I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 339 Summer Vacation Giant Journey

Chapter 339 Summer Vacation—Giant’s Journey

About Hagrid's Giant Journey.

To be honest, Irving doesn't really have too many expectations.

Because giants are a group of low-IQ beasts with well-developed limbs and simple minds.

They have their own set of social norms, but those norms are not even as good as the relationships established by the little wizards in Hogwarts in front of humans.

Their simple brains can't understand what it means to be cold-hearted and to prepare for a rainy day. To persuade them to join the Order of the Phoenix is ​​simply wishful thinking.

It would be better to learn from Voldemort to use magic to control the trolls, and coercing them by force may be a better choice.

During dinner, Owen told Hermione that he was going to Sicily tomorrow.

She expressed concern, and with the summer holidays approaching, it became clear that Owen wouldn't be able to make it back to Hogwarts before the break.

He probably won't be back until after the summer break.

Of course, none of this worried Miss Granger.

What she didn't want was to be separated from him again.

And it will take a little long.

Ever since Owen woke up from his coma, Hermione felt like she was sick.

My heart became heavy, and I didn't feel the joy of regaining it as I imagined.

But she didn't stop Owen from leaving either.

Just like the boy said, her childhood is gone, and now she has to learn to get used to the days when Owen is not around.

As for the search for the giant tribe, Hermione was not worried about the possible disaster.

From what she learned in the textbook. Although the giant is tall and destructive, its movements are too slow and its attacks are easy to dodge. Besides, Owen and the others are here to negotiate this time, not to fight.

However, during the insurance period, she still captured Roxy's cat from the Forbidden Forest.

This cat is almost becoming a wild cat! ! !

Then he got Bakar back from Hagrid and gave it to Owen to take with him. If something happened, Shilok could take him to escape and Bakar could cause chaos.

In fact, deep down in Hermione's heart, she actually wanted to go with her, but Owen refused because she shouldn't travel far until she regained her health. Then Owen started whispering in her ear about gaining weight and drawing crazy cakes. Take her out to play during the summer vacation.

If Miss Granger's parents agree

Okay - it's not easy.

They were too prejudiced against him. (funny)

Fast forward to the next day.

After breakfast, Irving and his party headed directly to France via the compass connected to Nick Flamel's safe house through Irving's hand.

After the door opened with a jingle.

Then everyone arrived in France.

The room still looked the same without any change.

According to Madame Maxime's explanation, Nick should be in Beauxbatons at this time, conducting his final alchemical research and spending the last time of his life with his wife.

Beauxbatons' estate was donated by them, and it once held the couple's memories for hundreds of years.

After their death, their mortal bodies will be buried in the rose garden of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

At that time, every little wizard who comes to school will pass by the greatest alchemist.

They are never alone.

Of course, although it sounds sad, Nick will not die immediately.

He probably has ten or seven or eight years left to live, which is enough for them to fulfill their mortal wishes.

The group of people did not stay at the safe house, they just left here.

In order not to alarm the Ministry of Magic of various countries.

They cannot go to the Ministry and borrow Ministry-certified portkeys.

Nowadays, the only way to go to Italy is to take Madame Maxime's flying carriage.

The main reason why it is so troublesome is that wizards cannot apparate across state lines.

The difficulty of Apparating becomes more difficult as the physical distance increases.

Pipes that exceed a certain distance will become chaotic like a quagmire. If you pass through it arbitrarily, you will not only be strangled by the turbulent flow of time and space, but your head will be in a different place after landing.

Being able to apparate directly from London to the Scottish Highlands is already one of the most powerful wizards in the world.

Even Voldemort himself had to fly across the Atlantic Ocean before traveling to Europe, and then disapparate after reaching a certain distance. (original setting)

If Apparition had no distance limit, there would be no Floo Network.

After the Apparition left Paris, everyone wandered around in the suburbs for a while. After confirming that no Auror was following them, they boarded the invisible flying carriage in an uninhabited area of ​​​​the suburbs.

"Phew - it's really not easy."

Owen wiped his sweat.

Obviously he was going to do good things, but he was so sneaky.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were dark wizards hunting giants!

"You can rest for a while."

Mrs. Maxim said calmly.

Each of these Beauxbatons carriages has a wireless stretching spell cast on it.

It looks like just a carriage from the outside, but the interior space is actually as big as a house.

In addition to the public area and a circular space near the carriage entrance, there are six standard rooms in the carriage.

They are all large rooms with separate bathrooms.

"We may have to fly for a long time this time!" Mrs. Maxim said.

Ha—it won’t be long.

Owen said secretly in his heart.

Sicily is more than two thousand kilometers away from Paris.

Even if they flew day and night, it would still take thirty hours.

Some things without horses do not need to rest, but with horses they all need to rest.

Moreover, they had to avoid some big cities and some wizard trade routes, which were winding and winding, with a total voyage of more than three thousand kilometers.

