I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 291 Dance practice class in advance

"We're leaving here." Owen said suddenly. He covered the goblin corpse with his robe again. "Maybe the smell of blood attracted Sirocco."

He turned to look at Hermione, "I don't know much about goblins, but everyone knows that they are very annoying creatures."


"Yes." Owen pulled her out of the alley, "Goblins have their own unique set of thinking logic, which is independent of wizards' laws. Sometimes wizards think that things that should be taken for granted are not seen by goblins. It seems like a treasonous act.

Just like the Sword of Gryffindor. "

He explained: "In the elves' perception, all the elf creations made by them are only rented by the wizard who buys them, even if the materials and labor costs are borne by the wizard. They will sneak in after the wizard dies. Necropolises of wizards to retrieve what they consider theirs.”

"So wizards hate this kind of creature very much, because no one would want a creature to disturb their sleep after death. Usually powerful wizards will prepare many anti-theft methods in their tombs, and among them, most of them are Used to deal with goblins.”

As he spoke, Owen looked at Hermione thoughtfully, "Now that you hold the Sword of Gryffindor, and your photos are all over the newspapers, this may attract a lot of goblins who will try to steal the sword."

"The Sword of Gryffindor?"

Do the fairies care about this sword?

Hermione frowned slightly, was this why they attacked her?

But - at that time, she had not participated in the competition, and no one in the outside world would know that she could pull out the sword.

Seeing the little witch frowning, Owen thought she was worried about the goblin stealing the sword.

"In addition, they also have a kind of discrimination against wizards." Owen held her hand tighter, maybe this would bring her a sense of security, "I didn't expect that discrimination does not only exist among wizards, but also in other races. There is far more discrimination against wizards than within wizards.”

"What?" Hermione's brow calmed down slightly.

The castle is now at its safest time, and a group of the most powerful wizards in the world have gathered at Hogwarts. I guess those goblins won't be stupid enough to cause trouble for a young Hogwarts wizard at this time.

Unless they're crazy.

"The goblin will regard the first wizard who encounters the corpse as the murderer of his tribe."

"Huh?" Miss Granger's face froze, "Is this still discrimination?"

This is simply slander and outright hostility.

Legally, there is a crime for such behavior, and that is defamation.

"Because of the previous disagreement about the ownership of goblins' creations, the goblins all felt that wizards were a group of insidious, cunning, greedy and tyrannical creatures with no spirit of contract. Almost all the negative words used by wizards on goblins remain unchanged. The moving ones were given to the wizard."

"They don't have any psychological burden to discriminate against wizards, just like if a wizard deceives a goblin, they will only feel proud and laugh at its stupidity, without any other emotions."

"." Hearing this, Hermione nodded, that's it, let alone anyone else. Even around her, whether it was Ron, George, Fred, or other little wizards, almost everyone maintained a negative attitude towards goblins.

It wouldn't surprise her if goblins treated wizards with the same attitude.

"Okay, let's go back to the castle!" Owen said, "The weather is getting colder."

"It didn't snow so much last winter."

"It's really weird."


But the next day, the snow still didn't stop.

It has entered the last week of the semester, and the school has become more and more lively and noisy.

Little wizards are spreading rumors about the Yule Ball, but most of the rumors are too exaggerated to be true.

For example, Dumbledore bought eight hundred barrels of flavored mead from Rosmer Tower of the Three Broomsticks.

However, it might be true that he booked the weird sisters. The Weird Sisters are a very famous singer group in the wizarding world. They occupy the first place in the wizard radio music column list all year round and have many classic songs.

The news that they will appear at the Yule Ball makes the classmates excited.

While excited, the teachers and students of Hogwarts are also aware of their responsibilities. They must pay attention to their personal behavior in the castle and strive to leave a lasting impression for the guests of Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Ilvermorny. Very impressed.

Apparently they were determined to show off the castle in its best light this Christmas.

The school was decorated with lights and colors, and it was almost as beautiful as the students had ever seen since they entered the school. The handrails of the marble stairs were covered with icicles that would never melt, and the twelve Christmas trees customarily placed in the auditorium were decorated with shiny holly berries and hooting golden owls.

Those armors are now affected by magic and become vivid, and there are even fights between two armors. This has almost become a feature of the castle.

Although most of Beauxbatons' little wizards don't like this kind of armor, there are always some who like it, such as Durmstrang's little wizards, who find this kind of armor very interesting.

