I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 260 Hey, we’re in a meeting!

"Godric Gryffindor," Hermione said.


"What?" Owen stumbled, and his left hand that was leaning on the armrest lost strength. He faced the bridge and staggered a few steps. After steadying his steps, he immediately turned around and asked, "What did you say?"

"I say!" Hermione took a deep breath, looked at Owen, and said word for word, "I accepted the trial of Glan Findor."

"I lost it!" Owen looked at Hermione up and down, his eyes full of disbelief, "This -"

If you tell a lie a thousand times, it becomes the truth?

"What Gryffindor? What trial? What are you talking about!" Miss Granger's two pendants asked anxiously.

They were scratching their heads and scratching their heads, their strong curiosity overflowing.

Owen, on the other hand, looked at Hermione very seriously. After confirming that the girl had not lied to him, he explained: "Okay, I won't talk about how you got the password to the principal's office, but - The Gryffindor sword on his bookshelf is actually just a decoration, the real sword isn't there?"

"Isn't Dumbledore's password the best to guess?" Hermione smacked her lips, "So where is the real one?"

"In a place you'll never find if I don't tell you." Owen regained his footing and said, "Follow me." Then, he reached out and grabbed Hermione's arm.

The two of them ran towards the castle, one behind the other.

"Wait a moment!"

Behind the two of them, the heartbreaking questions were still coming and going.

"So what exactly is the test?"

"What sword of Gryffindor?"

"Is Hermione really the heir of Gryffindor?"

"Oh my God! Tell us!"

It's a pity that the two of them didn't catch up after all.

Owen pulled Hermione quickly through the corridors.

The young wizards who have passed by Hogwarts have long been accustomed to strange things. On the contrary, the little wizards from other schools looked at them sideways.

Miss Granger followed him.

The hair that had been smoothed just now was spread out again.

The air is filled with a special rose scent.

It was obvious that the cold winter was approaching in the castle, but spring suddenly appeared.

She lowered her head and followed Owen silently. The two climbed the stone steps together, passed through the two oak doors, and stepped onto the marble spiral staircase along the memories that they had walked through countless times in the past.

She didn't know why she suddenly had the idea to cast an infinite stretching spell on the stone steps, maybe this could extend their journey.

five minutes later.

All things have an end, and they came to a corridor on the third floor.

Walking through the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Owen noticed that Moody had removed the wooden leg from his leg. Next to his desk sits a brand new metal prosthetic leg.

He's changing into it.



Owen was slightly surprised, but he did not stop. Soon, a huge and ugly stone monster appeared in their field of vision.

"Lemon ice cream!" he said confidently.

But the stone monster didn't react.

"Huh? What's the password?" Immediately, he turned to look at Miss Granger behind him, "Guide! Password!"

"Bloody bloody lollipop!"

Hermione blushed, hesitated, and spoke in a low voice.


"No response?" Owen looked at the stone monster.

Unfortunately, even with the new password, it still didn't respond at all.

"This -" At this moment, Miss Granger finally came to her senses. She raised her eyes from the soles of her feet and looked at the stone monster in front of her in confusion. "A few days ago."

"Old Deng must have changed his password again!" Owen affirmed. He held his chin, pursed his lips, and rolled his eyes.

What would Old Dengtou use as a new password?

He was thinking to himself, not paying any attention to the fact that he was still holding Miss Granger's arm.

"When did you sneak into the principal's office?"

"Me?" Hearing this, Hermione felt a little embarrassed. Her incident of breaking into the principal's office a few nights ago was about to be exposed.

This - this made her a little embarrassed.

The image of a good student at Hogwarts that she had always created always collapsed in front of this guy.

"A few days ago," Miss Granger hesitated. "At that time, wizards from other schools had not yet arrived at Hogwarts."

"Does that mean he changed the password after that person came?" Owen's eyes lit up, "The answer is already obvious."

He raised his head and smiled confidently.

He blinked at Hermione, then raised his head and said, "Godric's Hollow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the monster suddenly came to life, jumped to the side, and the wall behind it cracked in half. Behind the wall was a spiral staircase that was moving slowly upward, like an escalator.

"Oh! I knew it, I knew it. It's too easy to guess." He and Hermione stepped up together.

Then, a roar was heard from behind and the wall closed again.

"Why is the password Godric's Hollow?" The stairs spiraled higher and higher, and Hermione couldn't help but ask, "Isn't that Harry's home?"

"You don't understand." Owen blinked and said, "Many interesting things happen in that valley."

"About the love and hate of the old principal."

"I'll tell you when I have time."

Looking at the boy who was gradually rising up in front of her, Hermione said softly, in a voice that only she could hear: "Okay!"


At the top of the stairs they saw a gleaming oak door with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffon.

Owen opened the door and entered without saying a word.

After realizing it, Hermione originally wanted to hold him back, but she should have knocked on the door first anyway.