In any case, it would take them three or four days to reach Catania, Sicily.

Well – it’s been a long journey.

Owen, who was lying on his bed, began to browse idly. Miss Granger spent an hour helping him find some introductions about Sicily in the library.

There is also a Muggle travel brochure.

Open the manual.

As a well-known tourist destination, this book certainly has a clear introduction to Sicily.

The island is the largest island in the Mediterranean and is home to millions of Muggles.

Owen didn't know how the giants could hide on such a densely populated island, but according to the information he received, this was indeed the case.

Owen didn't know much about the island. The only impression I have is limited to a certain movie called "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", and I know that the place is a good place with beautiful scenery and warm climate.

As for the rest - sorry, he's really not a walking encyclopedia, he doesn't know everything.

As for the introduction to the magic side - Owen just calmly glanced at the publication date of the book and threw it aside.



Books written more than a hundred years ago have a lot of reference value.

Turning his head, Owen began to look out the window boredly.

In fact, there was no scenery at all, it was all clouds, and he couldn't see anything except clouds.

Riding a flying carriage is definitely not a good experience. Although Beauxbatons' carriage is extremely exquisite and looks like the queen's luxurious carriage, in fact, even if she made a carriage out of a whole piece of mithril, then it would It’s still a horse-drawn carriage, but the biggest problem is that it’s slow—too slow!

Although the rune horse pulling the cart is already a magical creature that flies very fast in the magic world, in the end it is also a living thing, and its fastest speed is 70 miles per hour (about 115 kilometers per hour). This is of course very fast. From a biological perspective Look, this speed simply leads the entire biosphere.

But - if they take a Muggle flight, they can enjoy dinner in a hotel in one afternoon! ! !

The speed of 115 kilometers per hour is simply torture for Owen, especially when you are traveling with Sirius, Hagrid, and Madame Maxime.

He would rather sit next to Justin now!

At least he was having some fun.

It won't be so boring.

They spent two days in the carriage.

Of course they will find a place to stay at night.

Days like this can't be said to be easy, it's just that Owen feels like something is missing around him, which is weird and makes people a little upset.

He then began making double-mirror calls to Miss Granger every day.

With a familiar voice ringing in his ears, he finally got through these boring days.

"It seems that Dumbledore attaches great importance to the giants!"

Common area at the carriage entrance.

Three adult wizards were sitting and discussing things.

Seeing Owen approaching, his tone suddenly changed and he spoke in a nonsensical voice.

It was as if he was Dumbledore's treasured baby that he couldn't bear to use.

"It's not like you're useless! Otherwise, why did you call me here!" Owen responded directly.

I don’t want to feel deflated at all.

And his voice attracted Mrs. Maxim's attention. She couldn't figure out why Owen appeared in the team.

Although I know a little about this little wizard and his strength.

But this is still not the reason why he can participate in such things.

What on earth was Dumbledore thinking!

Is it to train him? broaden knowledge?

This would make sense, if he was Dumbledore's favorite student.

Hmm - then I should take Fleur with me.

On the other side, Hagrid was also looking at Owen. Well - to be precise, it's the dragon entrenched on Owen's head. He has been completely captured by Bakar, and his mind and body are in the shape of a dragon.

As the only wizard who knew why Dumbledore sent Owen here, he couldn't explain it to Sirius. Was it too reckless to ask him to say, Dumbledore beat you?

"But it's important to take it seriously." Owen grinned and chuckled, then found a place to sit down.

Attention? Isn’t that important?

Deep down in his heart, he was already thinking about how to destroy the whole family without paying attention to it.

Owen held the cat and kept fighting with it with his fingers. The wild cat was so energetic that it felt more like a husky than a cat.

At this time, he noticed that there was a beautiful metal box next to him.

It should be Dumbledore's gift to the giant.

A ball of Gubrai fairy fire.

Who knows what the giants would do with the eternal flame, maybe - put it in the stove so it never had to be lit?

Speaking of which, if this thing is used to boil water, wouldn't it be a perpetual motion machine?

"By the way, what is the situation of the giant tribe? What is the state of their civilization?" Owen suddenly spoke, he was very curious about this ancient creature.

It is recorded in the history of magic that giants appeared almost at the same time as wizards. Their long history is unknown to modern wizards. Of course, arrogant wizards will not understand the history of other races.

"They have their own leader, a giant king." Sirius explained, "But I heard that the giant leader died a few years ago, and now the giants are in a civil war. I don't know if they have elected a new king now. ?”

"King? Chief?" Owen smacked his lips. Then this civilization is not too low. After all, it is already in the feudal era, right?

"We must give the gift to the King of Giants." Mrs. Maxim, who had been silent at this time, spoke. Her face was as calm as water, and she could not see clearly the touch in her heart. "Only in this way can we win over the Giants to the maximum extent." clan support.”

