I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 252 Merlin’s Secret Chamber

But it is certain that Merlin knows about Hogwarts, because his life span is quite long.

The last record of him was more than five hundred years ago.

After the First Goblin War, which saw the British Wizarding Council disbanded (which it did not), its functions were replaced by the Ministry of Magic. The prototype of the International Federation of Wizards was born.

After the power structure of the wizarding world was firmly established, he disappeared.

His death left countless secrets in the magical world.

Some say Merlin is still alive, others say he is dead.

Others say he returned to Avalon, the fabled place of eternal rest.

No one could tell what happened to him. People could only understand that the wizarding world had not listened to his voice for five hundred years.

Among the above speculations, Owen is more convinced that Merlin finally returned to Avalon and rested here.

Merlin in this world is not immortal.

He should also have the bloodline of some kind of magical creature, and his lifespan is quite long, but no matter how long his lifespan is, he will always grow old and come to an end.

Looking at the Merlin Medal in front of him.

Owen was actually full of doubts in his heart.

This is the first time Merlin and Hogwarts are connected.

"Camelot" Owen said in a deep voice. Looking at the medal in the castle in the distance that almost covered the wand, he suddenly had a different kind of thought coming to his mind.

If possible, he would really like to speak directly to the greatest wizard.

Ask about the legend of kings and wizards.

Owen stretched out his hand and pressed against the door.

Just a little push.

The stone door, which seemed to weigh at least a thousand kilograms, was pushed open by him in response.

In an instant, a refreshing fragrance hit my face.

The wind carried some kind of pink petals and blew against my face.

Owen and Hermione subconsciously covered their eyes.

When he was confused, he seemed to see a man wearing colorful clothes, with white hair and purple eyes, who was unbelievably beautiful.

He blinked at the little wizard, and the corners of his mouth curved upward.

Then disappeared.

After a long time, when the air circulated, the petals that seemed to be boiling slowly fell down.

"Oh my God!" Hermione sighed.

His face was bright red.

Pink petals all over the ground.

Spreading to the edge that no one can see.

Standing at the door and looking in, the cloister looks like the garden of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is incredibly beautiful.

Miss Granger covered her mouth, too shocked to speak.

"As long as Merlin, the flower magician, is there, it will not be hell, but a land full of hope."

Owen sighed. He was also shocked by the petals all over the ground.

Who would have thought that behind this majestic-looking door is something so - well - 'warm'?

Stepping on the petals, the three of them moved forward slowly.

"This seems like - magic?"

Yes, when he squatted down and picked up a petal, the moment he touched it, Owen realized that what was under his feet was by no means a real thing, but something created and transmitted by ancient magic.

"Waste!" Victor said solemnly, leaning on crutches.

"These should be of greater use." His voice was very soft, like those who have just recovered from a serious illness, but his tone was particularly firm.

He knelt down and reached out to pick up some petals.

Pink flowers bloom beautifully in his hands.

But in just a moment, the magical structure contained in the flower was on the verge of collapse due to changes in physical form, and soon disappeared like fireworks in his hands.

"People should also have some rights to enjoy. I think these flowers are quite beautiful. When the wizard has spare time, create something like this-" Owen waved his wand.

The flowers made of pure ancient magic flowed.

Slowly forming a river in the sky - a sea of ​​flowers.

"Enjoy it?" Victor glanced at Owen through the magic lens in his left eye.

The metal crutch struck heavily on the marble, making a clanging sound.

"The mission of a magician is to explore and discover ways to make the world a better place."

"Do you think this world is beautiful?"

His slightly tilted body looked unusually tall. "Don't let down your talent, Owen." He said, "When you have the ability to change the world, you must have greater and more ambitious aspirations."

Victor's voice was very soft. He was not saying this in a lecturing or educating him - in a condescending tone.

His calm voice sounded like he was explaining something trivial. It's like what to eat tomorrow - so bland.

"Your talent was bought by your mother with her life."

Victor walked past him, "If the world doesn't change at all after you die, then you should be ashamed!"

He said calmly, with a trace of undetectable sadness in the corners of his eyes.

Surprisingly, Owen didn't refute him or break the heavy atmosphere with a joke.

In the man in front of him, he felt an unprecedented pure temperament, which was different from other wizards he knew, even Dumbledore.

The old principal had no idea of ​​changing the world and benefiting mankind. He just wanted to keep his little piece of land - Hogwarts.

Victor is purer than anyone else, as if he is the embodiment of some ideal.

As for Miss Granger, after taking a deep look at the wonderful sea of ​​flowers, she resolutely turned her gaze to the mysterious man.

There was a twinkle in his eye.

Unconsciously, Miss Granger opened her legs and followed.

Ideal - Owen said in a deep voice, can they really change the world?

Several people continued to walk forward.

The two sides of the corridor are no longer rough stone walls, but are covered with a layer of blue gem-like colorful carvings.

It could be gold, or brass. They draw threads to draw historical pictures on the colorful sculptures.

