I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 302 Legilimency! ! !

"Huh!" Owen exhaled, then got up from the bed.

Today is Friday, the last day of class.

After the weekend, the second game will be held next Monday.

After briefly washing up, Owen wrapped himself in a thick beaver fur cloak and walked out of the dormitory.

No matter what, he plans to open the secret room in the kitchen tonight, because after today, he will be busy. When he is free again, it will probably be three or four days after the game ends.

He didn't want to delay any longer, lest he have long nights and nightmares, and Ron was in a very strange state. He now held the key to the secret room.

If he continues to wait, Owen is really afraid that something will happen to him.


It's past five o'clock in the castle corridor and the only thing quiet is the snoring of the portraits.

The sound upset him.

It was the quality of sleep he envied.

Owen went up the spiral staircase and was going to go to the girls' bathroom on the third floor to take a look.

Let's see if anyone found out there and cast some destructive spell on the pool since it couldn't be opened.

Arriving on the third floor, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew in the empty corridor. Owen couldn't help but tighten his robe. The whining wind kept whistling in the corridor, and the echoes spread far away, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, adding a strangeness to the place.

Involuntarily, Owen's steps became a little faster.

Soon, relying on his familiarity with the girls' bathroom, he walked to the door.

Just opened the door and went in. As soon as he stepped in, Owen felt the water under his feet hitting his trouser legs.

The floor underfoot is very new, and the partitions on both sides are also very new. The dark green wooden boards look like they are newly built.

This is by no means a deserted bathroom like the past few years, and there is no chance of a water pipe bursting.

There was only one possibility that there was so much water on the ground, and that was Myrtle, who deliberately spilled the water on the ground.


It looked like the water had been spilled here just now. Because of weather like this, water will freeze into ice in just a few minutes.

Owen walked forward, breathing out mist.

After walking a few steps, a figure appeared in front of the pool not far away.

It was a girl, with fluffy curly hair hanging around her shoulders. Wearing Gryffindor robes, there are many manuscripts on the pool, all of which are biographies.

She stood there, waving her wand constantly, and chanting ancient unlocking spells that even Owen had never heard of.

And every time she recited a spell, her body would tremble slightly, as if she had run out of heat. Then she would turn the pages of the manuscript and start looking for the next way to open the secret room.

Upon seeing this, Owen immediately took off his wool cloak. He stepped forward in two or three steps, wrapped the cloak around her body, and hugged her tightly.

Hermione's body trembled, as if she was frightened.

"Yeah!" She fell back a little unsteadily (losing her strength), and then she saw Owen's head sticking out from behind her shoulder.

"It's not a spell." Owen gently stroked her hair and whispered in her ear.

Hermione's shoulders shook even more.

"How can Salazar guarantee that his descendants will be able to learn a specific spell?" Owen took the book from Hermione's hand and placed it on the sink. Then he reached out and grabbed Hermione's hands, holding them tightly in his palms.

"It should be some kind of power in the blood. Think about it, does Salazar have any abilities that ordinary people don't have?"

"Ability?" Hermione's eyelids trembled, and the sudden warmth caused her rationality that she had clung to all night to collapse instantly.

Countless sleepiness hit her like a storm outside the castle.

"As one of the four famous founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Salazar Slytherin was one of the earliest recorded Parseltongues, an accomplished Legilimency master, and an infamous pureblood. Supremacist advocate." Owen looked at her, his voice gentle and low.

"Wait a minute." Miss Granger suddenly had an idea. "It's Parseltongue, right? Oh my God! I didn't even think about such a simple puzzle."

"Salazar was a Parseltongue, and his descendants will definitely inherit Parseltongue."

"Well, now that you know the puzzle, it's time for you to go to bed, Miss Granger."

Owen stood next to Miss Granger, leaning against Hermione's ear, and whispered softly: "I'm warning you, don't stay up late again, otherwise I will pack out the house in Hogsmeade Village. , living with you and monitoring you every day."


Hermione closed her eyes slightly and leaned into his arms.

There was still an echo in her ears of Owen's deep voice when he had just spoken.

His voice was like a lullaby that made her let go of all her defenses and uneasiness.

Hermione's slightly trembling eyelashes slowly closed, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Breathing slowly became steady.

She only felt that her body was getting weaker and weaker, as light as a feather, her legs were unable to support her, and her entire body was held in Owen's arms.

