I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 323 Barty Crouch II

Chapter 323 Barty Crouch II

My thoughts wandered a little far.

In short, a Ministry of Magic without power constraints will naturally be unable to control the expansion of power.

The powerful institutions are naturally not willing to regurgitate the power they gained during the war years.

For example: Aurors will not voluntarily give up the three unforgivable powers they can use without responsibility.

On the one hand, the war had just ended, and those fleeing Death Eaters were still dangerous. On the other hand, the authority itself was able to expand its power spontaneously and without the influence of personal will.

Today the Auror Office informed that Aurors can use the Killing Curse, and tomorrow they will fight for the ability to use Legilimency.

The day after tomorrow, they will need the Ministry of Magic's permission to use a little less inhumane interrogation methods on criminals.

The day after tomorrow, they even want to skip the trial.

Like Mad-Eye Moody, he has always had a mocking attitude towards this kind of frivolous trial.

In his opinion, what the Auror wants is to hunt down Death Eaters everywhere without any restrictions. It is Merlin's business to forgive them. What the Auror has to do is to send them to Merlin, catch them in the living room and kill them in the living room. , if caught in the toilet, drown in the toilet, so that all problems can be solved in the end.

And this is the attitude of the Auror Office.

Other subordinate agencies of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, such as the then 'Strikemen' (elite Aurors, the special forces of the wizarding world.) Magical Law Enforcement Investigation Team, Wizengamot, Office for the Abuse of Magic, etc.

They are all growing crazily, which is a bit like the CIA during the Cold War in the United States. Because of their functions, they can easily expand themselves.

As the Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnor has actually lost actual control over this increasingly powerful agency, and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement has completely fallen into the hands of Barty Cratchit.

This is also the reason why, after Barty Crouch Jr. was exposed, Barty Crouch's reputation plummeted and he was demoted to the International Magic Exchange Department.

Because the Minister of Magic will not tolerate a subordinate with a higher prestige than himself and a disobedient department.

As for the people, their hearts have been set and they are not willing to accept a warmonger as a minister.

Therefore, the superficial prestige is only the calm surface of the Black Lake, but the deeper undercurrents are invisible to Barty Crouch, who is currently blinded by the limelight.

The crackdown on him had already begun.

"This trial is actually meaningless to Barty Crouch, and will even have the opposite result." Miss Granger continued calmly.

"Why?" Harry and Ron asked in confusion.

"It's a show," she said. "Although it may increase one's prestige in a short period of time, it also exposes one's cruel and cold side to the public. It also allows the Minister of Magic to clearly see his influence on a department. Absolute right to speak.

He is challenging the current Minister of Magic's bottom line.

Millicent Bagnor has only been the Minister of Magic for less than two years, how could she give up power so easily.

Not everyone is Professor Dumbledore. "

Miss Granger looked at Barty Crouch's face full of lust for power, and she felt a hint of disappointment from the bottom of her heart.

Owen is indeed right.

The Ministry of Magic simply sucks.

It would be better for the Ministry of Magic to be organized under the British cabinet and directly managed by the Prime Minister.

The Minister of Magic doesn't need to fight the enemy on the battlefield anyway.

It doesn't even matter if he has magical abilities or not, he just needs to know how to run the country.

It seems that Mr. Prime Minister is fully qualified for this position, isn't he?

I heard that the new Labor Prime Minister had just attacked a group of terrorists hiding in the British Island, and they had caused a horrific massacre on the North Island.

Hundreds of innocent Muggles from all over Europe lost their lives.

This has made him famous.

There is quite a tendency to become the most outstanding British prime minister since Churchill in World War II.

By the way - what is the name of the new prime minister?

Hermione frowned. Naturally, the Daily Prophet would not report anything about the Muggle Prime Minister.

However, it seems that Barty Crouch suffered at the hands of the Prime Minister. The Daily Prophet published an article mocking the Minister of Magic, which included the Prime Minister's name.

Jim Haley?

"Ah!" Harry and Ron said in unison.

This caused Miss Granger to glance at them.

The moment I looked into their eyes.

She remembered Owen's words.

"What I like most is their (referring to Harry, Ron, Justin, etc.) clear and stupid eyes, which proves that their heads are not tainted by knowledge at all. Empty heads can be solved by just a few words of encouragement To shed blood for some lofty slogans.

Especially Harry.

The name of the savior is a good thing!

He is a magic sword on the road to reforming the Ministry of Magic. Only the Minister of Magic can wield it. I am lazy and leave it to you. Only he can move forward to deal with those corrupt officials and pure-blooded dark wizards in the future. "

Although Hermione didn't quite agree with the second half of Owen's sentence, the first half - she looked up at Harry and Ron again.

What he said was true.

"This is just a memory of Professor Dumbledore. It is part of the past history. If you deduce the origin from the current results, you can obviously guess some things."


