I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 255 Beauxbatons School of Magic

Rune horses are a breed of Pegasus that are large and very strong.

It looks almost like an elephant.

It is white-gold all over, has a beautiful silver mane, and has fiery red eyes. It usually lives around the river in the forest near Beauxbatons School. It is a very rare magical animal.

As we all know, 'Pegasus' can be found all over the earth.

There are horses with wings in every country in the world,

In the Ming Dynasty, there was a magical animal called "Tianma", which looked like a big white dog.

The fur on its head is black, and there are a pair of wings on its back. When it sees people, it will fly into the sky.

As for Beauxbatons's rune horse, it is actually a cross between a Pegasus and a giant horse that has become extinct in ancient times.

This is a very delicate magical animal, a species that is subject to human intervention. However, any magical animal that is artificially cultivated is either violent and full of wildness, or it is quiet and gentle and lacks the most basic stress response to the outside world. No matter what it is, , cannot survive normally in nature.

Ms. Maxim's horses are even more unique. They only drink single malt whiskey, and only strong people can take care of them.

Raising a horse like this would probably be enough for Miss Granger to publish several more books.

There was a roar of thunder in the sky.

Hearing the sound, all the little wizards raised their heads and watched in surprise as the black behemoth passed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest. Only when it was illuminated by the light from the castle window did they see that it was a car. The huge pink-blue carriage flew towards the castle.

It was as big as a house, and twelve winged horses pulled it through the air.

The carriage flew lower and was landing at an extremely fast speed.

The first-year wizards in the first row all exclaimed and hid around.

Under the crowd, the team in front began to become confused.

Dozens of people were in chaos. Then there was an earth-shaking loud noise, and all the first-year wizards crowded backwards.

"Neville, you stepped on me." Ron felt pain.

A very clear footprint appeared on his clean black leather shoes.

"Oh! I'm sorry Ron, it was Colin who was squeezing me." Neville reluctantly turned his head.

"No. My brother and the others were frightened." Colin's voice came from the front: "Dennis, stop squeezing, it's just a carriage."

"Oh my God! These horses are so majestic. Hagrid will definitely love them to death." Harry sighed, his eyes following the rune horses.

Looking at those beautiful horses, he suddenly felt the desire to ride them.

Riding such a handsome horse, passing by the Ravenclaw Tower, Qiu Zhang would definitely be deeply impressed if she saw it.

"Bang bang!"

There was a tremor on the ground.

Those horse hooves fell to the ground with a thud, each one as big as a vegetable plate.

In the blink of an eye, the carriage also landed on the ground, vibrating on the huge wheels. At the same time, the golden horses shook their huge heads and their big fiery red eyes turned.

Harry just had time to see a crest printed on the door (two golden crossed wands, with three stars emerging from each) before the door opened.

A boy in a light blue robe jumped out of the carriage, bent down, groped for something on the floor of the carriage, and then opened a golden spiral staircase.

Then he jumped back respectfully and climbed up the stairs in front of him.

Then, Harry saw a shiny black high-heeled shoe sticking out of the carriage.

"Merlin's beard!"

He suddenly understood why the carriage and the silver-maned horses were so big.

Several people gasped in shock.

"She's really big." Ron looked sideways at Hermione beside him. "She's at least half a head taller than Hagrid. I thought you were kidding us."

"No manners, Ron!" Hermione glanced at him. "I emphasize again that Ms. Maxim is a purely human witch. She is just - born with a larger frame."

She had previously introduced the principal of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ms. Olim Maxim, to Ron and Harry.

Said she was a powerful, elegant and wise witch.

In fact, the wizard who can become the headmaster in Beauxbatons is not an ordinary wizard. It is not a place like Durmstrang where a former Death Eater can become the headmaster.

There is Nick Flamel as a checkpoint - although this old man who is over 600 years old will not be directly involved in the affairs of the French wizarding world, nor will he be involved in the management of Beauxbatons.

But his influence is too great.

No French wizard could ignore such a great man who was more than 600 years old and dedicated his life to the romantic land of France.

There weren't many witches he recognized.

The most famous one is probably the girl from Orleans that Owen talks about all day long. (Because belief in Merlin will bring misfortune.)

In her third year, Hermione told them many stories about Madame Olim Maxim, including how she fought against the witches to claim the position of Headmaster of Beauxbatons.

Although this giant-mixed woman looks very big, she actually has excellent eloquence and the ability to negotiate with others. Unfortunately, in the original work, she faced a group of giants. That's why their plan to get the giants to join them in fighting Voldemort failed.

Unfortunately, neither Ron nor Harry focused on Ms. Olim Maxim's achievements.

All their attention was on her figure.

