I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 319 When he left, the pain began to hurt

The curse rebound incident that happened to Irving and Koyatel is by no means that simple.

There has been only one rebound in the history of the Killing Curse, and that was when Harry's mother's love rebounded against Voldemort's Death Curse.

Now the former example is vividly before Dumbledore's eyes.

Looking at Harry coming over.

The old principal frowned.

Within a week, there were many more wrinkles on his face.

He didn't believe that the healers at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies could do anything.

"But -" Miss Granger looked up, looking haggard.

She looks thinner than she did two weeks ago.

You can even see obvious depressions on both cheeks.

The sorrow between the eyebrows is like an indelible ink stain, which is the profound mark left by the pen of reality.

That face touched Dumbledore slightly. He reached out and patted Hermione on the shoulder, and said leisurely: "It's good to be young, because you still have time to feel the sting of love."

"But I'd say it's just a sting, Granger." He pulled back and winked at her, "Just bear with it."

After that, he turned around and was about to leave, "Oh! That's right."

Suddenly remembering something, he turned his head and said, "When the funeral is over, please come to my office, Mr. Weasley."

Maybe Mr. Weasley today, a little too much, Dumbledore added, "Let Ron come to my office."

The old principal saw the whole process from the memories of microscopic Ron and Koyatel's little wizards (pensieve).

The arc flashback spell shocked him.

Unraveling a secret connection between the two of them may help Owen emerge from his coma.

"Professor!" Hermione wanted to fight again, but Dumbledore had already taken a step forward.

She just stood there, watching, watching him go away.

Did not continue to move forward.

In fact, she also knew that she seemed to be a little unreasonable, but - she had to find something to do.


She doesn't seem to be in love with Owen.

When she crawled out of the castle's pipes and learned the news from Ginny, she didn't feel any sadness or pain.

What does that feel like?

She wanted to cry but couldn't. She was as calm as if there was nothing she cared about in the world.

Ginny said: "He's gone~"

"Harry said he was hit by the Killing Curse."

That night, she stayed alone in Owen's hospital bed all night, and every professor or friend who met her would tell her "treasure" words.

But what about her.

From the hospital bed, she opened her blurred eyes and watched weakly and calmly as a group of therapists in white clothes rushed into the school medical room.

They skillfully carried the person on the hospital bed away, and then left her in the infirmary like the wind blowing away dust.

The door closed again.

Everything fell silent.

In the following days, Hermione did not waste a moment, but spent all her time looking for a way to breathe underwater.

In the library of Hogwarts, she had almost read through all the magic words related to water or underwater.

But found nothing.

Finally, late at night on the third day, when she was sorting out the harvest of the past few days in her dormitory, she accidentally knocked over the parchment that had fallen high on her hand.

A book fell out - a manuscript.

It was Owen who taught her the spell-casting techniques and the analysis of these three magics a few months ago when he taught her Origin Magic.

She picked up the scattered pages. At the end, the handwriting deliberately imitated Dumbledore, with several circles drawn at the end of each word.

"This is how great people write."

He often said this.

And that line says - If you want to go diving in the Black Lake one day, try the Head Soaking Charm.

Or this.

There was a thick piece of parchment sandwiched between the last pages. After she opened it, the text inside recorded a potion recipe.

The name is: "Huofei decoction."

Miss Granger was holding the parchment. Perhaps due to the weather, the parchment was a little damp, as if water had dripped on it.

From now on, starting from the fourth day. Miss Granger began to prepare the herbs needed for this recipe.

Lung Respiratory Decoction - is a magical underwater breathing potion that is no less difficult to make than Polyjuice Potion.

It fills the wizard's lungs with cavities, each filled with oxygen for several hours.

This is a magic potion specially used by wizards to explore the seabed. Its duration of effect is measured in days. Even the poorest finished product can be enough for wizards to be underwater for three or four days without breathing.

Of course, the surprising effect also means the difficulty of cooking.

There are more than twenty kinds of materials to prepare for the Huifei Decoction alone.

Sixteen of them are very precious.

This includes gillyweed.

But this doesn't trouble Owen, nor does it trouble Hermione.

She got the materials from her usual place.

Then I tried to brew this magic potion alone in a cubicle in the girls' bathroom on the third floor.

To do this, she transformed the toilet in the cubicle into a table and the pipes into a shelf.

Various herbs are displayed on the shelves.

And she stood on the footstool, took out a copper crucible from her arms, and then skillfully waved her wand to create a ball of fire.

"When the temperature of the crucible reaches a medium temperature, you can try it with your hands. When you put your hand into the crucible, the temperature just fills the palm of your hand."

There were several sheets of parchment stapled to the shelf, and Hermione cut out the one he had left.

She looked up, then reached into the cauldron.

When the temperature reaches the palm of your hand, add the Billywig Sting.

Next, take out a bottle of living water.

"Fall down against the edge of the crucible. PS: Put on the prepared mask."

