I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 294 Stunning Girls (Two hundred monthly tickets plus updates, really only so much)

Owen worked all day.

It was obviously a holiday, but he was busier than during class.

Harry, Justin, and Ernie carelessly ran to the outside field to have a snowball fight.

The snow was white, and almost no one had stepped on it. There was only a deep mark made by three young wizards from the school when they returned to the castle.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the group of guys returned to the castle.

At this time, with the help of several professors, he had decorated the main building where the auditorium is located.

Everywhere in the corridors were decorated with crystal lamps, shining as if they were in a fairyland.

From the spiral staircase to the corridor leading to the other towers on the other side, singing morning glory climbs the ceiling.

The songs they played were different in each section, from waltzes to Hedwig Variations, which exhausted Owen's brain cells. He had a hunch that if he continued to collect his memories, he would definitely become dementia.

In order to avenge this unfair fate, Owen also hung several morning glory at the entrance of the principal's office on the third floor and Snape's office in the dungeon respectively. The tune he chose was dedicated to the two professors: Lily's Theme.

Owen didn't know what to think of the two professors who were alone in Hogwarts, shrouded in gray mist, looking at the pairs of young wizards gathered in the auditorium.

But thinking about it, just like that sad song, it will never make you happy.

"Hi! Owen!" After the snowball fight, Harry and a group of young wizards were standing outside the courtyard stamping their feet.

Their bodies were covered with snowflakes, and their feet were even more wet. At this time, the floor of the entrance hall was as clean as if it had been waxed. Under Owen's eyes, which almost seemed to eat them up, the little wizards began to tremble angrily. Get rid of the dirt on your body.

Finally Owen felt Filch's anger.

But unlike Filch, who was powerless and could only deduct points and roar, he had to be more direct, damn it - just wave the wand and throw the person out.

"Cleaned up" The gentle wind blew over Harry and the others, immediately taking away all the stains.

"If you don't need a magic wand, I suggest you go to a sports school!" he said viciously.

The little wizards, like children who had done something wrong, lowered their heads one by one and quickly disappeared into the auditorium.

After finishing everything, Owen also returned to the dormitory.

He took a shower and began to change into his formal clothes.

When the sky darkened at seven o'clock in the afternoon, the little wizards started to go to the auditorium one after another.

Most of them are boys, after all, they are girls! Isn't it normal to spend hours dressing up?

Owen was the first to come out of the dormitory. Professor Sprout asked him to bring the music of the song sung by the morning glory to Professor Flitwick. The professor said that Professor Flitwick listened to his music and thought it was very good and planned to sing it at the dance. Add some songs.

Walking out of the oak door, Owen met the Slytherin team.

A group of Slytherin students came up the steps from their underground common room. At the front was Malfoy, wearing a high-collared black velvet frock coat, looking like a vicar. Pansy Parkinson, wearing a frilly light pink robe, hung tightly on Malfoy's arm.

Crabbe and Goyle were both dressed in green, like two large green stones. It was obvious that neither of them had found a dance partner.

After all, Slytherin can only find dance partners from its own house, and girls and boys from other houses are not willing to go with them. This is destined that many of them will not be able to find dance partners.

Seeing Owen approaching, they automatically made way for a passage, and then a certain campus bully walked past them in the middle like a proud swan with his head raised.

After giving the music score to Professor Flitwick, Owen began to lean on the spiral staircase, waiting for his dance partner.

"I never realized that I am so handsome!"

Before he could wait for a while, the voice of a certain Hogwarts male wizard and public enemy came from behind him.

"That's enough, Ron, this is the seventh time you've said it." Harry said calmly, but the smile that couldn't be wiped off his face revealed that he was almost going crazy with joy.

"Oh, okay!" Ron put his hands into his trousers pockets, leaned forward slightly, and said in a playboy-specific pose: "Harry, you look stunningly handsome."

