I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 316 Death Curse, Blurred Illusion

Chapter 316 Death Curse—Confused Illusion

"Hey, is it such a coincidence?"

Owen raised his eyebrows and his eyes became cold.

Yes, it was none other than that damn ghost, the witch of Ilvermorny, Coatul Stewart.

In the darkness, her appearance was not very clear, but her silver hair was too conspicuous, coupled with the red robe she was wearing.

Without seeing his face, the two knew each other's identity.

"There are already people here." Harry pointed to the water pipe exposed behind him, "You can come back tomorrow."

"I'm not here to break through."

Harry's angry voice did not change the girl's expression in any way. She walked closer and closer, her cold voice trembling with fascination, "I'm here to find you."

She stepped out of the darkness and looked directly at Owen.

Only then did Harry and Owen notice that the girl in front of them seemed to be... how should I say?

Why does it look like it's running out of gas?

The eye sockets are deep, the face is sallow, the lips are white, and the face is bloodless.

His eyelids were trembling, his whole body was severely depressed, and his walking pace was light, as if he had been staying up all night for a week.

It gave me a strong feeling that I was going to die suddenly in the next second.

"Looking for me?" Owen sneered and said in an aggressive tone: "If you are here to confess everything, then tell me now. If not, where did you come from? Go back there."

"You are not welcome here!"

Owen swore that he had never spoken in such a tone to a girl. Although he had a bad personality, he was outspoken and liked to curse (Er Zhoumu restrained himself).

But even the members of the Order of the Phoenix who gave him trouble every day in Zhoumu, he had never treated him so badly. After all, everyone has their own master. Although everyone has different pursuits, it does not prevent me from respecting your decision. Brother, I will If Avatar gave those people a whole corpse, he would rarely torture them. If the Cruciatus Curse was not included - then he would indeed rarely torture people.

"I'm looking for you for something important." She said sympathetically, her face becoming sad.

Like a believer confessing to the priest in a Muggle church, he raised his right hand tremblingly.

And her right hand was holding the wand tightly.

Seeing this, Owen blocked Harry behind him, then took out his wand and looked at her warily.

He had no idea what this crazy woman was thinking.

Normally, if she was really a traitor and was in cahoots with the goblins, she had been gathering information from Hogwarts for months and then handed it over to the goblin herald.

Then she should at least act like a spy.

And what should a real spy look like?

Go through the main entrance, knock out everyone's stealth, use bombs to kill the entire building where the target person is located, kill the target person along the way, and make the city full of trouble?


That's an assassin!

Not a spy!

A real spy should be invisible to everyone, unnoticed, and arrive like air.

But what about her? Do you really think you are Dusko Popov of Yugoslavia?

Like Quirrell, she made enemies everywhere in Hogwarts. She wanted to be as public as possible. Every choice she made made people wonder whether she was planning to carve the words 'I am a spy' directly on her forehead next. .

I was really worried that others wouldn't know that she came to Hogwarts to cause havoc.

It is precisely because she is so alien and strange.

That's why Owen didn't send her to death directly without casting a spell, because he made a very absurd guess, could this guy really be like Quirrell, and all his external behaviors were intentional? Is it a smoke bomb released? Are those publicity signals her distress signal?

But that's not right, she's not a fool.

What can't you say to Dumbledore directly?

Anyway, Owen couldn't figure out what this guy was trying to do.

But that didn't stop him from pointing his wand at her now.

Everyone has their own reasons, but those reasons are not an excuse for you to hurt others.

She betrayed the wizard, and no matter what the reasons were for her to do these things, she should be severely punished.

Lifelong imprisonment in Azkaban is considered a light punishment, and giving her a Dementor's Kiss is not out of the question.

Of course, if she could reveal the real culprit behind the scenes, she might get a lighter sentence for a few years.

"I have a question." Her voice was broken, as if it took a lot of effort to say it out, "Are you the heir of this generation?"

"Huh?" Owen frowned slightly, and he was surprised to hear this from Koyatel's mouth.

Regarding the fact that he was the heir to ancient magic, neither Harry nor Ron knew about it. The only young wizard who knew about it was Miss Granger.

Hermione wouldn't tell her this.

How did she find out?

"What do you want to do?" Owen narrowed his eyes and looked directly at her.

"It seems... yes." The girl suddenly showed a complicated smile, and a certain light flashed in her empty and tired eyes, "I always... thought that... girl"

"Heh-" She laughed.

The divine light returned to his eyes.

The whole figure seemed to have returned to the light.

Next, she did something that both Harry and Owen didn't expect.

"Cereus. Cut out the bones!" she whispered, the red light of the wand illuminating her face.

It gave her a blush.


Owen was shocked that the three unforgivable curses were so directly used to kill himself in the castle.

There's really no one there.

Ron counts as one.

He also used this spell during the battle with the Koyatel School Medical Office.

However, the two magic spells collided and backfired. Just like Voldemort and Harry.

