I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 368 The goddess under the stars

Harry called out and immediately rushed out.

On the deck, Hermione took out the flying skateboard invented by Gemini. Although it was June, the cold sea breeze still made her wear thick clothes.

She wore a black cloak on her head and a simple long skirt covering her legs.

Black stockings were wrapped in brown traveler's boots, and she stepped on a skateboard, just like she used a surfboard in the water before, and rushed out of the deck.

The sea breeze whistled in the air, blowing her shawl, and her flower-like long skirt was messy in the wind.

Her hood didn't hold up for a moment before it blew open.

Hermione simply stopped wearing her hood, as it would affect her vision.

"That's - Hermione Granger!"

In less than a minute, she was at the battlefield wound.

Many wizards present recognized her.

Not just because Sirius and Professor Lupine are here, nor because professors from the two major magic schools are here, but because of the reports of the Tournament, wizards throughout Europe have remembered this powerful Hogwart. The little witch.


Professor Lupine's voice came from the water.

He was the first wizard to notice a familiar figure passing in the sky.

It has something to do with his bestial alertness.

He heard it.

In the wind and rain, Miss Granger's eyes fell on Professor Lupine through the layers of cover.

But she didn't reply.

She just drank the ultimate magic.

The magical riot caused by the potion made her body seem to be burning.

Yes - she has this magic too.

The potion that Owen had, she had. The magic that Owen didn't have, she also had.

This is not to say that Hermione's talent in magic exceeds Owen's and has invented many potions.

Instead - Owen gave most of his magic to Hermione.

Because he doesn't use it often.

Comparing his magic power with that of a normal little wizard, there is a gap between streams and lakes, and this gap is further increasing as he grows older.

Coupled with the blessing of ancient magic, he can release more powerful spells with less magic power, so Owen rarely uses magic potions.

In this world, when fighting human wizards, he basically does not need magical help. That is to say, when he encounters those inhumans and needs to release origin magic or war magic on a large scale, his magic power may be exhausted.

So most of the potions he brewed were in Hermione's pockets.

Only carry the necessary items with you, such as fresh food.

Owen had a hunch when he went out this time, so he brought more.

Professor Luping's voice made most wizards pay attention to the girl in Sky China who was pushing away the clouds.

They looked up - looking at the high sky, the dark clouds were gradually obscured by a silky black mist.

Then the same stars streamed from the tip of Hermione's grapevine wand.

The sky was dark and the stars were shining brightly.

This scene is like a lakeside in the mountains, slowly shrouded in mist.

This is very common at Hogwarts. Even if it is not winter, there will be frost mist slowly rolling down from the mountains at night in spring and autumn, and then covering the Black Lake bit by bit.

The only difference is that at this time, it is the sky that is covered.

It's not the fog that covers the sky, but the stars.

The stars in the sky are reflected on the waves of the sea.

The wizard's ship sailed slowly on it - they had a clear dream and met a witch under the stars.


A tough yet crisp voice sounded high in the sky.

The next second, the galaxy sheds colorful light spots.

This time, it is no longer amber stars rising from the sea, but real meteors falling from the sky.

What wonderful magic!

All the wizards couldn't help but sigh.

Within the curtain, the sea and sky were reversed, and stars and amber rose from the sea. They could not see the whole picture of the stars and rivers, so they were very impressed by the stars and amber, but not much of the stars and rivers on the sea.

This time - the splendor above them forced them to raise their heads.

Drawing the sky from his pupils.

The moment a meteor streaks across the sky, humans unconsciously think of 370,000 years ago.

The human ancestor with high eyebrows and cheekbones, long lips and thin dark skin was looking at the night sky with his deep eyes. Silver spots were reflected in the black pupils, maybe - looking up at the stars. Curiosity has always been rooted in the hearts of mankind and has never ceased.

It's just that the starry sky in front of modern humans is always obscured by various dark clouds, making it difficult for them to see clearly the magnificence behind the dark clouds.


Dragging a long tail flame.

In splendor, stars amber fall into the sea.

The bubble imprisoned by the wizard is also within the scope of Xingyu.

At this time, the wizards who were watching were surprised to see that the omens who were swallowed by the meteors, died in the air, and turned into fireworks were really dead.

They will not be resurrected.

The squirming limbs turned into some kind of ashes and scattered on the sea.

For a time, the sea was covered with such ashes.

And that girl who is still holding on and spreading the stars!

Still holding the wand high.

Slowly lower the altitude.

Take the sky with you.

For a moment - people looked like they were in a state of dementia.

What kind of girl is that - her whole body is reflected by the brilliant light of stars, her messy brown hair is flying in the air, and her hair is connected to the sky.

The handsome face exudes seriousness, calmness, and coolness, like a goddess under the stars.

She is not very beautiful.

If compared to Fleur, Gabrielle, and Coatl, wizards from the Mediterranean coast who are used to seeing the beauty of sirens would rank that girl's appearance at the bottom of their minds.