It was written on the parchment.

And she did the same, pouring the living water into the crucible against the edge. Suddenly, a pungent smell rushed out of the crucible, making her nose sore.

At this time, she put on the mask, and then poured in the ground catfish bones after the mucus boiled for a minute.

The powder was put into the pot, and soon the pungent smell and boiling crucible calmed down.

At the same time, it was cooked over low heat. During this process, she had to prepare other ingredients.

"The tentacles of Motla rat should be crushed and ground with stones, not cut with knives."

"Add about 20 grams of sea onions."

"Wear gloves when squeezing grass leaves. Be careful and your hands will be purple for a week."

"You don't need to add too much to the fire ash snake eggshell powder. You can replace it with silver powder. The fire ash snake eggshell powder is too expensive. (laughs)"

A funny smiling face appeared on the parchment.

Her hands froze slightly.

Then let it go.

The next moment, the silver powder seemed like a broken dream, flashing with mottled brilliance and disappearing into the dark tide.

And this will last three hours.

Every ten minutes during this period, she would add a new material.

After three hours of this, the flame was reduced to a low heat and simmered. After that, she had to stir clockwise every five minutes.

"You don't really have to stir for four hours." His handwriting on the parchment became increasingly moist.

Really weird, right?

It doesn't snow anymore at Hogwarts.

"Spell Miss Granger, cast a spell!"

"Let the glass rod move on its own."

Four hours later.

Its daybreak.

After she stirred it for the last time, the potion in the crucible had turned dark blue, with a consistency similar to water.

After turning off the heat, she dropped hellebore syrup on the water, stirring clockwise and counterclockwise ten times for each drop she added, which made her arms feel heavy and tired. But she didn't seem to care.

After all thirty drops have been added, the potion will become thick again and stick to the stirring rod.

Finally, simmer for another five minutes and add the final herb, gillyweed.

The finished product is a scarlet red potion with a fishy smell and a slight viscosity.

"Is it scarlet? It smells fishy. If so, you've got it right."

"It's actually not difficult, right. It's just that the steps are too cumbersome, and it seems to be much easier to boil people than polyjuice potion, which takes a week to brew."

"Do you know why? That's because this formula has been improved by my brother! Snape is not the only one who can change potion formulas. He is a half-blood kid, and I am still a kid!"

Sure enough, it was written in the corner of the parchment: This recipe belongs to—Prince of Pleasure.

Hermione lowered her eyebrows.

Her crucible was as thick as mud.

And the color is wrong, it's blue.

"PS: It doesn't matter if you fail. Anyway, Snape has a lot of inventory. Go to the right hand side of the door and lean on the first wall tile. Knock twice, pause for three seconds, and knock twice again. It will open automatically. Inside is Snape. I have counted two thousand three hundred and forty-seven gold galleons in Pu's small treasury. If he runs out of stock, just use it to buy materials."

"PS: Ahem - don't really spend money randomly. If it's less, he probably won't notice it. If it's more, I'll have to put some padding inside."

"PS: If you want to buy materials, please contact George and Fred. They have a way. Some rare materials are not sold in normal magic stores."

"PS: Don't be afraid, do it again."

Yes again.

After a day of classes.

Hermione is back here again.

Same steps, same materials.

But it was the same failure, only the color of the finished film was different this time. It's green.

The third day.

After taking off her invisibility cloak, she continued to stay in the cubicle, looking at the fire.

Maybe I stirred it too much?

The fourth day.

The color is yellow.

Day five.


six days.

The strong smell of pick-me-up fills the bathroom.

It's sweet, it's Owen's new and improved taste.

The whole cubicle is filled with his smell

Today is her last chance.

Snape had been in his storage room since yesterday, refusing to go anywhere and even skipping classes.

This is the first time in fourteen years.

So this is her last chance.

The glass rod stirred in the crucible.

Then she started counting from one, two, three, five, six, seven, eight

She made sure she counted to ten.

She added the final ingredients.

But what was in the crucible was still a ball of mud.

Hermione stood by the cauldron as if out of body, watching the fire simmer.

"Don't be afraid, try again."


Water dripped into the crucible.

The sticky potion turned green.

Then another drop.

The potion turned yellow.

After that comes cyan.

As the water dripped into the crucible, the potion continued to change color.

Then - it was like a strong wind and heavy rain were about to fall, and the person holding the umbrella could no longer resist it.


There was a scream from the girls' bathroom.

Then there was the sound of metal hitting marble.

The sticky potion was scattered all over the floor, and a pungent smell diluted the smell of the refreshing potion in the bathroom.

Now - only pain remains.


"Granger!" Suddenly a voice came from behind the little witch.

It was Percy, who walked over with a thin face.

"Ginny told me that you saved her?"

"Owen saved him, I just helped a little." Hermione said indifferently, thinking about other things absentmindedly.