The girl's body was soft, like a pillow, overflowing in her arms, filled with a certain intoxicating sense of satisfaction.

The whole figure is like a delicate rose stained with dew, making people want to kiss her, comfort her, and melt her into their arms.

"Miss Granger?" Owen called tentatively.

At this time, the little witch, who had fallen asleep and changed her position, huddled up, did not give him any response.

Hey - suddenly many thoughts popped into Owen's head.

For example: At this time, he carried Miss Granger back to the dormitory, thinking that she would definitely not refuse. hey-hey! ! !

In the empty bathroom, Owen was having a sweet dream.

The quiet environment made everything feel extra crisp, the sound of water dripping, the wind blowing the pages of the book, the girl's breathing, everything was so obvious.

Until, the sound of hurried footsteps reunited Owen's scattered thoughts.


He opened his eyes suddenly. Could it be that other warriors were here?

hiss? Miss Granger has led them all astray? Are they all starting to roll up? Come out so early to look for clues?

Owen didn't care about thinking. He glanced at the books on the pool and waved his wand. In an instant, they all floated up and went into his pocket. Then, he caught a glimpse of a robe held down by the books.

Invisibility cloak?

Tsk - this thing is almost becoming Gryffindor's public property.

Harry was loaned out everywhere.

Picking up the invisibility cloak, Owen carried Hermione and walked quickly to the compartment closest to the sink. He sat on the toilet and put the invisibility cloak on the two of them. He left the door open just to see who found this place. Come.

The sudden movement also woke up Hermione, who had fallen asleep. She reluctantly opened her eyelids, as if there was a heavy weight pressing down on her.

Then he just glanced at Owen, and he suddenly woke up.

Because of the invisibility cloak, Owen couldn't hold her sideways, as that would expose his feet.

So she just spread her legs and sat on his lap. That posture was as shameful as it was.

Owen didn't dislike it, and kept pulling her into his arms. Miss Granger was caught off guard and pressed her whole body against the boy's chest. Her hands were pressed against the boy's chest, her cheeks were pressed tightly against each other, and her heartbeat could be heard clearly in her ears. Voice. With each beat, Hermione felt her cheeks turn red.

"Owen~" Hermione looked at Owen with eyes so red that she was about to shed tears.

It's too close.


Looking at the girl's eyes that wanted to refuse but still welcome, Owen kissed her on the forehead, and then he reluctantly pulled out his right hand that was hugging the girl's waist and rubbed her face.

so cute! (*▽*)

"Someone is coming." His breath hit her ears as he spoke.

As soon as Owen finished speaking, the footsteps in the bathroom became more and more obvious. From the sound, he must be coming over.

Miss Granger was shocked by the sudden turn of events. She originally planned to say something, but now she fell silent.

She looked like a frightened kitten, hanging stiffly on Owen's body, afraid that someone would see them.

However, a pair of eyes were trembling, looking back curiously.

Soon two figures broke into her sight.

Miss Granger was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned to look at Owen.

Then, she noticed that the boy's face looked a little ugly.

"This is the last time I'm going to help you."

The voice outside made both Hermione and Owen frown.

Because it was so familiar.

Ron, who was wearing a black robe, was leading a silver-haired girl standing by the pool. There was no need to guess, both Owen and Hermione knew who it was.

This guy is crazy.

"How do I open it?" Koyatel asked flatly, completely ignoring Ron who had a cold face and bloodshot eyes.

"I don't know," he said.

"Don't know? You still don't want to tell me." Koyatel turned around calmly. She was almost as tall as Ron, and her eyes almost just moved to look at each other.

"I don't know." Ron emphasized. "Maybe Owen knows, he is responsible for designing the agency."

"Then ask him." The girl's voice was unquestionable, even with a hint of command.

"I said it." Ron took a deep breath and replied forcefully: "This is the last time I will help you."

"Unless you can explain your relationship with the goblins wandering around the castle."

Hearing Ron's words, Koyatel seemed very irritable. Obviously this was not the first time they had talked about this topic.

However, as before, she replied with an answer that Ron had already heard.

"I have nothing to do with them."

"It doesn't matter?" Ron blurted out, "Then where did the wounds on my body come from? Also, did you use the Forgetting Curse on me?"

"What on earth do you want to do!" he almost shouted.

