I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 300 Shocking Secret, Weasley’s Curse (Death is just the beginning of a greater adventure)

"We can't stand around like this. Let's sit down and drink some tea. Let's talk while drinking."

Dumbledore fiddled with his wand again, and the next moment a rotating tea tray and a plate of cakes appeared in the air.

Dumbledore used magic to make the tea tray fall on the table and everyone sat down.

"Hagrid, in the past few days after the article was published, I have received a lot of letters, all related to you. I want to bring them to you to take a look." Dumbledore said, drawing his wand in mid-air. Suddenly, a heavy package fell to the ground.

"These are all letters from parents of students. There are probably thousands of them. They themselves went to school here and were very impressed with you. They told me very firmly that if I expel you, they will never give up. Come on, you can take a look."

"Not everyone," he said hoarsely for a long time, "not everyone wants me to stay."

"To be honest, Hagrid, if you want to wait for the support of the whole world, you may have to stay in this small house for a long time." Dumbledore said, at this time, his eyes shot sternly from behind the half-moon lenses. Come here, "Since I became the principal of this school, at least one owl has sent me a letter every week criticizing the way I run the school. What do you think I should do? Lock myself in the study and refuse to talk to anyone. ?”

"Actually, you can step aside and make way for someone better." Owen whispered in Hermione's ear.

Then he received a blank look from the little witch.

Dumbledore is the greatest wizard in the world, who can do it better than him?

"I don't accept your resignation report, Hagrid, but you can continue to rest for a week. Just like that naughty child said, I hope you will come back to class next Monday and have breakfast with me in the auditorium at half past eight. No excuses are allowed."

Finally, he stood up and walked to the door, stopped and bent down to scratch Yaya's ears, then helped him open the latch of the front door, pushed open the oak door, and the next second, Yaya rushed out happily.

Compared with getting under the bed of the press that made him afraid of the hole that Owen blew up, it was indeed more comfortable to go through the front door.

"But I still hope you can discuss the new house with Mr. Sanchez."

"Oh! These days, I read a very touching book. It seemed like a Christmas gift from someone. I never knew that someone understood me so well." Dumbledore blinked, and there was a deep shadow behind his half-moon glasses. gaze.

Then after saying these words, he turned around and left.

When the door closed behind him, Hagrid buried his face in his hands as big as a dustbin lid and cried sadly.

Hermione kept patting his arm, and finally Hagrid raised his head, his eyes red.

"What a wonderful man, Dumbledore, what a wonderful man."

As he spoke, Hagrid seemed to have a profound realization and began to talk about his life experience. Originally, these were the eternal secrets in his heart.

It was the most difficult thing for him to talk about, but now, he can tell it openly.

He even pulled out a picture of his father.

After rambling for more than ten minutes, Hagrid stopped talking about his life experience. Then, his eyes suddenly fell on Hermione, and he looked at her with a very serious tone and eyes full of expectation, " You know what I'm thinking, don't you - Hermione."

"I hope to see you win, I really hope. I hope that so-called half-blood wizards, Muggle-born wizards, can also achieve great things."

He said.

An urgent voice mixed with complex denunciation of the world.

Blame—blame the dark clouds of pure blood that have hung over them for too long, too long.

Rebuke - rebuke the hostility brought to them by those strange eyes.

Blame--blame why the morning sun is rising slowly now.

oh! Granger is a sailing ship that carries the dreams of ten thousand people. Inadvertently, the sides of her ship are already crowded with people who are looking forward to it.

It will eventually sail into the sea and become the only unsinkable sail in the stormy waves.

Finally, a week before the competition, Hagrid recovered.

With the help of Hermione, he began to deliberately find some cute, not very offensive, and very magical animals as teaching materials. He even borrowed the phoenix Fawkes from Dumbledore - all of a sudden It caused a sensation among the little wizards!

Phoenix is ​​one of the rarest magical animals. Although everyone knows that Dumbledore has a phoenix, they have never been as close as they are today.

"The phoenix usually builds its nest on the top of a high mountain. The phoenix can be seen in Egypt, India and the Ming Dynasty. Its lifespan is extremely long because the phoenix can regenerate. When its body begins to fail, it throws itself into the fire. Then a little phoenix will rise again from the ashes.”

In the Magical Creatures class on Monday, Hagrid carried Fawkes on his shoulders and explained to everyone with a smile.

"The phoenix is ​​a gentle animal that only eats herbs." As he spoke, he pointed to the fresh herbs that had been prepared in the melon patch.

At this time, without Hagrid's command, the little wizards had all lined up, their eyes burning, and they looked hotter than flames.

"The song of the phoenix has magical powers: it is widely believed to give courage to those with a pure heart and release fear to those with a dirty heart. The phoenix's tears have powerful healing properties."

Hagrid continued the lesson enthusiastically.

In class, all the students went up and touched the phoenix one after another, and everyone was very excited.

