"To deal with him? Is your mind flooded? We can only defend now, and wait for when Wang Yi's side is finished before considering the counterattack."

Jiang Changhong replied angrily.


I'm afraid it's not a dream. Just with Qiantang's current method, he wants to counterattack, and it's not for them to have the final say.

At least you have to wait for Wang Yi to come out to make a decision.

He was also curious, at that time Jiang Changqing provoked Qiantang a lot.

On the contrary, Qiantang didn't attack Jiang Changqing, but found Wang Yi's trouble first.

It wasn't that Wang Yi was directly troubled, but Wang Yi's Ma Datou was troubled.

Jiang Changhong couldn't understand Qiantang's mind.

"Indeed, if we want to make Qianqiantang, we have to wait until Wang Yi comes forward. Do you know how many people outside are foreigners?"

Ye Hao nodded, stopped smiling, and asked.

"I don't know, but I have seen the methods of those strangers. Ordinary guns seem to be unable to deal with them. The black fog around them is like a black hole. After the bullets of the guns are hit, there is no response."

Ma Datou shook his head with a solemn expression.

According to the reports of his subordinates, those strangers are like demons in the night.

No matter what method is used, it is difficult to deal with them.

"Normal, these strangers are different from ordinary people."

Jiang Changhong is not surprising.

As the son of the Dijiang Group, he has seen many such methods in the Dijiang Group.

He had seen a lot of methods even more powerful than Hei Mist.

This alone does not explain how terrifying the black house is.

"It is estimated that there will be no action in the past few days. Let's hurry up and prepare. How many people do you have?"

Jiang Changhong was silent for a moment and looked at Ye Hao.

He knew Ye Hao's identity, and as the leader of China Southern Region, he must have some means.

"My subordinates, there are about a hundred people who are tempering their bodies, and there are only a dozen fixed-breathing people. I will all call them to the West."

Ye Hao spoke.

With the words quenching body and fixed breath, the head of the horse who listened to it was foggy.

"Not enough, I estimate that each of Qiantang's strangers has a strength that is not weaker than a fixed interest rate, and some may even be Ningyuan strength."

Jiang Changhong shook his head.

He really did not guess wrong, Ye Hao's men did have many masters.

But these masters are not enough to deal with Qiantang.

"Jiang Changqing sent more than a dozen masters of Ning Yuan from Dijiang Group to the West. For the time being, the main force still needs to rely on him."

Jiang Changhong spoke, telling the news he knew.

There are many masters under his staff, but there are not many masters of Ningyuan.

Most of them are cultivators who are new to the practice of pacification and body tempering.

In a place like the Western Territory, it's already pretty good to have such power.

As long as it reaches the realm of fixed interest, there are already certain means to deal with those firearms.

As for the higher level Ning Yuan masters, they are completely unafraid of those so-called thermal weapons!

It's just that in such a short time, where should they go to get so many Ningyuan masters.

"Not necessarily, there are at least dozens of Ningyuan masters under Wang Yi, do you believe it or not?"

Ye Hao shook his head.

Dozens of Feng Duyun's guards are guarding in the Tianshan Group.

Those people who can serve as the guards around Feng Duyun are at least in the realm of Ning Yuan!

"It seems that you still know a lot? Keep talking?"

Jiang Changhong immediately became interested.

At the same time, I feel wise that I didn't directly break the skin with Wang Yi.

Dozens of Ningyuan masters, if they had worked with Wang Yi in the first place, wouldn't they just get into the soil?

"I still don't know if there are other spiritual cultivators under those masters of Ningyuan, but all I know are those dozens of masters of Ningyuan."

Ye Hao spoke.

As a master of Ningyuan, there should still be quite a few people under him...

Ye Hao couldn't be sure, after all, in Wang Yi's mouth, all the Ningyuan masters of the Tianshan Group had never left the Tianshan Group.

"I see, the city wall around your gate should be changed to reinforced concrete. That's it, it is estimated that it will be captured soon."

Jiang Changhong looked at Ma Datou and spoke again.

Even if it is transformed into reinforced concrete casting, it will not last long.

"No, brother, are you crazy? My mouth is so big, and I want to surround it. The amount of work is too big, right?"

Ma Datou was stupid.

Does this brother think that money is not money?

Let's not talk about manpower. If you want to transform like this, there are not several hundred million that is absolutely impossible!

Hundreds of millions, where would he take it?

"I'll give you the money, and you can figure it out by yourself. In two days, I want to see the city wall with a thickness of at least five meters on the periphery of your plug!"

Jiang Changhong ignored Ma's head and said so.

More than five meters thick, do you think you are building the Great Wall...

Ma Datou became more and more depressed.

This brother speaks easily and doesn’t require you to do it. It’s not a question of money at all, OK...

What should I do if the opponent directly kills while constructing the fortification?

"Don't worry, let's hold it there. At least for a short time, they will not be able to call here. Give you two days!"

Jiang Changhong spoke.

He also knew how difficult it was.

But the time given to them is indeed not much.

In two days, Jiang Changhong came from gambling.

If the opponent sees them starting to build fortifications, they will definitely launch an offensive.

So what he needs to do is to drive these guys out at least a few tens of kilometers when building fortifications!

This difficulty is not small...

"The people I brought, plus yours, plus Ye Hao's people, give them a reverse shock first, let them retreat!"

Jiang Changhong gave the order with both eyes Wei Mi.

This method does seem a little stupid, but it is the best way to delay time right now.

When Wang Yi of the Tianshan Group exited the barrier and brought out dozens of Ning Yuan masters under him, he would be able to counterattack.

As for Jiang Changqing... Jiang Changhong didn't have much hope for Jiang Changqing at all.

Whether this product can be sold is a problem. If too much confidence is placed on Jiang Changqing,

In case Jiang Changqing regrets his backhand and explodes on the spot...

"Well, I'll make arrangements."

Ye Hao nodded and turned to leave.

Ma Datou was unable to say a word from beginning to end, so he could only do it according to Jiang Changhong's orders.

No way, who makes people the number one person in the west...

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