"I know! I know!" Wearing a pair of rimless rhombus glasses, Harry's green eyes were slightly lowered. He was wearing a sky blue ceremonial robe and a gray bow tie around his neck. The tie was specially tied. Windsor knot, a pair of brown leather shoes on his feet, and a dark blue robe covering his whole body, hiding his exposed jumping and restless factors. While it is eye-catching, one has to admit that Harry Potter If you enter Slytherin House, you will definitely become a noble son.

As for Ron, he was wearing a dark red ceremonial robe that was restrained yet unrestrained. His long red hair, which was enough to cover his ears, was tied into a pigtail behind his head. Only a few strands of hair were left on his forehead.

Standing with Harry, the feeling of red and blue CP is particularly strong.

"Where's Owen?" Harry asked doubtfully.

The ceremonial robes they were wearing were given by Irving last semester.

He said at that time that he would definitely be able to use it.

Ron is now grateful to Owen, because with this expensive-looking robe, Ron can confidently press the grandmother's robe that his mother gave him during the summer vacation into the bottom of the box.

"He should be here. He doesn't have to put on makeup like a girl!" Ron raised a smile, raised his head slightly, and the broken hair on his forehead floated. He looked very handsome indeed.

In fact, Ron is not bad looking. Although he is a little short of a handsome guy like Cedric, he actually has a pretty good foundation. It’s just that he is too sloppy and never knows how to dress himself up, so no one notices that he is taller. With a handsome face.

"Where is Dad?" Owen's voice suddenly came from the shadows at the corner of the spiral staircase.

"Dad is everywhere!"

Harry and Ron quickly turned their heads and saw Owen's face growing out of the shadows, glaring at them with a gloomy expression!

"Oh my god!" Ron was startled and hid behind Harry in panic.

Harry, on the other hand, was a little embarrassed.

"You're here!" Harry rubbed his head and said calmly.

"You can't enter the auditorium yet." Owen pointed in the direction of the entrance hall.

Harry quickly poked his head out, and sure enough he saw a red tartan robe, with an ugly thistle wreath on the brim. Professor McGonagall is stopping all the little wizards from entering in front of the auditorium.

"After all the little wizards are seated, they will line up and walk into the auditorium," she said.

"Looks like we'll have to wait a little longer," said Harry.

Then he and Owen stood awkwardly at the stairs.

However, this atmosphere did not last long. After a while, the girls came down from upstairs one after another.

The noisy sounds in the common room suddenly stopped, and the little wizards in the auditorium all raised their heads to look at the girls who had just come out.

Angelina appeared first, smiling and holding Fred's arm. The two walked away holding hands, with Fred winking mischievously at them.

Behind Angelina is Luna, with soft lighting and her ceremonial gown unfolding like a scroll.

"Oh! God!"

"She's so beautiful!"

But some little wizards don't realize that Luna is also a beautiful girl, even Harry Potter.

Especially this year after she was 'bewitched' by Professor Trelawney, she talked about fate, divination and divination all day long, which made people think she was even more weird.

When Owen recommended Luna to Harry, he wasn't too happy.

But today, she is different today. She took off those strange decorations on her body, and her long dirty golden hair was combed into clean and simple long braids. When her face no longer had that unique look of surprise, no one would think that she was not beautiful enough.

Luna's ceremonial robe was also given by Owen.

Last year, he spent a lot of thought on how to show Luna's charm.

So Owen chose silk, which was as smooth as flowing water, as if water was flowing on his fingertips. The streamlined tailoring made her figure more elegant, perfectly emphasizing her slender waistline and faint collarbones.

The color of the ceremonial robe is elegant cherry blossom pink, just like the cherry blossoms fluttering in the wind in early spring. The exquisite lace decoration on the skirt is like blooming cherry blossoms, which contains a touch of poetry.

The delicate silver lines meander on the skirt, like a stream under the moonlight, shimmering with subtle brilliance.

The drop-shaped necklace was gently placed around her neck, like morning dew falling on flower petals, reflecting her clear skin.

