I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 284 The decision is yours, Ron Ball!

The author of "A History of Hogwarts", which Miss Granger loved to study, expressed deep admiration and praise for the founder of Hufflepuff.

At the beginning of the story, the four founders co-founded Hogwarts, and the author reservedly maintained a neutral attitude.

However, as the other three founders gradually withdrew from the stage of history, Hufflepuff became the solo player in history, and her hard work and ingenuity were fully demonstrated.

During the long years that Hufflepuff ran Hogwarts alone, she laid a solid foundation for the greatest wizarding school in the world. Almost all Hogwarts school rules and management models are her legacy, including the acclaimed House Cup. This award not only represents competition between colleges, but also encourages and affirms outstanding students.

In the course of nearly a thousand years of history, almost all magic historians consider Hufflepuff to be one of the greatest wizards and educators in the history of magic. Her wisdom, mind and dedication have won praise and respect from future generations. As the first Headmistress of Hogwarts, Helga Hufflepuff continued the tradition of the other three founders while also adding new features to the school with her unique leadership style.

The greatest achievement of Hufflepuff's tenure was that she pioneered the admission of Muggle-born wizards to school. Although this concept has been proposed during the era of the Big Four, progress in practice has been slow.

At that time, the wizarding community generally believed that magic was sacred and should not be tainted by Muggles. At the same time, many Muggles, after discovering children with magical talents, will directly label them evil and kill them. It was against this background that the Hufflepuff headmaster bravely pushed for this work to proceed.

After the deaths of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, the benevolent Hufflepuff became the headmaster of Hogwarts. Soon after she took office, she further expanded the enrollment of Muggle students despite the opposition of many pure-blood wizarding families. During its most prosperous period, Hogwarts' enrollment covered the entire Europe and the Mediterranean region, with the number of students reaching more than 50,000.

It is worth mentioning that the tuition and living expenses of these Muggle students were all borne by the Hufflepuff principal alone, which undoubtedly depleted her family wealth, leaving only her most cherished gold cup.

Hufflepuff's move was opposed and resisted by the mainstream wizarding community, led by the pure-blood wizarding family. Even her descendants, as well as the descendants of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, did not approve of her. practice. However, her firm belief and selfless dedication finally allowed Hogwarts to survive the difficulties and gradually prosper.

Under the leadership of Hufflepuff, Hogwarts gradually became a cradle for cultivating outstanding wizards, and the students who graduated from here became the backbone of the wizarding world. Many of them were Muggle-born and had faced being burned at the stake, but Hogwarts and Helga Hufflepuff saved them and provided them with a new home.

These students gradually became the dominant force in the magical world, changing the magical world dominated by pure-blood wizard families, and even changing the development trajectory of the entire magical history.

Despite her tremendous efforts in the last ten years of her life, the Hufflepuff headmaster eventually passed away. However, her efforts were not in vain. Hogwarts gradually became a highly praised magic school, and its education model was accepted and recognized by more and more people.

The wizards trained by Headmaster Hufflepuff have also become pillars of the magical world. They inherit Hufflepuff's wisdom, mind and dedication, and continue to promote the development of the magical world.

Although Headmaster Hufflepuff has passed away, her spirit and legacy will remain in the hearts of Hogwarts and the wizarding world forever. Her story and spirit have become an example for countless people to learn and follow, injecting new vitality and strength into the entire magical world.

No matter how times change, Helga Hufflepuff's great contribution and lofty status will always remain in people's hearts.

Of course, keeping it in mind also means the emergence of another situation.

From ancient times to the present, some dark wizards with ulterior motives have tried to find Ms. Hufflepuff's grave in Hogwarts.

Although history records that Ms. Hufflepuff was almost impoverished before her death and she left almost nothing behind, some narrow-minded people believe that there must be rare treasures in the coffin of this legendary wizard.

However, such behavior was severely punished by all previous Hogwarts principals.

To this day, everyone knows that this great woman sleeps in Hogwarts, but no one has ever found her resting place.

Late at night.

Owen didn't rest.

After waiting for the other three people in the dormitory to fall asleep, he quietly came to the common room alone, and then knocked on the third oak barrel from the right under the portrait of Ms. Hufflepuff.

"What, why don't you rest?" the portrait of Ms. Hufflepuff said kindly.

