I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 257 Banquet and Goblet of Fire

"Welcome, Lally." Dumbledore shook hands with her cordially, "Your appearance is really quite eye-catching."

He said: "I have been thinking about adding something new to the castle, but I didn't expect Ilvermorny to be ahead of us in this regard."


Hearing the sound, Eulalie Hicks just smiled awkwardly. The pickled red color on his face concealed the change of expression in that moment.

"A lot has happened to Ilvermorny, Albus. She is not what she used to be." Eulalie said with a hint of worry.

"I believe that you will solve these matters if you take over as the principal." Dumbledore nodded steadily towards her.

"I hope so." Principal Eulalie Hicks smiled very reluctantly. It was obvious from today's scene that she didn't have much control over the school at all.

Things are taking a turn for the worse.

Owen was not far away from Dumbledore, looking at the African-American principal of the magic school from a distance.

Eulalie Hicks, that's Dumbledore's old friend.

She entered Ilvermorny at the same grade as Senior Newt's wife Tina. After graduation, one of them stayed at the school and one of them joined the Magic Congress.

Eulalie Hicks is an excellent spell master, and her book "Advanced Spellcasting" has always been a popular book recommended by Professor Flitwick.

Owen didn't know exactly how long she had been teaching at Ilvermorny, but it was obvious that she had retired many years ago.

I don't know what happened to the previous headmaster of Ilvermorny, so they brought this old staff back.

It is obvious that the magic school in North America is undergoing great changes, and many things are beyond the control of Eulalie Hicks, the substitute.

The two briefly chatted for a few words.

Then Dumbledore led her and the little wizard Ilvermorny, who was dressed in blue and raspberry red, into the castle.

Others, the little wizards of Hogwarts, followed closely behind them and entered the castle in an orderly manner.

In the auditorium, the Beauxbatons students who came in earlier had already chosen seats at the Ravenclaw table. After they sat down, they looked around the auditorium.

As for Durmstrang's little wizards, under the leadership of Snape, of course they sat on the Slytherin bench.

Many young wizards at Hogwarts were still looking for Krum in the auditorium, like Ron - "Look, Krum signed an autograph for me!" His face turned red, "I want to It’s treasured.”

He just ran back, holding a piece of parchment and showing it off in front of everyone, excited to death.

"Krum still remembers me, he only signed my name for me!" he said proudly, "I dare say"

He was about to speak when he saw Krum sitting next to him at Malfoy's invitation.

Ron's face turned red for a moment, and his breath was blocked in his chest and he couldn't let it go.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn Malfoy, it's only the first day, and he's already fawning over Krum."

"I bet Krum knew right away what he was.

I dare say that wherever Krum goes there are people fawning over him and fawning over him.

Where do you think they will sleep? We can offer him a bed in our dormitory. Harry, I'll give him my bed and I'll sleep on the cot. "

"." Harry didn't say anything.

He didn't want outsiders to enter his dormitory.

But Hogwarts is so big, there must be places for young wizards from other schools to sleep.

As for the little wizard of Ilvermorny.

They could only sit with Gryffindor.

Of the three magic schools, only they have the most people. After all, Ilvermorny is the only magic school for wizards in North America. In terms of number of people, it is the three major European magic schools combined. It is normal for the number of young wizards to be high.

As for Hufflepuff, which is the most populous house in Hogwarts, they really can't make room for them.

among the crowd.

Owen spotted the girl named Keyatelle Stewart at a glance.

After all, her silver hair and red eyes are so eye-catching.

Although Furong's silver hair is also very stunning.

But the hair colors of the two are still slightly different. Fleur's hair is more gray, while Coatel's hair has a slight blue feel.

This time she wasn't wearing her strange, distinctive dress.

Instead, he was wearing blue and raspberry-red robes together with other little wizards of Ilvermorny.

She was sitting on the Gryffindor bench, with no intention of admiring the auditorium in her eyes. Even if you look closely, you can see a little disdain in the corners of her eyes.

Perhaps in her opinion, the style of Hogwarts was too rough. Compared with those magnificent palaces, even though the auditorium had been renovated, it was still a little shabby.

Her eyes were all focused on the other little witch who was also sitting on the Gryffindor bench.

That girl was probably the only thing she found interesting at Hogwarts.


After everyone was seated, the welcome banquet officially began.

At the staff table, Filch, the janitor, was adding a few chairs.

For today's grand occasion, he wore a moldy old tuxedo.

As he placed more and more chairs.

The little wizards gradually became confused.

"What is he doing?" Justin whispered. "This is the fifth chair."

"Besides the other three principals, is there anyone here?"

"Maybe they are officials from the Ministry of Magic?" Hannah glanced at the guest of honor and responded: "They are participating in the Triwizard Tournament, so they will definitely be present at the opening ceremony."