Seeing such a beautiful girl is enough to make many Ravenclaw boys beat their chests and feet,

Harry's eyes lit up.

He never thought Luna could be so beautiful.

This was completely different from her usual look.

At this moment, she was like a fairy who had not fallen into the mortal world.

"Hi! Harry." Luna's voice was still unique, and her singing-like accent was unique to Hogwarts, "Oh! Owen."

She turned her head and looked at Owen, "I originally wanted to wear my bunny headdress."

"Then why aren't you wearing it?" Owen responded with a smile.

"It's gone," Luna said. "I guess the Snorlax must have stolen it."

"What?" Harry frowned and asked in confusion.

"Snorkel!" Luna added louder, "Snorkel is a shy, friendly creature. They hate light and heat, and like cold and damp places - such as swamps, dense forests and caves. They may also be good at Use magic to quickly transfer like apparating, so it is always difficult to detect."

"Oh! Really? That's a pity." Harry replied stupidly. He really thought that there was such a creature in the wizarding world.

"It's nothing to regret." Luna grabbed the hem of her skirt with both hands, and her ethereal voice immediately sounded, "Things will never be thrown away, they just arrived at their destination before me."

"Looks like I have to speed up and catch up with it."

"I wish you a pleasant journey." Owen smiled and nodded.

"Thank you!" she said softly. Like dew falling on lotus leaves.

Then, Owen pushed Harry gently, and the guy realized what he should do. He stretched out his hand in a panic, like a shy little boy. Well, he was indeed a shy little boy.

Luna gently took his arm.

Jumping up and down, Harry and I walked towards the entrance hall.

"Crack~~~" Vaguely, Owen seemed to hear the sound of teeth breaking, oh! He turned his head and looked at some Ravenclaw wizards in front of the oak door of the courtyard.

Those fiery eyes were probably going to eat Harry up.

"Hmph -" He originally wanted to steal the Ravenclaw diadem from the principal's office and let Luna wear it. If Dumbledore hadn't happened to meet him, my Luna would have been even more beautiful!

"A bunch of idiots!" Owen glanced at the wizards under the door with contempt.

Joining Ravenclaw House does not mean that you really have wisdom, just like most of the Slytherins are people in name only. How could Salazar Slytherin regard him as a high-ranking scholar? Wen, people like Clark, even Malfoy, are not qualified to join Slytherin.

The Slytherin in Salazar's mind should be like Professor Horace Slughorn. Rather than some simple-minded and well-developed limbs.

Of the four major houses, Hufflepuff, needless to say, and Gryffindor all meet Godric's selection criteria, what a bunch of fools!

But it can’t be said that Ravenclaws are actually people who live up to their reputation. After all, if Rowena Ravenclaw’s selection criteria is really followed, and she only teaches the smartest and most intelligent little wizards, then It is estimated that it will not be able to recruit a single student for decades.

After all - how smart can an eleven-year-old wizard really be?

After Luna, the auditorium was quiet for a while.

But only for a while.

Because soon more girls came under the stairs.

They were either in pairs or waving excitedly at the stairs.

Justin and Susan, Ernie and a Ravenclaw witch.

Four people walked past Owen.

That guy Justin didn't know what he touched on his head. It was shiny. He combed all his hair back and gave it a slicked-back look. Haha - it was really an adult's hairstyle.

After a while, someone suddenly screamed at the entrance of the spiral staircase.

Everyone then turned their attention.

It's Hannah.

As the dress given by Owen, Hannah's dress is naturally luxurious. It is made of delicate creamy yellow pineapple fiber silk. Her shoulders are exposed, as white as jade, echoing the light-colored ceremonial robe.

The skirt of the lower body is mainly light blue, with flowers of various magical plants embroidered on it.

The tight design of the gown highlighted her figure, making her elegant and graceful.

Hannah had a faint smile on her face, and her whole body exuded a faint maternal glow. There is a unique determination in her eyes, which is a side that is difficult to show in her usual introverted personality.