"A little hungry." Owen responded with his head raised.

"Well - don't eat too much. Eating too much before going to bed will affect digestion and sleep." Accompanied by the sound of "click-click" and Ms. Hufflepuff's kind reminder.

The wooden barrel like a gate in front of Owen is like the brick wall of Diagon Alley, going back to both sides piece by piece.

This leads to the Hogwarts kitchens.

It is the place where Hufflepuff wizards go most often.

"I understand, ma'am." Owen greeted the portrait of Ms. Hufflepuff, then ducked in and cautiously got in.

The aisle is very narrow and short. The design is not for wizards at first glance.

Fortunately, he is only in fourth grade now. I really don't know how those little wizards in sixth and seventh grade can get through here.

At the end of the road, open a door with a green handle.

My eyes suddenly opened up.

Inside was a large, high-ceilinged room, as large as the auditorium above, with many gleaming copper pots and basins stacked around the stone walls and a large brick fireplace at the other end.

"Uh-why are you here?"

Hundreds of green figures gathered around the edge of the table that was exactly the same as the long table in the auditorium.

And several figures he was familiar with were gathering there.

The leader was a girl with brown hair and wearing a black robe.

"I thought your party wasn't over yet." Owen looked at them. To be fair, it was normal for Gryffindor to celebrate for a week.

"What's there to celebrate?" Hermione lowered her head, her face hidden under her hair slightly unnatural.

The love letters Owen read in the auditorium during the day were still lingering in her ears.

She was both pleasantly surprised and somewhat resentful of him.

——It’s terrible to use someone else’s tone of voice, to rewrite love letters for someone else.

Shouldn't that kind of thing come from one's own heart?


Thinking of those images in her mind, Miss Granger felt inexplicably angry.

"Uh-" Yeah, that's very Granger.

Owen immediately turned to look at Ron, Harry and the Gemini beside her.

"What are you doing?" He poked his head curiously.

Then he heard it, and the corners of Ron's mouth raised slightly as he said, "H3."

Then, he raised his eyebrows.

"Checkmate!" he said. "I won!"

On the clean long table, Ron was playing chess with an old elf.

It looked really old.

The fat on his face was hanging, and the layers of folds looked terrifying.

The milky-yellow eyes were cloudy, and the white hair was long and hanging from its ears on its face. This house elf was at least two hundred years old, Owen guessed.

"Dear Master Weasley, if Tucker loses, Tucker will tell you all the secrets he knows."

"Tucker? Your name is Tucker?" Hermione frowned, it was such a strange name. It was also the first time she knew the name of the possibly oldest elf in the history of Hogwarts.

"Yes, dear lady. Tucker is called Tucker." He said as if talking to himself.

Then he slowly climbed down from the long table.

"Miss Weasley likes Tucker the most. Tucker is the fourth generation Tucker."

"Fourth generation?" Hermione said,

"Miss Weasley?" Ron and the Gemini looked at each other, and they were sure that it was not Ginny. It's probably the Shani Weasley it's talking about.

They are close to the truth!

The surrounding elves dispersed very consciously.

This is not like their usual appearance. Most of the time, they will surround you noisily like bees, and then chirp and ask the visiting little wizard what he needs. They are eager to present everything in front of you, enthusiastically It's a bit too much.

Even the little wizard from Hufflepuff couldn't resist it.

Now, unexpectedly, they did not surround him. Except for Dobby, who happily ran over to greet Owen, no one came forward.

"Sir!" Dobby was wearing a children's suit. It looked like it had been tailor-made for him. Although his cheerful appearance always didn't match the clothes he was wearing, I have to say that Dobby looked more and more like this now. The more you have the temperament of a free citizen.

When Dobby called Owen, the old elf looked back at them. A trace of relief flashed in his cloudy eyes, and the expression on his face gradually became more relaxed.

And all this was seen by Hermione.

Her brows furrowed slightly, and she realized very quickly that there must be a secret here.

So she followed the elf's soliloquy and asked, "You are the fourth generation of Tucker. What does that mean? Tucker IV? What about before you?"

"Tuck is the name given by Miss Weasley. It is a symbol of friendship. Every generation of Tucker is chosen by Miss Weasley! Miss Weasley chose me more than two hundred years ago."

"Two hundred years ago?" Miss Granger began to make calculations in her heart.

