I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 337 The greatest work of the Weasley twins

In the second week of June, Hogwarts held the final exams for the semester.

Hermione was exempted from this exam because she was one of the Hogwarts Warriors.

This is undoubtedly good news.

After racking their brains for a week, everyone did not feel too relaxed after walking out of the classroom where the last exam was taken. Instead, they felt a little lost.

Even the air is filled with the smell of parting.

Young wizards from other schools took advantage of this last week to go on a shopping spree in Hogsmeade.

It seemed like they were going to empty out the whole town.

Snacks that I usually don’t want to buy and milk tea that I don’t want to drink are all here.

There are also gifts for relatives and friends, including some British specialties.

Of course, Irving will definitely not miss this good opportunity to make money.

His small milk tea shop moved into a larger store.

The products have also been updated and iterated, and have developed to more than a dozen types.

There are many very popular varieties among them.

In addition, the Weasley Alchemy Workshop of the Weasley Twins has also begun to work hard.

Every day, an endless stream of little wizards come into their shop to buy all kinds of mischief and some trendy alchemy props.

For example, the famous surfboard used by Hermione in the competition.

In fact, it was a flying skateboard. George and Fred planned to make a more "cool" flying prop.

And the mask Hermione was wearing.

In addition to providing breathing, its appearance can also move. If you wear a lion mask, you can grow a lion's head, which is very interesting.

And in this shopping wave.

Naturally, Owen and Hermione are also present.

With Hermione's budget-conscious character, she would not have spent all her money on this toy. Of course, she was not old-fashioned. Sometimes she would buy herself some interesting magical gadgets, but she would only buy them once a year. .

But who made her win the championship just now?

In addition to the Goblet of Fire, she also received a generous bonus, a full three thousand galleons.

That's a lot of money, in every sense of the word.

Three thousand Galleons is enough to cover the expenses of a wizard family for five years.

This must still be a prosperous family like the Ron family.

You must know that Mr. Arthur's annual salary is less than seven hundred galleons, and he has a huge family to support.

From this we can see how rich this money is.


On the central streets of Hogsmeade.

Two figures suddenly walked out from the unknown path at the corner of the street.

That was Owen and Hermione.

The bustling crowd of people passed by them, most of them raised their heads and marveled at the street scene on both sides that was different from the wizarding world.

So I didn't notice them both.

This is more like a Muggle pedestrian street somewhere in London.

Asphalt-paved streets.

The huge oak trees in the flower beds on the central street were decorated with lights and colorful banners, and small flags from the four magic schools fluttered in the wind.

On both sides, most of the shops use huge floor-to-ceiling windows instead of marble as their facades.

Bright colors shine on these glasses.

The light gradually weaves into fixed shapes, either text or photos.

Those are mostly shop signs or advertisements.

Standing on the street, looking forward.

Those neon lights lit by magical interactions have brought unprecedented changes to this ancient land.

Suddenly, there is a bit of cyberpunk here.

"As for Rita Skeeter, her latest reports don't seem to have caused any stir."

Hermione held a copy of the "Daily Prophet" in her hand, looked at it briefly, folded it and put it in her pocket.

"This is already the third report."

"Of course it won't do anything. You're writing it in the wrong way."

Owen held her hand and walked openly on the street.

Ever since they released Rita Skeeter, Hermione had written several reports about Dumbledore, mostly introducing his life, his achievements, etc., and then asked Rita Skeeter to Her name was published in the newspaper.

I want to use this to restore the hearts of the people who are increasingly being led astray by the Ministry of Magic.

But with little success. From the fact that people in Hogsmeade began to criticize Dumbledore, it can be seen that her carefully prepared article had no effect at all.

"Method?" Hermione frowned, not understanding what Owen meant. Her article was already detailed and touching enough. She also found several professors and advisors to ensure that the authenticity and rigor of the stories were correct. What problems would there be?

"Who is Rita Skeeter's audience?" Owen sneered and held Hermione's hand tightly, reminding her that the next words were important. "They only want to see novel things, the dark side of heroes, the debauchery behind loyalty, loyalty coming from betrayal, etc. The more you want to write something serious, the more no one wants to read it.

Not many people are willing to understand the turbulent heart of a wizard. What they prefer to see is the emotional disputes between the weird sisters and how many girlfriends the lead singer Myron Wagtell has had, just like Klute's rumored girlfriend. Have four or five positions been changed? "

As he spoke, Owen chuckled softly, his tone full of ridicule, and then continued: "Before we had no control over the media to control public opinion, although this kind of conspiracy theory and these bizarre news are very disgusting, it is true This is the biggest way to attract the attention of wizards.

You can try to write about Ministry of Magic conspiracy theories, such as suggesting that the Minister was complicit with Voldemort and secretly handed over Azkaban to the Death Eaters, or write about the unknown side of Professor Dumbledore, such as The love story between him and my grandfather.

