I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 251: The Truth That Little Girls Know

"Come on, we will leave now!"

The three of them waited for Wang Yi's words. After hearing these words, all three of them ran away.

Looking at the appearance of the three of them, I was afraid that Wang Yi would go back and make trouble for them.

"These three ghosts..."

Wang Yi could only helplessly shook his head.

For these three guys, he didn't know what to say.

The agreed time between Ups and Downs and myself is two days later, that is to say, I still have one day left.

It is estimated that the ups and downs did not expect to quench the body immediately after he came back.

After seeing the ups and downs, I have to ask him carefully!


After a night's rest, Wang Yi's spirit immediately recovered the next day.

Standing on the top of the Tianshan Group building, Wang Yi's eyes beamed, looking at the sun just rising from the horizon.

I don't know why, the sun now has absolutely no effect in Wang Yi's eyes.

No matter how long I look at it, my eyes will not react at all...

"Isn't Lao Tzu doing something wrong in his cultivation?"

Wang Yi muttered to himself on the roof.

Yesterday, I did it well, but after I tempered my body, my eyes didn't have any effect on the sun.

Could it be that the body tempering had a problem yesterday?

"It has nothing to do with body tempering. You are not the first step in your cultivation now, so watching the sun is of no use to you. You will know when you see the ups and downs. Seniors will teach you how to do it 1."

Wang Yi was still wondering when Feng Zimei's voice suddenly passed from behind Wang Yi.

Wang Yi looked back and saw Feng Zimei walking towards him.

"Sister, get up so early, is there anything looking for me?"

"It's so stinky, it's the guy you brought back, clamoring to save people, don't you care?"

Feng Zimei smiled and said.

"Hong Yi? Didn't he say not to worry?"

Wang Yi frowned and asked.

"You really believe that, there is a father who is not worried about his son, he is worried that Jiang Changqing will start with his son without our news."

Feng Zimei opened her mouth, looking helpless.

It was not that she had not persuaded Hong Yi, but Hong Yi Wanquan could not listen.

Had it not been for him to send someone to stop Hongyi, it is estimated that Hongyi would have gone to the Evergreen Group to die.

"Is there all paste in his mind? Even if he wants to start, he will tell us first that it is the only handle Jiang Changqing has in his hand now, why is he willing to throw it away."

Wang Yi was completely speechless.

Originally, I was depressed by the three of Tianlong yesterday, but now I was speechless again early in the morning.

Can you give your brain a good rest?

"Go and meet him, otherwise I guess he can make trouble in Tianshan Group."

Feng Zimei faintly spoke, then turned and left.



Wang Yi let out a long sigh and thought for a while before walking off the roof of the Tianshan Group.

In the small black room, Hong Yi was tied up, and when Wang Yi came, Hong Yi quickly stood up.

"When are you going to save people?"

"Aren't you worried? Are you worried now?"

Wang Yi sat down and said.

"Nonsense, change you, are you in a hurry?!"

Hong Yi gritted his teeth, even if he knew that Jiang Changqing would not start, he was still very worried.

After all, that is his own son. If something goes wrong, he will regret it forever!

"Don't worry, since I promised to help you save people, I will help you save people. If you go back like this, you are only going to die."

Wang Yi first tried to persuade.

He didn't think about how to communicate with this guy.

"I know you agreed, but in case we are late and rescued, it may be dead!"

Hongyi is like an ant on a hot pot, if it weren't tied up, he might jump up in a hurry.

"You still don't believe my mother? I have said, I will help you save people."

Wang Yi said helplessly.

Hong Yi still looked worried.

"If you want to save someone, you go."

Qintong's voice came from behind Wang Yi, and Qintong was holding a knife in his hand.

Walking to Hongyi, Qintong disconnected from Hongyi and looked at Hongyi coldly.

"If you want to go, go now and see if you can save someone. If you go, you just die with him. Go ahead and don't stop."

Wang Yi was stunned and Hong Yi was still in place. Wang Yi didn't even know how Qintong found here.

I don’t even know who told Qintong these things...


Qintong shouted, Hong Yi trembled all over.

After a few seconds, he collapsed on the chair.

"Brother Wang Yi said that if you help you save people, you won't break your promise, and you don't need to worry. The reputation of Tianshan Group 1 is worthy of your trust!"

After Qintong finished speaking lightly, he pulled Wang Yi and turned to leave the room.

Walking out of the room, Wang Yi looked at Qintong with a bewildered expression.

"No, what do you mean? You found this here?"

Qintong, who left the room, immediately recovered his previous innocence, and was completely different from the time when he taught Hongyi just now.

"I made him come."

Without waiting for Qintong's answer, Xing Bo's figure walked over from a corridor in the distance.

"Xing Bo, what do you mean?"

Wang Yi is now a bit stunned, why is there Xing Bo's business?

"I helped you, otherwise you would try to persuade him. I guess you won't be able to convince him if your mouth is rotten."

Xing Bo smiled and said so.

"I still do not get it."

Wang Yi still shook his head.

"You are stupid, you promised him blindly, but you are used to him, what are you used to doing, he wants to leave, you can't let him go. By the way, tell him the consequences of leaving, he doesn't understand it himself. ?"

Xing Bo walked up to Wang Yi and looked at Wang Yi with his eyes.

"I don't even know this, how exactly did you get the young master of Tianshan Group?"

With a wry smile, Wang Yi couldn't think of any good reason to refute.

For him, the name of the young master of the Tianshan Group is just an empty string. He has not done what the young master of the Tianshan Group should do.

But if he were to go to the ruin, he would be very experienced.

"I want to thank the little girl for her cooperation this time. This girl has a bright future and is smarter than you."

Seeing that Wang Yi's expression was as embarrassing as he was eating shit, Xing Bo continued to laugh and praised the little girl Qintong.

"I will be satisfied if I can help Brother Wang Yi wherever he goes."

Qintong waved his hands again and again.

If Qintong had just said what Wang Yi said, perhaps Hongyi would still not be calm.

But Qintong said it was different. A little girl knows the truth. After listening to it, Hongyi will naturally have a decision...

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