Three days passed in a hurry.

During the period, did Jiang Changhong and Jiang Changqing both come to find Wang Yi, but the end result is naturally nothing.

In the past few days, Wang Yi's men have even sent meals to eat.

"You said, do we need to teach the young master how to bigu."

Song Changying sat beside Tianlong and asked.

"What? The young master's current body, even if it is bigu, can last a few days, at most, three days without eating. What's the use? How about this?"

Tianlong thought for a while, then immediately refused.

Bigu does not mean that there is no need to eat, it just delays the feeling of hunger.

After the bigu time is over, I still need to eat and drink.

This is true for Wang Yi, but not for him and Song Changying.

For them like this, bigu is not a problem for ten and a half months, and they will never starve to death.

"The young master hasn't gone out like this, and there is a threat from Qiantang outside, so it doesn't look like he looks like."

Song Changying said with some worry.

Since coming back last time, Qiantang seemed to be dead, and there was no movement at all.

"I wondered, why is there still no movement in this Qiantang?"

Tianlong also shouted depressedly.

"How do I know, if I know, am I not Qiantang?"

Song Changying murmured.

"Yes, shall we go lurking? Go directly to Qiantang's side and see what he wants to do!"

Suddenly, Tianlong's inspiration flashed and looked at Song Changying and asked.

"Wori, you are really crazy, you dare to think about this kind of thing!"

Song Changying looked at Tianlong like a fool.

He is Qiantang, the number one overlord before the West.

Even if it is not now, he still has some connections.

The two of them wanted to hide under Qiantang's hands. Are they thinking about peaches?

"It seems that it is really impossible. We are not strangers, and our identities will soon be revealed."

Tianlong also realized that something was wrong, nodded and said.

"It's fine if you know, I thought you were a fool, and I can't even see this."

Song Changying spoke.

If Tianlong really insisted on going, Song Changying would never follow him.

After all, life-saving things should be done well.

When he first came to the West, he almost lost his life, and he was about to lose it again. It was so fucking exciting...

"Then we can't just stay in Tianshan Group like this, how boring."

As soon as Tianlong finished speaking, Xing Bo rushed towards Wang Yi's room from a distance, looking very anxious.

Anxious did not even see the two dragons.

"We...were being ignored just now?"

Tianlong stared blankly at Xing Bo, who crossed directly past the two of them. He was a bit silly.

I am not a ghost, so I can't see myself.

"Ahem! Come back!"

Song Changying gave a dry cough, Xing Bo still did not respond, and went to Wang Yi's room.

"Stop him!"

Seeing his goal clearly, Tianlong spoke quickly. Now that Wang Yi is at a critical time in his cultivation, can he disturb others?


Song Changying hurriedly left, Xing Bo was shocked when he realized that there was an additional person in front of him.

"what are you doing??"

"Don't you see me? Why? Temporary blindness?"

Song Changying asked without angrily.

"I'm looking for Wang Yi to report something important."

Xing Bo pushed Song Changying away.

But when Song Changying heard this important, he didn't plan to let Xing Bo go.

After all, I have to wait until I know this so-called important thing before releasing Xing Bo.

"What important news, tell me?"

After Tianlong heard it, he also walked up and had a thought with Song Changying.

"I told Wang Yi, go away."

Xing Bo spoke lightly, not intending to talk to them.

"Don't tell me, we are also the celebrities around the young master, what does it have to do with us?"

Song Changying looked like he was begging for nothing. If Xing Bo didn't let him know today, he would not let Xing Bo enter Wang Yi's door.

Song Changying did what he said, although he was a little shameless, but what he wanted him to do with such a thing...

"The celebrity, do you think you are a dog by the emperor's side, also a celebrity."

Xing Bo said that Song Changying's whole body is not good.

If it weren't for Wang Yi to rely on Xing Bo to win over the news, Song Changying was really worried that she could not help but directly kill the fuck!

"I won't let you in today! How to drop!"

Song Changying stepped out and stood in front of Xing Bo.

"You rascal, let me tell you, this matter is very important!"

Xing Bo was also puzzled.

Song Changying didn't look like someone who didn't know the truth before.

Why is it completely like a different person now, and even Tianlong is messing around with Song Changying.

"Wang Yi, is he cultivating?"

It didn't take long for Xing Bo to understand.

If these two guys can keep guarding next to Wang Yi's room, it is estimated that Wang Yi is cultivating.

"You are smart, you can see it, it saves me and you bother."

Tianlong nodded and said.

"Uh, is this hard to see?"

Xing Bo touched his head awkwardly. The two men were afraid that they would not regard themselves as fools.

"Let’s talk about the important things that look at you first."

Tianlong spoke. Compared with these things, he wanted to know what the important thing Xing Bo was talking about.

"Listen, Qiantang has gathered all the strangers under him. His first goal is the gate where Ye Hao is located. His people will be there in three days."

Xing Bo cleared his throat and said.

"Isn't it? Play like this?"

Song Changying looked at a loss.

Qiantang didn't find Wang Yi to do it, but went to find Ye Hao first.

"Not only that, there are already many forces in the West Realm that are leaning towards Ye Hao. You should know Ye Hao's reputation."

Xing Bo continued to speak.

The two looked at each other, and indeed, Ye Hao's reputation in the West Territory was completely stinking.

These people probably want to take this opportunity to get Ye Hao a good deal.

Even the main purpose is Ye Hao.

As for the big head of the horse where Ye Hao is in the mouth.It seemed a bit innocent.

"Then what should we do, can't we just watch it?"

Tianlong asked.

"Then it depends on how your young master decides, it's not a trivial matter after all."

Xing Bo said, he has notified Ma Datou and asked Ma Datou to strengthen the defense of the plug.

However, whether to fight or not to fight depends on Wang Yi's decision.

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