Harry and Ron pursed their lips, showing empty and blank eyes - guess?

Guess what?

Guess what's for dinner tonight?

On the other side, Karkaroff's trial continues.

He had already spit out several names in succession.

Antonin Dolokhov, Evan Rozier and many more.

But Crouch refuted them one by one.

He has been in jail for six months.

The Death Eaters who were still active in the outside world were either caught or killed. The few he knew were unlucky enough to be in these two categories.

"I'm so happy!" Karkaroff's eyes widened and he smiled flatteringly and said, "They all deserve to die! They deserve it!"

"Ha--then he's really happy." Harry said sarcastically, because Karkaroff's expression showed an obvious pause, from disappointment to flattery, turning his face faster than turning the page of a book.

"He's missing a few cards." Hermione's face became even more ugly, because the names that came out of Karkaroff's mouth were all dark wizards who committed heinous crimes, and each of them had dozens of them on their hands. Muggle blood.

These people were all published and introduced in the "Daily Prophet" in later generations. Especially last year, when the Death Eaters were raging, the newspaper listed all the crimes committed by the Death Eaters.

She had read those reports.

It can only be said that those who are evil in nature, cruel and easy to kill, such as Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Anthony, are considered to have touched the bottom line of human beings, while there are still some who are purely humanoid creatures.

What they do only proves the diversity of the human species.

"Maybe using veritaserum is a good choice." She gritted her teeth.

"Huh?" Harry and Ron looked at her in surprise, feeling that the Hermione in front of them was becoming more and more European.

The two of them looked at each other.

They all saw similar conclusions in each other's eyes.

Especially this year - her behavior is completely different from her sophomore year.

"Any more?" Crouch continued to ask coldly.

"This - there is! And there is more!" Karkaroff's tone was really starting to panic.

He was visibly beginning to worry that his information would be of no use to the Ministry.

He glanced at the door in the corner, behind which no doubt two Dementors were still waiting.

Turn around and tremble.

Harry saw beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and his eyes became frightened. He kept looking at the door leading to Azkaban behind him and the two Dementors in front of the door.

"Also, there's Travers!" Karkaroff said in a panic. "He helped murder the McKinnon family! By the way, there's also Mulciber, who specializes in the Imperius Curse and forces many people to do it. Something terrible! Rookwood, he's a spy, providing useful information to You-Know-Who from within the Ministry of Magic!"

When he spoke Rookwood's name, there were murmurs all around.

"Rookwood!" Mr. Crouch nodded to a witch sitting in front of him, and she began to write on the parchment, "August Rookwood of the Department of Mysteries?!"

"That's him!" Karkaroff said eagerly, "He is transmitting information for the mysterious person. He can contact the Department of Mysteries..."

"Okay, we already know the Travers and Mulciber you mentioned." Crouch's voice could not tell whether he was happy or disappointed.

"Karkaroff, if that's all, you will be sent back to Azkaban until we decide..."

"No!" Karkaroff cried out desperately, but he could tell that his few names obviously did not feed the power-hungry guy in front of him.

"Wait a minute, I have more!"

In the firelight, his pale skin was slightly red, which was clear excitement and the marks caused by being restrained on the chair when he struggled.

"I still have one, I still know a name!"

Karkaroff stared directly at Barty Crouch. It's like a bloodthirsty snake coiled around a person's neck, always ready to take a bite.

"I know that this man participated in the roundup, and he also used the Cruciatus Curse." Karkaroff's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his voice gradually increased, "Tortured Auror Frank Lombard and his wife."

"Name! Say his name quickly!" Crouch asked eagerly. His eyes were hotter than Karkaroff's.

"Barty Crouch!!!"

he shouted violently!

Then the entire court fell silent.

Everyone looked at the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Barty Crouch, who was sitting on the trial bench.


There was an uproar at the scene, and then the courtroom in front of the three people suddenly dissipated like smoke, and everything gradually disappeared.

They could only see themselves, and the surrounding environment turned into a swirling black mist.

But soon, the Inquisition appeared again.

But this time the atmosphere suddenly became different. The three of them looked around and found that the wizards around them seemed to have changed their positions. Obviously, the two memories were not coherent and definitely did not happen on the same day.

The room was quiet, and a frail woman appeared next to Crouch.

She held a handkerchief in her trembling hands and covered her mouth, sobbing continuously.

And the face of this prestigious Director of Magic has long lost the arrogance before. Now they can only see the haggard, gray color, and a twitching vein on his temple.

"Bring it in!" His voice echoed in the silent courtroom.

Everyone looks towards that door!

The door that holds the key to Azkaban.

The door in the corner of the room opened again, and six dementors escorted four people in.

The dementors put the four people into four chained chairs in the center of the dungeon. One of them, a short and fat man, looked at Crouch blankly; the other, a thinner man, looked more nervous and looked straight at the audience. Glancing upward.