But if in the future, they want to vote for the most beautiful witch in the world, then today, the unforgettable memories will resurrect in their consciousness, and they will cast their vote without leaving any stone unturned, dedicating it to the goddess under the sparkle.


There was a roar from the sea.

The falling stars attracted invisible monsters within several nautical miles - and even further away. They gathered here without any explanation, and soon gathered around Miss Granger.

And that's exactly what she wanted.

Hermione had used this method to catch Rita Skeeter. Although the method was different, the principle was the same.

You have to create a big scene first.

Only in this way can those stupid people be lured into the trap.


When Hermione landed more than ten feet above the sea, the next spell that she had concentrated on her wand for a long time was released without any explanation.

This time, it was a white mist.

It is purer and whiter than the mountain fog that sweeps away the black mist.

In an instant, it was as if someone poured liquid nitrogen into the surrounding area.

The sea is visibly frozen by ice.

Then it spread rapidly to farther places.

Hermione has not been learning this spell for a long time. She only started practicing it in the past month or so, but with the help of the potion, it is still spectacular.

The entire sea area, about half a mile of it, was affected by her wand, and the ice crystals even spread to farther places, but they no longer had any practical effect there.

"Oh my God!"

"I'm at a loss for words."

"I heard that she is a young wizard at Hogwarts. She is only in fifth grade this year. A fifteen-year-old girl."

"Fifteen years old! With Merlin's beard, I feel like I am a Muggle, and she is the real wizard. I have lived in vain for more than thirty years."

Amid the shocking murmurs all around.

Hermione landed on the ice.

And just a few feet away from her, there was a group of frozen figures, holding sharp knives in their hands and assuming an offensive posture.

Wearing a familiar human cloak.

Through the cloak, she could see those handsome faces.

They are all sirens in this sea.

But due to bad luck, the entire ethnic group was coerced by foreign gods, and thus became the god's flag.

The human face cloaks they wear may be made of their own relatives. How sinful this is.

No matter how evil the dark wizard is, he cannot do such a cruel thing.

"Death may be a kind of freedom for them."

Hermione hesitated no longer.

She condensed the stars above her head and narrowed them to her surroundings. This way the density of star amber will be greater.

Then she started to perform another stargazing magic.

It was a powerful magic created by the ancient wizard at the moment when the huge star cluster was destroyed.

"Source: Destruction Meteor!"

Unlike the Creation Star Shower, the Destruction Meteor releases twelve darker, sharper and larger meteors.

The biggest difference is that the wizard can control these meteors, unlike the Star Shower, which can only control star clusters and has nothing to do with star amber.

In fact, for the Godskin Messenger, a better choice is a continuous spell like Soul Torrent, but there are too many enemies around. She can only control the twelve meteorites that destroy the meteor, rotate around herself, and then push outward little by little, like a meat grinder. The rapidly rotating meteor is guaranteed to rotate several times in one second, two seconds. You can kill the monster seven times.

Miss Granger held up her wand.

A look of pity and sadness on his face.

Because if her guess was correct and these creatures were sirens, then what she was doing was destroying a race.

Although this race has been destroyed by the hands of the outer gods, what she has done is to free them, but - when the meteors hit the sirens again and again, and when their cloaks light up, representing the blue light of their souls, this means Then the soul of a siren sea monster disappeared.

This feels bad, so bad.

But she couldn't close her eyes because something unexpected might happen, so she had to pay attention to everything around her at all times.

For Hermione, this was undoubtedly torture.

Physical and mental torture.

Perhaps when she returns to her dreams at midnight, she will hear the ear-piercing screams of the sirens.

The process of cleaning up the God Skin Messenger was very smooth.

Source magic was more powerful than Hermione had ever believed.

Those frozen envoys never broke free from the beginning to the end. It is also possible that these were random creations of the gods. They were weaker than the ones they met on the Island of Giants. Of course, they could not be with Owen at the core of the World Tree. Compared to meeting the ancient messenger.

From their bodies, one can clearly see a declining vein, and the gods are becoming weaker.



This is the western front of the battlefield.

Ministers of magic from various countries along the Mediterranean coast are gathering on a ship.

Tonks was also present, carrying a Muggle machine that wizards couldn't understand, a metal box with glass on one side, like a photo taken by a magic camera, with a human figure appearing on the glass.

"Isn't there anything you can do about that curtain now?" It was the Italian Magic Chairman who spoke.

His tone sounded a little unhappy, and his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Different from the difficult battle of the wizard on the Eastern Front.

On the Western Front, they were completely reduced to mere foils. The vitality of the combined fleet did not require the help of any wizards, not even the Godskin Messengers who appeared later.

Using thermal imaging and infrared sensing technology, the Muggles opened fire almost in the open, their stealth being useless.

Without doing much, these envoys died under the fire.