"I want to win the game." Koyatel was still so calm, as if she only had that one expression on her face, "As for the rest-" She suddenly turned her head to look at Ron, her right hand hidden in her slender "I think you know too much."

The next second, she pulled out her wand like lightning, and she wanted to cast a spell on Ron again.

"Everything is forgotten!"

"Armor protection!"

The silver armor suddenly appeared on Ron's body, rebounding Koyatel's gray spell.

She was so dexterous that she managed to avoid it.


Owen, who lifted the invisibility cloak, did not give Koyatel a chance to breathe. The moment after the armor spell was cast, the Legilimency spell that could directly pry open her head roared out.


The golden light suddenly appeared, indicating that the curse stopped immediately.

She half leaned on the pool behind her with unsteady steps, and raised her wand to resist the sneak attack with difficulty.

"The response is pretty quick!" Owen said calmly, "But I haven't had a fight in a long time."

As he spoke, his wand shimmered on the scene, and then with a slight lift, countless black mist flowed out from the tip of the wand.

In just an instant, the black mist like waves filled the surrounding space.

Then the people trapped inside felt like they were being stripped away, and it felt as if everything became far away.

Along with Ron's cry behind him.


The next moment, Koyatel's wand suddenly burst out with countless lightning bolts. The purple lightning bolts were as thick as a forearm and struck towards Owen with a strong sense of oppression.

"Hmph." The wand, which revealed the black mist, was placed in front of him, and a ball of silver light surged out of the mist, completely blocking the lightning. Owen even stretched out his hand, pressed against the wand, and swung forward suddenly, The lightning was struck back by him intact.


It was too fast, both because Owen was able to hit back his lightning and because the speed of casting the spell was too fast.

Koyatel was struck in the arm by lightning without even reacting, and for a short time, a smell of coke came out.

"From the first time I saw you, I felt strange."

Black mist gradually enveloped the entire bathroom, and soon the sink, walls, and even the marble tiles on the floor were gone.

Also missing was Owen's figure, and the surroundings were plunged into eternal darkness.

Only his voice that came from all directions from time to time proved that Owen had not left.

"The magic power surging in your body must be ancient magic."

In the shadows, Owen's head suddenly appeared in front of her.

Subconsciously, Koyatel immediately cast a spell, and blazing flames suddenly erupted like the breath of a fire dragon.

"Ah~~~" The firelight did not tear through the darkness. It was like someone poured a little bit of other paint into the ink. The light only illuminated the path ahead, without penetrating the two sides at all.

The girl bit her teeth and looked around with a ferocious expression.

"What I like to see the most is this expression of someone who wants to kill me but can't." Owen's sudden voice came faintly.

Koatl staggered, then waved his wand again.

With her as the center of the circle, the lightning suddenly spread outward.

The shrill sound of thunder continued for eternity, but unfortunately it had no effect.

After the lightning flashed, the surroundings were still pitch black, and everything she did was in vain.

"It looks like ancient magic, but it doesn't seem to be." Suddenly Owen's head appeared behind Koyatel, and then her neck suddenly stabbed, and the blood flowed, as if she was inspired by some kind of force, without gravity. Floating in the air.

Then little by little, the blood was hidden in the darkness.

"Go away!" the girl shouted, waving her wand violently, and all the magic spells she was familiar with were thrown out by her, but they were still as if they were lost in the sea, without even the slightest impact on the black mist.

She staggered, quickly chose a direction, and then started running quickly.

The bathroom is only that big. As long as you can touch the wall, you can definitely find a way out by following the wall.

That's what she thought and did, but the sounds around her didn't stop because of her movement. Instead, it kept chattering, "It feels like someone has spilled water in the wine and added some juice into it."

"The flavor of the juice is so strong that it masks the taste of the alcohol."

Owen's voice followed him like a shadow, seeming to be in the horizon or right in front of him.

"If ancient magic is a gift from the gods, then it feels like you were separated from the gods by some means. Is that Quetzalcoatl?"

"I'm curious about how you did it. Or how the people behind you did it." Owen said contemptuously. He appeared in front of Koyatel, or behind him, or to the left or right, It seemed as if all the outlines of the black mist in the darkness were his appearance.

"Go away!" This was the second time she said this.

"I didn't think you would answer either, dear, so - Legilimency!"


Like a flash of light.