Her brown hair was combed into a high bun on the top of her head, and a few strands of hair hung gently in front of her forehead, with a kind of casual elegance. Her earrings swayed gently in the light, like tiny sparks.

She looked extremely beautiful, and after the haze of the past few months dissipated from her body, it was like a dusty gem emitting brilliance again.

Yes, she let it go.

After understanding the huge gap between herself and Owen on the path of magic, the girl let go.

He is destined not to belong to himself, so it is better to let go than to get together with difficulty.

Owen looked at her with a smile. When she came down the stairs, he said gently, "You look much more relaxed."

Side by side with Hannah was the unexpected Gryffindor Sword Master.

"Yes!" She responded in a low voice, her tone still as gentle as before.

"Have fun," he said.

"I will."

She and Neville walked down the stairs.

"I always feel that you gave us so many ceremonial robes on purpose." At this time, Ron next to him seemed to see something.

Being close to Owen, almost everyone has a beautiful or handsome exaggerated ceremonial robe.

"Oh! Did you see it?" Owen blinked, "How does it feel to stand out from the crowd?"

"Very good -" From the beginning, many little witches cast their gazes at him, and Ron's back straightened even further.

The corner of Owen's mouth raised slightly, "This is called increasing user awareness. Do you think it's so easy to be the leader? When each of you is glamorous, others will naturally be envious, and when they know that those ceremonial robes are all When it comes from my hands, the envy will be transferred to me all of a sudden. Doesn't this increase my prestige in the castle in disguise?"

"Do you still need to improve your prestige?" Ron asked confusedly. Owen was almost always talking in the castle. His words were more effective than the professor's. What else did he want?

You don’t really want to get rid of Dumbledore and become the principal yourself!

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a hint of danger, and then very decisively, Ron quickly distanced himself from Owen.

No one in the castle knew about the close relationship between him and the principal. If Principal Dumbledore knew that he was secretly trying to oppose him, Ron would guess that the most he would do was scold him, but his own accomplices would be in dire straits and might be punished. Expelled! ! !

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Tch~~" Owen rolled his eyes at Ron. If he succeeds in something big, then he doesn't need to take risks?

Brother, if you raise your arms, if the rebellion succeeds, you will be like the dragon. If you fail, you will be fired at most. Is there a more cost-effective deal in the world than this?

Just when he was about to reveal a little bit of his rebellion plan to Ron, and wanted to trick him into becoming a pioneer.

Suddenly, the noisy sounds around him suddenly stopped, as if falling into absolute silence.

There was only the sound of Hedwig Variations in my ears.

Everyone held their breath and raised their heads to look at the girl who had just come out.

Many people opened their mouths in surprise, not knowing what to say.

"Oh my God!"

"Merlin's beard!!!"

"She is so beautiful!"

After a brief silence, there was a cry of exclamation from the heart.

"That's - Hermione Granger?"

"She is like a fairy descended from the earth."

It's Hermione.

But she looked nothing like Hermione, not even her aura.

Maybe it was just because she took off the more than twenty thick books that she usually carried on her body.

She wore a dark blue dress. The skirt is embroidered with intricate silver decorations, like shining stars. These silver decorations will sparkle when Hermione turns, as if she is wearing the Milky Way on her body.

Hermione's hair was carefully taken care of. They were no longer messy, but became smooth and shiny. The brown hair was combed into an elegant bun, and several twinkling star-like ribbons were skillfully inlaid. In it, she looks even more beautiful.

There are more silver decorations on the arms and ankles, which sparkle under the pale crystal lamp above the head, like flowing water. The sleeves of the dress were wide and elegant, fluttering gently, making Hermione look like a goddess from classical mythology.

The snow-white legs are vaguely exposed under the skirt. The girl's thighs are tight and elastic. They are not plump, but not too thin. Instead, they show a kind of youthful vitality and healthy beauty. The calves are vaguely covered with crystal lamps. Added a light halo.