In short, you have to write some conspiracy theories and unknown strange stories, so that you can have explosive points.

Well - for this kind of writing, you can go to Luna and ask her to help write an article, and then you can revise it. "

"Luna?" Hermione blinked, this is indeed a good idea, she is very talented in this area.

The two of them were walking in the center of Central Street, opposite a drink shop called MIXI ice cream \u0026 tea, which was their destination.

On the door plate, the colorful brilliance formed several huge gears. The gears were interdependent and constantly rotating.

From time to time, fireworks would shoot out from the sign.

The brilliant light can be seen from dozens of feet away.

The flames revealed words in the air.

——Weasley's Alchemy Workshop.

There is a constant flow of people in front of the door, so you will never know where its entrance is.

The two of them squeezed into the store with the flow of people.

Suddenly a pink fountain appeared in front of me.

Under the fountain are various bottles and jars, including the Magic Witch series products.

Love potion.

Daydream spell. (With just one spell, you can enter into a high-quality, highly realistic daydream for thirty minutes—side effects include a blank expression and mild drooling.)

Dwarf cattail.

The special effect of laughing out pustules in ten seconds.

Of course, the first two of the above four products are not sold to little wizards under the age of sixteen.

In addition, there are boxing binoculars, dung eggs, retractable ears, headless hats, automatic quills, etc.

There are all kinds of strange things, and there are all kinds of flying paper butterflies in the air. They will take out the things the little wizard needs from the cabinets that are so dazzling that you can't see the ceiling and hand them to him.

The little wizard only needs to stand there and shout.

Of course, the result is a mess throughout the store.

"Give me a magic surfboard."

"It's called a flying skateboard, thank you!" I don't know where the Geminis found a fourth-grade wizard to serve as their store clerk.

"So can it surf in the black lake!"

"Okay!" The tall, dark-skinned, black-haired boy said with a smile.

"Then it's a surfboard! I saw Granger come out of the water!"

"Sorry, we don't sell surfboards here."

"Okay -" the boy was a little annoyed. He pointed to the metal plate on the cabinet on one side and said, "No matter what your name is, give me that."

"That one?" the clerk asked.


Owen came closer.

It was discovered that the clerk turned out to be Dean Thomas, a half-blood wizard who was born in the Muggle world. His father was a wizard, but was killed by Voldemort during the First Wizarding War. Her mother took him back to the Muggle world. world, living a Muggle life.

If it hadn't been for the letter from Hogwarts, he might never have known that his father was a wizard.

Dean Thomas, still with a cold face, said stiffly, "Which one is that? I don't know what you want?"

"You!" The boy blushed and gritted his teeth. He probably had the idea of ​​biting Thomas to death in his heart.

"It's that flying skateboard."

"What flying skateboard? We don't have such a product."


With that said, the two guys were about to start a fight.

It's a pity that there is no way that little wizard can beat Dean.

As Harry's classmate, of course he also knows many magic spells.

Basic petrification spells and the like are easy to cast.

Then - the poor junior wizard became stiff and fell to the ground with a 'bang' sound like a stone.

"Next one!" Dean, who took back his wand, continued to say with a smile.

And this was naturally seen by Owen and Hermione who came in together.

With a cold face, Miss Granger lifted the spell for the little Slytherin wizard.

The little guy probably just entered school this year.

Just first grade.

Seeing this situation, she was at a loss, especially when she saw the bow tie on Miss Granger's chest that represented Gryffindor.

That chubby face suddenly burst out with a lot of grievances.

Then he gritted his teeth, his cheeks twitched, and big tears streaked across the tip of his nose, dripping on his clothes and soaking his inner lining.

The choking sounds gradually became louder and louder.

Eventually it turned into wailing.

The crying sounded from near to far, and finally attracted all the wizards in the store to turn their heads and look sideways.

He tugged at a corner of Miss Granger's blue and white satin-trimmed Bragi dress.

The tears couldn't stop.

The kid—Owen glanced at him.

He is also a young wizard born as a Muggle.

Yes - there are Muggle-born wizards in Slytherin House. Although the number is quite rare, they do exist.

According to the creed pursued by Slytherin's group of little wizards, it is difficult to imagine how miserable these little Muggle wizards would be.

The most important thing is that Snape will definitely not care about this kind of thing. He will not waste his attention on a few Muggle wizards.

This is a magic school. God knows what kind of campus violence and cold violence he will experience.

As for Dean - he just put on the arrogant attitude inherent in Gryffindor facing Slytherin.

But for this little guy, this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Owen stepped forward and patted Dean on the shoulder.

Then he looked at him with profound eyes.

"Ten points from Gryffindor," he said.

And Dean Thomas gradually became embarrassed.

It wasn't until Miss Granger wiped the tears from the little boy's cheeks, lifted him up, and looked at him with her brown eyes that Dean trembled as if he had been electrocuted and took a step back.