The next moment, the dam burst and the raging river overflowed.

Those are her memories.

First her childhood, and then her days in Ilvermorny. Owen had nothing to do with her school life. If possible, he was more like a search engine, only retrieving memories about ancient magic and fairies.

As for the rest. It's innocuous.

And just when Owen was unscrupulously probing her memory inch by inch,

Suddenly, a power that had the same origin as him lit up in her spirit - it was Quetzalcoatl, who was only trying to stop him.

"Hmph -" Upon seeing this, Owen did not stop casting spells. In fact, he was trying to force a breakthrough. But as his vigorous magic poured into her spirit, everything in her memory became increasingly blurry. As time passed by, more and more memories were blocked until finally, he could see nothing and gain nothing.

And that was crushing for Coyatel.

Her spirit was almost numb from the pain under his crushing magic power, and this pain suddenly intensified at a certain critical point. At that moment, she was about to faint, but this was her spirit, and Why are you so 'dizzy'?

She could only feel that she was going to die soon. She struggled painfully, trying to escape, trying to avoid his mental invasion. Her own screams echoed around her, and all of this was not over yet, as if it would continue, continue, and last forever. .

Maybe a second, maybe an hour, or longer.

Anyway, Owen was finally out of her head.

The screams still echoed, and it took her a long time to realize that it was her own voice, and then the screams turned into weak wails that broke her vocal cords.

"Depend on!"

In the fog, Owen stared angrily at Koyatel, who was lying on the ground, twitching due to severe pain, with sobs constantly coming from his throat, and could only struggle with all his strength to maintain breathing.

"I made a dowry for you!"

Just now, when he tried to forcefully attack the depths of the girl's memory, the ancient magic in his body was unconsciously mobilized. Then, when his magic turned into a spell and invaded her memory, he was suddenly unstoppable. He took control.

Not all of it, but some of it.

Quetzalcoatl used his power to erect a memory defense like an iron wall for this girl, and even the ancient magic aura in her body became stronger.

"Fuck, what's this! What a fucking nonsense!"

Human memory is so vast, he simply browsed through some of her memories in Ilvermorny. Not painful or itchy.

I didn't see anything important.

But now, it is impossible for him to break through the defense established by his power.

If he breaks through her consciousness unscrupulously, the result can only be that her soul turns into powder under the pull of herself and Quetzalcoatl.

"If I had known earlier, I would have brought someone else!"

It was all caused by ancient magic. If it were any ordinary wizard just now, this situation would never have happened.

Owen was quite speechless.

In the corner of his eyes, the gray eyes were filled with easily detectable anger, or else he would just kill him.

Crazy thoughts were surging in his mind. If it had been before, he would have chopped people like this into pieces and thrown them into the sea if he thought they were a threat to him. But now - he still has to worry about Dumbledore's opinion of him. And his grandfather, and Miss Granger.


He lowered his eyes and looked at the thief lying at his feet, feeling very unhappy but helpless.

Then he raised his wand high, and the dark fog around him turned into hypocrisy, and then rushed towards the tip of his wand crazily.

And Owen's figure continued to sink, sinking into a thin layer of ice on the ground.

Then the world turned upside down, and the ice layer reflecting the black mist on the ground suddenly shattered, and the vision seemed to have penetrated into the mirror world of the ice layer.

Then everything returned to normal.

The bathroom is still the same bathroom.

The sink, the stalls, the ceiling, nothing has changed.

What Koyatel looked at just now was just the reflection of the world in the mirror.

The moment Owen walked out of the cubicle, the magic spell was activated.

"Oh! God!" Miss Granger was the first to rush over.

She was faster than Ron.

All of a sudden she ran to Koatl's side.

The girl fell to the ground, her eyes opened silently, as if she were dead. If it weren't for the rising and falling chest and warm body, no one would think that she was still alive.

"What did you do Owen?" Hermione picked up Koyatel and shook her head, but the girl didn't react at all.


"Did you roughly invade her memory?"

"Yes, but it failed." Owen replied flatly.

"How could you-" Suddenly Miss Granger stopped. She wanted to scold Owen, but when she remembered that Coatl might be connected with the goblin, and the latter even wanted to attack her, Hermione said no. She said those scolding words, but she was very angry, especially when she saw the girl in her arms almost dying, she became even more angry. He shouldn't treat this girl like this.

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