I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 288 I don’t want you anymore.

Harry gritted his teeth, making a chattering sound.

His eyes were extremely prominent under the round glasses and looked particularly ferocious.

Owen always kept a smile on his face and slowly leaned back, fearing that someone would rush over and bite him.

"By the way, what about you, has anyone invited you?" He confided as if changing the subject.

"Me?" Luna was a little stunned.

There was no wave in her clear eyes, "They are all afraid of me."

Luna sat next to Owen and stretched out her hand to lightly hold the wine glass in front of her.

After she said the terrible words, there was no big wave on her face.


This is Luna, how could she care about such a thing.

Owen looked at her, with both pride and sadness in his eyes. He was proud that his friends were not like those sensitive guys who would easily cause trouble because of others. He was also sad because even in the second grade, he did everything on purpose. They took her with them and gave her the title of real Ravenclaw, but this did not make other people really like her and be willing to be friends with her.

Two years have passed, and her only friends are still Harry and the others, neither increasing nor decreasing.

"Oh! By the way." He seemed to suddenly remember something. After rummaging through the pockets on both sides, he finally found the thing in the pants pocket on the inside of his robe, "This is for you."

That's a bracelet.

Diamond-like scales are worn together. Together they form this crystal clear and uniquely beautiful bracelet.

"I collected some of the scales Bakar lost and gave them to you."

He handed Luna the scale bracelet.

I always feel that this bracelet will suit her temperament very well.

"Thank you!" Luna did not refuse, she put the bracelet on her hand very naturally.

The diamond-like bracelet reflected light on her wrist and looked very beautiful.

He and Luna had always had a good relationship.

Whenever Owen sees her, he will think of that dream. As the only girl who truly understands him, he always feels a little guilty towards Luna.

Because of her own affairs, although no one dared to attack her openly, the ostracism in secret was considerable.

Even now, he is still a bit short-sighted.

Here, Owen and Luna were chatting about the dance.

On the other side, Miss Granger was running down the spiral staircase holding a pile of books.

She is hiding from people.

Those boys from other schools were just crazy.

She kept finding excuses to get close to her. During this period, if she did it once or twice, she still felt quite surprised, and even a little excited in her heart, but no boy had ever confessed to her. Those boys at least proved that she was indeed attractive. .

Unlike those two idiots Harry and Ron, they didn't even notice that she had put on makeup recently. (Just a touch of eyeliner and lipstick on her lips.)

But - if you have five or six people coming to your door within an hour, two-thirds of them are ones she has explicitly rejected, especially the witch from Ilvermorny who always comes inexplicably. In front of her, he began to tell the history of his family, his ancestors who had no names in the history of magic.

This made Hermione extremely irritated.

Several times, she couldn't help but stretched out her wand and cast a petrifying spell on the guy.

She didn't take action simply because her kindness, which had not been contaminated by Owen, was causing trouble.

Now she can't even stay in the library.

Because Mrs. Pince no longer welcomes her in.


Hermione was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice a witch standing on the corner in front of her. She ran over anxiously and bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" The magic book in her hand fell to the floor, but Miss Granger was the first to check on the other party.

"It's okay." The girl just stumbled a bit, nothing serious.

She turned around and met Miss Granger's eyes.

"It's you! Hannah!" Hermione smiled happily, "What are you doing standing here?"

"I" Hannah looked at Hermione with some surprise. She didn't expect to meet her here. Perhaps on impulse, Hannah suddenly raised her head, her eyes had never been so serious. "I want to talk to you and go for a walk."

Many of the young wizards coming and going around them had already cast doubtful glances at them.

This made Hermione have no hesitation. She originally wanted to find a place where no one was around.

Gryffindor had no classes this morning. But she didn't want to waste the morning.

Then, the two walked out of the auditorium one after another.

It's a rare sunny day today.

Although the gloomy clouds in the west have not dissipated and even have a tendency to gather again, this cannot stop the rising sun in the east from shining brightly on the snow.

Every piece of snow outside the courtyard is crystal clear because they are bathing in the sun.

Hermione and Hannah walked across the covered bridge and walked on the white ridge.

Maybe it was because the sunlight refracted by the ground was too dazzling, which made Hannah unconsciously rub her eyes and wet her fingers.

The light shining through the crystal clear eyes of her eyes seemed to be shining on the long river of time. The traces washed away by time have become the most precious memories in her heart.

In the past days, there was warmth, touching, shock, and terror.

But now, it all turned into relief.

She felt lighter than ever after leaving behind some heavy burdens.

"I always thought I knew Owen very well." She suddenly said.

This caught Hermione off guard behind her.

Of course, Miss Granger knew exactly what Hannah was thinking, so she had been avoiding talking to Hannah about anything about Owen.