At the same time, everyone's impression of Hagrid has changed greatly.

Harry and the others were very happy that Hagrid could recover.

Campus life has returned to calm.

The next time passed quite uneventfully.

Until two days before the second game.

Ron suddenly came to him and said: The reply from the Weasley family has finally arrived.

He sent many letters in early November, but most of them had no impression of Shani's name.

The only two people who didn't reply were his grandfather and his aunt.

It's unusual for a reply to take so long, but I heard that Ron's grandfather was not in the UK at this time. The old man seemed to have gone to the United States.

Cross-border letters, you know. Wizards are particularly troublesome to deal with, especially if you have some magic items in your package, and the review takes even longer.

Mr. Septimus Weasley, (Septimus·Weasley, whose name comes from Latin, meaning Severn.)

As Mr. Arthur's father and Ron's grandfather, Mr. Septimus is a well-known figure in the wizarding world.

It's not that he has any talent for magic.

Mr. Septimus is the World Cup Champion of Wizard Chess and has won the European Cup for many years. In Wizard Chess, the trophies he won can fill a classroom.

In the past decade or so, he has gradually withdrawn from the professional league, but his status in the world has not diminished at all. He has a feeling that he is no longer in the world, but the world is still my legend.

This time he visited the United States because North America wanted to hold a wizard chess competition and invited him to serve as a referee.

Ron's wizard chess set was a Christmas gift from his grandfather.

"What on earth did your grandfather give you!"

Ron, Harry, and Justin carried a package, and they worked together to place it on the table in the auditorium.

"Why not use magic?" Justin wiped his sweat.

He was so happy that Owen brought him here to do hard work!

"You think we don't want to." Ron also wiped the sweat from his face and complained with trembling legs.

He started at the Owl Post Office in Hogsmeade and kept mouthing all the way. Keep complaining.

Yes, the package was too heavy for the owl to deliver, so they had to go to the post office to pick it up.

"The spell has no effect on it. This is a magic item." As he said this, he opened the package and revealed the contents.

It was a huge stone monument.

The stone tablet is about five or six feet high and three to four inches thick. It has an irregular shape and uneven corners, giving the impression that it was knocked from a larger stone tablet.

It was densely covered with names.

If you look carefully, you can find that on the stone tablet, Ron, the Geminis, Ginny, and their father are all on it.

This is the Weasley family tree.

"Only part of it," Ron said. "My grandpa sent it to me."

"Then your father is so heartless!" Owen's mouth twitched. You must know that for any family with a long history, the family tree is the most important thing, and it is usually only owned by the current head of the family.

It was unprecedented for his grandfather, Ron, to casually send the family tree to the younger members of the family.

It can only be said that the Weasley family is indeed different from other families.

Ron ignored Owen's words and continued to introduce, "As you all know, our family has many descendants, and there are branches everywhere, so there is no complete family tree at all. We can only write our own family trees. If there is time, several branches will get together and compare each other. This is our family, so the main branch is my family."

As Ron explained, Owen stared at the slate carefully.

Indeed, the family tree on the slate is densely packed, but there is a main trunk, which leads from Mr. Arthur - Septimus - to his great-great-grandfather.

As for others, such as Mr. Septimus's brothers and sisters, their names are recorded in the family tree, but after that, their children did not appear again.

Presumably other people should have their own part of the family tree. With this reference to the Ron family, a complete family tree of the Weasley family can be compiled by supplementing each other.

"look here!"

Ron pointed to the middle of the stone tablet, and a familiar name emerged clearly.

Shani Maeve Weasley

"Alas!" Owen noticed Hua Dian, "So, your family is still the direct descendant of Shani."

"That's right! It's a surprise!" Ron said with some pride. Although he still doesn't know what his great-great-grandmother did, it is obvious that it must be a very great thing.

This is enough to make him proud.

In addition, Owen also saw the name Brigid Weasley on the family tree. This - their headmaster is also Ron's grandmother?

Good guy - a family with two generations of heirs to ancient magic?

You must know that the successor to ancient magic is purely random and selected from wizards around the world. Only God knows who the gods choose.

And the Ron family was chosen by the gods twice in a row.

This is no longer luck.

There is definitely an unknown reason behind this, and Owen will not really believe that this is pure good luck.


It was like a ray of light suddenly flashed through the dark sky.

Owen suddenly had an idea, and then carefully looked at the slate in front of him, from Shani to Brigid Weasley.

There were three members of the Weasley family in the middle. He identified them carefully, looking at their birth dates and death times.

Finally, among the three Weasleys, another one was discovered, Bran Orngus Weasley.

"Chosen? Or the only one?"

Regarding the heir of ancient magic, Owen and Dean Brigid had a long chat during this period, and he probably had a basic understanding of this identity in his heart.

From Merlin's death to his taking over, it had been less than 450 years, and a total of four successors to ancient magic had appeared.

