"Ye Hao, would you like to go with me?"

Wang Yi looked at Ye Hao.

"Don't don't don't, it's your business, what I am going to say, besides, I am a subordinate, if I go with you, wouldn't it break the rules."

"Besides, what the ups and downs are looking for is you, not me, you take me..."

Just finished speaking, Ye Hao immediately said a lot of things, just to avoid seeing the ups and downs with Wang Yi.

"Forget it, forget it, you don't want to forget it, so I force you."

Wang Yi waved his hand.

Since this guy doesn't want to go, then I'll do it alone, can't I see the ups and downs alone?

But despite thinking this way, Wang Yi still felt a little vacant in his heart.


According to the agreement, I came to the small hill outside the Tianshan Group.

Seeing no one on the hill, Wang Yi let out a long sigh.

Sure enough, I didn't exceed my expectations, the ups and downs are no longer here.

Then I can use this as an excuse, and when I scold myself up and down, I will scold him back.

"You kid, know it's coming now?"

Wang Yi was still celebrating secretly, but there was a sudden voice behind him.

This sound frightened Wang Yi, and he turned around and slapped him out!


Wang Yi's slap was pinched in his hands.

With a dark face, he looked at Wang Yi with unkind eyes.

"Hey you kid, dare to hit me?"

"No, old stuff, you scared me to death. This is my instinct. If you change you, you are the same."

Wang Yi quickly explained.

Although it was an explanation, the effort was not allowed at all.

According to Wang Yi's own thinking, if he did something wrong, he would put on a reasonable appearance so that he would not have a chance to scold himself.

As long as you don't let yourself be scolded, you won't be scolded!

"Do you know when it is now? I just came now, how did I tell you?"

It doesn't matter whether Wang Yi's mouth is clean or not. He let go of Wang Yi's hand and asked.

"Um, didn't I get caught by Jiang Changqing? If you don't believe me, you can go to Tianshan Group to ask and save me. That scene, tut tut."

Wang Yi immediately took Jiang Changqing to talk.

If you can go to Jiang Changqing's troubles, then you will make a lot of money.

With the strength of ups and downs, wouldn't Jiang Changqing be blown up?

"Boy, do you think I know nothing? You slept in Tianshan Group for two days and two nights, and now you say you were caught by Jiang Changqing?"'

What Wang Yi didn't expect was that the ups and downs directly exposed his lie.

"Uh, how did you know?"

Wang Yi's mouth twitched and asked.

"Because I slept for a long time when I tempered my body, and so did your father, so I guessed it was this."

Ups and downs raised his head, a very powerful look.

"Damn! You know, you still set that time, you know I can't come to you, you know you deliberately find the fault!"

Wang Yi roared as if he had known some great secret.

"Sucky boy, where I knew you would be like this, if I knew it, wouldn't I stop looking for you? God knows you would?!"

The ups and downs were irritated by Wang Yi.

This kid, give him a chance, and immediately start to smash himself.

To deal with this stinky boy in front of you, you can't give him a chance to speak, it's better to tear off his tongue!

"Old stuff, you're ashamed to say, you didn't say that body tempering is so painful, if it weren't for body tempering, would I sleep for so long? Will Tianshan Group send someone to save me? Tianshan Group will not send anyone to save me. Will you expose your strength?"

Wang Yi directly put all the crimes on the head of his head.

"Smelly boy, I will take care of you!"

The ups and downs are finally unbearable, just grab it with one hand!

Half of Wang Yi's body was instantly covered with a layer of frost.

Feeling the biting cold, Wang Yi's heart beats.

"I tell you, this thing is not fun, I know you are great, but you bully me a junior, it's not plausible, do you know?"

The ups and downs were angrily smiled by Wang Yi.

It's really time to be counseled, without hesitation at all.

"You still know that you are a junior, what did you say about me?"

Ups and downs said with a smile.

"Hi, who are you and still care about this?"

Wang Yi shook it vigorously with his other hand, pulling the ice and snow off his body.

"But I have to say, you are like a personal air conditioner. It must be nice to be with you in summer."

"If you are so mean, I will ask your father to take you back to Tianshan Group headquarters, believe it or not?"

Wang Yi glared up and down, then said.

"Don't, I was wrong, I was in the West Territory well, what shall I do when I go back, besides, Jiang Changqing, I haven't solved it yet, go back? Just kidding..."

Wang Yi quickly refused.

This was taken back, and he was still alive.

When I came to the West by myself, I guess my father must be angry.

"If you are like this, you can show me your Huoyan Jue. If your performance is good, I will ask your father to unblock your card. Now there are tens of billions in your card. Do not?"

When he spoke up and down, he instantly grasped Wang Yi's weakness.

Playing hard with Wang Yi will not be able to deal with Wang Yi. The best way to make Wang Yi obedient is to lure Wang Yi with the advantage.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Wang Yi glanced at the ups and downs in disbelief.

My card has been frozen by Feng Duyun for so long, can Feng Duyun unblock his card with just one sentence?

"Just kidding, I am your father's master, dare he not listen when I speak?"

Seeing that Wang Yi actually looked down on himself, he immediately rectified himself.

"Cut, then when you count it like this, you are still my master, I still don't listen to you."

Wang Yi curled his lips.

What the hell is this era, and I still do the master.

Feng Duyun is the chairman of Tianshan Group, can you still listen to a bad old man?

"You kid don't believe me?"

Seeing Wang Yi's expression, he immediately understood Wang Yi's thoughts and asked with a smile.

"It's not that I don't believe it, I won't believe it if I change myself?"

Wang Yi spoke out of anger.

Think of yourself as a silly critic, and you must really be a silly critic, right?

"Well, I'll call your father now.;"

With a nonchalant grin, he took out his mobile phone and said that he was about to broadcast the call...

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