"But Ginny said it was you." Percy patted her shoulder and looked at her very gratefully, "I really want to thank you. Our whole family wants to thank you. God! You don't know that I heard about Ginny What a shock it was to have something happen to Ron.”

"That's Hogwarts, that's my sister."

"If something happens to my sister-" Percy suddenly became speechless, as if something was stuck in his throat and he couldn't get it out.

"Don't say anything stupid." Behind him, Mrs. Weasley walked over.

She was wearing a pure brown linen robe. During the summer vacation, she was still an energetic witch. Now if she looked closely, she found that her eye sockets were somewhat sunken and she also had a wisp of white hair on her temples.

She stepped forward, hugged Hermione into her arms, gave her a big warm hug, and said enthusiastically, "Have you cured Ginny and Ron? They look much healthier. Their brother.

I really should give you something. "As she said that, she let go of Hermione's shoulders, and then fumbled for a badge from her large pocket. It was a sunflower-shaped badge. Each melon seed was a different color, colorful. It had a rich summer flavor. A warm feeling.

"No, Owen cured them both. I didn't do anything in this matter." Hermione said bluntly in a daze.

"Then you deserve it too." Mrs. Weasley almost forced the badge into Hermione's hand, then reached out and stroked the girl's thin cheek.

"For Owen," she said.

Mrs. Weasley knew what it was like to lose someone.

She was like the girl in front of her when her brother died and was killed by Death Eaters.

Numb, at a loss.

It was as if a part of me had suddenly been taken away, a pair of hands.

After losing it, when the hands are not used, there seems to be no difference, but once the arms are raised. The broken stump will remind you again and again.

You have lost a pair of hands and it is lost forever. It can never be made up or found again. It is like a hole is missing in the soul. When the wind passes through the hole, the noisy sound it makes will be a constant reminder. , a reminder that a piece of the soul is missing.

Such continuous and long-lasting pain will continue to wear down a person.

Either until the end of death, or get used to the gap in the soul that will be passed through by the wind.

Live symbiotically with it.

Mrs. Weasley is the latter.

She was used to living without her brother, and her other family members filled the hole, but she didn't know if the girl in front of her could still fill it, if she had a chance to fill it.

Thinking of this - tears welled up in her eyes.

Almost out of his mind.

She lowered her head and took Hermione's hands, her eyes like pouring rain.

Hot tears flowed across the tip of my nose and touched the ground.

She wasn't crying for herself.

But for Hermione again, for this young girl who felt the pain too early.

"Mom." Percy squatted down quickly and patted his mother's back, while Mrs. Weasley fell into her son's arms.

"Oh - God - you are so young." She wailed, her uncontrollable emotions finding an outlet.

The shouts were moving.

In the kitchen, in front of the elves.

"Sniff." Dobby covered his handkerchief and hugged Harry's leg who had just walked out, crying loudly.

The tears and snot could not be covered by that small handkerchief.

So after a while, Harry's legs and feet were wet.

But Harry himself didn't notice it. His messy hair was blowing randomly, his bow tie was simply hung around his neck, and his shirt was tied in the wrong order, which was particularly obvious from the collar.

The glasses are even more dirty.

Covered in dust and unknown stains.

Suddenly, Harry remembered something.

In his second year, someone cast a permanent invulnerability and cleaning charm on his glasses.

How long has it been since I had to worry about my glasses being dirty?

And the pocket in his arms

Still wearing the glasses he gave me.

"Mom——" At this time, Ron and the others also came over.

The Weasley family is together again.

The atmosphere became particularly sad.

This went on for a long time.

It wasn't until Mr. Arthur patted their shoulders to indicate that the elves around them were still watching that Molly took her head out of Percy's arms.

She wiped her tears and put on a forced smile.

She didn't want to embarrass the children at school because of herself.

Although no one here would think so.

The people present comforted her.

Several people left the kitchen surrounded by people.

Percy was separated from the rest of the family on the spiral staircase leading to the Great Hall.

If he can come here, Barty Crouch is naturally here. The Minister of Magic is now in the new Hogsmeade village, discussing the matter with officials from the United States. After all, their Ilvermorny students are also involved in the incident.

The weather in early February is no longer as cold as late winter, and the earth is also showing signs of melting.

This makes the road from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade muddy.

From a distance, Percy saw Hermione following him, as well as Harry.

But they are not here to find you.

They should just come out and get some air.

Percy thought so.

The place he and the minister agreed upon was on the second floor of the Three Broomsticks Bar.

Where are they going to receive the group of Americans first and see how they behave before going to Hogwarts.

Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing if something happened in the castle. After all, there are three schools in the castle now.

After passing the Shrieking Shack, the village of Hogsmeade in the distance is already in sight.

At this moment, Percy suddenly stopped.

He changed direction because just now, he seemed to have seen a familiar figure in the woods.

"He wants the girl!"

A sharp, sweet and somewhat cloying sound came from the forest.

Percy just glanced far away and knew who it was, Dolores Umbridge.

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