Some people even competed with the armor holding the sword in swordsmanship.

Most of the time, the armor will not leave its position, and Dumbledore's magic makes him more - how should I say, more like a living person.

They will sing the Hogwarts school song when someone passes by, and each armor sings a different tune.

If you have a lot of boring free time, you can try to find these armors in the castle. Maybe, maybe, maybe you can find the unique armor that sings the Hogwarts school song with the funeral march.

But more likely, you'll find the castle ghost inside the armor.

They would hide in the armor and then burst out to scare the little wizard while the armor sang.

This is one of the few fun ghosts have.

But don't be nervous, most ghosts are very friendly.

As long as you don't meet Peeves.

Because Peeves was hiding inside, whenever the armor couldn't sing, he would make up some lyrics of his own to fill in. They were all very rude and ugly words. And sometimes it would suddenly put the armor on itself, then pretend that the armor was out of control, and then attack the little wizard crazily.

Although this trick is of no use to most young wizards, it can still shock them.

Whenever this happens, the little wizards will think of Owen.

Because there were only Dumbledore and Bloody Barrow in the entire castle. Peeves listened to Owen.

In fact, Owen was his savior. After a large amount of soul power was sucked away by the vampire, Owen was the one who defeated the monster and released the part of the soul that belonged to Peeves.

So he respects Irving very much. Every time I meet him, I take off my hat.

As for Owen, he didn't bother to care about the ghost.

Besides, Peeves is also part of the castle. If he really disappears one day, I believe the twins will be sad for a long time.

As for the little wizards’ dance partners…

After a week, everyone had their own choices.

Harry eventually got together with Luna. As a member of the same small circle and a member of the future DA, Harry has been in contact with Luna for a long time, and Ginny and Luna are good friends, and she often mentions Luna.

More importantly, at some level, Luna had the same unfortunate childhood as Harry, which made them have a better understanding than ordinary people.

Justin and Susan formed a team. They seemed to be very topical, and the Hufflepuff team officially split.

Finally there was Hannah, whom Owen met in the common room one day.

She was chatting with Susan Ernie and the others.

Talking and laughing.

Owen went directly to ask her about the prom, and she said that she had accepted someone else's invitation.

It seemed as if she was relieved, and something that had been weighing heavily on her heart for half a year from summer vacation to now completely disappeared.

As for the others, most of them have found their own dance partners.

There is only one person - Ron.

Our little Luo Luo is still single.


On December 27th, which was a Tuesday, the afternoon was occupied by the senior wizards and wizards from various houses of Hogwarts preparing to attend the dance. They all gathered in the auditorium.

Professor McGonagall, under the instruction of Principal Dumbledore, opened a dance teaching class.

The third day of this teaching class. Previously, most of them were young wizards in the sixth or seventh grade, but today they are in the fourth or fifth grade.

Professor McGonagall standing upright was reflected on the shiny floor.

She was dressed in black robes, with Filch and his cat behind her.

He was tinkering with a huge magic gramophone.

"The Yule Ball is a tradition."

"This tradition has been going on since the beginning of the Triwizard Tournament." Professor Ge frowned and paused. She turned to look at Filch, who was busy adjusting and repairing the unknown piece of equipment. The gramophone had been gathering dust in the warehouse for a long time. The noise coming from time to time indicated that the gramophone was not in a good condition.

"Sanchez—" Professor McGonagall shouted.

Then Owen understood, he tossed it casually, and a small pocket watch hovered in mid-air, and then an elegant waltz came from the photo pocket watch.

The reason why Professor McGonagall knew about the existence of this pocket watch was thanks to the Geminis.

Previously, they used the World Cup final as a gimmick to trick those little wizards who had never seen it into paying to watch it.

After hosting two viewing events, they were reported by a certain Slytherin.

The reason is that their admission fee is ten times that of the other two colleges.

However, Professor McGonagall did not confiscate Owen's prop. She must have anticipated the current situation at that time.

"Thank you!" she said.

Then she crossed her hands, stood in the center of the auditorium, faced the little wizards and said, "The dance will be held on Christmas Eve. We and our guests will gather together in the auditorium."

"Everyone should be relaxed and indulgent without losing their grace."

As he said that, the professor's face gradually became stern, "As representatives of the host school, I hope that every one of you can show your best attitude."