"Albus, regarding North America, Ilvermorny is on the verge of losing control. The Deadborn and the Purifiers are becoming more and more rampant, but the Magical Congress is focusing all its energy on archaeological ancient ruins.

Queenie was forced to return to the Magical Congress, and there are too few wizards on our side now. "

Ms. Eulali's voice was particularly harsh in the principal's office.

Her voice was filled with worry, something was beyond her capabilities.

"There is one more thing, very important, me"

"Ahem!" Just as Ms. Eulalie continued to speak, Dumbledore suddenly coughed slightly, "We have guests arriving."

After that, the oak door of the principal's office was pushed open.

Then Owen rushed in like a head.

"Hello principals!" He said casually, "Hey, we are in a meeting!"

As he spoke, Owen walked towards the shelf leaning against the wall.

Feel free and at ease, as if you are home.

The Sorting Hat seemed to be taking a nap, the whole hat was rising and falling, and it looked like he was breathing steadily.

"Good morning, Professor." Hermione stood stiffly beside the table in the room filled with all kinds of shiny silverware.

In the office, the three principals arrived together with Grindelwald. The professors' eyes fell on her the moment she walked into the office.

The sudden surge of pressure made it difficult for her to speak.

Especially Dumbledore - the headmaster looked at her strangely.

That half-smile made her a little overwhelmed.

"Professor!" At this time, Owen walked to the bookshelf, reached out and picked up the sorting hat, then turned around and walked away, " Lend me your hat."

No matter whether Old Dengtou agreed or not, he had already turned around and was about to lead Hermione away.

"Take it!" When the two came to the oak door again.

Dumbledore's voice came. "Oh! By the way, Miss Granger."

Suddenly he called Hermione's name, "When will you send back my decorations? Without that sword, my bookshelf looks empty."

"Uh-Professor." Miss Granger, who had already stepped out of the office door, staggered to a stop, then looked back at Dumbledore with an expression uglier than crying. "Professor - you - you got it."

"Oh! Aren't there rumors among the little wizards that I know everything?" the old principal said jokingly, "Actually, I just have more eyes and ears."

He stood up from his seat.

Wearing colorful clothes, full of mysterious ancient and powerful symbols, he flicked his sleeves, and a few fruits of an unknown plant appeared in the palm of his hand, and then he sent them to Phoenix Fox.

The brilliant phoenix lowered its head, pecked the fruit in his hand, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

- Got it - Miss Granger understood immediately.

It was the phoenix who told Dumbledore about her sneaking into the office.

"Professor - will you - will you expel me?" Hermione asked cautiously.

Sneak into the principal's office and steal important treasures.

Not to mention a magic school, even a Muggle school, such a school would not only result in expulsion, but would also be handed over to the police.

Therefore, Hermione would completely understand if Dumbledore fired her because of this incident.

"Oh! No - of course not." Dumbledore leaned on the corner of the table and said kindly, "I can understand that the little wizard has a sense of adventure. But what I want to say is, if you find something strange in the castle You should tell the principal when you need something, right?"

".This." Hermione understood. The old principal blamed them for not telling him about the underground secret room.

But - the new alchemy professor should have been sent by him, how could he not know?

"I hope I can learn the whole story from your mouth. Do you understand?" the old principal continued, "I hope you can always remember that there are professors behind you and never face danger alone."

"Yes, Professor. I understand." Miss Granger lowered her eyes and nodded. Considering the dangers they had experienced in the past few years, every time they seemed to assume that Dumbledore definitely knew, but they never thought about it. Just tell him in advance.

Such students are probably a bit of a headache.

"Professor, I. I will send the Sword of Gryffindor, the one from that night, right away."

She buried her head in her fluffy hair.

The shame prevented her from raising her head to meet the principal's eyes.

As for Owen - oh! He’s thick-skinned and he’s okay.

He could even lick his face, look back at the layout of the office, and joke unscrupulously.

"Are the four of you having a meeting?"

His eyes passed over the faces of Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Eulalie Hicks, and Orim Maxim.

"You - aren't you weird?"

"You really have a broad mind, don't care about past grudges, and just smile and forget all grudges, right?"

He grinned and gave a thumbs up to all the wizards in the room: "He is worthy of being a legendary wizard standing at the top of the wizard pyramid. This chest and chest are worthy of the little wizard's lifelong learning."

"Oh - one more thing."

"Huh?" In the room, Grindelwald suddenly turned his head, with a pair of heterochromatic eyes and a dull expression, and his eyes fell on Owen.

"Okay! You guys talk." With that said, he turned around and picked up Hermione and ran away.

Hehe - jumping sideways repeatedly on the edge of being beaten, so exciting! ! !

As the noise outside the principal's office gradually faded away.

The tense faces of the four bosses in the office relaxed.

"Haha - this kid is a little naughty." Dumbledore said calmly.

Looking at his serious look, it seemed as if nothing happened just now.

"Professor Eulalie, please continue."