Owen speculated that this might be related to ancient magic, but the specific reason was unclear.

And that time, both professors had a tacit understanding and did not mention the unforgivable things.

After all, according to the law

But this time, it was different from that time.

This time, she was the first to cast a spell on him.

"Sanchez's force field."

A blue halo suddenly appeared, deflecting the curse to other places.

The next moment, a wooden door of the toilet was stained with a black, char-like scar that was only the size of a fist.

"Huh?" Owen glanced at the damage caused by the curse.

So weak.

too weak.

How could the Cruciatus Curse of the three unforgivable curses only do this little damage?

It was like a beginner who used it casually.

As a top underworld wizard who once used the Unforgivable Curse as a levitating spell, Owen saw the key in a second.

There is no cruelty in her heart.

That's why it only has this power.

While Owen was thinking.

When there was no immediate counterattack, Koatl waved his wand again.

This time it was her most commonly used spell.

On the old wand, a majestic flash of lightning emerged, and the arc was raging, as if singing, fluctuating up and down with some kind of melody.

Then the lightning that reached its peak turned into a long whip and whipped towards Owen.

"All curses end!"

He casually neutralized the lightning.

But only this time.

The arc was still condensing, and finally reached a certain critical point. Suddenly, the blue and white color began to spread crazily around her with her as the center.

The sound of ‘cracking’ is endless.

And on the ground.

The water created by Myrtle formed a circuit with the lightning.

High-voltage lightning strikes the water, causing electrolysis.

All of a sudden, there was rising fog.

"." Owen casually offset several lightning strikes that struck them.

Then he looked at the mist with vigilance.

This is not a good sign.

Although the hydrogen ions produced after electrolyzing water will not explode directly, that is because its specific gravity in the air is not enough.

But as lightning continues to rage, this proportion will rise quickly.

After all, this is a bathroom, a room, not outside the castle. It is windy and open enough, so it is naturally not easy for an explosion to occur.

"Ultimate defense!"

Harry also helped to resist several spells.

But he didn't notice that Owen's face was already very dark.

Sure enough, it was just for a moment. He noticed that there were already sparks in the air.

What ignited the mixed air of hydrogen and oxygen was lightning, and its temperature was enough to be used as a flint anyway.

"Fuck" Owen cursed.

Then he pulled Harry and jumped into the pipe of the pool.

Hydrogen explosions are no joke. He can't cast a spell to defend himself, because this kind of gas explosion is not the same as a solid explosion point only in front. He can just cast a spell to resist it. When the gas explodes, flames will appear in all directions. He may be fine. But Harry behind him would definitely be burned.

The best solution is to jump into the pipe and block the hole to isolate the air in the water pipe from the air in the bathroom.

So that's what Irving did.

The moment he jumped into the water pipe, he first used the transformation technique to create a platform for his feet to step on.

Then he waved his staff, and the rock wall above his head quickly closed.

Everything is done in the blink of an eye.

Harry, a silly goose, didn't have time to think.

The sudden withdrawal of air made it difficult for him to breathe. Hiding in the water pipe, he was about to open his mouth and ask Owen why he hid here.

An explosion like thunder rang in his ears.



The series of explosions were deafening.

There was also the sound of breaking glass, sharp and harsh.

The entrance blocked by stone bricks at the top of the pipe was burnt red, and Harry could see with his naked eyes that the stone bricks were shining slightly.

Five seconds later, Owen waved his wand to cut through the stone bricks blocking the entrance, and then jumped.

"The divine edge is shadowless."

There was smoke all around, water vapor evaporated by the flames.

The invisible sharp blade cut through the water vapor and sank into something, making a "sudden" sound.

Immediately afterwards, strong winds began to blow all around, and it was Owen who was casting the spell 'Flying Sands and Rocks'. The tip of his wand produced a blue shimmer, stirring clockwise, and the fog suddenly disappeared.

The bathroom becomes clear again.

"Fortunately, my brother has gone to school and knows some common sense about physics."

Not far away from him, Koyatel was lying on the ground, blood splattered on the ground, her whole body was severely burned, and at least half of her body was covered in a layer of charcoal.

Most of his silver hair was burned off by the flames, and he was already on the verge of death.

Owen looked at her and saw that her chest was rising and falling erratically. The panting witch was having trouble breathing. She was exhaling more and not breathing out enough.

But she stared at herself, still holding the wand tightly, with no intention of putting it down, even though her mouth was filled with blood and her voice was murmuring.

"You are so perseverant. You have worked so hard for your master, why shouldn't I give you an award?" Owen said sarcastically.

Visibly, she was healing.

The blood spilled on the ground was also flowing back, and his chest was beating. The skin grows scales like fish scales, but the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse is not an ordinary magic. As one of the three unforgivable curses, the wounds caused by it will be attached with a layer of black magic. The magic will prevent any means of healing.

As long as the counter-spell is recited correctly, otherwise the person hit by the spell will die from excessive bleeding because the wound cannot heal, even if he does not die.