"Hogwarts has been respected in the wizarding world for nearly a thousand years. I will never allow you to tarnish its reputation overnight, such as chattering, jumping up and down, and being ugly."

Professor McGonagall vomited out a lot of tongue twisters in a short time, "Especially some students. I declare here that if some people dare to take any action that brings shame to the school that day, then I will definitely let them He leaves school forever!"

——"Owen" Ron muttered in a low voice with a playful smile, "I can guarantee that this is talking about you!"

"Haha - I thought you were talking about George and Fred!" Owen retorted.

On the other side, Professor McGonagall's speech continued - "Regarding dance, I believe that there is a swan sleeping in the heart of every girl, eager to burst out with passion and spread her wings."

"Professor McGonagall has wanted to kick you out of school for more than a day or two." Ron continued, "Oh! God - I can guarantee that Aurora Ismidgen has a acne breakout and not a swan. ." He turned his head and said to Harry beside him.

Seeing this, Owen, who was lying on Harry's side, rolled his eyes at Ge You.

Fourth grade is when youth is in full swing, and many little wizards have pimples on their faces. Why do you think Harry and Ron in fourth grade have long hair?

That’s all to cover the acne on your face!

Not everyone has skin as smooth as silk, rosy and translucent, breakable with a blow, as smooth as silk, and as pliable as reeds.

Although he was a little offended by a certain fujoshi club in the castle, but thinking about it from another direction, it was precisely because of his beauty that someone created a comic based on him that is not suitable for children.

Does anyone else have it?

Have it?

As for the Erlo Ismidgen that Ron was talking about, she was a Gryffin girl - because she had a big face and was covered with pimples, many of which were popped by her. It looks like a moldy pumpkin cake with yellow pus, so...

Under normal circumstances, Owen will not judge people by their appearance - unless he can't help it!

Why don't you go find Madam Pomfrey and find some ointment to apply on it, it doesn't cost any money.

So - among the girls opposite, Miss Granger is the prettiest, with a clean face.

"You still have the nerve to say that the dance is about to take place. Where is your dance partner?" Owen made a knowing blow.

Ron's face immediately sank, he stopped talking, and his happiness disappeared.

"Moreover, can I let Professor McGonagall succeed? I am Dumbledore's favorite boy. Even if Harry Potter is expelled, I don't know how to understand the value of my favorite boy."

"Besides, although I never talk about my grandmother being the principal of Durmstrang, she is indeed the principal of Durmstrang anyway. As long as my grandmother is still the principal of Durmstrang, she will be the principal of Durmstrang." If Strong is the principal for one day, will I have no place to go to school? At worst, I will take Miss Granger to school in Durmstrang, because my grandmother is the principal of Durmstrang."

...Harry and Ron looked at Owen speechlessly.

He never talks about it.

How many times have I said this!

"You-" Owen doesn't understand Ron yet? "The distinguished VIP of the Appearance Association always wants to find a beautiful girl to support himself, so why don't you invite Koyatel?

She is a beautiful woman. What if she agreed to it somehow if her head got caught in the door? "

"Fuck you Owen. Unless my head is caught in the door, there is no way I would invite her!" Ron said angrily. If he invited Koatl, wouldn't he become a traitor to Hogwarts? ?

Ever since she and Hermione had a fight in front of the Great Hall that day, all the little wizards in Hogwarts were not hostile to her.

Is Ron a traitor?

“The point of dance is—”

At this time, Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly stopped.

She finally couldn't help but turned her head and looked at the little wizard who was still talking.

"Sanchez, come here!" She walked over, grabbed Owen's shoulders, and with Xiao Heizi's constipated expression, she slipped to the center of the auditorium.

Harry and Justin laughed and even gave Owen a push when he stood up.

"Now please put your right hand on my waist." Professor McGonagall put one hand on Owen's shoulder and grabbed Owen's wrist with the other.

She stared at Owen, then paused, as if waiting to break into the rhythm of the waltz.

"Hush~~~" The twins' loud whistles suddenly sounded in the auditorium.

The two of them leaned against the wall and looked at Owen with smiles on their faces.

At this time, the photo pocket watch also sounded magnificent music, it was a waltz: flying into the sky, a tune full of vitality and brilliant momentum sounded in the auditorium.

Like a hymn to welcome spring, or the joy of welcoming the new year.