"But how can we confirm who the Giant King is?"

"Generally speaking, the giant king must have some peculiar features, such as one eye, a hundred arms, etc. Giants are a race that advocates strength. These characteristics can help giants easily gain an advantage."

"Dumbledore told us not to rush, but to take our time and bring something good every day to leave a good impression on them." Hagrid said, "Giants are simple-minded and it is not easy to gain their trust." Easy thing.”

"It's really troublesome!" Owen leaned back on the chair and raised his head sharply. Baccarat, who was putting the crown on his head, quickly grabbed his hair and almost fell off.

"This is a good experience. Not every wizard has the opportunity to come into contact with giants, let alone actually walk into a giant tribe. It's a pity that Harry and the others can't follow. This is something you can't learn in school." Simply put.

"Yes!" Owen said, then he suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Hagrid, "By the way, your mother should still be alive, right? Giants have a long lifespan, and she should be in Sicily too."

"No - we don't want to cause trouble, we have our own tasks. We..." Hagrid said stubbornly, with a very tough attitude.

It's true that the standard used by giants to judge whether a child is healthy is the child's height. Legend has it that giants will throw children who are born short directly into the sea, and Hagrid - although he is considered huge among wizards, he is as big as a hill. Yes, but it was still not enough in the eyes of the giant. His mother was definitely not loving when faced with such a child. She probably had the idea of ​​drowning Hagrid for a long time, but was stopped by his father.

"Rubbert!" Mrs. Maxim interrupted Hagrid, her big, dark, watery eyes staring straight at him, "You actually want to see your mother, we can tell , you care about her very much."

"But she doesn't care about me, nor my father. She probably has forgotten us a long time ago!" Hagrid said sadly, "After so many years, I have long since looked away. In the final analysis, she just abandoned me. And Dad, that’s indisputable,"

Hagrid obviously didn't want to talk about his mother, it was a heart-wrenching past.

Seeing this, Mrs. Maxim stopped talking.

For a moment, the carriage fell into an eerie silence.

Time gradually passed, the sky gradually darkened, and finally stopped over Catania.

Catania, Sicily, capital of the province of Catania.

Of course, their target was not this Muggle city. After a few people disapparated, they came to a small town called Etna.

This is a town with a long history. According to Mrs. Maxim's explanation, this town may have been built by Greek wizards and has a history of at least 2,800 years.

At this time, the sky was dark and unclear, and in the distance, the ever-changing mountains were hidden in the gloomy rain clouds on the Mediterranean; the lemon and orange groves in full bloom were fragrant; the grassy slopes on both sides were covered with patches of snow velvet. tiny wildflowers.

This is one of the most beautiful places in the entire Mediterranean region. Not only Muggles come here for vacation, but wizards also come here. This tradition has been prevalent at least two thousand years ago.

This is how the small town of Etna was founded.

To this day, wizards from all over Europe still gather here.

As a leisure resort, their sudden appearance here would not alert the surrounding wizards.

The four of them did not enter the town but set up a tent in a forest.

There was no way, the size of the two hybrid giants was too conspicuous, and their rash appearance in the town would definitely cause some unnecessary commotion.

They plan to live here and then look for traces of giants.

They only knew the approximate location of the giant, but they had to find it specifically, which would take some time.

Before that, Sirius and Owen were able to move around freely, and they found a tavern called "Etna".

Etna - There is a volcano on the northeastern coast of the island called Etna.

It is the name of the volcano, the town, and the tavern.

The tavern is located on top of layers of rocks, with cliffs and the sea on one side, and greenery and towns on the other.

The tavern is indeed a good place to find out information.

They had just entered, and without saying a few words, they heard a table of guests talking about giants.

"The Ministry of Magic has really found the gathering place of giants?"

"There are giants, giant corpses."

"People from the ministry come every day to collect their bodies. I really don't know what happened to them?"

"Yesterday," the wizard said, "I found one in the forest in the southwest yesterday."

And his words immediately caused a commotion among the wizards present.

It seems that this is not a hidden matter, everyone is more or less aware of it.

Sirius sat with him in a chair at the bar counter. He ordered a stout and Owen a lemonade.

He held a glass of dark beer, took a sip, and whispered, "I don't know why Dumbledore let you out!"

"But, let me warn you, kid, we are here with a mission." His voice became more solemn, "And we came here secretly."

"Nothing that may cause irritation to the Italian Ministry of Magic is allowed to occur during this time."

"Don't fight! Don't fight! For the love of bloody Merlin, don't fight!!!"

"No problem." Owen smiled and blinked, looking like a good baby.

Sirius looked unconvinced by this.

But he had no choice but to sigh and walk towards the crowd over there.

He planned to go there to get some information.

Owen, on the other hand, really started to sit there obediently and drink his lemonade.

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