"Barty Cratchit?" Justin raised his eyebrows. Ever since he knew what happened at Hannah's house, he had no good impression of the Minister of Magic, who was known for his toughness.

"Probably not." Owen responded, "The Federation is mainly involved this time, and the Ministry of Magic is just implementing it."

It seems to confirm what Irving said.

Suddenly, the side door next to the podium was opened.

Then Dumbledore smiled and welcomed a group of wizards whom the young wizard was completely unfamiliar with.

The leader is an African wizard.

He was wearing very regional clothing.

It was a wizard in his forties, with short curly hair, brown eyes, and a mountain-ridge-like necklace hanging on his chest.

With a smile on his face and a lot of respect for Dumbledore. He looked at the old man in front of him plainly.

"Who is that?" Ernie asked confused.

"It seems to be the new vice-president of the federation." Owen frowned and explained. Since his real grandma died, he has been paying attention to who will take over as the vice-president of the federation.

"It seems to be Babajide Akinbad, an African wizard who graduated from Wagadu."

There were several others behind him.

It seems that they are all members of the Federation.

Owen knew little about this huge organization.

In fact, regarding Grindelwald's personnel infiltration, another group of wizards united under Dumbledore's banner exhausted all their efforts to send Babajid Akinbad to the position of vice president.

It can only be said that after the Deathborn incident, the existence of wizards in the world changed suddenly, and the peaceful, pluralistic and gentle atmosphere before was gone.

After losing a lot of manpower, some within the Federation even welcomed the return of Grindelwald.

Even if there is no explicit action, under the current situation, silence is acquiescence. Many people believe that under the real pressure of lack of combat power, there is nothing wrong with Grindelwald, the legendary wizard, bringing them out of difficult times. Okay, at least his strength is obvious to all European wizards.

This is one of the important reasons why the voice of resistance was weak after his return.

Owen thought.

On the rostrum, all the professors, principals, and guests were seated.

The auditorium gradually became quiet.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and especially our distinguished guests!" Dumbledore said, looking at the foreign students with a smile. "It is with great joy that I welcome you. Hogwarts. I hope and trust that you will feel comfortable and happy here."

Hearing the sound, a Beauxbatons girl still wrapped her head tightly in a scarf and let out a sarcastic sneer.

The young wizards from the other two academies were no less generous. They talked to each other a little and made some noise intentionally.

In short, I just don’t give the greatest legendary wizard any face.

Seeing this - the smile on Dumbledore's smiling face became a little brighter.

He nodded towards the little Beauxbatons witch who made a sharp voice.


It seems to be marking the enemy.

The next second, the displeased voice of the little wizard came from the crowd of Ravenclaws: "What is she doing!"

"You can leave if you don't want to stay, no one is forcing her to stay."

The reactions of the young wizards from the other three houses were similar.

Everyone agreed.

These gringos really have no education at all.

Sure enough - the beating was too light during the World Cup and did not teach them a profound lesson!

The banquet had just begun, and the smell of gunpowder was already filling the air above the auditorium.

It is conceivable that if it were not for the professors, principals, and officials from the federation on the rostrum, fighting would have started earlier.

"Hey hey hey!"

Owen could hardly hold back the wanton smile on his face.

"Is happiness coming?"

"The competition will officially begin at the end of the banquet."

On the podium, Dumbledore continued, "I now invite everyone to eat and drink as much as you would at home!"

The next second, a lot of food was suddenly piled on the long table in front of the little wizards as usual.

Dumbledore sat down and chatted and laughed with the principals around him.

"Wow even!"

Food suddenly appeared on the long table.

This is something that little wizards from the other three major magic schools have never experienced.

Many people sighed involuntarily.

"Hmph - you idiot!" At this moment, the little wizard at Hogwarts immediately felt much relieved.

In fact, look at the food in front of you.

They were also surprised. The house elves in the kitchen seemed to have tried their best. They had never seen such rich dishes before them. They were placed in front of them in a variety of ways, some of which were definitely foreign flavors.

"What is this?" Ernie asked.

He pointed to a large plate of what looked like a seafood smorgasbord next to a chunk of steak and kidney pudding.

"French fish soup." Justin said, "It's a French dish. I had it during the summer vacation the year before last. It was delicious."

"Have you ever eaten French food?" Ernie looked at him in surprise.

"I've been to Paris many times, what do you think?"

After listening to Justin's words, everyone tried to serve themselves a little.

Then the meal started in full swing.

All the disputes were temporarily forgotten by everyone during the meal.

The auditorium was much more crowded than before.

Different from the original work, this time for unknown reasons, Owen felt as if each school had moved his entire seventh grade class here.

More than twenty people came from Beauxbatons.

There were more Durmstrang, more than thirty people.

Ilvermorny had the most people. Owen counted the figures on the Gryffindor benches. There were about fifty people there.

