"Who are you? Where is my guard?"

Jiang Changqing watched vigilantly at the old Taoist priest who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Looking through the ups and downs, looking out the door.

"Your guards? They are all asleep now, don't worry, I haven't killed them yet."

He smiled, coming from the gate, he would naturally meet the guards, but those guards were not enough to stuff his teeth.

"who are you?"

Jiang Changqing spoke again and asked the same question.

"You'd better not know, warn you, no matter how you want to deal with these juniors in the Tianshan Group, I can't control it, but you want to kill people, bright things will not happen a second time!"

The ups and downs converged the smile on his face, his eyes suddenly became cold.

The temperature in the room dropped suddenly!

It makes people feel the deep frost immersed in the body, just looking at the ups and downs, they can't help but want to escape from the ups and downs!

"It turned out to be the ups and downs senior, the junior is rude."

Jiang Changqing actually recognized the ups and downs at this time, and the light on his arm dimmed.

The ups and downs are coming, how does he do it, isn't that a joke?

It is estimated that a single finger can pinch him thousands of times. In front of such an old monster, it is better to behave.

Anyway, I don’t mean to attack myself...

"Senior Ups and Downs, the contractual relationship between you and Tianshan Group should be dissolved soon, right?"

Jiang Changqing said this suddenly.


As soon as Jiang Changqing finished saying this, her eyes suddenly became cold!

In an instant, half of Jiang Changqing's arm was suddenly covered with frost!

Feeling the sharp pain in his arm, Jiang Changqing shut up immediately, with his ups and downs, after so long, he still didn't retreat for a long time.

Even more terrifying!

"Do you really think I won't kill you?"

Jiang Changqing glared at Jiang Changqing, but Jiang Changqing didn't speak.

"I took away the people, so I can do it for myself."

Seeing that Jiang Changqing didn't speak any more, he spoke coldly, raised Feng Zimei and left Jiang Changqing's sight.


As soon as the ups and downs went, the layer of frost covering Jiang Changqing's arm was immediately shattered by Jiang Changqing, and the ice scum fell to the ground.

Jiang Changqing stared at the direction of the ups and downs.

"Old stuff, when you come into contact with the Tianshan Group contract, the Tianshan Group will be over! Wait!"


"Senior, why didn't you just solve Jiang Changqing directly?"

After being taken by the ups and downs to leave the Evergreen Group, Feng Zimei immediately looked at the ups and downs and asked.

"My identity, wanting to kill him is not so easy. If I kill him, I might get into trouble for the Tianshan Group."

Ups and downs helplessly speak.

He didn't want to kill Jiang Changqing, but behind Jiang Changqing was the entire Dijiang Group.

Jiang Ditian, the chairman of the Dijiang Group, is also a tricky figure, even if he is not easy to deal with.

Besides, Dijiang Group also united so many powerful people...

"Then we just let him get away?"

Feng Zimei still spoke unwillingly.

"All of this needs Wang Yi's kid to solve. I'm here for Wang Yi's kid. It shouldn't be too late for him to wake up now."

He spoke up and down lightly. He had given Wang Yi another secret book before, but Wang Yi actually practiced pupil skills!

No matter how good pupil skills are, Wang Yi will not be Jiang Changqing's opponent.

Seeing Jiang Changqing's direct visit to the Western Territory meant that Wang Yi should remain in the Western Territory completely.

"When I entered from the outside, I found a lot of people in the Dijiang Group. Those guys are not good.

In Dijiang Group is also a tricky person, you have to be careful, as for me, it is not easy to shoot now."

Ups and downs spoke again, Feng Zimei nodded secretly.

"Senior up and down, is there something going on in the Tianshan Group now?"

Feng Zimei looked at the ups and downs and asked again.

If it wasn't for the problem in the Tianshan Group, she couldn't think of any reason to let the ups and downs leave the Tianshan Group and come to the West.

"The matter of the Tianshan Group has nothing to do with you. All you need to do is stay in the Western Realm until you can deal with Jiang Changqing!"

Ups and downs shook his head, and did not say anything more with Feng Zimei.

Although the ups and downs didn't tell Feng Zimei anything, Feng Zimei could also hear that something went wrong in the Tianshan Group.

And it's not a trivial matter!

"This kid will bother you to look at him. I still have some things that need to be handled separately."

The ups and downs came to a place only a few kilometers away from the Tianshan Group with Fengzimei.

But the ups and downs brought people here, but there was no idea of ​​going in.

"Senior, don't you plan to go in and sit down?"

Feng Zimei asked.

"No, I came to the West, and there are still some things. When I need me, I will go."

Floating and sinking, she told Feng Zimei not to let Feng Zimei tell her about coming to the West, and then disappeared.

Feng Zimei returned to the Tianshan Group branch. She was in a bad mood. Seeing the scene before her, her mood suddenly improved.

She found that Qintong was holding Wang Yi and wanted Wang Yi to cook for her.

"Sister, you can be regarded as coming, you can help me, I can't stand it!"

Seeing Fengzimei, Wang Yi was like seeing a life-saving straw, and immediately rushed towards Fengzimei.

"What a coincidence, I also want to try your craft again."

Feng Zimei couldn't help laughing when she saw the scene in front of her.

She guessed and guessed how Qintong came to the West. Qintong alone would definitely not be able to come. It could only come with the ups and downs.

I don't know if Qintong is looking for the ups and downs to bring her, or the ups and downs to bring Qintong.

But the results were similar. When Qintong came to the West, Wang Yi could do things more safely.

This is also the purpose of ups and downs...

"Miss, can't you go find a cook? I am the young master of the Tianshan Group. I cook for you, and you can really eat."

Wang Yi said helplessly.

My other abilities have not been discovered by these guys, but the cooking skills have been spotted by these guys.

I originally saw Feng Zimei and thought Feng Zimei could help me say a few words, but now it's good, Feng Zimei and Qintong are a group.

"Master, you just cook, I have come to see you, if you don't cook for me, wouldn't it be bad?"

Qintong saw that his tough demands had no effect and began to change his offensive.

Sure enough, Wang Yi eats soft but not hard. Under Qintong’s Fafa Dafa, Wang Yi finally nodded helplessly and agreed to cook for Qintong...

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