I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 274 The grievances between Dijiang Group and Tianshan Group

"I know there is a place in West Yunnan that might be of interest. I guess he knows it too, but he hasn't been there."

Qintong spoke, and Wang Yi became interested.

"what is the place?"

"In the black market in the west, there is a person whom Xidian wants to know, but that person has been reluctant to meet with Xidian because they are all Gu masters."

As Qintong said, Wang Yi looked at Qintong with weird eyes.

Where did this girl know the news.

He didn't even know these news, and now Qintong told them.

"What are you looking at me, I'm a little embarrassed when you look at me like this."

Being stared at by Wang Yi, Qintong turned his head, his face flushed with shame.

"I was thinking, where did you know these things."

Wang Yi asked, Qintong's face a little embarrassed.

"My grandfather told me these things, and he asked me to pass them to you, maybe he can help you."


As soon as Qintong finished speaking, Wang Yi's heart immediately thumped.

I have received an unknown favor, or the kind of favor I cannot refuse.

What can I do if I can tell Qintong's grandfather that he doesn't need it?

Everyone said that, I must accept it, and accept this favor, and I unknowingly owe a huge favor.

This favor, the damn thing is that you need to sell yourself to make up for it...

"My grandpa is also for your own good. If you don't want to, I can tell my grandpa."

As if seeing Wang Yi's thoughts, Qintong said softly.

"No, how could I mean that."

Wang Yi shook his head quickly.

It's worth it, my father knows it... Talking about my father, it seems that there has been no news of my father for a long time.,

I don’t know what’s going on with my dad now. Among the Tianshan Group, I guess it’s not very peaceful either...

"I'll take a break and go to the ghost market tomorrow. You can go with me."

Wang Yi looked at Qintong and asked.


Qintong agreed without thinking about it, and she was willing to follow Wang Yi no matter where she went.


Tianshan Group:

"Let's talk about it, who made you do this."

Feng Duyun sat in her office, looked at a middle-aged man kneeling on the ground in front of the desk, and spoke coldly.

"The chairman of the board is wrong, the chairman of the board is wrong, someone gave me money to steal the Tianshan Group's defense information, I..."


Before finishing talking, the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground immediately vomited blood and died directly!

Died in front of Feng Duyun, Feng Duyun Shuangmu Weimi came to the middle-aged man, looked at the pool of black blood on the ground, and sneered.

"Dijiang Group, I'm anxious to do it now. There is no news from the Western Territory. Is it so sure that Dijiang Group can get meteorite gold?"

"The news from the Western Territory is there, Xiaoyi is pretty good, but now Xiaoyi seems to be at a disadvantage, Dijiang Group is planning to come for real."

Father Feng Jingtian's voice came from outside.

Feng Duyun nodded.

"I didn't want Xiaoyi to go to the West to mix up these things, but I didn't expect him to go in the end."

"If you don't want to, there is no way. If the Dijiang Group gets the main body of the meteorite gold, it is estimated that a group of foreigners that the Tianshan Group can't resist will appear."

Feng Jingtian secretly shook his head and said.

Although Tianlong and Ups and Downs are now in the west.

However, the Dijiang Group certainly did not intend to give up so easily, and it must have sent many people to the West.

"Or, shall we also go to the West?"

Feng Duyun hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"Are you crazy? If you go to the West, who will be dispatched from the Dijiang Group, don't you know?"

Feng Jingtian shook his head and refused.

With Feng Duyun's identity restrictions, it is impossible for Feng Duyun to go to the west.

Once there is any movement on Feng Duyun's side, it is estimated that the chairman of Dijiang Group will also be dispatched.

At that time, the form of the West Territory was completely messed up.

"Then let Xiaoyi stay in the Western Realm like this?"

Feng Duyun still spoke unwillingly.

"I didn't mean it, at least for now, I can only let Xiaoyi stay in the West by himself."

Feng Jingtian shook his head.

Tianshan Group can go to the West, all have been sent to the West.

Fortunately, Feng Duyun's guards had always stayed in the West, otherwise the power that Wang Yi could use in the West would be too thin.

"Those guys in the Dijiang Group are very worried."

Feng Duyun sat down again and smiled.

"If you change you, you are also anxious. Now the identities of those guys in the Dijiang Group will not be hidden for long. Once exposed, they will be punishable by the entire Huaxia. Before being exposed, they must give themselves the power to fight the entire Huaxia. ."

Feng Jingtian also smiled.

The one who is anxious now should be the Dijiang Group, but now it is Wang Yi who is in the west, and the Tianshan Group is also anxious.

"Father, should I send someone to see Dijiang Group?"

Feng Duyun asked.

"No, I know what those people are doing now. Without my Tianshan Group medicine, their bodies will soon be exposed.

It can only be said that it is the misfortune of these guys that we broke our skin with Tianshan Group so early."

Feng Jingtian still shook his head.

The guys of the Dijiang Group are not ordinary humans at all. To be precise, the guys of the Dijiang Group are the descendants of monsters.

In the body, there is the power of this monster beast. After the time is up, it will not be able to suppress the power in the body, once it becomes a beast!It gave people a reason to kill.

After all, Huaxia was almost wiped out by these monsters hundreds of years ago.

If the blood of the monster beast reappears, the entire China will be their enemy!

"I don't understand that before, Tianshan Group could sell them medicinal materials that suppress animal properties in the body. They did this all the time at the beginning. Why didn't they suddenly buy medicine from Tianshan Group?"

Feng Duyun asked, this is something he has never figured out.

"Their purpose is not ordinary people in China. Their purpose is only the Tianshan Group. To destroy the Tianshan Group, how many medicinal materials do they want?"

Feng Jingtian spoke lightly, his eyes deep.

That is the matter of money. Those guys didn't want to give money, thinking about destroying Tianshan Group.

As long as the Tianshan Group is eliminated, there will be as many medicinal materials as needed.

But the Tianshan Group... is not that easy to kill!

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