For others, this may not be good news. There are too many people and a fight breaks out, and they cannot take advantage of their home field advantage.

But for Irving, this is a God-given opportunity, a fish in the sea!

After his hard work over the past few years, Hogwarts has become boring.

They don't resist anymore, so what's the point.

But now - suddenly there are so many more people.

Ha ha.


Very good!

Twenty minutes after the banquet started, Hagrid slipped into the auditorium through a door behind the staff table.

He took his seat at the end of the table, close to the Gryffindor table.

Hagrid raised a heavily bandaged hand and waved to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

It looked like he had finished dealing with those disgusting blast-ended skrewts.

As Hagrid entered, someone else walked into the auditorium.

It's Ludo Bagman and Percy, and now the Minister of Magic, Mr. Barty Crouch.

"I'll go, he really has the nerve to come." Justin fired immediately.

"He is the Minister of Magic after all. Come to think of it, can Principal Dumbledore still stop him?" Ernie took a mouthful of milk jelly.

"Humph!" Although the truth was true, Justin was still very unhappy.

Minister of Magic - such a big name.

Sometimes he even thinks that it is better to let the Prime Minister also serve as the Minister of Magic. The Ministry of Magic will be included in the Queen's government. As a minister, there is no need to fight. I think the new Labor Prime Minister: Mr. Jim Harker will definitely do a good job.

At least better than Fudge.

On the Hufflepuff bench, Justin's inner monologue was unknown to anyone.

After two rounds of dishes.

The little wizards have filled their bellies.

When the golden plates were scrubbed fresh, Dumbledore stood up again.

A mood of excitement and nervousness seemed to permeate the auditorium, and everyone was waiting for the next program.

Everyone suppressed their excitement and stared at Dumbledore intently.

"The moment has finally arrived!" Dumbledore said, smiling at the sullen faces. "The competition is about to begin. I want to explain a few words first, and then bring the box in!"

"What are you bringing in?" Justin asked quietly.

"Goblet of Fire!"

"What is the Goblet of Fire?" he asked again.

"A magic item used to select warriors." Owen said.

"I see."

On the podium, Dumbledore's voice continued, "I want to explain our activity procedures for this school year, but first, please allow me to introduce two guests to our lovely guests, because there are still people who don't know them. This Mr. Barty Crouch, the British Minister for Magic."

There was sparse applause in the auditorium, and many young wizards even looked sarcastic.

Wanting to compare, the young wizards from other countries applauded heartily, the Minister of Magic, what a great official! You have to give me some face.

So you saw this strange scene.

The little wizards from their own country clapped weakly, but the little wizards from other countries were very enthusiastic.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were outsiders.

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic," Dumbledore continued.

The applause for Bagman was much louder than for Crouch, perhaps because of his reputation as a batsman, or perhaps just because he was much more approachable.

He stood up cheerfully and waved his thanks.

When Barty Crouch's name was introduced just now, Crouch neither smiled nor waved.

“There is also a gentleman who has worked tirelessly over the past few months to arrange the Tournament, and his contribution to Hogwarts’ ability to host such an event is indelible.

Let us now welcome Mr. Babajide Akinbad, Vice President of the International Confederation of Wizards. "

The applause in the auditorium was the loudest this time.

The African wizard stood up, nodded slightly towards Dumbledore, and gestured to the young wizards with a smile.

"Because this competition far exceeds history, there are four magic schools, which is unprecedented. In order to be fair and rigorous, Hogwarts has sent invitations to several well-known wizards in the magic world. We will form a team of about ten to ten The referee panel of about five people will score and take the median value to achieve fairness and justice to the greatest extent."

"Members of the referee team will arrive at Hogwarts one after another before the official start of the game.

So now—Mr. Filch, please bring up the box. "

The auditorium fell silent.

No one noticed that Filch had been lurking in a corner of the auditorium just now. Now he was walking towards Dumbledore, holding a large wooden box inlaid with jewels in his hand. The box looked very old.

Everyone stared at the box with burning eyes.

Although they didn't know what it was, they knew it was definitely the most important prop in the competition.

Hogwarts' designated reporter, Colin raised his camera.

The flash hasn't stopped clicking since Filch pushed it out of the box.

"The specific events for this year's warrior competition have been carefully reviewed by Mr. Babajide Akinbade of the Federation and Mr. Bagman of the Ministry of Magic."

Dumbledore said as Filch carefully placed the box on the table in front of him. "They also made many necessary arrangements for each project. There were four projects in total, which were carried out at different times throughout the school year. , they will test the warriors in many different ways, testing their magical talents, their courage, and their reasoning abilities.

And, of course, their ability to overcome danger.

The levels in this competition will be very difficult, and ordinary adult wizards cannot easily pass them. I hope you will be cautious. "

After hearing the last sentence, the auditorium became silent, and it seemed that everyone stopped breathing.

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