——It can only be said to be a man! snort!

George and Fred have been arguing with Ron Harry about whether Ms. Olim Maxim is actually a giant hybrid.

Because they don't think normal humans can grow that tall.

Even though Hermione insisted again and again, Fleur told her that Ms. Maxim was a purely human witch, but she was born with a big frame.

"Does this mean the frame is too big?" Ron stared.

He suddenly pushed Neville forward and said, "She looks like she's 11 feet tall, 11 feet!!!"

"Fleur said, their headmaster" Hermione explained impatiently.

Although she also felt a little ridiculous, she chose to believe in her good sister.

After all, this is the magical world - her knowledge is too small, the world is so big, what if there really is a wizard with a skeleton like this?

"She (Fleur) will definitely not admit it." Gemini said bluntly later, "They will not admit that the principal of their school is a wizard and a giant hybrid - because they feel embarrassed."

"Only Dumbledore doesn't care about a wizard's bloodline. As long as he has ability and guaranteed character, he will invite the wizard to join Hogwarts."

Fred continued.

And his words suddenly reminded Hermione of Lavender.

After she was bitten by a vampire last semester, her mother had been worried that her daughter would become a vampire and be expelled from Hogwarts.

Owen said this at that time - Dumbledore will not refuse you to study because of your blood.

And the great and forgiving principal who would accompany the twins with the funeral march at the opening ceremony would always belong to Hogwarts.

Harry was also watching closely the witch who got off the carriage.

One of her shoes was as big as a child's sleigh, so much bigger than he had ever seen in his life.

His height was almost the same as Hagrid's. She even looks taller than Hagrid because of her shoes.

At this moment, Madame Maxime had reached the bottom of the steps and was turning around to look at the waiting crowd with wide eyes.

When she walked into the light from the foyer, everyone found that she had a very handsome olive face, a pair of black and big watery eyes, and a pointed nose.

Her hair was slicked back and pulled into a shiny bun at the base of her neck.

She was wrapped in a black wrought garment from head to toe, and many gorgeous opals shone around her neck and on her thick fingers.

While the little wizards were in a daze, Dumbledore took the lead and started applauding.

Then the little wizards who woke up began to applaud.

Her face relaxed into an elegant smile, and she stretched out a gleaming hand and walked towards Dumbledore.

"Welcome," said the old headmaster, "welcome to Hogwarts."

He kissed Madame Maxime's outstretched hand.

"Dumbledore," Madame Maxime said in a deep voice, "I hope you are well."

"Also, regarding the content of the game, I think we still need to talk."

"We can talk in detail later." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Mrs. Maxim nodded and waved her huge hand carelessly behind her: "These are my students."

At this time, everyone seemed to notice that about twenty male and female students had gotten off the carriage.

At this moment, they were standing behind Madame Maxime, in the huge shadow cast by her.

Judging from their appearance, they were all probably around eighteen or nineteen years old, and all of them were trembling slightly.

This is not surprising, the clothes they are wearing may be quite warm in France, but this is Scotland, and the cold wind in the highlands is blowing their silk robes.

And no one in this group was wearing a cloak. Most of the girls had their heads wrapped in scarves or headscarves.

From Owen's point of view, these little wizards are all handsome men and beautiful women, if they don't tremble.

Of course - shivering doesn't mean they are at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Quite the opposite in fact.

As soon as the young wizard from Beauxbatons walked towards the carriage, his eyes met with the young wizard from Hogwarts.

George and Fred had weird smiles on their faces.

There are probably a hundred little tricks popping up in his head.

Hermione spotted Fleur's figure among the crowd, as well as that of her sister Gabrielle.

To be honest, her condition was not very good and she looked very tired.

The little wizards around her all stayed away from her.

But no one dared to show any face to her.

In fact - most of the Beauxbatons little wizards looked at her with awe.

I don’t know what this girl has been doing in the past few months.

"Is Durmstrang here?" asked Madame Maxime.

"It will come at any time." Dumbledore looked into the distance, with an inexplicable expectation in his blue eyes.

Owen saw it really.

This made him a little curious as to who Durmstrang would lead the team this time.

It couldn't be his grandfather Grindelwald!

He shouldn't appear in Hogwarts so openly.

After all - that's Grindelwald!

If the Federation can pardon Wenda Rozier, it is because the Rozier family has dissipated their wealth and she may have made great contributions to the Federation in some places.

This is barely passable, but still - it has been criticized by most of the international community.

But Grindelwald.

Owen could think of no way to pardon him short of overthrowing the Federation.

"Would you rather greet me here, or would you rather go in first to warm up?" Dumbledore then asked.