Resurrected seven times?

A certain 100mm caliber double-barreled automatic naval gun stated that it can fire 2,500 rounds per minute and has a maximum range of 20 kilometers.

You have been resurrected seven hundred times to no avail.

And this - this made Mr. Magic Chairman very embarrassed.

The Muggle fleet commanders were quite rude to them.

All they have to do is point their noses at them and scold them - they are the ones who have caused so many troubles, and we still have to wipe their butts.

In specific operations, they also had to cooperate with the Muggles - after all, the price of not cooperating was that the artillery fire would cover them all.

The so-called - a few hours of joint operations.

Let Mr. Chairman have the feeling that they are Muggles' subordinates. All orders come from the damn United Fleet, but what about them?

This works!


Still fucking cooperate!

When had the wizard ever been so powerless and cowardly!

"Mr. Chairman -" Garona Norton stepped forward, "This curtain is a very ancient magic, and the giant inside has been replenishing the curtain with magic power. It is very difficult for us to crack it."

"Don't complain to me!" the Italian Magic Chairman shouted and stood up. "You just need to tell me now whether our people can go in, and the wizard inside." When he said this again, he paused for a moment obviously, because he was not sure whether the wizard fighting inside could be called one. Because he is a wizard.

"He is about to lose - do you know how corrupt the situation will be if we lose his harassment and let the monster who claims to be a god be freed?"

"I understand very well, Mr. Chairman." Garona said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, then she waved her wand, and a virtual image of a globe immediately appeared in the center of the circular desk.

Then zoom in - the Mediterranean area and then zoom in again.

"This curtain has limits." She pointed at the virtual image in front of her.

"If our people can reach the upper atmosphere above 60 kilometers, there will be the limit of the curtain."

"60 kilometers?" The Greek female minister tilted her head and looked at her, "Can we do it?"

"No problem at all." Garona said, "As long as they are equipped with the necessary breathing equipment, wizards can reach that height."

"Then get started." The Greek female minister said solemnly.


"Wait a minute -" Just as Garona turned around and prepared to get a magic hot air balloon to drop the wizard from high altitude.

Tonks, who had been acting as Muggle liaison, suddenly spoke.

She squeezed through the crowd.

Holding the right ear, there is a small earphone.

"The news is coming from Brussels (NATO headquarters). Let's get out of here immediately."

"Evacuate?" Upon hearing this, the Italian chairman immediately shouted, "I am not a Muggle watchdog. I have heard too many Muggle 'instructions' today. What? Do they want to control the wizarding world? ?”

He said nothing to Tonks.

Instead, it was directed at the TV channel on the table.

The Muggle generals inside the glass suddenly became busy, constantly picking up the phone to check on something.

"They said," Tonks continued, "It doesn't matter whether we evacuate or not, they just informed us in a humanitarian spirit. In five minutes - their attack will fall."


"five minutes?"

Everyone was confused.

Muggle weapons - aren't they just bombs?

What else could there be?

This cargo ship is several nautical miles away from the curtain. What kind of explosion can affect this place.

"Wait—shouldn't they?"

Garona, who was about to leave, reacted immediately.

As a member of the Saints, she certainly knew what the so-called Muggle attacks were.

More than seventy years ago - before that kind of weapon was born, Grindelwald showed his prophecy to aspiring wizards in Europe. In that prophecy, there was a display of that weapon.

Over the years, some of the Saints had learned about that weapon, watching a Muggle insider's expansion pack.

How could they not understand a weapon that could kill hundreds of thousands of people in an instant?

It's just that the organization's research direction has undergone tremendous changes in the past few decades, and the monitoring of Muggles has been reduced a lot.

"Then we really need to leave here, quickly-" Garona said anxiously.

And ten minutes ago, on the other side, in Brooklyn.

An emergency NATO summit is being convened.

In the huge circular conference hall.

Representatives from various countries were quarreling at the meeting, and the Italians even pointed at the Americans and cursed them.

The Mediterranean is their most important waterway, and they actually want to use that kind of weapon at their own doorstep.

Italians are crazy if they don't scold.

And it’s not just Italy, the Greeks are also exhaling fragrance.

It's a pity that this is a NATO summit, not a United Nations meeting, otherwise the countries along the Mediterranean Sea would be afraid to come together and spit to the point of drowning the Americans.

Unfortunately, as the actual leaders of the EU, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have silently adopted this plan.

Other countries simply can’t get a word in.

There was nothing they could do except vent their anger—and spout words that no translator really could translate.

Obviously, bombing the curtain with conventional weapons would always tear a hole, but those guys still chose that method without hesitation.

As orders from Brussels are passed on.

A submarine appeared silently in the Atlantic Ocean.

Then the dazzling tail flames rose, and accompanied by bursts of smoke and dust, the weapon gradually lifted into the air.

It’s too late to revise it. Five thousand words today and will be completed tomorrow.

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