And this is what happened to the woman at this time.

For some reason, her body has a very strong regeneration ability, but the black magic of the wound is preventing this healing, and the two sides have formed a kind of tug of war.

As a result, her chest looked very ferocious because the flesh and blood was squirming.

"I think I have a good temper." Owen spread his hands and walked towards her with a dull expression. "Since you don't want to live so much."


The crystal wand was pointed at her head.

"Just die!"

After saying that, the wand shot out a dazzling green light, accompanied by a chaotic sound, like the wails of countless wizards, and then the God of Death raised his butcher knife high.

"Avada Kedavra!"

He raised it high, then swung his sword down and took away the foolish believer.

"Owen!" Harry shouted from behind.

He just jumped out of the water pipe and saw this scene right after.

He subconsciously wanted to stop Owen. After all, it was for the students, not the dark wizards attacking Hogwarts. If he killed him directly, they would definitely be in trouble.

But it was too late, green light illuminated the dilapidated bathroom.

The floor tiles, partitions, and the glass skylight above the sink were all blown to pieces.

The walls were covered with marks burned by the flames, like some kind of ghost.

And under the green light, those ghost figures are actually dancing?


It was the sound of something falling.

"Owen!" Harry rushed over, and he saw Owen collapse like a tree that had been cut down.

His body hit the ground hard.

For a moment, everyone in Harry was confused.

In a daze, his thoughts were running wildly, and he actually remembered the night when Voldemort came to kill him fourteen years ago. The love his mother left for him rebounded the killing curse, and finally defeated the evil demon.

Now, he couldn't help but make wild guesses, wouldn't Owen have also been hit by the rebound killing curse?

And it happened to hit him by coincidence?

No, no.

Harry shook his head, throwing all these ridiculous thoughts out of his head.

How could this happen?

"Owen! Owen!" Harry rushed over, picked up Owen's head, and kept shaking it, "Are you okay?"

He originally wanted to say die.

But when he saw a certain demon rolling his eyes at him, he stopped and changed his tone to a softer tone.

But after a long time, the guy who rolled his eyes didn't seem to have any reaction.

This made Harry anxious again.

You are about to die, why do you still look like this?

Harry wanted to laugh.

But the huge loss and helplessness made him unable to laugh out loud.

His expression twitched a little, and his head couldn't help but look at Koyatel on the other side.

The woman also fell to the ground, her hands slightly spread.

Like a hug or something.

His eyes widened.

Staring at the ceiling, of course these are not the point. The point is that there is a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Depend on!"

Harry couldn't help but curse.

How are you all doing?

Why can you still laugh out loud even if you have to die?

Yes, Koatl looked dead too. His whole body was almost charred, and except for his face, which was slightly cleaner, he couldn't look directly at anything else.

Harry just looked at her chest - he didn't see any rise or fall, not even a faint one.

Okay - now he's really panicking.

Now that the woman is dead, that means the rebound of the spell he believed in has not happened.


"Owen!" Harry shouted again.

Shaking his body, trying to wake him up.

But it was still of no use.

The boy in his arms was motionless, as if he had fallen into an eternal sleep.

Harry saw nothing as the green light flickered.

It was too dazzling, more dazzling than any killing curse before.

It seems that Owen's Avada Kedavra didn't have such a bright light before.

What happened in that moment?

Harry couldn't figure it out.

He could only carry Owen's body?

He quickly ran out of the girls' bathroom, charged a hundred meters, and returned to the school nurse's room on the fourth floor at the fastest speed in his life.

Dumbledore must have a way to save him, Madam Pomfrey must have a way to save him.

If Owen hadn't been rebounded by the Killing Curse, everything could have been undone.

No matter what that white light is!

That's what Harry thought.

And another place, after the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

Like the dappled shade of trees.

It's a hallucinogenic illusion.

Owen opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was lying on a fertile field.

He raised his head.

A bright moon and stars hung in the sky, and the silhouettes of several trees were faintly visible on the horizon. The cool, earthy morning breeze blew against his cheeks.

He stood up in confusion.

Seeing everything familiar but different around him, Owen subconsciously wanted to pull out his wand.

But around his waist - there was nothing.

The clothes on his body have also changed.

No more Hogwarts robes.

But a casual outfit.

The one he always wears at home.

"What is this place?"

After getting up, Owen found a house next to him. The small wooden building was five or six stories high. At this time, a girl with fluffy brown hair was leaning against the window of the cupboard, looking outside.

This scene seems familiar.

The house was much like the one he had in Hogsmeade.

And where the girl appears

He had imagined that if Hermione lived there, she would probably look out the window like that.

Owen was a little confused, but without hesitation, he stepped forward, opened the door and walked in.

On the first floor, the layout is exactly the same as his house.

Miss Granger was leaning against the kitchen window, the morning breeze outside the window blowing her hair, and the sunlight passing through the hedges, grass and farmland from a distance, passing through the window, shining on her face.

It gave her a golden glow.

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