Because it just makes things awkward.

"But since the Battle of Hogsmeade and some things that happened during the summer vacation, I suddenly realized that I may have never understood him."

The hem of her skirt was blown by the cold wind. Suddenly, she turned back to look at Hermione and said with a trembling voice, "Aren't you scared?"

She spoke sadly, like staring into the abyss, and her brown eyes seemed to be looking into Hermione's soul at a glance.

"Me?" Granger was stunned. She was surprised by Hannah's question. Just like everything that happened now, it surprised her.

But she did understand what Hannah was worried about.

Yes - since the Battle of Hogsmeade and what happened to her over the summer, her aunt.

Witnessing too many deaths made Hannah's heart sink into an abyss, and she couldn't fill it up.

Hermione, who was holding several magic books in her hands, her face turned a little red due to the cold wind. She exhaled a ball of hot breath, and her brown eyes were as firm as diamonds.

"You are wrong." She said flatly.

The brilliance pierced the dark clouds gathering in the west, forcing it to slow down.

"I would still be involved without him."

"Whether it's Voldemort or some other monster."

Miss Granger never looked back.

The figure in the cold wind is as tall as a castle.

Hearing the sound, Hannah's pupils shrank slightly, and she took a step back in shock. After a moment, she smiled naturally.

yes! Everyone said that the girl in front of them was the heir to Godric Gryffindor.

She didn't become the heir to Gryffindor because of Owen.

She is a true Gryffindor.

The wind in the mountains is blowing again.

The girl's whisper was carried in the wind.

They chatted for a long time.

Until a loud shout came from the bottom of the ridge.

"you again!!!"

That was Hagrid's voice.

"Oh! God! Don't hurt them."

The two little witches looked sideways in the direction of Hagrid's hut, and found a young figure emerging from the woods there.

It had four paws on the ground, holding a piece of fresh meat from nowhere in its mouth, and was running wildly on the snow.

Pretty fast.

And behind it, there was a clicking sound.

After a while, several Acromantulas followed the little beast and emerged from the forbidden forest.


Shilok whined as he held the meat in his mouth.

The blue eyes suddenly showed a fierce look just like its master.

Immediately, golden light flashed, and the next second, it appeared on the head of a certain Acromantula.

The fleshy claws suddenly opened, revealing small, even cute, nails.

But these claws easily tore apart the Acromantula's carapace.

The kitten stretched out its flesh pad and slapped its paw hard. The next second, the poor Acromantula lost part of its field of vision forever.

Because it blinded several pairs of eyes.

Only then did we realize that what Hagrid said, "Don't hurt it," was referring to the Acromantula.

The next second, the stars were shining again, and it suddenly appeared on the ridge, and then ran wildly.

He quickly jumped up into the arms of Miss Granger.


Hermione's book fell to the floor again.

Holding this familiar yet unfamiliar little beast in her hands, she was a little overwhelmed.

At the foot of the mountain, the Acromantulas were not afraid at all after seeing blood, but the blood inspired their bestiality.

After discovering the traces of the two little witches, they immediately drove towards them like cars.

"Don't-don't hurt them!"

The vast mountains and fields were filled with Hagrid’s voice.

Other than that, there was just the sound of clicking footsteps.

Hearing the sound, Miss Granger frowned slightly. She quickly drew out her wand and pointed it at the unkind creatures.

She has a very effective spell specifically designed to deal with this dark creature.

But Hagrid's voice stopped her from taking action immediately.

But it was only a moment of hesitation. Harry and the others were right, only Hagrid would treat such a terrifying man-eating monster as a baby.


The grapevine wand shimmered slightly, and then a large ball of silver light spewed out from it.

That was when ancient wizards glimpsed the origin of the galaxy, and it was the moment when the huge star cluster was destroyed. According to legend, for those who witnessed it, everything about them collapsed at that moment.

Like an inflated balloon, suddenly, many meteorites emitting deep gray-blue appeared in front of Hermione. Twelve dark meteors.

Across the sky.

Like fireworks, they hit those Acromantulas.

Yes - Hermione did not kill them.

Most of the falling meteors only hit the soil next to the Acromantula.

Or break some of their legs.


The sound made by the spider's giant jaws suddenly became sharp and harsh.

Under the "baptism" of the meteor shower, these dark creatures who do not know death finally began to be afraid.

They fell and rolled in various postures, turned around in a panic and quickly, and fled far away...


The next second, Sirocco struggled out of Hermione's arms.

He got down on all fours, stretched out, raised his tail and wagged it, a familiar and natural movement.

He grasped the snow unconsciously... After swallowing a large piece of meat, he jumped into the air and jumped into Hannah's arms.