He saw a wizard holding his wand high, and the surrounding mountains were turned upside down.

He saw a brave man holding a sword, facing mountains of monsters alone.

He sees something less than human, offering a sword from the bottom of the lake and handing it to a man in armor.

His fingers lightly traced over the relief, and the ancient runes remaining on the wall were still burning hot. That shocking and powerful power has not died out for thousands of years. The numerous deliberations clearly indicate that this is the temple of the most powerful wizard, where great miracles that may exist are buried.


The three of them continued walking forward for more than ten minutes, and finally completed the corridor.

The space in this underground secret room is beyond imagination. Owen guessed that it might take half an hour to walk back and forth inside.

Half an hour in the castle was enough for him to walk from the astronomy classroom on the eighth floor to Hagrid's hut.

Therefore, this area is obviously very abnormal, and it should be caused by the infinite expansion spell.

At the end of the corridor, a huge palace appeared.

It's like an auditorium, magnificent.

The Gothic buildings on both sides are covered with various sculptures.

Almost all of them were humanoid sculptures, but few of them were familiar to Owen. It should be some famous wizards from ancient times.

Looking up - the ceiling reflects the sky outside, exactly like the auditorium.

The only difference is that in the center of the palace, there is an oak tree emitting a faint purple-blue light. It is so tall.

It seems as if it supports the dome.

Countless vines hang down from the oak branches, like a forest.

"This place—"

"Ancient magic has a strong response to organisms. You can try to control them." Victor stood at the end of the corridor, with no sadness or joy in his eyes.

Just meditate.

Hearing the sound, Owen stretched out his wand, and the tip of the wand lit up with a faint light.

The majestic ancient magic emerged.

The forest in front of them opened a path for them, as if inspired by something.

In fact, Owen has long discovered the magic of ancient magic.

This is a kind of magic that can truly change the structure of matter, a miraculous magic that can subvert Gamp's basic law of transformation.

——As the first Minister in the history of the Ministry of Magic.

In addition to guiding the British wizarding world to abide by the Federation's instructions, resolutely enforce the law of secrecy, and hide the wizarding world, Ulric Gamp's greatest achievement in the history of magic is summarizing the basic transformation rules of transfiguration.

Five things that cannot be obtained through transfiguration.

Food cannot be transformed.

Magic items cannot be transformed.

Cannot give life.

It cannot take effect permanently.

You can't make something out of nothing.

The first and fifth of these are for the same reason. Wizards cannot change the original structure of matter. That is, no matter how much I make a stone look like a roast duck, its essence is still a stone, and it will not change because of its appearance. It can be digested and absorbed by roast duck.

I can't conjure a roast duck out of thin air. Transfiguration can only 'modify' the original, but cannot create out of nothing. (ps - clear water like a spring is a kind of summoning spell.)

The second rule differs from person to person. You cannot transform into magic props. Strictly speaking, you cannot transform into magic props that the caster cannot understand or master. If Sirius completely understands all the parts of the Flying Car, Theoretically, he can be transformed directly.

As for giving life and being permanent, there is no magic spell or magic that can give life to the dead or inorganic bodies. The transformed animal is just a puppet, and it will change back to its original form after the magic dissipates.

This principle was taught by Professor McGonagall when the young wizards started taking classes.

It's just that some guys don't really listen.

But when he truly mastered ancient magic, he immediately realized how different this magic was.

At least, he could really turn the stone into roast chicken and then trick Justin into eating it.

Every night for a week, Justin ate Sanchez brand roast chicken.

Nothing seems to be wrong.

As for giving life, this - it's a bit troublesome, but it doesn't matter - when Justin eats the stone, he can try to see if he can resurrect him.

————A muddy road appeared in front of us.

The vines spread out over the mud one by one, creating a path.

Stepping on the vines, Owen led Hermione over.

Victor looked at the boy from behind and frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

He followed him directly.

In front of the oak tree.

The three of them looked up.

The ground in front of him was formed into a circle by huge smooth boulders, which were engraved with intricate magic symbols.

It was a stone platform.

It was tightly entangled with green plants, and its true appearance could not be seen clearly.

Owen cleared away the blocking vines and discovered that there was an irregular circular groove in the center of the stone platform.

"This -" Looking at the groove, Owen suddenly felt familiar.

Turning his head, he saw that Victor had taken out the Rubik's Cube from his pocket.

Sure enough, he came prepared!

Owen thought deeply.

I don’t know how far he has studied ancient magic, a revolutionary who left his name in the history of Rune Continent.

Victor held the magic and walked straight towards the stone platform.

Then he reached out and inserted the Rubik's Cube into it.

Then in Hermione's surprised eyes, the Rubik's Cube rotated rapidly, as if there were gears in its center, and countless ancient magics majestically merged into the stone platform.

Then a golden, unknown substance with a sandy texture flowed out from under the stone platform.