A woman with thick black hair and long eyelashes, she looked like she was sitting on a throne.

She is Bellatrix in her youth.

Bellatrix, 29, has not yet experienced the torture of Azkaban.

She looked quite beautiful, with a thick jaw, thin lips, thick eyelids and thick long eyelashes, and thick, shiny black hair.

Her eyes were filled with anger, but Miss Granger could see a hint of sadness in her deliberately crazy expression.

Maybe she was mourning the death of her master!


"Oh my God! I didn't even know Barty Crouch had a son!" Harry said in surprise.

His eyes were all focused on the tall, thin, and youngest boy.

Yes, Barty Crouch Jr. was only nineteen years old at this time. He was not of the same generation as Bella and the others. There was a ten-year age difference between them.

"He would rather not have this son!" Ron said grumblingly, "This is the biggest stain in his life. The entire wizarding world knows that there is a Death Eater in the Crouch family, and his son has ruined his future, and He personally sent his son to Azkaban."

"Then is he still alive? That Barty Crouch Jr.?" Harry asked curiously.

"Dead!" Ron said. "He died many years ago. My father saw with his own eyes a group of Aurors carrying his body away from the Ministry of Magic."

"Dead?" Harry looked towards the center of the courtroom, his eyes completely focused on the pale-skinned young man with flaxen hair.

He was about the same age as Sirius's younger brother, Regulus.

"Another poor devil!" Miss Granger said coldly.

"Yes." Harry and Ron nodded at the same time.

After the Battle of Hogsmeade last year, Owen had introduced them to some of Voldemort's most loyal men.

In addition to the dead, those who are alive, the most famous Bella and his wife (her man was fucked to death by Owen.) Barty Crouch Jr. and so on.

The two of them are Voldemort's most loyal men.

Knows far more information than any other Death Eater.

For example, the two of them knew Voldemort's real name, Tom Riddle, and they also knew that Voldemort was actually a mixed-race, but they didn't care.

They did not follow Tom because he claimed pure-blood supremacy. Owen had elaborated on the complicated reasons for this to the young wizards.

To put it simply, Bella regarded Voldemort as her lover.

Barty Crouch Jr. considers Voldemort his biological father!

Barty Crouch Jr. looked at Bella:? ? ?

It's not Irving who's kidding.

It was he who really regarded Voldemort as his biological father.

This is inextricably linked to Barty Crouch's education of his son. Of course, it is more likely that he was sent to Azkaban before he could be corrected in the second period of secondary school, and has been committing crimes ever since. He made a big mistake, and his hatred made him unable to forgive his real father again.

In fact, Barty Cratchit Jr.'s idea is easy to understand. He is grateful for the sudden kindness of a stranger, but he turns a blind eye to the long-term true kindness.

Although this is related to Barty Crouch's strict education. Just look at his results at Hogwarts and you will know that he has passed all 12 O.W.L.s.

But, this is actually more of human nature.

Man that! I always humbly express my gratitude to strangers for their kindness, but I think those long-term concerns are a shackles.

Yes, after secretly becoming a Death Eater, Barty Crouch Jr. did have what he considered a 'free' time.

Even though he was trying to resist his father, he made a big mistake.

The three people watching would not sympathize with him because they knew the reason.

But there is still regret.

If he could receive some normal education and use his magical talent to become an excellent wizard, it would be easy for him to become an Auror.

After seeing little Barty, the delicate witch next to Mr. Crouch began to rock back and forth, covering her mouth with a handkerchief and sobbing. She looked very sad and sad, with all the expressions written on her face.

Crouch stood up directly and looked down at the four people with extreme hatred on his face.

He spoke clearly, but his body couldn't help but sway, "Your crimes are so heinous."

"Of course, if you can name a few of your accomplices." Until then, this cold-blooded guy was still working hard for his own power.

This made the three people watching extremely disgusted.

Especially Hermione, she clenched her fist and wanted to punch that gentleman-like guy.

"It's disgusting!" she said.

When hearing Crouch's voice, Bellatrix was the one who reacted fastest.

She opened her mouth and said: "Fuck you, are you an idiot?"

Simple bad breath, ultimate enjoyment.

All of a sudden, Crouch's face became very ugly.

And this sound almost made Barty Cratchit Jr., who was pretending to be innocent, almost freeze up.

He was pretending to be completely frightened and trembling all over, looking like a kid who had done something wrong.

But Bella's scolding made him couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and he immediately lowered his head.

Then in a voice that sounded like a smile but not crying, he shouted pitifully, "Father, please."

Although he really wanted to look extremely sad, his tone was too weird, like he was about to laugh but was holding back and didn't even raise his voice.

"This is an act of cruelty rarely seen in a case before this court." Mr. Crouch raised his voice over his son's. "We have heard the charges against you."

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