"It's better to warm up," said Madame Maxime, "but those horses"

"Don't worry, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be happy to look after them," said Dumbledore. "He's coming back after sorting out a little mess. It's his, um, something that happened to something he was looking after."

Apparently - it was his work - the Blast-Ended Skrewts grew up.

Owen snorted softly from the side.

"My horses require a very strong person to take care of them." Mrs. Maxim said uneasily, as if doubting whether the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts was up to the job. "You know, they are very temperamental. strong"

"Don't worry, he is Mr. Scamante's student." Dumbledore said with a smile, and in a few words he responded to Mrs. Maxim's suspicious look.

Senior Newt's name is known to wizards half of the world.

After all, except for those in the Far East, almost all magical animal classes in other magic schools use his "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

Of course, Senior Newt is also constantly adding to his books. Maybe one day even the Far East School of Magic will purchase his books!

"Yes, of course I believe in Mr. Scamante's professionalism in this field." Ms. Maxim paused and then continued: "Please tell Hagrid that these horses only drink single malt whiskey."

"I will." Dumbledore said flatly.

Then get out of the way of the castle.

"Come on!" Madame Maxime turned to her students and said majestically.

The little wizard of Hogwarts made a way, and with their own evil eyes, they walked into the castle.

Professor McGonagall followed and was responsible for entertaining.

"Okay! Who's to turn, Durmstrang or Ilvermorny?" Hufflepuff, Justin and Hannah stood together.

"They definitely won't come in a carriage." Ernie said firmly, "There has to be something new!"

Although they thought so, most wizards still looked up at the sky helplessly because they could not think of any other way to reach Hogwarts.

There was silence all around for a while. Because it had been too long and the temperature was too cold, everyone was no longer interested in talking. All they could hear was the snorting and stamping of Madame Maxime's giant horse.

"It's too cold." Some of the little wizards at Hogwarts also began to shiver.

The weather in November, especially when they are close to lakes and seas, the moisture in the air makes the temperature feel much lower than the actual temperature.

The temperatures in the Scottish Highlands are no joke.

Sometimes it is even colder than Durmstrang in northern Europe.

This is--

Owen, standing next to Dumbledore, woke up from the cold.

Yes, he had already dozed off due to sleepiness.

The professors on the side had their eyes twitching, but no one spoke.

Because Dumbledore was by his side, the old headmaster even transformed into a mast for him to lean on.


A gust of cold wind blew directly into Owen's neck.

The little black man trembled all over and woke up immediately.

"What the weather." He cursed.

"It's only the end of October, what kind of trouble are you going to make! Can you be more serious?"

Owen said to the Scottish weather.

But soon he started complaining again, why doesn't Hogwarts have heating?

Obviously installing a heater in the castle can solve most of the problems.

Owen frowned, and the cold made him take out his wand, "Veravito!"

A delicate transformation spell would spread from the tip of his wand.

Like a conductor, Owen raised his hands in the air.

Then there were several roars suddenly on the ground.

Suddenly, huge marbles grew out of the ground.

Throughout the garden, the marbles transform into each other, transforming into a kind of pavilion.

Then, he raised the wand with his right hand, and the flame instantly ignited the brazier at the top of the pavilion.

At least a dozen pavilions burst into flames at the same time.

But he has improved a lot in his mastery of ancient magic.

Changing the material structure like this couldn't be easier for him.


The little wizards let out a cry of joy.

Then most of them looked back at Owen.

This is the big devil in the castle. Although everyone in their dreams wants to push him to the ground and beat him up, this guy's behavior from time to time has still won him huge prestige.

In the castle, his prestige even surpassed that of some professors.

Of course - it's also possible that the professors would just shut them up, and Owen would take action directly.

Dumbledore looked on, a smile gradually appearing on his calm face.

He could feel that this child was changing little by little.

The fiery heat dissipated some of the cold air.

Everyone started talking and laughing again.

Suddenly, a strange sound floated from the darkness.

It was a muffled rumbling and sucking sound, like a giant vacuum cleaner moving along the riverbed.

"It's in the lake!" Lee Jordan shouted, pointing to the lake, "Look at that lake!"

Standing on the slope of the lawn overlooking the field, they had a clear view of the calm, dark water.

The water surface suddenly became no longer calm. There was a commotion under the water in the middle of the lake. Huge splashes rose on the water surface, and the waves crashed against the wet lake shore. Then, in the center of the lake, a green light appeared. The maelstrom is like a huge plug being suddenly pulled out from the bottom of the lake

A long black pole-like thing slowly rose from the whirlpool, followed by the sail rigging.

"It's a mast!" he said to Ron and Hermione.

Slowly, magnificently, the big ship rose out of the water, gleaming in the moonlight.

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