"I have to tell you that his weakness is not, otherwise you are the only way to threaten others?"

Instead, the old man gave Wang Yi a roll of eyes, and Wang Yi still had no way to refute it.

Indeed, the last time I saw a middle-aged person, the middle-aged person's attitude of not eating hard and soft, I feel uncomfortable thinking about it now.

"I'm telling you, isn't there a child beside him? If you catch that child, he will listen to you everything, even if you let her eat shit, he will not hesitate."

The old man smiled badly and gave Wang Yi an idea.

This idea of ​​his can be regarded as the extreme damage, it is the kind of damage that will be tortured by the king if he goes to hell!

"You old man, the method you came up with is really evil!"

Wang Yi smiled. Although it seems that he has no conscience, this method is probably the best method.

"What else do you want to know? The news you asked is all worthless news. Don't you want to know a little worthwhile?"

Seeing that Wang Yi hadn't spoken for a long time, the old man quickly asked.

He hasn't opened for a long time, and now he meets someone, how could it be bad for another wave?

"I don't see that you want to tell me, but you want to make my money, right?"

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows.

Can he still see what this guy thinks?

Anyway, it's the old fried dough stick in the West, so let's expose my intentions, and I will have to keep the price down...

"Let's do it, half a million, tell me the biggest power in the Western Region right now."

Sure enough, Wang Yi really started to lower prices.

When Wang Yi asked this question, he naturally wouldn't worry about this guy telling himself that he was the Tianshan Group.

Although the Tianshan Group is indeed the largest force in the Western Region.

Wang Yi would not be so stupid as to really think that the Tianshan Group was invincible in the West.

"Well, if that force learns about my betrayal, I might be gone."

The old man hesitated a little.

It can be seen that he has a deep fear in his heart for the force that Wang Yi wants to know.

"Five hundred thousand, don't you want to make money anymore?"

Wang Yi is very confident, this guy will definitely tell himself.

I can see the lack of money just now, no matter what he wants to know, as long as he knows, he will tell himself.

"Well, I'll tell you, the greatest strength in the West is of course Qiantang's forces."

The old man opened his mouth and was interrupted by Wang Yi as soon as he was halfway through it.

"Wait a minute, didn't Qiantang retired? How could he still have his own power?"

"You really think Qiantang will retreat. As the former overlord of the Western Realm, even if it is because of some relationships, he can't be so arrogant now, he won't retreat directly."

The old man answered with a smile.

Even if he wants to retire, he will retire with his men with Qiantang's plan.

Retiring, it's just Qiantang talking for fun, just to plug some guys' mouths.

"To be specific."

Wang Yi nodded and spoke.

"Five hundred thousand!"

The old man asked Wang Yi for another 500,000.

"Two hundred thousand!"

Wang Yi would definitely not give him face, so he shouted two hundred thousand.

"No, you are boring like this! This kind of thing is related to my life, I have told you this, can't you give me a little more money?"

The old man is anxious, Wang Yi is not giving him any way to survive!

Is there such a play?

"Of course, I am like this. If you don't want to, we don't have to continue talking. At least I personally feel that way.",

Wang Yi spoke lightly, and turned around to leave immediately.

The old man was very depressed now, and he knew that Wang Yi was pretending to leave, and he definitely wanted to come back.

But there is no way to resist Wang Yi's ideas.

"You come back, can't I tell you? You little ancestor!"

The old man was anxious, and finally called Wang Yi back.

"Yes, don't you want to tell me now, look at you, just say nothing and it's over, you have to get it now."

Wang Yi smiled and came to the old man again.

Looking at the helpless old man, Wang Yi felt happy in his heart.

As long as he sees the people who make him feel uncomfortable by himself, Wang Yi is especially happy!

"Forget it, I'm unlucky to meet you, so let me tell you, Qiantang's forces are in the Sleepy Valley on the western border.

I said you must not go, if you get caught and tell him that I told you these things, I will die too."

The old man waved his hand, hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

"Hehe, do you suspect that I am going to trouble Qiantang?"

Wang Yi laughed. Shouldn't this old man think that his goal is Qiantang?

I haven't even seen Qiantang's face now, so how come I want to mess with such a guy?

"Don't worry, that guy is not something I can afford now. I still understand this. What I want to know now is about the meteorite fragments. I care more about the meteorite fragments than Qiantang."

"You care about the fragments of meteorite gold, I would like to know this news too. If I can know a little bit of news about meteorite gold, even a little bit, it is extremely valuable!"

The old man gave a wry smile.

Falling gold?

Does he still want to know?But who will tell him?If he knew these news, he would have made a fortune long ago!

"It looks like you are not as good as the legend."

Wang Yi glanced at the old man, thinking that he could tell him everything he wanted to know, and it seemed that it was nothing more than that.

"As long as it's not meteor gold, I think I can know some."

The old man hurriedly spoke. This was regarded as being looked down upon by Wang Yi. According to his temper, he would just bear it like this.

"Oh, you look confident?"

Wang Yi chuckled and turned to look at the old man.

"Nonsense, as long as it's not about Meteorite and those super big guys in the West, I can tell you!"

The old man answered immediately, with a very confident appearance.

"Okay, let me ask you, is there any place in this Western Realm that is the same as Qingqiu Mine?"

Wang Yi nodded and immediately asked.

"Yes, there are, but in the underground of Tianshan Group, don't underestimate Tianshan Group. Although in the eyes of outsiders, Tianshan Group is not powerful, you will regret it when you get caught."

The old man opened his mouth and actually told the details of the Tianshan Group!

He even knew about the underground affairs of the Tianshan Group. Wang Yi himself never knew about these things!This old man actually said it!


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