Not many people in the Western Realm knew about the falling gold.

Even Wang Yi asked Ji Shi privately, but Ji Shi didn't know it clearly.

Just to tell myself that there is a mysterious power in the meteorite gold, even if it is a fragment, after obtaining it, it can rely on the power inside to make Ji Shi a dying person live to the present.

"Are you sure that guy knows?"

Wang Yi still asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, there are not only two fragments of meteorite gold in the legendary Western Realm. Some forces still have meteorite fragments. They are only the main body of the meteorite gold.

Hong Yi spoke with an affirmative expression.

"Well, I'm going to see it when the time comes. This guy knows something."

Wang Yi nodded and did not entangle what Hongyi said.


The next day, outside the gag:

Early in the morning, a team of thousands of people gathered outside the gate, enclosing the entire gate.

Not only that, but at the other exit of the gate, there are thousands of people waiting.

The two exits of the plug were blocked tightly.

If you want to get out of the gate now, I am afraid that you have to endure the anger of two thousand people.

"Master, those guys are here again."

Xiao Qing didn't worry much when he found Wang Yi.

Now that Wang Yi is here, these people must not dare to be presumptuous.

"Why didn't they just take your gag yesterday and still have to wait until today?"

Wang Yi nodded and asked.

"They want to play wheel warfare. Yesterday I dealt with people from several other forces. They have all been replaced today, so that their casualties will be reduced to a minimum."

Xiao Qing spoke.

In the past few days, the number of people he dealt with has at least reached three thousand.

Almost every day, the people who come to attack the gate are different.

He only has less than a thousand defenders, and he has less than half of his 1000 defenders.

Moreover, most of this half are still injured bodies. Without Wang Yi today, it is estimated that the mouth would have fallen.

"It seems that this is Xing Bo's idea again."

Wang Yi smiled.

Relying on Ma's head, it is absolutely impossible to think of such a strategy.

This Xing Bo is really a counselor.

"Xing Bo, who is it?"

Hearing Wang Yi talking about Xing Bo, Xiao Qing quickly asked.

"If you don't do anything, you try to hold on first. If it doesn't work, I will come forward."

Wang Yi shook his head and let Xiao Qing send someone to guard first.

"No, eldest master, if you forcefully hold on, the rest of me will all die!"

Xiao Qing was anxious.

He came to Wang Yi to help him solve the trouble, but now he still has to guard by himself.

"I promised you to help you keep the grommet, but now the grommet hasn't fallen. It's really not possible. Let those guys in."

Wang Yi looked at Xiao Qing coldly.

I had indeed promised him to help him keep the gag.

But the life and death of his subordinates has half a dime relationship with him.

In the West, compassion is not something the strong should have.

"This... is it okay to let them in?"

Xiao Qing hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"You don't even have the idea of ​​keeping it?"

Wang Yi looked at Xiao Qing and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

If Xiao Qing started to hold on forcibly according to his own arrangement, perhaps he would still look at the guy with admiration.

Now it seems that he has thought about it a lot, and this guy doesn't intend to resist.

"You can't hold it, young master!"

Xiao Qing said bitterly.

"Xiao Qing, if the young master and I did not come, would you keep it?"

Wang Yi didn't speak, Hong Yi spoke before Wang Yi.

"Of course it will be guarded."

Xiao Qing was stunned for a moment before answering.

"In this case, the young master is here, you put all your hopes on the young master. Is this a bit unfair to the young master?"

Hong Yi continued to speak.


Xiao Qing was stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

Since Wang Yi came yesterday, he has completely lost the thought of confronting those guys.

Anyway, with Wang Yi, what else do I need to worry about?

"Hehe, you figure it out by yourself."

Wang Yi smiled and pulled Hongyi away.

"You are cheating, do you know?"

When there were only two of them, Wang Yi looked at Hongyi with an unhappy expression.

"Master, this is my original friend after all. I know what you think. He is not bloodless. It's just that when you come, all his sustenance is on your body."

Hong Yi smiled bitterly, and explained to Xiao Qing.

"I am too lazy to listen to your explanation. If you do this again, I can just throw you away!"

Wang Yi looked at Hongyi, the light in his eyes was beyond doubt.

"Got it!"

Hong Yi nodded quickly.

Outside the mouth, Xiao Qing took the five hundred people he had left and faced the 1,000 people opposite.

With this comparison, the gap appeared instantly.

Most of Xiao Qing's five hundred people were remnants and defeated generals, but the thousand people standing opposite were full of energy!

"Xiao Qing, why don't you shrink up inside your tortoise shell, so you dare to run out to face us?"

A person walked out from the opposite side, standing at the forefront of the team, looking at Xiao Qing disdainfully.

"Why don't I dare to come out, relying on more people to solve me, what kind of ability! Any group of you, in terms of ability, I am afraid that people are not as good as mine?"

Xiao Qing just smiled.

Of his five hundred people, the rest are all elite troops!

Even if you want to fight to death, these guys won't feel better!

"Look at what this is?"

The person opposite Xiao Qing smiled and moved away.

Seeing what was behind him, Xiao Qing trembled all over.

"You are crazy, are you using this thing against me?"

In Xiao Qing's seriousness, there were two siege guns at his mouth.

This kind of siege artillery is considered a very old thermal weapon. Put it in Huaxia, it is estimated that it will not penetrate the concrete building of Huaxia.

But this thing, when placed in the West, it can be regarded as an artifact to attack the gag.

Except for the center of the spit, the surrounding walls around the spit are probably all cast from clay.

Under the siege artillery, the wall of the plug mouth seemed to be nonexistent!

"I forgot to have this thing before, now I suddenly remembered it, but now I don't need it anymore, you came out by yourself, knowing it!"

The man sneered.

Originally intended to threaten Xiao Qing with a siege gun, now Xiao Qing has come out by himself!

But the siege gun is more than just siege...

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