"I" Eulalie, whose train of thought was interrupted, took a deep breath and tried not to look at Mr. Grindelwald, who was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed and concentrating.

The kid was right.

It was indeed very strange for them to have a meeting together.

Who would have thought that one day former mortal enemies would sit together and be forced to fight against a more powerful enemy.

After a moment, Professor Eulalie, who had adjusted her mood, continued, "Seventeen years ago, the Magic Congress discovered a mysterious ancient wizard ruins in New Mexico."

Her voice was heavy and serious.

This made the office, which had been relaxing just now, become tense again.

On the walls, the portraits of the principals who were pretending to be asleep also opened their eyes sporadically, and pricked up their ears to hear the secret she was going to say next.

"Albus." She raised her head and frowned, "This is a story about the 'Successor'."

"About ancient magic, a gift from the gods."

"Ah?" The old principal was surprised for a second. He glanced at Grindelwald who looked indifferent and found that the other person had opened his eyes.

"Ancient times." Professor Eulalie seemed not to notice that Dumbledore gradually smiled on his face.

She spent a long time explaining the relationship between ancient wizards, warlocks and gods, and informed the other three that there was a kind of magical magic in this world that could only be observed by specific wizards. And wizards who master that kind of magic will become the successors of the ancient gods called heirs.

And that person will be responsible for protecting the world.

In short, she talked a lot, and there were even many words that were inconsistent with the beginning and the end.

Because the ancient ruins have been seriously damaged. The Magic Congress can only compile some fragmented information, and then use its own imagination to tell a story.

"The Purifiers have seriously threatened the safety of Ilvermorny in their fight for the heir."

"Wait a minute." Dumbledore finally said after listening for a long time, "You mean, that child, Coatelle Stewart, can see traces of ancient magic?"

"Yes, only she can see a mysterious magic that can increase the power of wizards' spells and can also pass on many ancient spells that have been lost in modern times." Professor Eulali said worriedly.

"So, I mean, after she arrived at Hogwarts, was there the kind of ancient magic you mentioned in the castle?" Dumbledore continued to ask.

"This - she didn't say that." Professor Eulalie responded, "Ancient magic is quite rare. Currently, the Magical Congress has only discovered the place in New Mexico."

Professor Eulali finished her words.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald looked at each other.

They saw doubts in each other's eyes.

In fact, quite the opposite, ancient magic is everywhere in the world.

Ancient magic passed down from ancient self-proclaimed gods exists in almost every region where legends of gods exist.

It's reasonable to think about it, after all, gods are everywhere.

Then the girl that Professor Eulali was talking about——this is a bit troublesome.

If what she saw was not ancient magic, after all, the Magical Congress had never been exposed to real ancient magic.

So what did she see?

This is what worries Dumbledore.

In the wizarding world, it's generally not a good sign if you find something that only you can see.

"Gellert" Dumbledore frowned and looked at Grindelwald.

He had a hunch that there was a huge secret hidden in that girl. It's definitely not ancient magic, but other, darker secrets.

Grindelwald, who was sitting on the chair beside him in a contemplative manner, opened his eyes.

In his hand he held a hand-sized skeleton hookah shaped like a human skull.

There was smoke coming from his mouth.

A long straw made of snake skin is connected to the tail of this skull.

He exhaled.

A cloud of smoke like water vapor slowly rose up.

Then, the smoke in the sky turned from nothingness to solidification. Like a scene from a pensieve.

A sea of ​​thorns and flowers appeared in the sky above the office.

In the sea of ​​flowers, there was a person kneeling.

It's very blurry, but you can vaguely see it, it's a person.

At this time, Grindelwald finally spoke, "As for ancient magic, leave it to Victor. Everyone knows this magic."

"As for the Purifier you are talking about?"

The Dark Lord looked condescendingly at Professor Eulalie, "Let them come!"

"It just saves us searching one by one."

The Purifiers, the craziest group of dark wizards on the North American continent.

Before 1693, there was no wizarding government agency on that continent, and the Magical Congress had not yet been established.

At that time, the dark wizards who were suppressed in Europe flocked to this hot land.

That state of vitality and all things competing is still before our eyes.

After the Salem Witch Trials broke out in 1693, the National Wizarding Federation could no longer tolerate the wanton manipulation of Muggles by dark wizards. With strong support from Europe, many representatives of the North American Rubik's Cube community were elected and jointly formulated Law, and soon the Magical Congress of the United States of America was established.

Their first task was to arrest and execute the Purifiers who had betrayed their own kind.

But this was not an easy task. In fact, the original Magical Congress was severely understaffed. They had only twelve Aurors at the beginning. (One of these is Harry’s ancestor, Abraham Potter)

In the end, only two of these twelve Aurors survived to old age safely.

You can imagine how cruel the war was back then.

The battle with the Purifiers and their descendants has never stopped on the North American continent.

It can be said that they are no better than Death Eaters.

And now, Hogwarts may be their target.

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