According to the information given by Owen, the previous generation of ancient magic heirs should have appeared between 1880 and 1890, which is about more than a hundred years ago.

Two hundred years ago, the successor was most likely the headmistress of Hufflepuff, Ms. Bridged Weasley.

Sure enough, there is a deep connection between the heir and the elf.

Miss Granger felt this deeply.

Then, following the guidance of the elf, the little wizards soon discovered that a certain wall in the kitchen seemed different from the surroundings.

It has a distinct bulge.

Then, the elf named Tucker walked over and gently slid his fingers from top to bottom on the wall.


The slightly raised wall suddenly popped out. Then it moved to the right, revealing a dark space.

"What is this?" Gemini walked in at the lead.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed that the temperature around me had dropped a bit.

"This is the kitchen cold storage!" They realized where they were.

The elf didn't stop guiding. It stepped over the steps of the cold storage, came inside, and kept walking inside.

The temperature in the cold storage was very low, and it was pitch black without any light. It was like a giant beast opening its mouth to eat people.


Of course they are not afraid of the dark.

Hold up your wand. Several people walked straight in.

"This place looks like it has at least a thousand years of history." The twins shuddered. As the vanguard of adventurers, they had already begun to record the route here. "Look—it's not even on the Marauder's Map."

He held up a picture and said, "After we walked into the cold storage, the names disappeared from the map."

"It seems that your seniors have never been here." Owen joked. They knew who the creators of this map were. This was not a secret last year.

"That's right." He sighed with emotion, "After all, they are a group of Gryffindors, why would they come here?"

"Hi! We come here often." Gemini said angrily, "I always feel like you are mocking us!"

"Look at these carvings!" Compared to Owen and the Gemini's boring conversation, Hermione focused all her attention on the surrounding walls.

"What are these?" Ron asked confused.

"It seems to be Celtic characters." Harry looked at it with a vague understanding. He could recognize these characters because he had been taught some in school, but he didn't know what they meant specifically.

"This is the menu!" Miss Granger said, "It should be left by Ms. Hufflepuff."

Now, she can be sure that this place does have a history of more than a thousand years.

"Haha - that is to say, this dish has been eaten for more than 1,600 years. Damn, there is no innovation at all!" Owen said with a frown.


The little wizard turned to look at him quite speechlessly.

Do you want to say that he deserves to be a Hufflepuff?

Your focus is too strange!

Several people chatted.

Passing through the cold storage filled with all kinds of meat, we gradually reached the end.

On the frost-covered wall, a thick blue-black iron door clearly emerged.

The gate is no different from other places.

Except for the way the door opens.

"This-" Ron looked at the bronze door in surprise.

It turned out that there was a wizard chess game on the gate that was at least a dozen feet high and five feet wide.

And it’s the endgame.

Black has been checked.

"The way to open the door is to play chess!" George looked at the chess game in front of him in disbelief, then reached out and pulled Ron over.

"Come on! Ron! It's time for you to show your light and warmth!"

"." Ron rolled his eyes at his two brothers, and then moved closer.

"Hmm -" He put his hand on his chin and stared at the chess game with his eyes.

Just looking at it, a full three or four minutes passed.

"Hey!" Fred shouted impatiently, "Can you do it?"

"I have to study for a while!" Ron would also shout, and he stared at the chess game on the door with some irritability.

Black's disadvantage is too great.

He can only struggle for three steps at most before he is checkmate.

He grabbed his ear-long hair. No matter what, I can't think of a way to break the situation.

Hermione, however, had turned her gaze directly above the door.

There is a stone sculpture like a mural in an Egyptian pyramid.

The stone carving depicts a group of people gathered together. They are half-kneeling, extending their right hands to touch the cup-shaped vessel suspended in the air in front of them.

Is that - the Holy Grail?

As a wizard born into a Muggle family, Hermione immediately thought of the Holy Grail of Christ.

But then I thought about it - no, that's not the Holy Grail, that should be Hufflepuff's golden cup.

People are worshiping the golden cup?

What does it mean?

As the most famous golden cup among the founder's relics, (compared to other relics, the golden cup has a higher exposure.) People have long studied its function thoroughly. The golden cup can turn water into wine. In addition, it seems It has no effect.

Therefore, people are not worshiping the golden cup, it is just a symbol, just like the coat of arms in the church is the Holy Grail. The cup is not important, what is important is its owner.

