Returning to the Tianshan Group, Wang Yi's face turned black in an instant looking at the so-called Huoyan Jue in his hand.

"Master, what's the matter?"

It seemed that he had noticed something wrong with Wang Yi's expression, and Song Changying hurriedly moved forward.

Looking at Wang Yi's expression, he thought that Wang Yi was out and was bullied by someone.

This is indeed the case. Wang Yi now knows why he let himself turn on this thing and run away just now.

It is estimated that if you open it in front of the ups and downs, you can directly throw this thing on the ups and downs!

"What the hell is this!"

Wang Yi threw out the Huoyan Jue in his hand.

It happened to fall under Song Changying's feet.

Seeing Wang Yi's temperament so big, Song Changying instantly wondered what it was that made Wang Yi so angry.

Picking up the Huoyan Jue that was thrown on the ground by Wang Yi, Song Changying couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

His smile immediately attracted Wang Yi's gaze.

"No, it's nothing, Master, you are a bit powerful."

Song Changying quickly put away the smile on her face, and said solemnly.

"This thing is still a bit more powerful? I don't even think of prostitutes."

Wang Yi was speechless and didn't know if he didn't look at it. Only at this sight did Wang Yi realize that this Fire Eye Secret was simply to cheat himself.

The method of cultivation is too difficult, and it seems to be a simple fire control.

Taking a lighter by yourself is more useful than this thing...

"Master, don't worry, this thing is really useless if you don't cultivate well, but if you cultivate well, it's a big killer."

Song Changying quickly explained.

If it was not a good thing, it would not be prepared for Wang Yi.

"Seriously, are you kidding?"

Wang Yi still didn't believe it, even Song Changying said it was a good thing?

He wondered if Song Changying took money from the dead old man and helped the dead old man speak...

"Master, it's true. I didn't lie to you. The chairman wanted this thing, and the ups and downs did not give it to the chairman, saying that the chairman is not good at training."

Song Changying explained.

With a suspicious look, Wang Yi looked at Song Changying.

"What you said is true? You didn't fool me, did you?"

"What am I fooling you, Master, this is a good thing, but if you don't practice well, it's really not as convenient as a lighter."

Song Changying said, her head shrunk halfway.

"I just fucking know that good things will never be my turn!"

Wang Yi was depressed.

Isn’t there such a way to practice cheats at a glance?It's so complicated, and I really have confidence in myself.

Even he himself doesn't think he can cultivate well, but he feels confident in himself.

"Master, I believe you, you can definitely do it. This is nothing extraordinary. If you cultivate well, you still have a lot of opportunities with your talent."

Song Changying comforted.

Wang Yi is still very depressed, depressed to the extreme, he is now completely taken into the ditch.

If you don’t practice, you’ll be abolished. If you don’t practice well, you will be discarded. According to the words left in the secret book, if you don’t practice well, you can’t practice even other secret books.

Just relying on Song Changying's words, Wang Yi didn't think he could cultivate well.

"Well, maybe you can ask the ignorance, Master, he is also a flame-type exercise."

When Song Changying finished speaking, she turned and disappeared.

Wang Yi was left alone, chewing on what Song Changying had just said.

To be honest, Wang Yi hasn't seen Wuming use some abilities about flames.

Could it be that ignorance has been hiding?

After hesitating for a while, Wang Yi found Wuming. After Wuming knew that Wang Yi had the Huoyan Jue in his hand, his eyes lit up.

Looking at Wang Yi intently, as if looking at a girlfriend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"What's your face?"

Wang Yi looked at ignorance with a little disgust. If he didn't ask him, he would definitely run away with this look in his eyes!

"Master, you got the Huoyan Jue, so envious."

Ignorantly speaking, the words are full of envy.

"Envy a ghost, if you want it, I will give it to you now."

Wang Yi replied in an annoyed manner, just this shit, I really don't like it...

"Master, I don't have the qualifications to touch this thing. Since it's your thing, of course you need to cultivate by yourself. What is it like to hold it?"

Ignorance hesitated for a long time before he said so.

He really wanted to get the Huoyan Jue in Wang Yi's hands, but he knew that if Wang Yi gave it to himself, it would be taken back sooner or later.

Rather than taking a look at the inability to practice and being more greedy, it's better not to think about these unrealistic things.

"I haven't seen the benefits of this thing until now. Can you tell me something?"

Seeing ignorance, Wang Yi also hesitated.

He hesitated now whether this thing was really as powerful as Song Changying said.

"The previous owner of this Huoyan Jue heard that it was something from a senior guard of the Tianshan Group, and that it was personally given by the ups and downs. It was heard that the man used the Huoyan Jue to turn a mountain into a volcano."

Ignorance opening.

Wang Yi immediately widened his eyes.

"Fuck! Set fire to the bottom of the prison! This is a ruthless man!"

Ignorance and embarrassment, why is Wang Yi's focus so strange? Shouldn't it be his focus on Huoyan Jue?

"Master, I said your focus is misplaced?"

Ignorant coughed and reminded.

"No, isn't this a ruthless person? You say, is it a ruthless person to set the mountain on fire?"

Wang Yi shook his head, but instead asked ignorantly.

"Yes... Pooh! Should we pay attention to Huoyan Jue?"

The ignorant's subconscious answer was, but he reacted very quickly and was almost brought in by Wang Yi...

"What's so great about burning mountains? I can do it with a lighter."

Wang Yi didn't take it seriously. If he gave himself a torch, even a flint, wouldn't it be easy to burn the mountain?

"Master, I think you got it wrong. I mean, he didn't just burn the mountain. After burning the mountain, the whole mountain became a volcano.

It was still an active volcano that would erupt at any time, and in the end the ups and downs were resolved by the master himself."

Ignorant laughed, and explained.

"Damn! It's so awesome, what happened to that mountain in the end?"

Wang Yi reacted and asked quickly.

"In the end, this mountain became an iceberg in the hands of the ups and downs, and now it is estimated that the entire mountain should be digested."

Ignorant thought for a long time before continuing to speak.

After listening to the ignorant explanation, Wang Yi was stunned.

What kind of devil is the ups and downs, volcanoes turn into icebergs, is this really something that humans can do?

However, this mountain was burned and turned into a volcano, and then turned into an iceberg. Now the whole mountain has been digested... and it is indeed miserable...

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