the first Goblin Rebellion War in 1612, various major wars continued for many years until the 18th century.

Even now, in the darkness invisible to wizards, those souls who are unwilling to surrender are still gathering strength.

Attempt to overthrow the wizard's rule.


The first goblin rebellion even captured Hogsmeade. If they could capture Hogwarts at that time, it would definitely open a new chapter in the history of magic.

Unfortunately, they failed.

The first goblin rebellion broke out because the goblins were dissatisfied that there was no place for goblins in the Wizengamot at that time. But the war ended in their defeat.

In this rebellion, the goblins lost their most important thing in the wizarding world - Gringotts.

Two hundred years later, they regained control of Gringotts during the Second Goblin Rebellion in the 18th century.

Of course, Owen had no interest in these.

It was only after he learned that ancient magic really existed that he became interested in the third goblin rebellion in 1881, which was destroyed by the fifth-year transfer student who must not be named directly.

"It's incredible." Harry held up a thick history of magic called "The Terrible Goblin Wars of the 19th Century." "Look, the goblins even broke into Hogwarts."

"How is that possible!" Ron didn't believe it. He took the history of magic book from Harry, "This-"

It is clearly recorded on it that in June 1882, the goblin rebel Lanlock led his men, the loyal warriors, and a large number of dark wizards to attack Hogwarts.

"This - digging a tunnel?"

The little wizards came closer, and Justin's eyes were as wide as Ron's, "Is there such a way?"

It is clearly written on the tree that Lanlock and his men used the magic machine to drill a tunnel directly under Hogwarts.

If it hadn't been for the fifth-year transfer student who 'coincidentally' broke through their conspiracy and all the professors teamed up to defeat the goblin, they might have succeeded.

"How could a goblin make such a huge alchemy machine?" Hermione sighed as she stared at a photo on the tree, which was taken by the Daily Prophet after the war.

It looked as huge as the Hogwarts Express.

The all-metal structure, although the photo is black and white, can still see the dangerous light refracted.

"The production ability of goblins is stronger than that of wizards, and Gryffindor's sword was made by goblins!

There is also the sword of King Da Mao. The fairy in the lake is considered a kind of fairy! Owen said quietly, what he cared about was what the fifth-year transfer students did after that and where they went.

Unfortunately, as if someone deliberately deleted history, except for the plot of the goblin rebellion and the traces of the man's words, there is no record of him anywhere else.

This made Owen a little disappointed.

It’s okay to use him to find the traces of ancient magic left in Hogwarts Castle!

"King of Silly Hair?" Hermione blinked.

He gently stroked the dull hair on his head that had exploded with his hand.

I always feel like this guy is really insinuating her.

"Don't worry, this one doesn't have her, this one is based on Merlin." Owen leaned on his chair and whispered.

Mrs. Pingsi has frequently cast her sights here.

If you speak louder, she will definitely kick you out.

"Look at Harry's father and Sirius, and look at Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Who can't see what this version of Merlin is like?"

He raised his eyebrows and continued, "Don't believe in Merlin, it will bring misfortune."

"Huh?" The other little wizards all raised their heads and looked at him in confusion.

"Na na - let's talk about the goblins, hum - the three goblin wars witnessed the decline of human wizards step by step, and they were able to win the first time, although the house elves helped the wizards. Don't ask me why I know, After all, there is no record in the history of wizards that they were helped by elves.

Even if the elves help the second time, it is not difficult to see that the wizard can't say defeat, but he can't talk about victory when the goblins take back Gringotts.

As for the third time, the wizard was completely defeated, and the defeat was very complete and humorous, because the Ministry of Magic did not know about it from the beginning to the end. Yes - a war broke out, but the Ministry of Magic did not I know that if it weren't for some accident, the goblin would almost have succeeded. It can only be said that Hogwarts won, a certain fifth-year transfer student won, but the wizards were completely defeated. "

"Sometimes I really don't understand why those magical creatures haven't overthrown me when wizards are so good. When I think about it carefully, I figure it out. Because they are even better!" Owen said leisurely, attracting a group of young wizards to express their gratitude. He rolled his eyes.

This guy is really crazy, he even scolds himself.

However, what Owen said successfully caught Hermione's attention, because she heard that the elves were on the side of the wizards in the goblin rebellion.

This is missing from the history of magic.

For her, finding the elves' missing achievements was the best weapon to free the house elves and their imprisoned minds.

Hermione's little head was already filled with 10,000 thoughts.

She planned to search in the castle's library to see if there were any books that recorded the history of elves in detail.

Of course, Miss Granger's little ideas are all part of Owen's calculations.

With this tireless little lion helping him find information about 1881, it would be countless times easier for him.

Soon - the little wizards got a taste of what Hermione's speed was.

During dinner, she had completed a two thousand-word article calling on wizards to respect history.

and Professor Spin's paper on the Goblin Rebellion. She also wrote a 500-word synopsis.

the next day.

They meet together again in the divination class.

Hermione had given up on the subject.

But Owen didn't. Listening to Professor Trelawney brag was still very interesting and very suitable for relaxing.

Today they are learning about planetary predictions.

Sure enough, as Professor Trelawney's prophecy tablet, Harry was surrounded by various signs of death.

Her theory this time was that Harry was under the ominous influence of Saturn when he was born, which is why he was so unlucky.

Professor Sprout told everyone that only those who know the rules of the dance of the sky can understand the movements of the planets and the mysterious signs they display. Human destiny can be deciphered through the radiant light of the planets, and these lights blend with each other.

Do you believe it?

Owen didn’t believe it anyway.

"Professor!" In the suddenly quiet classroom where you could hear a pin drop, Owen's voice was particularly bright.

"What would Senior Tom do if he knew that the prophecy about the Savior came from you?"

Owen shrank his head and pinched his nose, trying his best to believe that he had no nose. Then he lifted up the broken hair on his forehead, revealing his smooth forehead, and imagined that he had no hair.

When everything was ready, he smiled, grinned, and roared in a hysterical voice: "I know it was you who did it, fortune teller, and the prophecy that they defeated me was given by you!

Come on, I'll kill you a thousand times, but it's not enough! ! ! "

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