The gradient blue skirt moved lightly on her legs, like a clear spring flowing between gravels.

Both feet were wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes, and the bare soles were as delicate as fat, full of an indescribable sense of tenderness.

Well, Owen certainly wouldn't give Miss Granger pointed high heels, which would be too tiring to wear, especially when it was her first time to wear those shoes. What he gave her was actually a pair of flat-soled shoes with slightly raised heels. The material is not the common dragon skin, it is too hard. It certainly wasn't comfortable for her to wear, the actual fabric was cow leather and lined with soft beaver skin.

Hermione slowly walked down the stairs step by step. She was a little nervous, and her hands were always entangled with the split skirt. Although the height of the split skirt only reached above her knees and did not even reach her thighs, she still looked... Very shy.

Her current appearance stunned everyone, and could only be described in four words: dazzling.

Light steps like a butterfly.

"Don't--stop looking!" Hermione walked over and stared at Owen nervously, "How about it? Isn't it weird?"

Hearing the sound, Owen pulled his eyes away from her legs with difficulty, and then looked up at her cheek.

God, he didn't even recognize the girl in front of him. She drew her eyebrows, put on eyeliner, and put on light red lipstick. The makeup was cold, but the blush on her cheeks discordantly offset the coldness. Shyness and coldness appeared on her face at the same time.

At this moment, his head was a little blank, and his heart was beating fast and unsatisfactorily. He just wanted to hug the girl in front of him immediately. As for the rest, he would wait until he had enough.

"You are in danger now! Miss Granger." After taking a deep breath to suppress the restlessness in his heart, Owen stared at her cheek and said, "Because I really want to kiss you right now."

Suddenly, Miss Granger's cheeks burned red.

She didn't dare to look up into Owen's eyes, she could only stare at the soles of her feet, her mind was blank, and she had no idea what to do now.

At this time, a pair of gentle hands held her nervous little hand, and their fingers intertwined, and love surged up.

"Gone." Owen confided in her ear, "The apple of my eye."

There were only seventeen stone steps from the staircase to the auditorium, but the two of them walked as if they were on a red carpet stage.

There were only seventeen sections, but it seemed like a century had passed.

They have a strong sense of understanding when they stand together. When these two people are together, everyone just feels that they are a perfect match, and that seems to be the way it should be.

After all, in terms of strength, they are the best match in Hogwarts.

But there are still some little wizards whose expressions are not so natural.

In front of the foyer, many girls stared at Hermione with hatred and jealousy, while the boys looked at her with admiration and surprise.

The foyer was packed with students.

But when they came, it became empty again, because everyone took a step back to make room for them.

This scene fell in the eyes of Professor McGonagall in front of the auditorium. The corners of her mouth twitched inadvertently. Has this child's prestige reached this level?

About five minutes later, the oak front door was opened. Everyone turned their heads and saw a familiar figure walking in with a group of Durmstrang students.

"Yeah?" Owen looked sideways, "Why did you change the person?"

"I also want to see grandpa and grandma dance!"

"What grandma?" Hermione asked in confusion, stretching her white neck.

"It's Dumbledore. They are old partners in the wizarding world. When they broke up, there was a lot of commotion."

Krum walked in the front, flanked by a Ravenclaw girl.

Over their heads, they could see that a lawn in front of the castle had been turned into a cave, with little fairy lights shining inside.

That means there are hundreds of live fairies, either sitting in magical rose bushes or flapping their wings on top of statues that appear to be Santa Claus and his reindeer.

Krum saw Owen at a glance, and most importantly, Hermione beside him.

He stared at Hermione with scorching eyes, staring straight at her, which made the little witch feel at a loss. Hermione had to move to the side, trying to use Owen to block the too direct line of sight.

"What are you looking at!" Owen frowned and narrowed his eyes, with obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

Hearing this voice, Krum reluctantly retracted his gaze from Hermione, and then hummed softly in response. Obviously, this was Grindelwald's order, telling him not to conflict with Owen.