——You know, that witch always has a way to deal with those "stingy" spiders!

——Hmm... I’ll reluctantly let you hug me for a while!

Just a little while!

Don't be greedy!

In Hannah's arms, Sirocco stretched his limbs.

The little head tilted, and when looking at Hermione with his blue eyes, there was a hint of arrogance.

I’ve rewarded you with a hug!

But before his head could be completely turned back... he noticed that the brown-haired witch in the distance was suddenly getting closer to it.

——Yeah! I didn’t move!

It didn't move, but Hannah did.

He opened his legs, walked slowly to Hermione, stretched out his hand, and handed Sherlock to her.

There was a smile on Hannah's lips and sparkling light in her eyes. She stared at the kitten affectionately and said with force, "I don't want you anymore."


After breakfast, Owen said goodbye to everyone and left the bustling auditorium.

During this time, he also asked Luna about the ball.

But she seemed unfazed by this and didn't care at all about the upcoming Yule Ball.

It's so weird that one can't even guess what she is thinking.

In the morning, they also have spells class.

At about ten o'clock, Owen, who quietly ended the class and scored more than ten points for Hufflepuff, returned to the auditorium.

Because of the dance, the auditorium is equipped with magic heating

In fact, it just added a few more pots of flames.

But it worked, and he planned to discuss a dance partner with Harry.

My Luna is so cute, she can’t end up without a dance partner!

Entering the Great Hall, he saw Harry sitting in despair on the Gryffindor bench, with a bewildered Neville beside him.

"What's wrong with him?" Owen sat down naturally, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Harry in confusion.

"He just went to Qiu Zhang to express his love." Neville said hesitantly.

Through Neville's narration, Owen learned that Harry mustered up the courage to ask Cho Chang to be his dance partner in the morning, but she refused.

Because Cedric invited her yesterday afternoon, and she agreed.

On the night when Harry was struggling in his heart, he missed the opportunity to dance with Cho Chang.

Owen didn't know how much Harry regretted it now, it must be very regretful.

"Well" someone didn't want to admit that he might have caused something to happen in advance. Qiu Zhang's invitation to him was unexpected by Owen.

But - he expressed his condolences for what happened to Harry.

Just when Owen was about to speak to comfort Harry, a large group of people suddenly poured in outside the auditorium, and the Weasley family surrounded Ron.

His face had an expression of fear and uncertainty, and his eyes were blurred and distracted.

"What's wrong?" Owen turned his head, "He was discovered dressed as a woman?"

"No!" Ginny said, covering her mouth.

"Women's clothing?" George asked in surprise after hearing this, and then Fred's eyes widened and he looked at Ron in disbelief, "Little Ron, I didn't expect you had such a hobby!"

Fred's voice echoed in the air, filled with surprise, confusion, and a hint of imperceptible teasing.

Ron looked confused, as if he had just woken up from a long dream. He stared at Owen, his eyes flashing with anger, "I've never worn girls' clothes!"

Owen just raised his eyebrows at him, with a smile on his lips, "Are you sure?" His voice was full of joking, as if he was challenging Ron's tolerance.

"What do you want to do?" Ron asked in horror. He was keenly aware of the danger in Owen's words.

"Do you dare to bet?" He raised his head, "I said you have worn it, then you have worn it, even if you don't wear it!"

"You-" Ron felt like his lungs were about to explode. What kind of gangster logic!

I won’t bet with you!

Then, he sat down dejectedly without saying a word.

"So? What's wrong with this guy?"

"He, um, he just invited Fleur Delacour to go to the ball with him." George looked at Ron with some pity. "The result was rejected."

Ginny nodded, she couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud, but when she saw Ron's sad look, she immediately put away her smile and patted Ron's arm sympathetically, "Rejected It definitely feels uncomfortable."

"Even if Ron invited Fleur, why would it become like this?" Owen asked.

"I don't know how I could do this!" Ron gasped, "Who am I kidding? There were people there, so crowded, I was so dizzy, everyone was watching. Wait! I met her when I was walking down the corridor, and she was standing there talking to Diggory. Suddenly I couldn't control myself, so I went up and asked her!"

Ron groaned and covered his face with his hands.

He kept talking, but his words were barely audible.

"She looked at me like I was a clown and said nothing. And then, I don't know, I came to my senses and ran away."

"So you ran away without even hearing whether the person rejected you or not?" Owen asked, dumbfounded.

"I" Ron was speechless, holding his face and unable to speak.

After a while, he uttered a few words in front of him, "She must have rejected me. Sure! Maybe I ran too fast and didn't hear it, but I saw where Digory was laughing."

"Digory?" Owen frowned, "Is this another passerby character?"

"It's Cedric!" Ginny reminded.

