"Would you like to be so unrelenting? Anyway, I am also the young master of the two of you, OK?"

Wang Yi decided to resist in the end, but looking at the appearance of these two people, there was nothing to be impressed by Wang Yi.

Still looking at Wang Yi blankly.

The expressions of these two people made Wang Yi give up directly.

Still accept my fate honestly...

After waiting for a long time, ignorance still didn't come back. Waiting one more second now is a living suffering for Wang Yi.

This is like a prisoner on death row, knowing when he is going to die, silently waiting for his own death.

Death is not terrible, wait for death to be fucking terrible!

"Fuck! Just do it faster, OK, is it interesting to torture me like this?"

Finally, Wang Yi couldn't help but get up directly from the photo bathtub.

A pair of fingers pointed at the two guys standing in front of him.

"Master, just wait, we can't help it, maybe we will find it soon?"

Song Changying began to persuade.

"Fuck! When you two were tempering your body, did you wait like this? Isn't it life-killing?"

Wang Yi didn't care, and directly scolded.

This damn, he didn't prepare to bring himself to the execution ground.

The typical is to find that the bullet is not ready before the death row prisoner is shot, go back and prepare the bullet, and tell you, wait a moment, I will kill you later...


After waiting for a long time, ignorance finally came in.

Wang Yi has closed his eyes and is ready to accept his fate.

But at this time, ignorance spoke, and Wang Yi almost fainted happily.

"It seems that Tianshan Group has no inventory. If you want it, you need to get it from the nearest branch. It will take at least three days."


Hearing this sound, Wang Yi immediately jumped out of the bathtub!

Excited dancing!

"Hahaha, I'm fucking relieved, did you hear it, nothing, don't you let me out quickly?"

Before Wang Yi was happy, Tianlong spoke.

"I have another way, maybe I don't need dracaena sap."

Tianlong's words directly drove Wang Yi into the abyss, and it was still the kind that was impossible to recover.

"I rub! Do you want to cheat me like this!"

Wang Yi looked at Tianlong with a look of grief and indignation. He thought he was all right, but now it is better to announce the death penalty.

"Master, you can't run away. It's too late to get the dracaena sap now. Although it will be painful, you are a master and you should be able to bear it, right?"

As he said, the smile on Tianlong's face became wrong.

At least in Wang Yi's seriousness, Tianlong's eyes were not right.

"Tianlong, what can you do?"

This time even Song Changying was curious, came to Tianlong and asked.

"My blood may be a substitute."

Tianlong said, Song Changying's expression was also wrong for an instant.

"This is indeed a way for you, but what the young master needs to bear is your vitality, your vitality, do you think the young master can bear it?"

Song Changying gave Wang Yi a worried look.

How could Wang Yi give up this opportunity and get up immediately.

"That's right, your blood, where I can afford to live, so you still let me go, wait until the dracaena sap arrives to make plans, how about?"

"Master, sorry."

Tianlong just shook his head, and said, already had actual action.

Coming to the front of the bathtub, a dagger appeared in Tianlong's hand, and the extremely sharp dagger struck Tianlong's palm.

A trace of scarlet blood followed Tianlong's hand and fell into Wang Yi's bathtub.

It was just a few drops of blood, but the clear water in Wang Yi's bathtub immediately became blood red!

Not only that, the originally calm water started to boil!

It really looks like boiling water to scald pigs...

This description is simply vivid and can no longer be vivid.

It was also at this time that Wang Yi suddenly felt the water in the bathtub suddenly start to heat up.

That kind of blazing heat, it's really like boiling water!

"Fuck, fuck!"

After Wang Yi shouted three times, he couldn't make any noise.

Because of the severe pain, his whole body was in severe pain. The inside of his body seemed to light a torch and he started to burn his body.

"Lao Tzu... is this... feeling... cremation..."

Wang Yi gritted his teeth.

He didn't even think of being a ghost, that he could really feel the feeling of cremation while he was alive.

"It seems to be a big game."

Seeing Wang Yi's whole body turn red, Song Changying wiped the cold sweat on his forehead in embarrassment.

It's normal to have redness all over, but the red on Wang Yi's body looks like a monkey's butt, which is abnormal.

"My blood seems to be a bit fierce."

Tianlong also nodded and said.

The reason why his blood has this effect is only because he has drunk the juice of the dracaena. If it hadn't been rescued by the Tianshan Group, maybe he is underground now...

"Master, you can bear it, and it will pass soon, as long as it passes."

Ignorance spoke lightly, speaking very plainly.

"I... Cao... You... Big... Lord."

Wang Yi squeezed such a sentence out of his throat.

After speaking, I simply closed my eyes and stopped talking.

It's okay not to speak, as long as Wang Yi speaks, the pain will be even more painful!

"Or I'll go."

Song Changying couldn't bear to keep watching and said.

"Go? If there is a problem with the young master, who is responsible and you dare to go?"

Tianlong rolled his eyes to Song Changying.

If they used the sap of the dracaena, they could indeed leave now.

Anyway, the failure of body tempering is at most suffering for nothing.

But now the blood of Tianlong is different, and the blood of Tianlong carries the effect of the dragon blood tree.

But it is not a dragon's blood tree, there are still some impurities in it.

If this fails, Wang Yi may die in the bathtub if he doesn't quickly get Wang Yi out.

"Look at it, I'm leaving now."

Ignorance spoke, and before Song Changying and Tianlong could speak, they left.

"Hey, this guy, gone?"

Song Changying pointed to the ignorant back, with an unhappy expression.

"He is going to arrange things in case the body tempering fails. You think others will go to play. Now, you can only see if the young master can survive."

After that, Wuming put his gaze on Wang Yi again, and there was a little more expectation in his eyes.

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