Driven by the power of the music, Professor McGonagall almost dragged Owen into the dance.

"One two three, one two three!"

The rhythm of the waltz is clear and lively, making it easy for people to follow. Professor McGonagall's dance steps are light and elegant, as if she is flying through the sky following the melody.

Although the professor is usually very serious, her softer side was also shown under the guidance of dance music. There was a faint smile on her face that would not disappear as long as she didn't see Owen's face.

As the melody of the waltz reached its climax, Professor McGonagall finally dragged Owen through a complete set of movements.

Then she started to explain in detail.

As for the boys, the twins were pretending to imitate Professor McGonagall and Owen, twisting their waists.

It's as funny as it looks.

"Hi!" Harry stretched out his head and said to the twins with a playful smile, "Haha, I can tease him until Christmas."

"Until next year!" said Ron.

"Forever!" Gemini laughed, but fortunately the sound was covered by the dance music.

On the stage, Owen's torture did not last long.

After all, the professors didn't really want to teach the little wizards to dance, they just needed to look like they were dancing.

When the dance ended, Owen was free.

"Damn it, I saw you laughing all the time!" He immediately took the lead in attacking to cover up his embarrassment.

"You danced wonderfully. I smiled in praise, in praise!" Harry said with a sullen face.

"Hahaha——" On the side, Justin and Seamus couldn't help laughing.

Then, Harry also came to his senses.

He grinned and let out a hearty laugh.

He finally discovered something that Owen was not good at. His dancing just now - no better than the armor in the corridor, stiff and sluggish, as if the joints had been forgotten to oil. If the dance music hadn't been loud, they would have had to You should hear the "squeaking" sound of wear and tear.

"Haha——" Owen sneered, making fun of his brother, right?

"Do you know? Pote." He looked at Harry gloomily, "Yesterday Cedric and Miss Qiu practiced dancing all afternoon. In the evening he told us excitedly about how talented Miss Qiu is. He found the trick right away, but he couldn't get into the groove and stepped on her feet several times."

There was a cruel smile on his lips.

If you dare to laugh at me, don't even think about it!

As for Po Te, it was almost visible to the naked eye. His smiling expression gradually subsided and slowly turned into a restrained, unwilling, and indignant expression of grievance.

It was as complex as the expression Ron was about to show.

"And you!" Owen looked at Ron, "Listen up Ron, this Friday the castle will hold a super cool dance, and all the famous people will attend, but guess who won't receive an invitation?"

Owen held his throat and pointed at his nose in a low voice and said, "You——"

"Because some idiot hasn't found a dance partner yet!"

Ron suffered a heavy blow, and the smile also disappeared from his face.

"Okay, everyone, come together. Boys, stand up." At this time, Professor McGonagall once again interrupted Owen and their discussion.

Urula, all the girls stood up.

As for the boys - they all looked left and right, looking for a crack in the ground.

A long time passed, but no one got up.

Owen was the first to walk out without any concern.

Tsk—anyway, I’ve already lost all my face and I’ve reached rock bottom. It’s time to climb up no matter what.

"Boys, stand up." Professor McGonagall called seriously, and the wizards stood up slowly.

Well, they looked like they would rather fight the dragon, so they walked over reluctantly, each found a dance partner in pairs, and started dancing to the music.

Of course - no matter in a broad or narrow sense, the dancing postures of the little wizards are not up to standard. Irving cast spells on the two pairs of armors, believing that they will dance better than the little wizards.

In this regard, Professor McGonagall could only keep walking through the crowd and personally instruct the students who looked really irritated.

The professor's sign is very simple. It doesn't require you to be a good dancer, just don't be disgusting.

As for Owen, he held Miss Granger's hand and moved very stiffly. To be honest, with his brain, he could remember everything just by looking at Professor McGonagall's movements, but - the brain remembers , but not the body.

After a while, both he and Hermione's leather shoes were covered in dust.

"I'm sorry." After stepping on Hermione's foot again, Owen said numbly.

As a member of the Rozier family, Owen really didn't inherit the elegance of this ancient family at all.

I guess his mother was definitely a great dancer, and every Rozier woman was very good at dancing. (He guessed)

"This is the ninth time you apologized." Hermione's face turned red and her brows furrowed slightly. It wasn't because Owen stepped on her and hurt her.

Her movements were a little stiff because Owen exposed her waist too hard, and - and he was too close.

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