"This is where our previous mine stored ore."

Hong Yi took Wang Yi to a hole and said.

"I don't care about this, unless you also dug out meteorite gold."

Wang Yi waved his hand.

Now there is nothing in this cave entrance, not to mention ore, not even ordinary stones.

I don't care about these things.

"In the case of meteorite gold, I don't know the exact location, but the people in the mine were indeed affected by the meteorite gold, which led to the death of so many people."

Hong Yi said that he was not in the mine at that time, so he left his life.

"That's right, what you said, young master, if we dug up the meteorite gold, would we still say this in front of you now?"

Xiao Qing also spoke, and Wang Yi nodded indifferently.

"It's reasonable, but I can't refute it?"

"Master, let's leave. I always feel that something is wrong here. If you continue to stay, I'm afraid something will happen."

Song Changying frowned and came to Wang Yi to speak.

His intuition has always been very accurate, as long as he feels something will go wrong, it will definitely go wrong.

"what happened?"

Wang Yi asked.

"I don't know, but I feel that something is wrong here, so I should leave now."

Song Changying shook her head, her face full of solemnity.

"I finally came here once and just left?"

Wang Yi was still a bit unwilling. He left with disappointment in the Qingqiu Mine last time. Now he has reached the door, he still wants to leave?

"My task is to protect you, Master, I just tell you what I should say, Master, you make your own plans for the rest."

Song Changying said, no longer speaking.

Falling into deep thought, Wang Yi was still hesitating.

Song Changying had been with him for so long, and he would never harm him. He said there was a problem, and then there must be a problem.

"Then let's go, and next time we will just break in with a large number of people."

Finally, Wang Yi chose to listen to Song Changying's words and leave.

Although he didn't know what the danger Song Changying was talking about, Wang Yi himself felt something was wrong.

Just the blood-bearing wall just now made people want to turn their heads and leave.

"Master, look at this."

Song Changying walked to Wang Yi's side, took out an object, and put it in front of Wang Yi's eyes.

"What is this?"

Looking at what Song Changying handed him, Wang Yi asked.

"I picked it off the wall just now, maybe I can take it back and show it to Seniors."

Song Changying spoke.

After the rock on the wall was pulled down, it immediately lost its blood.

It looks like an ordinary stone.

"Alright, let's go."

Wang Yi nodded and put away the stone Song Changying gave him.


Back on the ground, Wang Yi looked at this deep pit.

"Xiao Qing, you go to Ma Datou and ask him to send someone to guard this place. No fly can fly in! By the way, restore this place to its original appearance, fill it out!"

Wang Yi looked at Xiao Qing and arranged.

"OK, I understand."

Xiao Qing nodded and turned to leave alone.

"As for you, follow me to the Evergreen Group."

After hesitating for a while, after watching Hongyi for a while, Wang Yi said that.

"Go to Evergreen Group? What are you doing to Evergreen Group? Didn't you go last time? You want to go again?"

Hong Yi asked, puzzled.

"Go to find out what Jiang Changqing is doing recently. It's been a while since I came to the West. I don't believe that that guy will honestly do nothing."

Wang Yi smiled slightly.

The last time I went to the Evergreen Group, I slept in Tianshan Group for two days and two nights.

If you really go to the Evergreen Group, at least you can know what kind of plane Jiang Changqing is running.

"Master, have you really decided? If we go to the Evergreen Group, we don't know what we will face."

Song Changying stood beside Wang Yi and said.

In the current Evergreen Group, there might already be some very powerful guys.

He might not be able to protect Wang Yi alone.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Wang Yi moved his eyebrows lightly and asked while watching Song Changying.

"It's not afraid, I'm just worried that I won't be able to protect the young master by then."

Song Changying shook his head and said.

"I don't need anyone's protection now. What about you, your son is still in the Evergreen Group. Don't you want to visit the Evergreen Group?"

Wang Yi spoke indifferently, and after finishing speaking, he looked at Hongyi.

His main purpose this time is to see what Evergreen Group plans to do next for Qingqiu Mine.

I believe that it will not take long for the news that I have found the real entrance to spread.

Relying on a force of the Tianshan Group, it is indeed impossible to find out completely.

Since this thing requires multi-party cooperation to unlock the secret at that time, it is good to find out the details of these guys before that.

"As long as you want to go, then I will accompany you. I happened to have been to the Evergreen Group. I am considered an old man. I can show you a way or something."

Jiang Changqing spoke, and Wang Yi nodded.

"That's good, then prepare, we will go now."

"I know the back door of the Evergreen Group. We might as well get in through the back door. It is best to tie a person from the Evergreen Group. If this is the case, we might get in a little easier.

Hong Yi spoke, and Wang Yi's gaze immediately turned to Song Changying.

"No, Master, what kind of look are you, why do you look at me every time you think of this kind of thing."

Seeing Wang Yi's eyes, Song Changying's mouth twitched slightly, and she spoke quickly.

"If I don't look at you, I will see who will go. Don't you have the most knowledge about these things?"

Wang Yi smiled and said.

"That's not true, isn't that what I did according to your wishes, Master?"

Song Changying touched the back of her head.

He did not do anything like kidnapping people, but didn't they all do it under Wang Yi's orders?

If it weren't for Wang Yi to order himself, how could he do it?

"That's right, now it's time for you to show off your power again."

Wang Yi smiled, Song Changying nodded helplessly, and took a step forward.

If you want to get into the Evergreen Group, it is obviously best to get in as an internal member of the Evergreen Group.

Just like in the Chongyang Group, a few people were directly tied up, and their clothes were pulled out, and they became members of the Evergreen Group.

"You subordinate, really amazing."

Hong Yi watched Song Changying's figure fade away, and said with a smile.

"Fortunately, Evergreen Group, I will go to see today, there are some demons and ghosts inside."

Wang Yi spoke lightly, and when he talked about the Evergreen Group, his eyes gradually became cold!

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