Excluding the gap of more than a hundred years from when Sirius's great-grandfather was the headmaster until now.

The four heirs were active for more than three hundred years.

This is not normal, because wizards have a very long lifespan, and it is not uncommon for wizards to live to be two hundred years old. Three hundred years and four heirs is a bit high.

Dean Brigid had explained to him that this was due to the premature death of the first two generations of heirs after Merlin. Among them, the second heir even sacrificed his life on his sixteenth birthday. .

And the Bran Orngus Weasley on the stone slab in front of him happened to be sixteen years old.

His sister is Dean Brigid's mother.

This. This is a fucking curse!

After Merlin, all the heirs came from the same family, no - to be precise, they all came from Ron's family?

Owen discovers a shocking secret.

But this secret does not necessarily represent an honor for the Weasley family. If a family can be selected once, it may still be considered an honor, but if the heir is only selected from one family, then what kind of honor is this? , isn’t this a curse?

"But about my great-great-grandmother."

Just as Owen was thinking, Ron on the side suddenly started hesitating, and his expression looked a little tangled.

Then he took out two letters from his pocket, both of which had been opened.

Judging from the names left on the parchment, this came from two people. One was Mr. Septimus, who enclosed a detailed diagram of the wizard's chess steps with the letter, and the other was Ron's aunt-in-law. Ms. Muriel.

Owen took both letters, held them in his hands, and browsed them roughly.

The two Weasley elders had completely different opinions on Shani Weasley. In Mr. Septimus's letter, he praised the other as the hero who ended the war, the eternal pride of the Weasley family, and warned Rose Well, he should be proud to be her descendant.

But Ms. Muriel scolded Ron first, and then wrote at the end of the letter that she was a madwoman, a daydreaming delusion, someone who abandoned her family and children, and had no conscience. sinner. She warned Ron to forget the name and never mention it because she represented a shameful history for Weasley.

"Are they sure they are talking about the same person?" Harry poked his head and quickly scanned the two letters.

"One said she was a hero and the other said she was a sinner. They also said she abandoned her family and children."

"I don't know!" Ron didn't care about this. It was all hundreds of years ago. Who cares about the truth? If it weren't for the legendary Weasley family treasure, he wouldn't bother to understand these old stories. Woolen cloth.

He held up the chess game and continued, "No matter why their opinions are so polarizing, at least I know how to solve the chess game in the kitchen. We can sneak over there at night, just for today."

Owen glanced at Harry and said to him, "It's nothing. Although the evaluation seems to be polarizing, it is actually very easy to explain. Just like, if she is the hero who ended the war, then she definitely does not have time to maintain it. Bonding with your own loved ones and taking care of your own children, just like your mother Harry.”

"My mother?" Harry asked confused.

"In the wizarding world, your mother is a hero who resisted Voldemort." Owen said calmly, "But to your aunt, she was a sinner who abandoned her family and her children, and eventually lost her own life, which made your grandparents sad. Too much and die early.

You see - there are always two sides to everything, and no one can be perfect. "

"From different angles, everyone will see completely different answers." He returned the letter to Ron. Then he waved his hand, and the slate on the table automatically levitated and was absorbed into a small cloth bag he carried.

? ? ?

When Ron saw this, he immediately exploded.

"Damn it Sanchez! You can obviously use magic items, but you have to let us carry them, right?" He yelled loudly, and then he opened his arms to give Owen a little Gryffindor shock.

"Save you?" Owen gave him a disgusted look, "Look at how useless you are now. I'll give you an arm, brother."

"I told you to exercise moderation, but you really don't want to listen, right?"

Hearing this, Ron's face turned red, "I didn't do anything extraordinary with Koyatel, except for the dance - we never even held hands."

"You are telling lies with your eyes open! Are you lying with your eyes open!" Owen looked at Ron from top to bottom with his scrutinizing eyes, "Look at you! I must have lost at least ten pounds recently! My cheeks are almost sunken. You’re still pretending to be an innocent boy with me!”


Suddenly, Owen seemed to remember something, and then pounced forward.

He directly pressed Ron under him.

While he was struggling and shouting, as if it was a pig-killing scene, Owen quickly took off Ron's clothes, from his wrists to his shoulders, then his chest and back.

Finally, after he grabbed Ron's arms with one hand and waved his wand with the other hand, he cut the robe off his back.

On the waist and abdomen on the back, a clearly visible scar was exposed to the air. It looked like someone had dug out the waist, and something red like blood was vaguely flowing on it.

"Fuck! When!"

Owen narrowed his eyes, his face full of murderous intent.

Cao Nima's goblin has actually sneaked into the vicinity of Hogwarts!

Death is just the beginning of another greater adventure - Dumbledore.

Now, fellow wizards...please raise your wands in the air and observe a moment of silence for the greatest Headmaster: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore...

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