"How do I feel, something is wrong?"

Wang Yi looked at the remaining bones on the ground. His eyes were much stronger than Ji Shi's. What he could see was not just the surface that Ji Shi saw.

The surface of the remnant bone looked nothing, but the core had been gnawed clean, leaving only a layer of debris on the surface.

"Nonsense, can it be right?"

Ji Shi replied in an angry voice and walked over there.

Coming to the remnant bone, squatting down, Ji Shi picked up the remnant bone on the ground and looked carefully.

"Have you seen a tree after termites have eaten?"

Suddenly, Ji Shi turned to look at Wang Yi and asked.

"I have seen it, what happened?"

Wang Yi nodded and asked.

"Now this bone, like it has been eaten by termites, is empty inside."

Ji Shi spoke, trying to pass the bones in his hand to Wang Yi, but Wang Yi raised his hand to block it.

Wang Yi didn't want to touch this thing, he didn't need to touch it, he could see what Ji Shi had seen.

"You mean, this bone was eaten by termites?"

Wang Yi bowed his head and thought for a while, then asked.

"I didn't say that, have you ever seen termites gnawing bones?"

Ji Shi shook his head and refused.

If there were termites here, this mountain forest would have long since ceased to exist, and the one who ate the bones was a meat-eating thing!

"Maybe it's natural decay over time?"

Feng Zimei spoke at the side.

Ji Shi shook his head.

"Impossible! Naturally decayed, it is absolutely impossible to be decayed inside. Now this bone, the whole piece of rotting wood, can be broken at will."


With that said, Ji Shi's hands were slightly hardened, and the bone was actually broken!


The moment the bone broke, Wang Yi immediately cried.

The bone broke, and a few black worm eggs fell out of it, still wriggling...

"My day!"

Ji Shi had goose bumps all over his body, and he hurriedly threw the things on his hands to the ground!


The eggs fell to the ground, and the broken juice splashed all over, so fragile and out of place!


Ji Shi is a little embarrassed, is this a bad thing for him?

"There are bugs in this place."

Wang Yi also got goose bumps all over. He was a little bit resistant to these bugs. Even if a lion stood in front of him now, he wouldn't have any fear.

Wang Yi was a little bit resistant to these gadgets. To be precise, he felt sick from the inside.

"It doesn't seem to be an ordinary bug."

Feng Zimei frowned, walked over, and looked at the broken eggs on the ground.

"This is Gu worm!"

Ji Shi understood it instantly, and then kept shaking his head.

"Impossible, it is impossible to have this thing now!"

His appearance made Wang Yi very curious about what it was that made Ji Shi feel a little confused.

"What's the matter? Why can't I understand what you two are talking about?"

Wang Yi asked.

"Wild Gu worms have already been extinct now. It is impossible to find such eggs, or the eggs that are about to become larvae!"

Ji Shi explained.

Wang Yi has also heard of the name Gu worm. This thing is very mysterious to those who don't know it.

"Let's keep going forward, but I want to see what is inside it."

Ji Shi's binocular Wei Mi, led Wang Yi and the two to continue walking forward.

The forest is not very high, and I quickly reached the top of the mountain. From the top of the mountain, you can see the entire face of the minefield.

Wang Yi noticed that from the top of the mountain, the minefield showed the shape of a basin.

There is a large depression in the middle. Last time I sensed something alive, I sensed it in that place!

It's just that now he is on the top of this mountain, but he can't sense it...

"Don't look, I know your eyes are unusual, I haven't noticed it now, we can only go there in person."

Seeing Wang Yi looking over there with burning eyes, Ji Shi patted Wang Yi on the shoulder, and said.

"Huh? You?"

Wang Yi glanced back at Ji Shi, is this bragging addicted?

Why would he not discover if he didn't discover himself? Isn't this typical to look down on people?

"Nonsense, let's go, let's go down the mountain and have a look."

Ji Shi nodded and led Wang Yi across the top of the mountain and walked towards the minefield.


The trio of Wang Yi did not notice that after they left, a rustling noise came from a bush behind them.

There seemed to be something inside, but it didn't come out for a long time.

"Why do I feel more and more wrong."

On the way down the mountain, Wang Yi suddenly spoke.

Although he didn't notice, the air on this side of the mountain forest looked extremely humid.

Such a situation can happen on the same mountain!


The voice sounded again, this time, everyone heard it, and looked back at the same time!


The moment they looked back, the three of them took a breath in sync, and they wondered if their eyes were misreading!

"What the hell is this!"

Wang Yi looked at the large and small bugs coming out of the bushes from behind, his face was hideous, and he could even see sharp teeth!

"Gu? Is there a damn big Gu?"

Ji Shi was also stunned.

This worm does look like a Gu, but the worm is not that big!

Gu worms are parasitic on human or animal bodies. Is such a big Gu worm parasitizes dinosaurs?

"This is a female worm!"

Feng Zimei frowned and said, Gu worms, like bees, have female worms to lay eggs, and the one in front of me, so big, is obviously a female worm!

"How do I feel, it seems to be staring at us?"

Wang Yi stood still and did not move, nor did the Gu worm over there.

Now Wang Yi is a little doubtful whether the living creature he sensed in the minefield was this thing.

"Follow him, get rid of it!"

Ji Shi snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and he grabbed the Gu worm not far away!

Ji Shi's speed was not much slower than Tianlong or even Ignorance, but even so, the moment Ji Shi arrived in front of the Gu worm, the Gu worm disappeared!

"Where did you go?"

Wang Yi was still wondering, and a cool breeze came suddenly behind him!

As he turned his head, Gu worm had wings fluttering behind his back, and he had already arrived in front of him!

"Hey fucking! This thing actually knows how to pick soft persimmons!"

Wang Yi gave a strange cry and hurriedly hindered.

However, how could Wang Yi's speed pass that Gu worm? In an instant, the Gu worm would be in front of Wang Yi!


At the moment of the moment, Feng Zimei made a move, and two fingers quickly poked towards the empty air ahead!

At the moment of the shot, there was nothing blank before the Gu worm just came up and was poked by Feng Zimei!


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