Jesus - Hufflepuff.

"This door?" Vaguely, through the surrounding walls and the stone carvings on the door, Hermione had some kind of guess in her heart.

As for Irving, his speculation goes deeper.

The moment he saw the stone carvings on the bronze door, he guessed that this door would not lead to Ms. Hufflepuff's tomb.

If so, that would explain why no wizard has found Lady Hufflepuff's grave in sixteen hundred years.

After all, wizards from other colleges rarely come to the kitchen, and Hufflepuff's little wizards are unlikely to have the idea of ​​digging the grave of their founder.

In this way, no one has discovered Hufflepuff's secret for more than a thousand years, which is very logical.

The only question is why Headmaster Brigid calls this the Weasley Family Treasure.

Shouldn't this be Lady Hufflepuff's treasure?

Layers of mysteries shrouded the sky above the castle. They were like children walking into a maze, and they could only find the direction by feeling.

Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any foreign enemies this year.

It's just that the secrets everywhere are a headache.

"So, why do we go through the door?"

Owen, who was behind him, raised his wand and said to himself, "Get out of the way. If you can't open the door, why can't I blast open the wall?"

He knew nothing about wizard chess.

He didn't have time to think about something that only idle people had time to delve into.

So—it’s better to use the most classical method of robbing banks.

Blow up the wall!

A 'boom' sound, simple and rough.

"Stop!" On the side, Hermione quickly stopped Owen, "What are you doing? This is a castle. Besides, what if there is some magic protection on the wall?"

"As for the chess records, we can go back and study them slowly."

She looked at Owen warily, fearing that he would really cast a spell on her.

When it fell, the wall collapsed and the room collapsed. Then buried them all.

I just said you were a Hufflepuff.

Not now?

As she said that, she quickly glared at Ron, who understood the situation and immediately said, "My grandfather is the champion of the World Wizarding Chess Competition. He can definitely solve this chess game."

As he said that, he lowered his head and looked at the elf beside him, "I didn't say you couldn't invite foreign aid, did you?"

"Of course, Tucker will not stop any method of solving the chess game other than forcefully destroying the door." The elf stared, and its huge nose almost covered its mouth.

Then everyone retreated.

Owen didn't have any objections. It would be better if he could solve the secret of the kitchen. If he couldn't solve it, he would have nothing to lose.

Next, Gemini and Ron caught the elves and asked them a lot of things.

The focus was all on Miss Weasley.

However, ordinary elves don't seem to understand this, but Tucker, the only one who knows the inside story, says nothing.

There is no other way, everyone can only give up and prepare to come back tomorrow.

After all, it is getting late today and everyone is tired.

Only a person with an iron will like Miss Granger could endure not falling asleep. Others don't have the ability to stay up late like she does.

It was about early morning.

Owen bid them farewell and pushed aside a barrel of wine leaning against the wall in the kitchen, revealing a passage leading directly to the Hufflepuff common room.

Then under the envious eyes of Harry and others, he got in.

"Want to come together?" Owen bent down, turned around with difficulty in the corridor, and waved to everyone in Gryffindor, "Come to our common room, at this point, if you run into the professor on your way back to the eighth floor, Or Filch, points will definitely be deducted. Professor McGonagall will definitely eat you by then."

"Our Hufflepuff common room is equipped with all kinds of hammocks. Or you can come to my dormitory. It's very large and a few beds will definitely be enough."

Hearing the sound, both the Gemini and Harry were very moved.

They had never been in the Hufflepuff common room.

I heard that it is the most comfortable place among the four houses of Hogwarts.

This makes them want to experience it.

Moreover - what Owen said made sense. Not only was it dangerous to rush back to the eighth floor now, but they were very tired, and Harry didn't want to leave even a single step.

"No need!" Miss Granger stepped forward and directly helped the boys behind her make a decision. She raised her head with an unhappy look on her face, "We have our own bed!"

"But - Hufflepuff's bed is softer, believe me, this is true!" Someone suddenly said something inexplicable.

For a moment, Miss Granger's face looked a little strange.

She turned her head away, refusing to look directly into his eyes, and then pulled Harry and Ron and the others out of the kitchen in a fit of anger.


Hum - After saying that, Owen turned around and went back to hug his big soft bed.

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