"Stop ahead and I will get off."

When the motorcade arranged by Ma Datou was halfway through, Wang Yi suddenly spoke.

With this opening, except Tianlong and Song Changying, everyone looked at him at the same time, without knowing what he wanted to do.

"Master, are you not going?"

Ma Datou asked.

"It's not that you don't go, just let me get out of the car."

Wang Yi smiled.

After he got out of the car, Tianlong took out the ring, and another Wang Yi appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm going! What is this?"

Feng Zimei looked at Wang Yi who was exactly the same as Wang Yi, and even his expression was lifelike, but when he touched it, his hand passed over Wang Yi's body.

"Projection, let this accompany you, I am following you now, it is a drag, so that you can perform better, right?"

Wang Yi smiled and explained.

His strength is not as strong as that of a few people, at most it is only relying on a pair of eyes.

But to regain the Tianshan Group branch's territory, force is inevitable. He went, only to distract them to protect himself.

"You are smart, where did you get this thing?"

Feng Zimei looked at Wang Yi's projection with a smile.

"you guess."

To Feng Zimei’s surprise, the projection actually spoke!

It was not Wang Yi who was speaking, but Wang Yi was speaking here, and the ring would also have a voice.

Wang Yi only needs to be far away from the Tianshan Group branch, which means he has personally entered the Tianshan Group branch.


With the help of the invitation letter, Fengzimei and his party successfully entered the Tianshan Group branch.

Funny to say, this was originally the Tianshan Group's territory. As members of the Tianshan Group, they actually needed a pass to come in.

As soon as I entered, I saw Jiang Changhe's figure.

Jiang Changhe also saw Wang Yi and smiled at Wang Yi.

"Sure enough, you still came in."

"Nonsense, my place, I want to come in, isn't it simple?"

Wang Yi also pulled out a smiling face.

"You thought this was your site. Now the entire West Territory, everyone knows that this is already the Changhe Group, Tianshan Group, change the surname!"

Jiang Changhe snorted, saying this, Feng Zimei couldn't help but want to do it directly, but Tianlong grabbed it.

"Since it's here, just take a look. Looking at your Tianshan Group, it truly falls into my hands!"

Jiang Changhe smiled wildly, turned and left.

"Miss, forget it, now that everyone is not here, when everyone comes, we will make another move, will it be useful?"

Song Changying quickly dissuaded her.

"I know!"

Feng Zimei nodded, glanced at Wang Yi, and Wang Yi nodded towards her.

Soon, more and more people gathered in the Tianshan Group, and almost half of the leaders of the Western Territory came.

The change of the name of the Tianshan Group was a major event, especially since it was the second son of the Dijiang Group who won the Tianshan Group.

The Dijiang Group already had an existence like Jiang Changhong in the Western Territory, and now there is another Jiang Changhe, and the Tianshan Group was snatched away!

How could these big bosses living in the Western Territory not come!

However, almost half of these people showed ferocious eyes when they saw Ye Hao.

That is to say, this is the branch of Tianshan Group. If you change the place, it is estimated that you can directly fight with Ye Hao.

"I said, I provoke a lot of people."

Ye Hao spread his hands, if it were not for Wang Yi, he would never have come to this place.

Being stared by so many people, it is him who is the leader of the three major districts of China, and he can't stand it...

"Are you here?"

Soon, Jiang Changhong also came to several people.

He is considered the last group to come, and it is estimated that after he comes, how many people will continue to come.

"How many people did you bring?"

Ye Hao asked Jiang Changhong.

"Not much, what's the matter?"

Jiang Changhong replied, looking at Ye Hao more, not knowing what Ye Hao meant.

It seems that he is not the protagonist today, right?

"I am worried that I will be hacked to death after a while."

Ye Hao smiled bitterly, and when he looked at those guys' fierce eyes, he felt something was wrong.

With so many people, if you deal with him, he will instantly become a pool of meat sauce lying on the ground...

"Everyone, be quiet! I think you all know that now the Tianshan Group is the site of my Changhe Group!"

The voice of Jiang Changhe was spread through the loudspeaker throughout the Tianshan Group building!

Everyone could hear Jiang Changhe's voice. Looking at Jiang Changhe standing on the high platform, Wang Yi smiled.

"Everyone knows that the Western Territory is a place where the weak and the strong eat the strong. The Tianshan Group is occupied by me. That proves that I am stronger than the Tianshan Group!"

"Similarly, it proved that Tianshan Group! Shit is not!"


When Jiang Changhe said this, there was already a somewhat quiet scene, and it instantly burned again.

The people of the Tianshan Group are here, and these people see it in their eyes and dare to say these things in front of the people of the Tianshan Group. This second son of the Dijiang Group is awesome!

In addition to being awesome, they really can't think of a better description of Jiang Changhe!

As for Feng Zimei and Wang Yi, they almost jumped up with anger.

Perhaps Feng Zimei didn't know it, but Wang Yi was very clear about the pure arrogance of Qijiang River.

At that time, Jiang Changhe played a trick to get them to leave the Tianshan Group to grab the Tianshan Group's territory!

The reason why they have not come back to snatch it back, they just want to snatch it in the eyes of everyone!

Now it has become Jiang Changhe’s bragging capital!

The point is that these guys still believe it!

Suddenly these people looked at Wang Yi and their eyes became frivolous, if perhaps because the Tianshan Group had a little respect for Wang Yi before.

Then there is no more...

"This guy is shameless enough."

Wang Yi had no choice but to speak, and he could only blame himself for being laid out.

But Jiang Changhe wants to be arrogant, let him be arrogant for a while, after all... he doesn't have much time to let him continue to be arrogant.

"It's not good for me to talk too much. You guys from the Tianshan Group are also here, so please tell me?"

Standing on the high platform, Jiang Changhe was smiling, and he actually planned to let Wang Yi and his party go up and talk.

"Be careful, now in the Tianshan Group building, he has arranged at least 300 masters to hide!"

Wang Yi turned his head and spoke to the people around him, and stepped out after he finished speaking!

"Since you want me to say it, then I will say it!"

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Yi walked up to the high platform step by step. Everyone was quiet, waiting for Wang Yi to speak.

Look at this young master of Tianshan Group, what can you say!

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