Immediately afterwards, Beauxbatons students entered the venue one after another.

The pretty French girl took away some of Hermione's attention.

At the front was Fleur and her dance partner Roger Davis. Fleur was dressed extremely delicately and looked stunningly beautiful. She is no less beautiful than Hermione. They both have their own unique qualities, but both are as beautiful as picturesque.

Hibiscus fully displays its beauty in front of everyone, like a delicate flower, blooming with the most touching brilliance. With the addition of Veela blood, she easily became the focus of all men's gaze. Everyone would be intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves after seeing her.

Beside her, Davis seemed like he still couldn't believe that he was so lucky to have a dance partner like Fleur. He simply couldn't take his eyes away from her.

"Wow! You are so beautiful Hermione." Fleur walked over enthusiastically.

Two equally beautiful girls communicated with each other, and soon she learned from Hermione that the beautiful dress she was wearing was given to her by Owen.

"Your clothes are pretty good!" Fleur raised her head and looked at Owen with a half-smile, "I thought you had lost the romance of us French people."

"I almost forgot." Owen said, "I received your Christmas gift."

"Hmph - I should really give you a plate of Starry Sky, so that you can experience the pinnacle delicacies of the British Empire."

"Oh? I never knew there was any other delicious food in England."

"That's because you are ignorant." Owen chuckled. "Although American history books and British cookbooks are known as the two thinnest books in the world, they are actually a complete slander of the British Empire."

"We have dozens of ways to prepare potatoes and more than a dozen ways to prepare cod. These two ingredients alone can be used to create more than 20 dishes. British recipes are not thin at all."


"Yes!" Owen thought it was Fleur speaking.

Until the voice came closer, "The struggle history of American wizards is a hymn of courage. I only thought that I could only hear voices slandering her from the mouths of some uneducated and uneducated idiots. I didn't expect that Hogwarts would There are people like this too.”

It's Ilvermorny.

It's Koyatel.

"I didn't see the hymn of courage, but the hymn of blood is real. I give you a thumbs up from the Purge! Oh! And the Indians." Owen turned his head and spoke bluntly.

Following Owen's voice, the little wizards turned their attention and looked at the silver-haired girl.

Her ceremonial robe is like a picture of the North American wilderness, with a rich maple leaf red tone. Whether it is the elegant collarbone or the slender waistline, the ceremonial robe perfectly displays them.

As she walked step by step, the hem of her skirt swayed with her steps, reminding people of maple leaves swaying in the autumn wind.

In the hall, Ron's eyes widened.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or someone did it on purpose.

Both of their clothes are red.

Although the red ones are different.

The girl just stood there, with the hair falling down her waist like a waterfall, and she still defeated many little witches in Hogwarts who were all dressed up.

"Oh my god! She's so beautiful!"

In front of the courtyard, I don't know who said something.

The next moment, everyone nodded in approval.

Yes – Coyatl is simply beautiful.

Even at this moment, she vaguely surpassed Fleur, who had Veela blood, because her temperament was so unique. When she didn't speak, she was like a maple leaf in late autumn, brilliant and magnificent.

Little Ron was a little at a loss at this time.

Although he felt good about himself, when he saw Koyatel, that confidence collapsed instantly.

At a loss, he only remembered what he should do after being reminded by Harry who came over. Then he hurriedly walked over to invite his dance partner to enter.

And just like that, with everyone's eyes filled with envy or anger, the two of them walked in and down the stairs one after the other.

"Her clothes are also good." Owen praised.

Hermione next to him looked at him strangely. Unknown to others, she had already known the origin of the dress Owen gave them last semester.

It can only be said that he knows how to make rational use of resources, and with enough money, he can design beautiful clothes like those in ready-made dress shops.

This is how all the ceremonial robes of these people come from.

Including herself, Harry, Ron, Luna, Neville, Hannah, etc., there were more than a dozen people.

Half of the credit for the beautiful scenery at today's ball comes from Irving.

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