I in Douluo Continent is six years older than Tang

Chapter 221 Soul ring refining body

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But Wu Si's little action, Ice emperor also can clear.

"Child, do you not want to get difficulty in the assessment of difficulty by delaying the acquisition of your sixth soul ring?" The Emperor smiled.

I was seen to wear my thoughts, but Wu Siyi is not awkward, frowning to teach the Ice, "The Emperor Grandpa, can't you do this?"

"Big wrong." The ice is simple, "the test is fair, and it is definitely there to be a vibrant. Do you not absorb God's soul ring now, is it part of your strength?"

When Wu Siyi hesitated his words, I was still hesitating. The emperor continued. "You are the heaters of Ice God, no matter when, you shouldn't you want to do if you can't complete it, this can't help but I have doubts, but also to God, the neighbors of the north of the north of the north of the north of the future will be guarded. Assessment, you can have the strength of the battle with me after breaking through the six rings, then you have to think about it. How to play the best results in the hands of this gods, rather than trying to reduce the difficulty of assessment through small cleverity. "

The words of the ice are quite strict, but his tone is not reprimanded, but a good lure. A one-catch, Wu Siyi, sitting, sitting, closed the eyes and challenge, put the gods from the arms, crushed with the fingertips.

The change begins with the eyebrows, and the three-eyed gold outside the eye is the first, and the eyes bonded to Wu Siyi reveals the two places of gold, and the beast is the world.

Then, it is the right arm of the soft bones, the pink red light flashes, the arm bones, the ice blue is now, the ice of the ice is revealed, purple, black, black, red, red, five The soul ring is arranged in turn. Then, it is a dazzling golden kind field to isolate him with everyone, and Wu Si is sitting in it, like a god.

About 100,000 years of soul ring, 100,000 years of soul bones. When these arrivals are exposed to the Emperor's three people, they don't let them hate to bite their teeth. The things that these souls are dreaming of, but they are all bloody lives! They can not hate.

What is the eyes of the three people of Snow Emperor, Wu Si is not seen. At this moment, all his mentalistics have been locked in the gods, and they have been careful.

God gave the soul ring, this is already the fourth time with God's soul ring, and the way to deal with the light car. Control the soul of the batch of combat, it is not difficult to imagine, this is a three hundred thousand years of soul rings for yourself.

The preliminary confrontation is relaxed, and Wu Si will start to count the current defects. Three hundred thousand years of soul rings, there are more six soul skills. In this way, the ice flower martial arts and trident Wuhun each eight soul skills, the ice is nine, and his soul is increased. The number of shocking twenty-five. In the future, there is no way to the enemy, this is the advantage of itself, but the shortcomings are too obvious, chaos!

Twenty-five soul skills, how to choose when the enemy is selected, and the whole will play with his mental strength. This quantity is barely processed, and it is necessary to attach the eighth soul ring and the ninth soul ring.

It's better to use the soul of the soul. If you want the soul skill, it is also practical and powerful as the soul of the fungus. It is really worrying.

However, it is said that Wu Siyi seems to have never listened, even if it is fixed, the martial arts that is fixed in the seven soul rings is also to be able to show through the way, and their own battle dance attiration is similar. It seems that the soul ring skill does not have passive way.

This is why?

In the doubts, Wu Si is not allowed to biased the spiritual thinking to the problem, neglecting the batch of Soul to attack the soul of the soul. When I went through the god, my own small stock soul has been killed by God, and the latter lasted the spirit of the soul ring, suddenly colliding with Wu Si's body.

When you absorb the soul ring, it is nothing. Wu Si is not coming to the mouth, and hurry to move the soul of the enemy. There is no more resistance to the rush, and the gods give the soul ring clipped with the power to break through Wu Si's defense, they are quite a lot. There is no unexpected field, Wu Si is a bloody blood. However, the doubts and descendants made him feel in their hearts, and thousands of doubts gathered in the minds of two words.

That's it?

After hitting the battle, God gave the soul ring once again started to make a force, reaching the same moment with the first impact, it launched a second attack.

This time, Wu Siped the opportunity to cope with it, mobilize the supersive soul of the soul, or the gods gave the soul of the victory, the only the power was once again slammed in Wu Si's body, this time However, it didn't play it.

It is just a burst of butt, and there is a feeling of itching.

What is this, how did my flesh be so strong?

Wu Siyi's hesitation lasted for a moment, the answer was thrown in the mind, it is ok, the recent adventure is only one - Phaismi is red!

Five-color nine strands, angel gods, three eye gold sacrifices, 100,000 years of soul rings, 100,000 years of soul bones, leaves, leaves, the essence of the life of the blood, then to the intestinery, the body is What is the point of growth, Wu Si has never been a very clear sense, but today he knows, try the soul of the soul.

A little bit reduces the soul of the Defense God's Soul ring, let the gods give the soul ring directly into the body attack. After taking a hundred times, Wu Si is clear. If the impact of God gives the soul ring is defined as a hundred, his own withstand has approximately 70.

In other words, as long as each time the soul can wear 30% of the gods, he will give the soul of the soul, and the essence is all absorbed.

If your ability is strong enough to be opposed to the enemy, who will pay tries to calculate the settles? A hundreds of counter-balances, Wu Si can be almost determined, he can always confront the soul of the soul until it is exhausted.

Hard hard, God gives the soul ring and this absorption method? Wu Si did not think about it before, but today, it will be achieved. In addition to excitement, you can't help but you have a good idea.

If I only weaken the gods of the gods, the gods given the soul ring, I will stay in myself, is it possible to fight the effect of fighting training?

This is the difference in the realm. If you don't think of such a wonderful way, you can compete with God's soul rings. But for Wu Si, now he is dominant, what he thinks, how can it take the valid value of God's soul ring.

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