Stacked on each other, superimposed on each other, the golden substance soon transformed into a mirror more than ten feet tall.

"Wow even!"

Such is the creative power of ancient magic.

That should be gold wrapped with mithril, Owen guessed as he looked in the mirror.

Because gold is more malleable than brass, and its magic effect is better.

Although brass is cheaper, the actual difference with gold is not that big.

But Owen believes that Mr. Merlin, the master of magic, will never be short of money and cannot afford gold!

"Oh! Another young face. There is a new 'Guduo' in my garden."

While Owen was deep in thought, a young woman suddenly appeared in the mirror. She turned her head sideways, then her eyes were filled with surprise, and then she squeezed out from the edge of the portrait.

She has fiery red hair, styled into two braids that hang from her ears to her chest and even her thighs.

The clear and big eyes are full of happiness, the nose is high, and the corners of the mouth are hanging with a kind smile.

Wearing an earthy yellow hat, the brim of the hat is decorated with crimson flowers.

Wearing green and yellow close-fitting clothing, the waist is very thin and full in the medieval style.

The hands are folded and lowered to the abdomen.

That sun-like temperament can make people feel warm even in a portrait.

"You are so beautiful." Owen smiled and opened his mouth.

Hey - don't think he's being complimentary.

In fact, this lady is indeed very beautiful, with a lovely face, and a figure that is neither thin nor plump, but just right - harmonious.

Yes – harmony.

This word is very suitable to describe this lady.

"Thank you!" the lady said enthusiastically.

Then she suddenly looked at Owen as if she had discovered something.

"Are you a young wizard from Hufflepuff House?"

The witch's eyes fell on the college badge in front of Owen's school uniform.

"Yes, you are?"

"Bridged. Brigid Weasley. Former Herbology Professor at Hogwarts, and also served as the Head of Hufflepuff." Brigid said gently, like a spring breeze caressing her. As gentle as skin.



Owen and Miss Granger were both confused.


"Are you Headmaster Brigid?" Owen remembered that there was a Lady Brigid among the portraits of past heads of house in the Hufflepuff common room.

But that portrait is clearly of her in old age.

This prevented Owen from recognizing it immediately.

"Surprised?" Dean Brigid covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes staying on Owen. Suddenly, there was another lady in her portrait.

That was - the portrait of the old Headmaster Brigid in the Hufflepuff common room, "I have been observing you since a long time ago. Owen."

"Like the other Heads of House (Hufflepuff's ancestors). I also think the Sorting Hat made a mistake this time."

"Are you the heir to the ancient magic of the previous generation?" Owen said awkwardly, changing the subject.

Good guy, it turns out that the owner of the underground secret room is hanging in his lounge.

Then his funny experiences must have been seen by everyone, which is really shameful.

"She is the successor of the previous generation." Dean Brigid explained. "She is unwilling to leave a test, so she can only work hard for me, an old man who is already five hundred years old, to continue to guard this place."

"Leave a test?"

"You should know about the Outer Gods!" Dean Brigid's voice changed, and the smile on his face faded.

"In addition to the watchtowers left by ancient wizards, successive generations of heirs also left their legacies." She said seriously: "In order to allow those who come after us to quickly master the power of ancient magic, the great magician, Merlin, set up a Gwartz left this secret room behind. After that, successive generations of successors continued to consolidate it, and it eventually evolved into what you see now."

"What exactly is experience? What can I gain?"

Be realistic, Owen said with fiery eyes.

With his strength, wouldn't it be enough to pass this test?

This is the free equipment.

Dean Brigid saw the heat in Owen's eyes, and immediately sighed. This child really didn't look like someone from their college. "The test for the heir is divided into three levels. I will test the first two levels, and the last one will be... It was left by the magic instructor Merlin himself. You don't need to pass three levels in a row. In fact, you don't even need to pass the level if you are confident enough in your magic.

You can also choose to only pass one level and get part of the heir's treasure.

If you pass two levels. Then as the new heir, you are qualified to test the successors. "

"Merlin is also the heir to ancient magic?" Owen asked.

"Yes, he is also the heir, and he is the most powerful one. In the past fifteen hundred years, no subsequent heir has successfully solved the problems he left behind."

"Is it difficult?" Owen said.

"No - it has nothing to do with magic." To be able to become the controller of the levels, Dean Brigid has obviously passed two levels. Owen did not believe that she would hold back her curiosity and not continue, "That's why it is extremely difficult."

"Nothing about magic?"

"When you get to the door, you'll know what's behind it. Why do you want to try it?"

"Wait a minute, Dean, you just mentioned the test for the heir, can other wizards also accept the test?" Owen suddenly asked.

"Of course - Hogwarts teaches everyone without distinction. It's just that the previous generation's heir was unwilling to leave his portrait and did not replenish the magic of the secret room underneath. This led to the fact that no one has entered here in the past hundred years. In the past, many young wizards have I accidentally broke into this place.

As long as you can find the corresponding key! "

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