"Oh! I'm sorry I forgot." Owen continued casually, "Did she invite Cedric?"

"Maybe!" Ron said confused, "But I think he should be the one to invite Fleur."

"Shit - Cedric just invited Qiu Zhang, and she has already agreed, oh - that is to say, Fleur went to invite Cedric because she was holding back, so she ignored you, let me just say, I beat her up and she has calmed down a lot," Owen murmured.

Hearing the sound, the faces of the little wizards around him were covered with black lines.

This Dark Lord, why don't you listen to what you are saying!

"Tsk! You're really unlucky, Ron."

"I -" After hearing what Owen said, Ron felt that he was really unlucky. He hit the muzzle of the gun.

"But there is no chance of remediation." Irving continued. "You can try to invite Koyatel! Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, this shows an attitude."

"As long as I lick enough at one time, I will be the King of the Sea!"

"Do you want me to die?" Ron thought it was ridiculous, Koatl, who would invite that woman.


"Haha! But you guys are really interesting. Harry went to invite Qiu Chang, but it was too late, and Fleur went to invite Cedric, but it was too late. It happened in one night, haha."

Ginny suddenly stopped smiling and stared at Harry blankly.

"No one has found the person they like."

"What about you?" Ginny said slowly, her tone sounding cold.


"I'm waiting for someone to calm down."

"Heh." Ginny said with some mockery, "Then just wait and see if she will calm down next year."

She was a little annoyed and seemed to want to take out all her anger on Harry on him.

Of course, it may just be that the aggrieved heart needs a place to be comforted.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little strange.

Because just as Ginny spoke, a girl holding Sirocco ran into the auditorium.

"What are you talking about? There are so many people around here pointing fingers." She instinctively sat with them.

Then asked curiously.

These guys must have done something bad again.

Something that would embarrass Hogwarts.

"Someone is waiting for you to calm down." Ginny said bluntly, "The other two guys invited girls to the dance, but they were rejected!"

"Oh! Thank you so much for reminding Ginny!" Ron said slyly.

"All the pretty girls have been snatched away, haven't they, Ron?" Hermione said with an unhappy expression as she looked at the two Harrows.

"He invited Furong." Shuangzi said while finishing his attack.

"Well - then I suggest you lower the difficulty." Hermione, who was about to criticize Ron, stopped.

Fleur, she felt that even if Owen invited her, she would definitely not agree.

As she said that, Miss Granger couldn't help but look at Owen, this guy was also annoying.

Should I wait for her to speak first?

How can a girl speak first?

"Hey! Master Meow, you're back!" Owen waved, and Sirocco, who was lying in Hermione's arms, immediately got out and jumped into his arms.

"You guy!" He grabbed Sirok's two front paws, pressed them on the long table, and rubbed them hard.

I vow to masturbate all the things I haven’t had time to masturbate to since the competition ended, all at once!

At first, Master Meow would stretch out his pink claws and press Owen's face to resist his violence, but this level of obstruction obviously cannot resist someone's bestiality.

Even this kind of obstruction seems more like a temptation to him.

After a struggle, Master Meow finally accepted his fate. He turned his head away, his eyes drooped, and silent tears ran down his cheeks (it was the snowflakes on his forehead that melted.)

Shilok sadly expressed that he was not clean anymore.


The hall is very public, and the large-scale cat-sucking scene is indeed a bit unsightly.

The little wizards around looked at Owen with strange eyes. It wasn't until Hermione next to him coughed a few times that Owen slowly stopped.

"Oh! I can't help myself - I can't help myself - I can't help myself." Owen felt no shame. He held the cat in his arms. There was a pocket in the lining of his clothes that he specially used to hold the cat, but most of it was There is no time to pretend.

"Those of you who don't have cats don't understand, but I understand."

After that, he looked at Hermione as if to change the subject, "Ahem - Miss Granger, I heard that many people have invited you to the dance, even the Quidditch star Krum has invited you. ."

He and Hermione looked at each other, their eyes shining brightly.

There was no sadness or joy on Hermione's face, she just said calmly: "You are the same."

"No, no, no - that's different." Owen shook his head. "Because I refused them all."

"Uh" Miss Granger was speechless for a moment, a flash of joy flashed in her eyes, but soon, she carefully hid it.

"Me too -" Before she could finish her words, she suddenly changed the subject, "Why? There are so many girls, why don't you agree to one of them?"

"Your question is really strange." Owen squinted his eyes. His attack was blocked, and the opponent discovered his attack intention. He quickly adjusted his combat preparations, preparing to abandon the frontal battle and instead move closer and outflank, " Why should I agree?"

"Maybe I have a better one."

"Isn't it?"

Master Meow has gone to the Meow Star.

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