"Yes - I'm sorry!" Suddenly he lowered his head and bowed solemnly in the direction of Miss Granger.

Staring at the girl's brown leather boots, Dean felt a huge pressure.

He would only feel this pressure when facing Professor McGonagall.

And now.

He felt it even more.

"Okay." Owen quickly stood up and smoothed things over.

Pulled Miss Granger over.

Then he gently picked it up with his finger, and a skateboard fell down on the counter. "It's for you, take it."

He handed the skateboard to the little Slytherin boy, and then rubbed his head, "Like a blue man, you know? Practice your spells well starting from next semester, and look for opportunities to take revenge on your own. This guy—— Owen pointed at Dean.

"One of the worst in the fourth grade."

The boy hugged the skateboard and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Tears were still welling up in his eyes.

The boy in front of him had an astonishingly beautiful face, and he looked very much like the principal of Durmstrang.

The long silver and black hair has covered her ears and covered her neck.

He has a black ribbon tied in a pigtail behind his back.

Under the broken hair on the forehead, there is a pair of green eyes that look like they come from the afternoon forest. The eyelashes tremble slightly, giving people a strong feeling of surprise and tranquility.

He has a strong affinity, just like the warrior with Veela blood from Beauxbatons Magic School, people can't help but feel a fondness for him.

The boy naturally recognized the young man in front of him.

The student union president of Hogwarts has scolded them several times at dinners. How can I not recognize him?

By the way - when the student council president existed, his life was pretty good. At that time, most of the Slytherins had vented their grievances on the people in front of them, and few people were looking for trouble with him.

But since he fell ill and disappeared for three consecutive months, his life began to plummet. Those senior students who couldn't find any 'fun' started to cause trouble for him. Although they were all non-fatal pranks, they caused him great harm.

What happened today was just the emotional outburst caused by the backlog reaching its limit and collapsing.

"Hmph - I will tell Professor McGonagall about this." Miss Granger said seriously, glaring at Dean fiercely before looking back.

Her fluffy hair was tied into a bun with a dark red ribbon, and the strands of hair on her forehead brushed her eyes, which added to her aura.

Then, with Owen's pull, he pushed open the baffle of the counter, walked in, and opened the door with a sign saying - Internal work, outsiders not allowed in.

Behind the shop is the studio of the Weasley twins.

They will develop various alchemical creations here.

This studio had been planned when he was still here.

Later, I heard from Harry that Victor helped a little during the final construction.

This is the first time he has walked in here!


As soon as he entered the studio, Owen couldn't help but let out a confused exclamation.

Everything in front of him almost blinded him.

Above the head, on the ceiling, blue ancient runes were suspended like stars.

Complex magic arrays are entrenched on the walls on both sides and spreading downwards.

In addition, there are many metal tracks installed on the walls. On the tracks, there are several metal platforms that can stand about two people constantly moving.

He and Hermione were standing on a metal platform, with stairs going down to the right.

The staircase is embedded in the wall and loops downwards.

This house must have been cast under an infinite expansion spell.

Although the Ministry of Magic prohibits the abuse of this spell, it is expected that the Weasley twins will not take such a trivial matter to heart.

The entire room turned into a huge crater, more than thirty feet (ten meters) wide. He and Hermione held on to the steel handrail and looked down. There was a huge steel beast with an unclear height.

Vaguely, Owen could see that the shell of the giant beast looked a bit like an ancient magic puppet, but - damn, it was too big!

It is twice the size of the original puppet.

Hermione's face was also full of shock - she remembered that she didn't have this thing when she came more than a month ago?

"Oh my god!" Owen's eyes were shining as he walked down the stairs quickly.

The silver hair on his forehead was flying, like a child seeing a big toy.

When he reached the point where he could get hold of the giant steel beast, he stretched out his hand and tapped it. The cold touch from his palm was exciting.

He noticed the huge azure cube at the core of the steel behemoth's chest.

Isn't this the core of the ancient magic puppet he gave to the twins?

"How about it, are you handsome?" At this time, Gemini also noticed the two people who broke in. The two stood on the test platform at the bottom, roaring loudly.

"Fuck! So handsome!"

Owen looked down and gave them a thumbs up.

Going down layer by layer, he finally saw the entirety of this steel behemoth.

It's about twenty to twenty-three feet, (about six or seven meters).

The whole body is filled with all kinds of ferocious spikes, the body is slender, and I don’t know what it is inside. Anyway, it is not filled with blue magic like the ancient magic puppet, but more of some metal components.

Its spine was huge and slightly bulging, as if there was a sword stuck inside, and its entire body exuded a faint, dim silver-white light.

Very impactful!

In a daze, Owen thought he was in the world of Pacific Rim. The majestic beast in front of him was a steel mecha used to deal with underwater monsters!

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