Feng Zimei drove a group of people directly towards Jiang Changqing's Evergreen Group.

When arriving at the door of Evergreen Group, Jiang Changqing was taken aback.

He wondered whether he did not provoke the Tianshan Group. Could it be that the last incident caused the Tianshan Group to provoke him.

It's not right. The Tianshan Group came out all over the place. Could it be that he wanted to have a fish-and-death with him?

"Jiang Changqing, get out of me!"

Feng Zimei stood at the gate of Evergreen Group and roared, his voice spread far away.

Jiang Changqing quickly came out of it.

Seeing Feng Zimei outside, frowned.

"Feng Zimei, you are crazy, what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything, hand over the people!"

Feng Zimei said coldly.

"Hand it over, why should I hand it over, I kept it by my ability!"

Listening to Feng Zimei's words, Jiang Changqing thought that Feng Zimei was talking about Hongyi's son, so it was naturally impossible to give it to Feng Zimei.

He felt that Feng Zimei was talking about Hongyi's son, but it happened that Feng Zimei was not talking about Hongyi's son. Feng Zimei was talking about Wang Yi!

"Sure enough, people are here with you!"

Feng Zimei's eyes instantly cooled down.

"What do you mean? I knew you would come, but I didn't expect you to come with such a big battle."

Jiang Changqing spoke.

Isn't it for Hongyi's son?Did the Tianshan Group go all out?

Looking at this posture, I want to level my Evergreen Group...

"I'll give you a chance to hand over the people now. If you don't hand over the people, I will bring them in!"

Feng Zimei spoke and ordered his men to prepare.


Tianshan Group at this time:

When Wang Yi woke up from his deep sleep, he realized that he had actually slept for two full days.

Perhaps it was because of the body tempering last time that Wang Yi was not sure, he had never slept for so long in his life.

After waking up, Wang Yi suddenly found that there was no one in the Tianshan Group.

The whole group is empty...

"I rub, what's the matter? I'm dreaming?"

Wang Yi squeezed his face hard, it hurt...

"It's not a fucking dream, where the hell are people?"

Wang Yi now wonders if the Tianshan Group was ransacked overnight, and now there is no one to watch the gate.

"Wang Yi! Why are you here!"

When Wang Yi was wondering, Ye Hao suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yi.

"Fuck, this is Tianshan Group, why can't I appear here?"

Wang Yi looked at Ye Hao as a fool.

Talking is really funny enough. Tianshan Group is its own chassis. If you are not in Tianshan Group, can you go to the roadside to beg?

"Aren't you caught by Jiang Changqing?"

Ye Hao asked again.

His question made Wang Yi even more confounded. He has been sleeping in the Tianshan Group and was arrested by Jiang Changqing.

Sleepwalking yourself?It's not right, I'm not dreaming now...

"No, what do you mean?"

Wang Yi asked, he was at a loss now.

I just woke up, and at the beginning I found that there was no one in the Tianshan Group. Now Ye Hao ran out and said to himself that he was arrested by Jiang Changqing.

What is going on here?

"What's the matter?"

Ye Hao was in a mess. He received news from Feng Zimei that Wang Yi had been arrested by Jiang Changqing, and he came to Tianshan Group quickly.

But when he arrived at the Tianshan Group, he found that Wang Yi could stand in front of him easily?

"I still want to know what the fuck is going on?"

Wang Yi was dizzy, and what happened today was too weird. After a nap, did it happen?

"Feng Zimei said that you disappeared for two days, maybe you were caught by Jiang Changqing, let me come quickly, and then I saw you, did you run out by yourself?"

Ye Hao looked at Wang Yi, and now it seemed that only this explanation was reasonable.

"Run a ball! Lao Tzu was caught by him at all, I was sleeping in the Tianshan Group."

Wang Yi gave a wry smile and suddenly realized.

It seemed that it took too long for her to disappear, and Feng Zimei thought she was going to trouble Jiang Changqing.

It's also funny enough...

"Sleep? Can you sleep until you disappear? Then you are also very good."

Ye Hao didn't believe it.

If you can sleep until the entire Tianshan Group is dispatched, I dare not say that there will be no one in the future. At least Wang Yi has achieved unprecedented success.

"No, what did I lie to you? I was really sleeping. Maybe I just slept for two days after finishing my body tempering. I haven't been in contact with the outside world."

Wang Yi explained with a wry smile.

"You can't say yes before you go to bed. Now the entire Tianshan Group is going to trouble the Evergreen Group. Are you happy?"

Seeing that Wang Yi didn't seem to be joking, Ye Hao believed what Wang Yi said.

"I don't know if I can sleep for two full days."

Wang Yi's face was bitter, but the two of them went to Feng Zimei in no hurry.

Even if it is too late to fly over now, according to time, Feng Zimei should have been with Jiang Changqing.

"I said, Young Master, you are really awesome, what are you going to do now?"

Ye Hao shook his head helplessly.

This is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing. It is estimated that he will never encounter this kind of thing for the second time in his life.

"Well, I don't know, I am confused."

Wang Yi thought for a long time, but did not come up with a solution.

It is estimated that Jiang Changqing should not be Feng Zimei's opponent.

Since it was already like this anyway, he pretended to be running out of the Evergreen Group.

Jiang Changqing is already holding the pot, so he is not afraid that the pot will be darker.

If He Feng Zimei said that he slept in the Tianshan Group for two days, it is estimated that a curse would be inevitable.

Only suffering Jiang Changqing...

If there is a way, Wang Yi doesn't want to, but who made Jiang Changqing be the victim...

"You are terribly bad."

Ye Hao looked at Wang Yi, and didn't even call the young master.

How can you be as shameless as Wang Yi is obviously your own problem and you can throw it to others.

"Shouldn't it be like this? If I'm not a bit bad, then can others turn me down?"

Wang Yi was already shameless anyway, so he simply threw his face on the ground and rubbed it hard.

Wang Yi doesn't know what the face is, but Wang Yi only knows what is called Mingzhe's body.

Besides, Jiang Changqing and himself had an enemy, what happened to him?Is there a problem?

"I think we should hurry up and see the situation, we may not know what the situation is now."

Ye Hao said, he was completely aware of how shame Wang Yi was.

This kind of person, how did I think about it...

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