Chapter 119

After seeing Qin Fing play Tang Huaise serve, Gashi’s face showed his first serious expression since the start of the game.

He thought that after more than a year of tempering and finally approaching the limits of the human body, it would be easy for him to defeat Qin Fing.

But now it seems that this idea is still a bit premature.

Qin Fing’s strength is still rising. In other words, Qin Fing still hides its strength.

However, Gassy thought that no matter how much strength Qin Fing still hides, the winner of this game will eventually be him.

So next, he clasped racquet with both hands and quickly assumed the position of catching the ball.

Although the serve of Qin Fing just now is very exaggerated.

But he believes that any trick will have flaws. Now he must concentrate all his attention to find the flaws of a serve like Qin Fing, and use this to fight back the tennis ball.

“Have you finally gotten serious?”

Qin Fing chuckled at the corner of his mouth when he saw what Jiaxi looked like now.

“Then you can see clearly, this time, I will slow down a bit!”

After speaking, Qin Fing was another Tang Huaise serve.


“Qin Fing leads!”

After all, Jiaxi’s seriousness was in vain, and Qin Fing scored again in the face of Tang Huaise who hardly bounced after landing.

“Come again!”

Jiaxi did not catch Qin Fing’s Tang Huaise serve several times in a row, and the whole person was already a little angry.

He started yelling at Qin Fing.

But even so, the result has not changed.

There is no way to crack the serve that cannot be hit back.

“Qin Fing score!”

“Qin Fing won the game!”

“In the first round, the score is 1:0, Qin Fing is temporarily ahead!”

In the end, Qin Fing succeeded in keeping the serve game with Tang Huaise serve again.

After learning that Gasi is an extraordinary man, the audience thought that this game would be very intense.

But in the face of Qin Fing’s serve, Jiaxi still has nothing to fight back.

This surprised the audience once again by the strength of Qin Fing. Even the mighty transcendents could not do anything to Qin Fing.

Everyone has no idea where the limits of Qin Fing are.

“Hey, look, everyone, Gashi has replaced racquet back!”

After someone in the audience exclaimed, everyone saw it.

Gassy put his racquet of metal string in the rest area.

Then in the bag came out a racquet that is not much different from ordinary racquet.

After seeing this scene, the audience can quickly understand.

The racquet of the metal string used in the serve station of Qin Fing is mainly to cope with the serve of Qin Fing’s terrorist power and prevent the string from being broken down.

And in the next small game, it is the serve game of West Canada.

There is no need to meet the big bang serve, and there is no need to use the heavy metal racquet.

It’s just that the audience who were a little frustrated that Gasi lost in Qin Fing’s serve game, instantly became interested in the game.

Instead of using heavy metal string racquet, use a lighter normal racquet.

The audience is very much looking forward to what kind of shocking techniques Garcia will show in his serve game.

“The first big game and the second small game officially started ¨ 々!”

“Please enter the stadium immediately to prepare!”

“Exchange serve bureau, this bureau is served by Jiaxi!”

After the short break, the referee announced the start of the game.

“Qin Fing, do you want to give it a try, the feeling of being defeated by yourself?”

After the second round of the game started and before serve, Gasi asked Qin Fing a question.


Qin Fing was a bit at a loss for this question from Gazi.

“Hey, how do I feel that something is wrong with Jiaxi’s body?”

After Gashi finished speaking, some viewers also expressed their doubts.

“The feeling that Gashi is showing now, it seems to be familiar, how can it be so similar to Qin Fing?”

After some recognition and thinking, the audience saw that Gashi’s standing posture and expression at this time were very similar to Qin Fing on the other side.

“Will Gassi also imitate Qin Fing and play the skills before Qin Fing?”

The audience instantly thought that in the Australian Open finals, Murray had played serve and Swallow Return that were not very standard.

After everyone saw that Garcia deliberately imitated Qin Fing’s actions at this time, and what Garcia said just now, they all thought that Garcia would also play Qin Fing’s tricks like Murray.

This greatly increased the audience’s interest.

There is no doubt that the strength of the current Gashi is stronger than Murray.

Even Murray can imitate Qin Fing’s tricks, so Gasi can certainly do the same.

Moreover, the tricks that Gashi imitated are definitely far more effective than Murray.



“Then I really want to give it a try, how does it feel to be defeated by myself!”

Qin Fing also quickly understood Jiaxi’s intentions.

The tricks in the anime “Prince of Tennis” are indeed very powerful.

But when he uses it in reality, there is a risk that some tricks that are not very exaggerated will be imitated by players in reality and used to deal with him later.

But Qin Fing is not at all worried about this.

Let alone the effects that these players imitated, even if it is very close to the effects he played, it is impossible to take the victory from his hands.

At best, it just makes the game more interesting!

“Look, it’s an external spin serve!”

After Gashi imitated Qin Fing’s action serve, the audience also clearly discovered that Gashi played an external spin serve.

And the audience also saw that the bounce height of the external spin serve played by Gashi after landing was almost the same as that played by Qin Fing.

All rushed away.

But since the audience can see the tricks played by Jiaxi, Qin Fing can naturally see it more clearly.

So after the tennis landed, he used a flexible pace combined with the swing of his right hand to successfully hit back.

“¨々 Here, is this an invisible swing or a Swallow Return?”

In the face of Qin Fing’s return, the audience saw again that this time Gashi’s catching action was like making an invisible swing or a Swallow Return.

For this question, the audience will soon have the answer.

Everyone saw that the movements of Gashi’s swing were clearly visible.

Obviously, this is Swallow Return.

After Qin Fing saw that Garcia hadn’t made an invisible swing, he already knew that Garcia was going to play Swallow Return this time.

So he moved forward quickly, before the tennis ball had landed, successfully hit the tennis back and broke the Swallow Return of Garcia.

It’s just that Qin Fing’s volley strength in front of the net this time is a bit stronger, and he directly hit a Lob.

“Will Gashi play a big bang serve again this time?”


Someone in the audience exclaimed again.

Because Qin Fing played Lob, the trajectory of tennis is very high and the speed is very slow.

Although this is not serve, it can be used as serve as long as it is properly positioned.

At this time, the audience saw that Gashi’s hitting posture was exactly the posture of the big bang serve.

But then the audience did not see Jiaxi’s swinging motion clearly, and saw that Jiaxi quickly returned to a normal standing posture.

At this time, the audience also quickly understood that Gashi used the big bang serve and the invisible swing, plus jumping and smashing the ball together.

Although the audience could barely see Gashi’s swing, the effect Gashi played was already very close to Qin Fing.

The audience did not expect that Gasi could even imitate the big bang serve and the invisible swing, which is beyond everyone’s imagination.

This is simply a crazy parody show!

But just when the audience thought that Gasi would definitely win the ball, they forgot that Qin Fing still had a trick to capture the Brown Bear. .

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